It’s Tuesday night and WWE is hosting its annual Vengeance Day themed episode of NXT, this year on January 15th, and Ringside News has you covered with live play-by-play results coverage. Start time for NXT is at 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

Vengeance Day is one of NXT’s mini PPV’s and, as such, most of the titles will be on the line. And they don’t come any bigger than Bron Breakker Vs. Santos Escobar for the NXT Championship. The challengers to Breakker and his title are lining up in the form of Tommaso Ciampa and Dolph Ziggler, but he needs to ensure he gets past Escobar first.

Elsewhere tonight, Cameron Grimes challenges Carmelo Hayes for the North American Championship, Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta take on Toxic Attraction for the Women’s Tag Team Championships, MSK & The Creed Brothers face-off in the final of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and Pete Dunne battles Tony D’Angelo in a weaponized Steel Cage Match.

And that’s the preview for tonight’s NXT Vengeance Day. Our live coverage will begin from 8PM right here. Let us know if you’re excited about any of it and remember to hit the refresh link below and enjoy the show!


Vengeance Day

NXT Vengeance Day 2022 opens with a video package of Toxic Attraction texting each other about Valentine’s Day while wearing seductive outfits. They get texts from Tony D’Angelo and poke fun at him while hyping the other matches on the show tonight.

We go live to the CWC where Pete Dunne is standing in a steel cage surrounded by weapons. The camera cuts backstage and Tony D’Angelo is brought to the arena in a black Lincoln-style car. D’Angelo makes his way to the ring for the first match of the night.

Weaponized Steel Cage Match

Tony D’Angelo Vs. Pete Dunne

The bell rings and Dunne hits an enziguiri, then throws Tony into the cage. Dunne grabs a steel chair and hits D’Angelo twice with it, causing the chair to break. Dunne grabs a trash can and lifts it above his head but Tony tackles him. D’Angelo then lifts Dunne and hits a falcon arrow onto the trash can. Tony grabs a toolbox off the cae but as he tries to open it Dunne jumps on his fingers.

Dunne pulls a wrench out of the toolbox and uses it to bend Tony’s fingers back, then stomps on his elbow. Pete scales the ropes and grabs a cricket bat but D’Angelo sprays him with a fire extinguisher. D’Angelo then climbs up alongside Dunne, who pulls himself up onto the top of the cage. Tony drags Dunne back over the cage and hits a superplex off the top of the cage. D’Angelo covers but Dunne kicks out.

D’Angelo gets cable ties from the toolbox and ties Dunne’s hands behind his back. D’Angelo gets a hammer and uses the claw to pull Pete’s teeth. Dunne kicks D’Angelo and jumps onto him with a triangle choke – his arms still tied behind his back. D’Angelo lifts Dunne and slams him to break the submission, then hits a DDT for a near-fall. Tony wants to powerbomb Dunne through a table but gets caught with a guillotine!

They fall over and Dunne manages to saw through the cable ties to free his hands. D’Angelo grabs his favoured crowbar but Dunne kicks him in the back, then powerbombs him through the table in the corner! But D’Angelo kicks out! Tony grabs the crowbar but Dunne stands on his hands, then hits him with the cricket bat across the back. Dunne hits Tony with the Bitter End and covers… but he kicks out!

Dunne grabs the crowbar and looks to hit Tony but gets caught in the gonads with an uppercut. Tony quickly lifts Dunne and hits a fisherman suplex but Dunne kicks out. “This is awesome” chant from the fans. Dunne crawls to the corner of the cage and pulls a crowbar of his own into the ring. Dunne hits Tony with the crowbar, then lands a second Bitter End onto some broken furniture for the win.

Winner: Pete Dunne

We see Cora Jade in bed and she gets a call from Raquel Gonzalez. Raquel tells Jade she has to get up at 5 AM to train. Jade isn’t happy about it but she goes along with Gonzalez to the Performance Centre to train. Pretty funny video package with Jade not being anywhere near as strong or serious as Gonzalez.

Malcolm Bivens is backstage with The Creed Brothers. He says they couldn’t be anymore different than MSK. They make fun of MSK’s love of weed and say they’re going to win because they’re stronger and Diamond Mine is forever. MSK then cut their own promo saying they won this tournament one year ago today. The tides have turned through because now they’re the veterans taking on the newcomers.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships

(C) Toxic Attraction Vs. Indi Hartwell & Persia Pirotta

Before the match can even begin, Gigi and Jacy attack the challengers. They knock them out of the ring, then dive off the apron onto both of them. Back inside and the match gets underway, with Persia booting Jayne and tagging Indi. Hartwell sends Jacy to the apron and kicks her in the face. Indi gets backed into the corner and set up top, then Dolan gets tagged.

Hartwell starts fighting back from the top rope but Mandy Rose gets on the apron to cause a distraction, allowing Jayne and Dolan to knock Hartwell off the top rope to the floor. The referee caught the cheating and ejected Mandy Rose from ringside. Mand and the fans are furious at the referee! Gigi starts kicking Hartwell in the face as Rose reluctantly leaves ringside.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Hartwell dodges a kick from Jayne and jabs her in the face. Both women take each other down, then crawl to the corners to make tags. Persia drops Dolan with clotheslines, then snake eyes in the corner and a German suplex. Pirotta attacks an incoming Jayne, then lifts both her and Gigi onto her shoulders and lands a Samoan drop for a near-fall.

Indi tags in and combines with Persia for a double-team spinebuster and a near-fall. Pirotta knocks Jayne out of the ring and runs at her but Jacy sidesteps and Persia hits the steel steps. Hartwell gets on the apron and looks for a springboard but Jacy trips her and she falls into the ring. Dolan hits a question mark kick for a near-fall. Jayne tags in and hits a double-team with Gigi on Indi for the win.

Winners: Toxic Attraction

Wendy Choo is walking with Amari Miller backstage and s asks her if she’d like to team-up for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Miller says she’s really sorry but she already has a partner. Choo then runs into Dakota Kai and asks if she’d like to be her partner but Kai is too busy talking to her imaginary friend to respond.

Grayson Waller arrives at the Capitol Wrestling Centre and he has a few police officers with him to arrest LA Knight.

*Commercial Break*

Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs are at the bar and Jensen tells Briggs about his date with Kayden Carter. Apparently Kayden paid for herself and told him he was like a little brother to her. Jensen thinks it was a good date but Briggs calls the bartender over – who looked to be a wrestler – and told her the situation. She told Jensen that he’s in the friend zone.

LA Knight comes to the ring but before he ca speak he’s interrupted by Grayson Waller and his police officers. Waller instructs them to arrest Knight and says he has no other choice. He shows footage of Knight attacking him after his match with AJ Styles. Waller says he’s full of anxiety and can’t sleep at night because Knight keeps attacking him and even broke his restraining order.

Knight snatches the restraining order and says he wants to explain his side. Knight says he read the restraining order front to back and he knew Waller would have video footage, so he brought some of his own footage. We see Waller attacking Knight during a match two weeks ago. Knight says he’s no legal beaver but everyone knows Waller can’t touch him either, therefore the restraining order isn’t valid.

Waller says that’s not how it works in Australia and the police officers leave. Waller begs for the police but they ignore him, then Knight attacks him and beats him down in the corner until Sanga comes down the ramp. Knight knocks Sanga off the apron, then throws Waller over the ropes but Sanga catches him. Knight tells Waller that they’re going one-on-one next week.

Persia Pirotta and Indi Hartwell are backstage and Indi is beating herself up about losing. Pirotta tells her it’s not her fault. Dexter Lumis shows up and Indi walks off with him, leaving Persia looking peeved. Duke Hudson then appears and offers Persia his hand and she takes it.

*Commercial Break*

Tommaso Ciampa cuts a promo backstage in which he says he doesn’t like going to Monday Night RAW. They think he’s been hanging out in some developmental brand, he sees it in their eyes. But they mistake his loyalty for fear. He’s sure Dolph Ziggler will be watching the NXT Championship match tonight and he will certainly be watching because, after all, this is his home.

North American Championship

(C) Carmelo Hayes W/Trick Williams Vs. Cameron Grimes

The match gets underway and both guys talk some trash. They lock-up and Hayes grabs a headlock that forces Grimes to the ropes. They walk-up again and Grimes grabs the back but Haayes backs him up to the corner. Grimes avoids an elbow and takes him down with an arm submission. Hayes fights up and grabs a front facelock.

Grimes drops him with a shoulder tackle, then dodges him and taunts him. Hayes gets angry but Grimes clobbers him with some chops and kicks to the chest. Grimes hits a back body drop, then attempts a second but Hayes flips over him. Grimes sends Hayes to the outside and looks to kick Hayes but gets caught and tripped. Hayes gets back inside and hits an enziguiri to Grimes in the corner, then a springboard leg drop.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Hayes is holding Grimes with a submission. They start trading back and forth until Grimes hits a Frankensteiner. Grimse connects with some lariats and counters a tilt-a-whirl with a gnarly sidewalk slam. Hayes blocks a right hand and hits a Codebreaker, then a springboard lariat for a near-fall. Hayes wastes time posing and taunting, allowing Grimes to superkick him for a near0fall of his own.

Grimes kicks Hayes in the chest a few times, then slams him and heads to the apron. Grimes kicks Trick Williams from the apron, then heads up top and hits a flying crossbody for a near-fall. Hayes rolls from the ring and Grimes goes to the apron and jumps to hit the Cave-In but Trick eats it for Hayes. Carmelo runs Grimes into the barricade, then gets him back in the ring and hits a tilt-a-whirl slam for a near-fall.

The Champion grabs a bulldog choke and Grimes tries crawling to the bottom rope but Williams pulls the rope away from him. Grimes rolls over to try and pin Hayes, forcing him to kick out and release the submission. Hayes drops Grimes before going to the top rope. Hayes hits Grimes with the flying Fame-Asser for the win!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes

*Commercial Break*

Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai are backstage and Ray teaches Shirai how to get her anger out using a baseball bat. Shirai smashes a bunch of mugs and glasses until Zoey Stark shows up. Io say she likes Ray and Stark tells her she’s off to a better start than she was.

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic


MSK Vs. The Creed Brothers W/Malcolm Bivens

The match gets underway with Carter and Brutus, with the Creed brother out-grappling Nash. Julius tags in and whips Nash into Brutus for a fireman carry into the buckles. Julius grabs the back but Carter elbows himself free. Lee tags in and MSK hit a flurry of double team strikes, then Brutus comes through the ropes but the referee stops him.

Julius rolls outside and Lee taunts Brutus, then runs and dives over the ropes onto Julius. Julius gets back in and tackles Lee, then dumps him onto the top rope gut-first. Lee regroups on the apron but Julius runs and tackles him, sending Lee careening onto the announce desk! MSK are down on the floor as The Creed Brother pose in the ring.

*Commercial Break*

Brutus is mounted on Lee and delivering Hulk-style hammerfists. Lee escapes to the corner and Brutus dives at him but Lee moves and Brutus hits the buckle. Lee tags Nash and Julius comes in the other side. Carter lands a series of lariats and a deadlift German suplex, then superkicks Brutus off the apron. Nash goes to the apron and hits a moonsault where Lee shoves him into the path of Brutus.

Back inside, Lee gets the tag and Nash knocks Brutus off the apron, allowing Lee to hit a spinning plancha for a near-fall. MSK double-team Julius and Nash hits a superkick off a catapult, then a double stomp but Brutus breaks the pin attempt and all four men are down. Brutus kicks Lee halfway across the ring, then Carter knees Brutus out of the ring. Julius catches a flying Carter on the floor and hits a crazy rolling slam. Julius gets Nash back inside and clotheslines him for the win!

Winners: The Creed Brothers

The Creed Brothers are the 2022 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic winners and Malcolm Bivens is in disbelief on the floor.

We get a another vignette for the cringe-worthy Nikkita Lyons, whose singing is as bad as her acting.

Imperium are in the ring and the fans chant “Walter” as usual. Gunther tells them how to pronounce his name, then Fabian Aichner congratulates The Creed Brothers. He says they’ve earned an opportunity at their tag titles but that’s all they have. Marcel Barthel says to understand what Imperium is all about, you must endure suffering and anguish that they’re not prepared for. Gunther says Marcel and Fabian have brought pride and sophistication to NXT, and now it’s his time. He will be watching the NXT Championship match very closely.

Gunther is unceremoniously interripted by Solo Sikoa and the fans chant “Uso”. Solo says we allg et it, the mat is sacred but he doesn’t give a damn about it. On the island they find the biggest dude and slap the taste out of his mouth in order to climb the ladder. And that’s what he’s about to do. He doesn’t care how he pronounces his name, he’s about to wipe the floor with the ring general and make him his bitch. Gunther holds Aichner and Barthel back and Sikoa leaves.

Dolph Ziggler is interviewed backstage and asked about last night. Ziggler says that wasn’t the first time he had a drink thrown in his face and it won’t be the last. And it wasn’t just water. He says Ciampa came to RAW on his own dime, probably somewhere in the back of the plane, and got a nice picture of himself on the big show. Dolph says Ciampa calls his his home, well next week he’s coming to his home, busting down the door and drinking his milk before kicking his ass.

*Commercial Break*

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are backstage and Hayes says Grimes is good, but what is good to greatness? Pete Dunne walks into them and congratulates Hayes for still being NXT Champion… for now.

NXT Championship

(C) Bron Breakker Vs. Santos Escobar W/Legado Del Fantasma

The main event gets underway and they lock-up but Escobar can’t move Breakker. Bron forces him to the corner and Santos tries to push him but again he doesn’t budge. Breakker shoves Santos across the ring. Breakker grabs a side headlock and Escobar eventually shoots him off, but gets dropped with a shoulder tackle. Escobar sends him to the ropes again and this time catches the rookie with a dropkick.

Breakker performs a gator roll right into a stalling vertical suplex, then kips-up and the fans start barking. Escobar rolls outside to regroup with Legado but Breakker chases after him. Santos tries to hit him as he gets in the ring but Bron ducks it and connects with a powerful clothesline. Breakker shoulder tackles Santos in the corner a few times, then hits a rib-breaker. Joaquin Wilde gets on the apron and Breakker moves towards him, allowing Santos to knock him off the apron.

Escobar connects with a suicide dive and runs Breakker into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Escobar hits a neckbreaker for a two-count. Escobar goes to the apron and drags Breakker through the ropes to hit a neckbreaker, then taunts the crowd. Santos hits a senton for a two-count, then puts Breakker in the corner. Bron turns the tables and lands a series of rights and lefts to the gut, but Santos drops him with a well-placed boot to the jaw.

Escobar gets Breakker in the corner again and hits double knees for a near-fall. Santos drags Breakker under the bottom rope onto the steel steps. Breakker applies a Boston crab on the steps, forcing Bron’s head against the ring post. Escobar gets Bron back inside and lands a few knees before applying a bow-and-arrow stretch. Escobar trash-talks and tells Bron this is his time. He looks for a big right hand but Breakker grabs it and lands some punches of his own.

Breakker with shoulder tackles, then a tilt-a-whirl sidewalk slam. Wilde and Mendoza get on the apron to distract Bron and he throws them both to the floor. Elektra Lopez tries to get in the ring and the referee is distracted. Suddenly Dolph Ziggler appears and superkicks Breakker! Santos crawls over and makes the pin… but Breakker kicks out. Dolph tries to get back in the ring but Ciampa appears and drags him back out and they brawl to the backstage.

Inside the ring, Escobar readies himself in the corner and waits for Breakker to get to his feet. Escobar hits a running tornado DDT for a near-fall. Escobar goes to the top rope, pays tribute to Eddie Guerrero, and looks for a frog splash but Breakker rolls out of the way. Breakker connects with a huge spear, then the military press into the powerslam for the win.

Winner: Bron Breakker

That’s it for this week’s NXT, let us know what you thought of the show and we’ll see you back here tomorrow night for AEW Dynamite. Until next time, stay safe.

Curtis Dillion

Curtis does our weekly live match-by-match coverage of WWE RAW and SmackDown for Ringside News. In addition to SmackDown, Curtis also does WWE & NXT special event coverage as well. He has been helping out at for Ringside News for many years.

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