Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT Halloween Havoc, broadcasting from the Giant Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 6:00 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Matches (10/27/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship Devil’s Playground Match: Trick Williams (c) vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page
  • WWE NXT North American Championship Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. “The Ruler Of NXT” Oba Femi
  • Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade vs. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer
  • Ambulance Match: Chase U’s Andre Chase vs. Ridge Holland
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Gauntlet Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx)

Countdown To WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Kickoff Pre-Show (10/27/2024):

The Countdown To WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Kickoff Pre-Show opens up with Megan Morant and Sam Roberts welcoming us. They then run through the card for tonight’s PLE.

We then get a video package on the WWE NXT North American Championship Match.


We then head to the back, where we see Sarah Schreiber interviewing Oba Femi. Femi says Luca had it coming and he promised Tony D’Angelo that his family will not be by his side. Femi then says D’Angelo will be a helpless man. Femi then says he is a dangerous man, but imagine how dangerous he will be with Tables, Ladders, and Scares. Femi then says he only cares about winning his title back and there is nothing that D’Angelo can do about it.

We then see the interview that Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia had earlier in the week and they talk about the dream to come to the WWE. Giulia says her match against Stephanie Vaquer is a reason why she is here and they bring out the best in themselves. Giulia then says Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade are the leaders of the women’s division and she knew Perez will be her toughest challenge. Giulia then says with Jade at her side Perez is a bigger threat. Giulia then says they are trying to take away the reputation she built in Japan. Stephanie Vaquer is then asked about the women’s title. Vaquer says being the NXT Women’s champion is a sign you are the best. Vaquer then says she will stop anyone who gets in her way. Vaquer then says she respects Giulia and they will be partners at NXT Halloween Havoc and in the future. Vaquer then says they will know who will be the next challenger for the women’s title when they win on Sunday.

We then take a look at ZARIA’s debut this past Tuesday night on WWE NXT.

We then see NXT General Manager Ava with NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan and Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx). Ava says she wants to know who is going to face Kelani and the stipulation. Kelani then says she wants to know who it is and what is the stipulation. Fallon then says she is facing Kelani tonight. Fallon then says she doesn’t see it on the wheel, but they can choose whatever they want. Fallon then says it will be a Gauntlet Match. Fallon then says Kelani has to face Jazmyn and if she wins, she faces Jacy. Fallon then says if Kelani beats Jacy, then she faces her.

We then get a video package on the Ambulance Match between Chase U’s Andre Chase and Ridge Holland.

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade. Jade and Perez cuts off Sarah when she starts to talk about the turn. Perez then says people want to live in the past, but it is time to talk about the now. Perez then says they are different people now. Jade then says her focus is not on the title, it is about making sure people don’t forget her. Perez then says she is there to help Jade. Schreiber then asks if this is a dream match. Jade says Giulia and Stephanie have been all over the world, but they have built the strongest women’s division. Jade then reminds Schreiber that Vaquer beat Giulia. Schreiber then asks about Perez being the longest reigning champion in WWE and if she will be champion if not for Jade. Perez says there are no question marks. Perez then says she is champion because she deserves to be. Perez then says Giulia is on a different level, but she is not on her level. Perez then says Giulia might have had her beaten for a second, but she didn’t. Perez then says she can always count on Jade. Perez then says no one knows anyone better than herself and Jade. Perez then says they are a dream team. Perez then says you can travel the whole wide world and it is still too small compared to her and Jade in NXT. Jade then says she hopes Giulia and Stephanie are enjoying their fifteen minutes of fame, but they will see why she and Perez built this division.

We then get a video package on the WWE NXT Championship Devil’s Playground Match between WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and “All Ego” Ethan Page.

We then get a discussion on the Ambulance Match from Dave LaGreca and WWE Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley and Ridge Holland interrupts them and says they are having fun putting him down, but they don’t get him. Holland then tells WWE Hall of Famer Bubba Ray Dudley (Bully Ray) not to play the saint because he did everything to get what he could in his career. Holland then says he will put Chase U down for good tonight.

Megan Morant and Sam Roberts then discusses tonight’s PLE once more and the Countdown to WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Kickoff Pre-Show comes to a close.

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results (10/27/2024):

WWE NXT Halloween Havoc opens up with shots of Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez, Cora Jade, “All Ego” Ethan Page and WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams arriving at the arena, while Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcomes us. We then get a video package on NXT Halloween Havoc.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a WWE NXT North American Championship Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match.

WWE NXT North American Championship Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match: The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. “The Ruler Of NXT” Oba Femi

The match starts off with D’Angelo going straight after Femi. The action then spills out of the ring and both men begin brawling. D’Angelo then spears Femi through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area and grabs a ladder from under the ring. D’Angelo then sets it up between the ring apron and announce desk and Femi throws several chairs in the ring. D’Angelo then throws one at Femi’s head, but Femi sends D’Angelo crashing onto one of the chairs with a chokeslam. Femi then hits D’Angelo with a chair, then hits him in the midsection with it repeatedly. Femi then traps D’Angelo in the corner using a ladder and wears him down, then sets up a ladder in the corner and sends D’Angelo crashing on top of it. Femi then grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the adjacent corner from where he set up the ladder before sending D’Angelo crashing through it. Femi then uses a crowbar to wear down D’Angelo with a crossface, but D’Angelo fights his way out of it. Femi then nails D’Angelo from behind, but D’Angelo responds with a back body drop and sends Femi crashing on top of a chair. Femi then pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner, then sends D’Angelo crashing into the mat.

The D’Angelo Family then make their way down to the ring, but Femi takes down Luca Crusifino and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. Adriana Rizzo then slides in the ring to check on D’Angelo, but Femi stares her down. Rizzo then grabs a crowbar, but Femi takes it from her. D’Angelo then sends Femi crashing through the ladder he had set up between the ring apron and announce desk. Femi then hits D’Angelo with a clothesline and follows it up with a powerbomb. Femi then goes for a pin, but D’Angelo kicks out. Rizzo then nails Femi from behind and Crusifino and Stacks follow it up with a Shatter Machine on Femi using a chair. D’Angelo then sends Femi crashing through the table with a spinebuster for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT North American Champion, The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo!

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing Lexis King about his frustrations with being unable to find a corner man for his WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match against Charlie Dempsey this coming Tuesday. William Regal then shows up and volunteers to be in King’s corner. Regal then says he knew King’s father and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Regal then says he appreciates that King is trying to be his own man. King then shakes hands with Regal.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade vs. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer

The match starts off with Cora Jade and Stephanie Vaquer. Both women lock up and they go back and forth, but Perez tags in and locks up with Vaquer. Both women then go back and forth taking turns pinning one another, but Vaquer sends Perez’s head repeatedly bouncing off the ring mat and tags in Giulia. Giulia then hits a drop toe hold on Perez that sends her crashing into the ropes and Vaquer dials it up for a 619 on Perez. Giulia then follows it up with a kick of her own. Perez then hits a shoulder on Giulia’s midsection, but Giulia responds with a missile dropkick on Perez off the top rope and goes for a pin. Perez then kicks out and delivers some right and left hands on Giulia with Jade while the referee is distracted. Jade then tags in and wears Giulia down with a submission hold, then tags Perez back in. Giulia then intercepts Perez as she charges at her in the corner and sends Jade out of the ring, then exchange right hands with Perez and tags out to Vaquer. Vaquer then hits a crossbody on Perez off the top rope, then sends Jade into the corner and delivers some headbutts on her. Vaquer then goes after both Jade and Perez in the corner and delivers some headbutts on Perez as Giulia does the same to Jade. Jade and Perez then hit Giulia and Vaquer with a double superkick and Perez hits a tope suicida on both Giulia and Vaquer on the outside. Jade then follows it up with a Coffin Drop off the ropes.

Perez then gets Vaquer back in the ring and sends her crashing into the mat, then locks in a crossface on her. Vaquer then counters into a pinfall to escape, but Perez responds with an enzuigiri on her as she sits on the top rope and follows it up with a hurricanrana off it. Jade then tags in and hits a Swanton Bomb on Vaquer off the top rope. Jade then goes for a pin, but Giulia breaks the fall. Giulia then sends Perez crashing into the mat with the Glorious Driver, but Jade takes her down and delivers some right hands on Vaquer. Vaquer then sends Jade crashing into the mat with a back body drop, then tags in Giulia. Giulia then looks to send Jade crashing into the mat with the Glorious Driver, but Jade escapes and nails her with a jumping knee. Perez then tags in and Jade gets Giulia in an Electric Chair position as Perez climbs to the top. Giulia then sends Jade crashing into Perez, then tags in Vaquer. Giulia then sends Perez crashing into the mat with a superplex and Vaquer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash off the top for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer!

After the match, ZARIA appears and stares down Vaquer, Giulia, Jade and Perez.

We then see “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans and Cedric Alexander having a conversation inside their locker room. Alexander says he understands why Evans slapped Nathan Frazer and it’s the reason they are getting a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles. Alexander then mentions that it’s okay to do bad things at times. but they quickly move on from that subject.

Busted Open’s Dave LaGreca and Bully Ray then checks in from the main floor and talks about the show thus far, then looks ahead to the Ambulance Match. We then get a video package looking at the history between Andre Chase and Ridge Holland.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is an Ambulance Match.

Ambulance Match: Chase U’s Andre Chase vs. Ridge Holland

The match starts off with Andre Chase hitting a boot on Ridge Holland. Both men then take turns delivering some right hands on one another and Chase nails Holland with a boot and clotheslines him out of the ring. Chase then hits a thrust kick on Holland off the apron, then follows it up with a senton. Holland then sends Chase’s face bouncing off the ring apron, then sends him into the crowd. Chase then quickly recovers and nails Holland with a splash off one of the barricades, then delivers some chops on him as they brawl up the ramp and Chase looks to put Holland in the ambulance. Holland then avoids it and sends Chase crashing into the side of the ambulance, then removes the stretcher from it and sends Chase in it. Holland then looks to close the door, but Chase prevents him from doing so and sprays a fire extinguisher in the back of the ambulance in his face. Chase then hits Holland with the extinguisher, then sends his face bouncing off the stretcher. Holland then hits a belly-to-belly throw on Chase on the entrance ramp, then rams into him with the stretcher. Chase then flies off the stretcher to land on Holland, but Holland hits a splash on Chase in the corner and follows it up with a powerslam. Holland then grabs a couple of kendo sticks from under the ring and hits Chase with one before hitting him with a chair across his spine and running him over with a clothesline.

Holland then places Chase on the chair and slaps him, but Chase responds with a drop toe hold on Holland that sends him crashing into the chair face first. Both men then look to hit each other with the kendo sticks, but Chase nails Holland in his midsection with it and follows it up with a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase then hits the Chase U stomps on Holland, then climbs to the top and hits a crossbody. Chase then grabs the chair in the ring and nails Holland across his spine with it, then bodyslams him into the floor and exposes the concrete. Chase then hits a back body drop on Holland on the exposed concrete, then rams the stretcher into Holland’s midsection repeatedly. Chase then clears the announce desk and sends Holland crashing on top of it with a DDT and loads him onto the stretcher. Chase then looks to pull Holland up the ramp, but Holland slides off the stretcher and sends Chase crashing into the ring steps. Holland then loads Chase onto the stretcher and drags him up the ramp on it, then sends Chase crashing into the back of the ambulance face first and delivers some right hands on him. Holland then grabs a pumpkin from the top of the entrance ramp, but before he can use it, Chase nails him with a backboard and throws the pumpkin into him. Chase then hits a Swanton Bomb off the ambulance, then throws Holland into it and looks to shut the door. Holland then prevents Chase from shutting the door by raking his eye, then sends him into the back of the ambulance and closes the door for the win.

The winner of the Ambulance Match, Ridge Holland!

We then get video footage of WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer and Axiom) training in the ring. Axiom says he wasn’t pleased by the way Frazer spoke to Je’Von Evans on Tuesday’s show. Frazer then asks if Axiom could be more condescending. Axiom then says he could and then he will be Frazer.

We then see Sara Schreiber speaking with NXT General Manager Ava. Ava announces Jaida Parker will face Lola Vice in a Hardcore Match with Dawn Marie as special guest referee on the 2300 Arena NXT show on Wednesday, November 6.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Gauntlet Match.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Gauntlet Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley and Jazmyn Nyx)

The match starts off with Kelani Jordan and Jazmyn Nyx locking up. Jordan hits a springboard moonsault on Nyx on the outside, then sends her back in the ring. Both men then go back and forth, but Nyx sends Jordan crashing into the middle turnbuckle and follows it up with a kick on her chest. Nyx then hits a boot on her midsection and follows it up with a dropkick, but Jordan rolls Nyx up. Nyx then kicks out, but Jordan rolls Nyx up again. Nyx then kicks out for a second time, but Jordan sends her crashing into the mat and climbs to the top. Jordan then hits Nyx with a 450 Splash to eliminate her. Jayne is the next entrant in the match and she hits a hurricanrana on Jordan straight out of the gate. Jordan then sends Jayne crashing out of the ring and flies over the top, then sends her back in and hits a crossbody off the middle rope. Jordan then goes for a pin, but Jayne kicks out and hits a kick on her. Jordan then responds with one of her own, but Jayne drapes her off the top by her knees and delivers some stomps on her. Jayne then follows it up with a cannonball on her spine and a senton, then goes for a pin but Jordan kicks out. Jayne then hits a superkick on Jordan’s head and a running knee. Jayne then goes for a pin, but Jordan kicks out. Jayne then wears Jordan down with a submission, then charges at her in the corner. Jordan then hits Jayne with a back elbow and follows it up with two more, then hits her with an arm drag. Jayne then pins Jordan, but Jordan kicks out. Jayne then hits Jordan with a neckbreaker, but Jordan rolls her up to eliminate her.

Henley is last in the match and Jayne nails Jordan as Henley makes her way out. Henley then pins Jordan, but Jordan kicks out. Henley then hits Jordan with a suplex using the ropes for extra momentum, then sends her face repeatedly bouncing off the mat and follows it up with a forearm. Henley then goes for another pin, but Jordan kicks out once again. Henley then hits a back elbow on Jordan, but Jordan responds with a leg drop-reverse DDT combination and goes for a pin and Henley kicks out. Henley and Jordan then nail each other with clotheslines and stare each other down, then exchange right hands with one another. Jordan then nails Henley with a handspring back elbow, then delivers some stomps on her and looks to fly off the ropes. Henley then hits Jordan with a Bulldog mid-air, then sends her crashing into the mat and goes for a pin and Jordan kicks out. Henley then gets Jordan on her shoulders, but Jordan escapes and hits a facebuster on Henley. Jordan then hits a split legged moonsault on Henley, but Nyx reemerges at ringside and distracts the referee. Jordan then nails Nyx and pins Henley, but Henley kicks out. Jordan then climbs up the ropes, but Jayne appears. Jordan then nails Jayne with a kick and looks to hit a 450 Splash, but Henley gets her knees up. Henley then hits a Shining Wizard on Jordan for the win.

The winner and new WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion, Fatal Influence’s Fallon Henley!

After the match, Fatal Influence sends a message to the women’s division, but ZARIA appears behind them and takes them out.

We then see Tony D’Angelo celebrating his win with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo, Luca Crusifino and Adriana Rizzo when Sarah Schreiber shows up. D’Angelo says Oba Femi tried to take his title and his family. D’Angelo then gives credit to Rizzo for the crowbar shot. Rizzo then says she knows who attacked her on Tuesday and will deal with it on Tuesday.

Vic Joseph then runs through the previously advertised matches for Tuesday’s NXT and adds the in-ring debut of ZARIA to the lineup.

We then see Dave LaGreca and Bully Ray discussing the show when Ridge Holland shows up and did the “I told you so” bit with Bully stemming from their pre-show confrontation. Bully says he let it slide during the pre-show. Bully then tells Holland not to let it happen again. Holland then stares him down and backs away.

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Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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