Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt handled commentary, with Jade Chung as the ring announcer.

TNA Bound for Glory Countdown

Hannifan opened the pre-show, but Ash’s Personal Concierge interrupted, insulting the crowd and bringing out Heather by Elegance and Ash by Elegance. Xia Brookside and Brinley Reece entered next. Hannifan mentioned Brookside and Reece had previously teamed on TNA XPlosion against WWE developmental talent.

Ash by Elegance & Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside & Brinley Reece

Reece started strong, hip-tossing Reckless and locking her in wrist holds. After driving Heather into the corner, Reece tagged in Brookside, who hit a wheelbarrow slam for a near fall. Brookside followed up with a Monkey Flip and an Octopus Hold, slamming Heather for another two count. Reece returned to hit a suplex.

Ash tagged herself in, scolding Heather for struggling. Reece suplexed Ash, leading to a heated exchange between the two heels. Heather saved Ash from a baseball slide, tagged herself back in, and they worked together to drop Brinley with a tandem DDT and Double Stomp.


Heather hit Brinley with a Basement Dropkick, setting Ash up for a two count. Brinley responded with a roll-up on Ash, but it only got a two.

The heels kept Brinley isolated, cutting the ring in half while the crowd chanted, “We want Xia!” Brinley finally created an opening with a front flip into a clothesline. She made the hot tag to Xia as Ash also tagged in.

Xia and Ash traded forearms, with Xia getting the upper hand. Xia followed up with several huracanranas and hit Ash with Meteoras in the corner. Brinley tagged back in, and Xia nailed Ash with a Codebreaker, setting Brinley up for a near fall.

Heather tagged in unnoticed. Reece rolled through a Crossbody and hit a TKO, but The Concierge placed Heather’s foot on the rope to break the pin. Xia confronted The Concierge, who tossed his jacket at her. Xia retaliated by choking him with it.

In the ring, Heather hit Reece with a Super Spanish Fly. Ash followed with Rarefied Air for the win.

Winners: Ash by Elegance & Heather Reckless via pinfall.

Bob Ryder TNA Hall of Fame Induction

A tribute video for Bob Ryder is shown, covering his work with ECW, WCW, and TNA. Frankie Kazarian, Abyss, Chris Harris, Sonjay Dutt, Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Josh Matthews, Eddie Edwards, James Storm, and Kurt Angle share their thoughts on Ryder’s influence and impact on wrestling.

Eric Young approaches the podium at the bottom of the ramp. He reflects on how this night has been 20 years in the making and how one man—Bob Ryder—was key to it all. Young explains that without Ryder’s dedication, TNA wouldn’t have survived. He praises Ryder for being ahead of his time by utilizing the internet and recounts Ryder’s role in managing travel. With emotion, Young calls Ryder more than a colleague—he was a friend, spending holidays at Young’s home.

Young emphasizes Ryder’s passion for wrestling and jokes about someone backstage calling himself the “King of TNA,” saying even that person would agree that Ryder is the real King. He closes by officially inducting Ryder into the TNA Hall of Fame and leading the crowd in a “Thank You, Bob” chant.

Rhino TNA Hall of Fame Induction

Next, a video package for Rhino airs, featuring praise from Eric Young, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Abyss, Eddie Edwards, Jordynne Grace, Kurt Angle, Heath, James Storm, and Frankie Kazarian. They talk about Rhino’s importance to TNA, especially during pivotal times for the company.

Tommy Dreamer takes the podium and introduces Rhino by laying out the “who, what, when, how, and why” of his career:

  • Who: Rhino
  • What: TNA Hall of Fame 2024
  • When: “Right F’N Now”
  • How: His career, defined by speed, violence, and The Gore. Titles in every promotion he’s been in. His decision to join TNA when it mattered most.
  • Why: “Rhino looks the same, wrestles with the same fire, and is the nicest guy backstage.” He closes by saying Rhino loves the fans and Detroit.

Rhino steps up to a roaring ovation, met with chants of “You Deserve It!” He humbly responds, “I don’t deserve it, WE deserve it because WE earned it.” He speaks passionately about his love for Detroit and promises he’ll never leave.

On a lighter note, Rhino jokes about finding a jacket big enough for Dreamer, then mentions his red jacket, saying red is his favorite color, adding, “Ladies—blonde is my second.” He jokes about his girlfriend being blonde and the breadwinner of the family.

Rhino thanks his family, especially his daughter, and acknowledges Jim Cornette for helping him land a WWE tryout, where the ring size threw him off. He expresses gratitude to Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Sabu, and Jerry Lynn. He thanks WWE figures like Triple H, Jim Ross, Pat Patterson, and his friends Edge, Christian, and Joe Legend. He gives a special shoutout to Johnny Swinger and Scott D’Amore, who trained him.

Rhino emotionally shares how Heath Slater supported him while his brother battled cancer, often talking to his brother over the phone while Rhino was traveling. Rhino closes by thanking God, ending his speech with heartfelt gratitude.

Call Your Shot Gauntlet: Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Francis vs. Sami Callihan vs. Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something vs. Jason Hotch vs. More TBD. AJ Francis will enter last, Frankie Kazarian will enter first. (Pre-show)

Wentz hit Kazarian with a sweep and followed with a dropkick. Kazarian fired back with right hands, but Wentz countered with a German suplex. Kazarian responded with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Wentz held onto the top rope to avoid elimination and nailed Kazarian with a slingshot Codebreaker.

Entrant #3: Jake Something
Something entered the match with force, delivering multiple clotheslines to Wentz and countering a leapfrog with a hard chest check. Something and Kazarian teamed up to punish Wentz.

Entrant #4: Trey Miguel
Trey stormed the ring, cleaning house. He and Wentz overwhelmed Something with kicks, soaking in cheers from the crowd.

Entrant #5: Alexander Hammerstone
Wentz and Trey tried to fend off Hammerstone, but he suplexed Trey and powerbombed Wentz onto Trey. Kazarian tried hyping Hammerstone up but got lifted instead. Hammerstone and Something teamed up to hit Kazarian with a double clothesline.

Entrant #6: Rohit Raju
Raju made his TNA return, suplexing Trey onto Something. Hammerstone dropped Rohit with a punch.

Entrant #7: Laredo Kid
Kid hit Hammerstone with a missile dropkick but became the first elimination when Hammerstone shoved him off the top rope. Hammerstone shrugged off Trey’s punches and eliminated him with a Military Press onto Laredo Kid at ringside.

Entrant #8: Sami Callihan
Callihan quickly eliminated Hammerstone. Kazarian clawed at Callihan’s face.

Entrant #9: John Skyler
Skyler, celebrating his birthday, entered the ring. Kazarian barely avoided elimination by holding onto the ropes. Wrestlers paired off, continuing the brawl.

Entrant #10: Bhupinder Gujar
Bhupinder gave Skyler a spinebuster and skinned the cat to avoid elimination by Raju.

Entrant #11: Trent Seven
Seven hit Skyler with a DDT and waved a Detroit Pistons towel to the crowd’s delight.

Entrant #12: KC Navarro
Navarro mocked Sami Callihan’s “Thumbs Up” taunt, but Sami powerbombed him in response. At the 13-minute mark, the ring continued to fill with chaos.

Entrant #13: Rhino
Rhino made a powerful entrance, quickly eliminating Bhupinder, Raju, Skyler, and Callihan. Hannifan noted this was Rhino’s 13th Bound for Glory appearance, tying Chris Sabin for the record.

Entrant #14: Tasha Steelz
Steelz hit Navarro with a cutter. She tried one on Rhino, but he blocked it. Steelz taunted Rhino by pie-facing him and clapping her cheeks in front of him.

Entrant #15: Lei Ying Li (Xia Li)
Lei eliminated Steelz with a reverse Roundhouse kick.

Entrant #16: Jason Hotch
Hotch took Trent Seven’s Bop and Bang but bounced back with a stomp on Seven. Meanwhile, Wentz dropkicked Navarro out of the match, scoring another elimination.

Entrant #17: Leon Slater
Slater entered with energy, clearing the ring. However, Kazarian crotched Slater on the top rope to slow him down. Lei Ying Li fired back at Kazarian with forearms after he disrespected her and nailed him with a reverse roundhouse kick.

Kazarian, to loud boos, leveled Li with a lariat and eliminated her.

Entrant #18: Jonathan Gresham
Gresham entered next, bringing his technical prowess to the match.

Entrant #19: JDC (Johnny Curtis)
JDC quickly eliminated Leon Slater.

Entrant #20 (Final Entrant): AJ Francis
Francis wasted no time, booting Gresham out of the match and then hitting Trent Seven with a Uranage to eliminate him. Kazarian followed up by dumping Hotch out of the ring. Wentz also met his end as AJ tossed him out.

The Final Four were: AJ Francis, Johnny Curtis (JDC), Kazarian, and Rhino. Rhino charged at Kazarian, connecting with a devastating Gore. Rhino then eliminated JDC with another Gore. Just as Rhino tried to keep his momentum, AJ Francis hit Rhino with a Gore of his own. Rhino recovered, however, and clotheslined AJ Francis over the top rope. The final two came down to Rhino and Kazarian. They traded punches in the center of the ring until Kazarian hit the ropes. Rhino tackled him to the mat and followed up by charging Kazarian into the corner.

Rhino hit a powerful throw, sending Kazarian across the ring. Smelling victory, Rhino set up for the Gore. Just as he charged, Kazarian shoved the referee aside and hit Rhino with a low blow, taking advantage of the moment.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

After the match, the referee handed the Call Your Shot Trophy to Kazarian, who raised it high, soaking in the crowd’s mixed reaction. Kazarian stood tall, ready to capitalize on his future title opportunity.

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TNA Bound for Glory 2024 Results

Jade Chung introduced singer Ilona to perform the National Anthem, kicking off the event.

An intro video played, setting the stage for the night’s action.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcomed viewers from the commentary desk, with Jade Chung handling ring announcing duties. The show moved right into the action as the competitors made their way to the ring for the X Division Championship match.

TNA X-Division Championship Match: Mike Bailey vs. El Hijo Del Vikingo

The crowd erupted with “This is awesome” chants as Bailey and Vikingo took a moment to acknowledge the atmosphere, sharing a respectful handshake. They squared off, striking fighting stances before diving into a rapid martial arts exchange.

The action transitioned into smooth chain wrestling, with both men trading rollups and counters. Neither could gain the upper hand, leading to a stalemate after they blasted each other with Shotgun Dropkicks.

Vikingo was the first to break through, sending Bailey to the outside with a slick huracanrana. He wasted no time, launching himself through the ropes with a lightning-quick Suicide Dive, crashing into Bailey and igniting the crowd once again.

Vikingo appeared to tweak his leg, and Tom Hannifan noted that it was the same injured leg that had sidelined him for months. Sensing an opportunity, Mike Bailey locked in an Indian Deathlock on the injured leg, but Vikingo managed to reach the ropes for a break. Bailey followed with a Mafia Kick and a Vader Bomb Meteora, earning a nearfall. Bailey then shifted into a TKD fighting pose, targeting Vikingo with a flurry of Tae Kwon Do kicks.

Vikingo created space with a Superkick, though he continued to sell his injured knee. With impressive agility, Vikingo executed a kick flip off Bailey and evaded a strike with a Tiger Feint. He then blasted Bailey with a Slingshot Missile Dropkick. Both men avoided each other’s Baseball Slides, and Vikingo showed off his balance with a tightrope walk on the barricade, seamlessly transitioning into an Old School Dragonrana.

As the crowd buzzed, Bailey recovered and answered with a corkscrew Asai Moonsault to the outside. Back in the ring, Bailey went for a Shooting Star Press, but Vikingo dodged. Bailey adjusted mid-match and hit the Green Tea Plunge (Spanish Fly) for a close two-count.

Vikingo fought back with a Kick and locked in a Triangle Hold on Bailey. As Bailey attempted to escape, Vikingo surprised him with a Monkey Flip. Bailey retaliated by hitting a Dragon Screw on Vikingo’s injured knee, followed by a bodyslam. He then connected with a Shooting Star Press, but Vikingo kicked out just in time.

Bailey shifted gears, feinting strikes with Chamber Thrust Kicks before going for a Tornado Kick. Vikingo countered with a slick Trouble in Paradise Spin Kick, and both men narrowly avoided being counted out. Back on their feet, they exchanged hard-hitting chest slaps, showing their fighting spirit. At the ten-minute mark, Bailey showed a darker side by faking a slap and kicking Vikingo’s injured leg. He then struck a Karate Kid pose and delivered a Crane Kick.

Bailey followed up by landing his signature Ultima Weapon, but Vikingo shocked everyone by kicking out. Bailey went for another finisher, but Vikingo countered into a devastating Canadian Destroyer. Vikingo then hit Bailey with a corner Meteora, sending Bailey to the outside. Without missing a beat, Vikingo performed a tightrope walk on the ropes and nailed a breathtaking Corkscrew Moonsault to the floor.

Back in the ring, Bailey knocked Vikingo off the apron with a Gamengiri. Vikingo avoided a standing Ultima Weapon and climbed to the top rope, pulling off an insane Panama Sunrise from the ring post. As Bailey barely recovered, Vikingo dragged him to the top rope, looking to finish him off. But Bailey turned the tables, hitting a spectacular Meteorain (Superplex) from the top rope to secure the victory.

Winner: Mike Bailey defeated El Hijo Del Vikingo via pinfall in 14:55 to retain the TNA X Division Championship.

Still to come at TNA Bound for Glory 2024

  • TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Nic Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry
  • TNA Tag Team Championship Full Metal Mayhem Match: The System vs. The Hardys vs. ABC
  • TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Championship Monsters Ball Match: PCO vs. Matt Cardona
  • TNA Knockouts Championship Match: Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich
  • TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: Spitfire vs. Wendy Choo & Rosemary
  • Mike Santana vs. Moose
  • Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin
Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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