Val Venis, known for his provocative views and penchant for targeting individuals with differing ideologies, has been feuding with Jim Cornette over their political ideologies recently. In fact, Venis has now called out Cornette over his political stance yet again.

Earlier this year, Venis had harsh criticism for Cody Rhodes, branding him a “Satan worshipper” for his support of transgender rights and urging him to cease promoting what Venis terms as “mental disorders.

Jim Cornette eventually had enough of Val Venis’ problematic remarks, especially due to his extremist ring-wing views on social media. Cornette recently blocked Venis on Twitter and Venis admitted it genuinely got to him and Cornette would then explain why he blocked Venis in the first place, before eventually unblocking him.

Recently, former WWE star Ryback made a post where he explained why he voted for Donald Trump and a lot of people gave him flack for this decision. Val Venis saw the backlash and took to Twitter, where he commented on the left-wing members of the Internet Wrestling Community, calling them highly advanced examples of today’s ideas. Val pointed out that Ryback offered a reasonable take on supporting Trump’s campaign and even invited people to discuss their views without attacking each other.


However, Val criticized the leftist group in the IWC for not engaging in civil conversations. He compared their reactions to a chaotic scene with young kids throwing tantrums after too much candy and medicine.

Val dismissed their responses as poorly thought-out and overly emotional, suggesting they were not real arguments. He found it impressive that such comments are seen as debate in these groups, highlighting a lack of intellectual depth. He also suggested that these individuals likely share Jim Cornette’s political views.

‘”🚨 Ah, the enlightened intellectuals of the IWC’s left wing, truly the most advanced specimens in the modern marketplace of ideas. @Ryback dares to post a civilized take, outlining his reasons for supporting Trump’s campaign. He even ends with an invitation for an actual discussion: “Those are my reasons. I’d love to know yours—without tearing down the other side. #Trump2024.” Revolutionary, isn’t it? A call for dialogue rather than a gladiatorial brawl. Yet, enter the leftist faction of the IWC. Civil discourse? Consideration? Not in their repertoire. Instead, it’s as if a troupe of untrained toddlers, hopped up on too much candy, Ritalin, and vaccines, decided to throw a collective tantrum in the comment section. Forget reasoned arguments or actual points; we’re talking about a full buffet of ill-formed, knee-jerk reactions, each more mind-numbing than the last. The fact that these responses pass for debate in these leftist circles of nutjobs is honestly impressive, if we’re talking world records in intellectual vacancy, that is. These idiots are definitely fans of @TheJimCornette political positions.

For the record, Jim Cornette recently unleashed a rant where he explained why no one should ever vote for Donald Trump. Nonetheless, Cornette will always share his views on anything he believes in, and Val Venis is unlikely to stop taking shots at Cornette for the same.

Thoughts on what Val Venis had to say regarding those who follow Jim Cornette's political stance? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.

Tags: Ryback
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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