It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 26, 2024 episode.

AEW Collision will start this week at 8:00 PM EST and as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Collision Lineup (10/26/2024):

  • Singles Match: Anna Jay vs. Viva Van
  • Tag Team Match: The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) vs. MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden)
  • Singles Match: Ricochet vs. Lio Rush
  • Tag Team Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. La Facción Ingobernable (“El Toro Blanco” RUSH and Dralistico)
  • Singles Match: Bang Bang Gang’s “Switchblade” Jay White vs. Shane Taylor Promotion’s Shane Taylor
  • Singles Match: Penelope Ford vs. Robyn Renegade
  • AEW World Trios Champion Wheeler Yuta will have a sit-down interview with Nigel McGuinness

AEW Collision Results (10/26/2024):

The show opens up with a video package recapping what happened at the end of this past Wednesday’s episode of AEW Dynamite. We then get exclusive footage of what happened immediately following the show, where Orange Cassidy is shown screaming at Daniel Garcia and telling him that he knew this would happen. Garcia then tells Cassidy he had to do something about it now and Cassidy says he will take care of this next Wednesday. Cassidy then leaves the ring.

Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness then welcomes us to the show and we get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Singles Match. Schiavone addresses the audience, saying Chuck Taylor is still recuperating in a hospital. McGuinness then sends his best wishes to Taylor and teases his interview with Yuta.


Singles Match: Bang Bang Gang’s “Switchblade” Jay White vs. Shane Taylor Promotion’s Shane Taylor

The match starts off with both men circling each other and locking up. Taylor overpowers White and sends him into the corner. Taylor then breaks the hold and White dodges a clothesline. Taylor then shoves White down and White rolls to the outside to consult with Robinson, then returns to the ring. White then dodges another clothesline after another lock up and gets Taylor in a side headlock. Taylor then shoves White away, but White manages to hit a chop block following by a dropkick to the knee. Taylor is on his knees and on the receiving end of some chops. Taylor then gets to his feet, but White sends him back down with punches. Moriarty then gets up on the apron to distract White, allowing Taylor to hit a punch to White’s jaw. Taylor has White’s throat against the bottom rope and leans on him with a knee before hitting him with stomps. Taylor then goes to the ring apron and hits a leg drop on White across the ring apron. Taylor then takes White down. White then manages to evade a splash by Taylor and hits Taylor with a couple of dragon screw leg whips. White then hits Taylor with some chops. White then hits Taylor with another dragon screw, but Taylor makes his way to the corner to fight back. White then hits Taylor with a DDT for a near fall. White then looks for a uranage on Taylor as both men are back to their feet. Taylor then responds with one of his one for a near fall. White then hits Taylor with a flatliner, but Taylor fights out of a German suplex attempt. White then hits Taylor with a uranage and goes for cover, but Taylor kicks out. Moriarty then tries to get involved, but he gets hit with a Left Hand of God by Juice Robinson. Taylor then looks to hit White with a powerbomb, but White hits him with a bladerunner for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Bang Bang Gang’s “Switchblade” Jay White!

After the match, White grabs a microphone and talks about how he has known Shane Taylor for years and how he knows Taylor hits much harder than he does. White then says that’s the same with Hangman Page and yet he’s always been ahead of him when they have gone one on one. White then talks about his record against Page, hoping Page has recovered well from injury. White then says he knows Page would love to beat him up and put that belt around his neck, but Page better not misstep when dealing with him. White then offers a challenge to Page for Full Gear, before addressing his fans in Cedar Rapids. White then says if Hangman Page ain’t down with that, he has two words for him.

We then head to the back, where Ricochet talks about his match against Lio Rush later tonight. Ricochet addresses MVP’s history with him before Lio Rush shows up, telling Ricochet not to think he’s special because MVP offered him a business card. Ricochet then insists he has no business with MVP, leading Rush to tell him not to overlook him as a loss means there will be no International Title shot for Ricochet, just a one-way ticket to the back of the line. Rush then walks away as Ricochet says he’ll see him in the ring and we get a hype video package for upcoming AEW shows.

We then see Kyle Fletcher address his statement from Dynamite, hoping that Will Ospreay will show up before saying he will head to Collision in Philadelphia next week looking to prove he is the prototype of what a star should be.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Penelope Ford vs. Robyn Renegade

The match starts off with Ford sending Renegade to the corner. Ford then hits Renegade with a standing moonsault and gets a near fall. Ford then hits Renegade with a stunner and gets another near fall. Ford then starts choking Renegade out and Renegade fights Ford off and goes for a pin, but Ford kicks out. Ford then hits Renegade with a lariat and delivers some punches on her, then drives her knee into her back. Renegade then starts to fight back and hits Ford with a DDT and goes for a cover, but Ford kicks out. Ford then hits Renegade with a kick. Ford then puts Renegade in a Muta Lock and Renegade taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, Penelope Ford!

After the match, Ford celebrates her win but her celebration is cut off by Jamie Hayter, who shows up on the big screen. Hayter issues a challenge to Ford for a match on the November 6th episode of Dynamite. A graphic is then shown to make the match official.

We then head to the back, where we get a promo from The Outrunners and FTR ahead of their respective matches.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd) vs. MxM Collection (Mansoor and Mason Madden)

The match starts off with Mansoor and Truth Magnum. Mansoor applies a side headlock on Magnum and tries a shoulder tackle off the ropes, but Magnum just poses. Magnum then comes off the ropes and tries a shoulder block off the ropes of his own, but Mansoor also just poses. The match then briefly turns into a pose-down, with a few shoves. Magnum then ends up finally taking down Mansoor with the shoulder tackle and tags Turbo Floyd in. Floyd hits a move and quickly goes out as Magnum applies a side headlock. Mansoor then manages to tag out to Mason Madden, who hits some punches on the body of Magnum in the corner. Johnny TV is then shown watching the action from the backstage area. Madden then has Magnum on his shoulder, but Magnum escapes and tags in Floyd. Floyd then tries to pick up Madden, but Madden drops him. Madden and Floyd then get into a Greco-Roman knuckle lock. Floyd then starts to get the better of Madden, so Madden kicks him. Floyd then makes the tag to Magnum, who begins coming off the ropes and cleaning house with clotheslines and shoulder tackles. Mansoor then tags in, but the Outrunners send him to the outside, where he’s caught and held in the arms of Madden.

Magnum is fighting out of a headlock from Mansoor, but remains in the corner of MxM. Magnum then almost gets to the Outrunners’ corner, but Mansoor and Madden pull him away and hits him with a combination spin kick/spinebuster for a two count. Madden then tags Mansoor in and they hit a double clothesline, then pose. They touch dips and go for a double elbow drop, but Magnum dodges. Magnum almost gets to his corner once again, but dragged away until he finally gets the tag to Floyd. Floyd hits a scoop slam on Mansoor. Floyd then tries to do one on Madden, but stops and hits Madden with Mansoor. Floyd then goes for another scoop slam, but Mansoor runs at him and Floyd backdrops Mansoor. Madden then nails both Outrunners, but they fight out of it and slam Madden together, then hits a scoop slam. Floyd then scoop slams Magnum onto Mansoor. Madden is back up, but gets dropped with a drop toehold. Madden ten falls on Mansoor in a compromising position and the Outrunners hit them with a double elbow drop. MxM then fights back and hits a double-team neckbreaker, but Magnum kicks out. They then get Magnum up for the Doomsday Device, but Magnum counters out of it and knocks Madden to the outside. Magnum then tags Floyd and they hit Total Recall for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, The Outrunners (Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd)!

We then see a sit-down interview with Nigel McGuinness and AEW World Trios Champion Wheeler Yuta. McGuinness starts off by saying despite his feelings about Bryan Danielson, he’s been tasked with determining why Yuta did what he did at WrestleDream. McGuinness says what Yuta did hurt Danielson irreparably. McGuinness then says he wants to hear the words out of Yuta’s mouth because he’s going to have to deal with the repercussions of his actions for the rest of his life. Yuta then says he thought McGuinness would understand. Yuta then says McGuinness dreamed of ending Danielson’s career. McGuinness then corrects Yuta, saying he wanted to prove he was the better wrestler. Yuta then asks how that worked out for him. McGuinness then says not great you smug bastard. McGuinness then says he sent only half of Danielson back to his wife and kids. Yuta then says they gave Danielson a warrior’s death. Yuta then says they had to end Danielson because he didn’t have the stomach for this. Yuta then says he doesn’t want to do any of this, but they have no choice. Yuta then says if they can do that to someone else, what will they do to everyone else. Yuta then says for the greater good and walks out.

Schiavone and McGuinness then talk about how Yuta might be trying to convince himself and that Moxley thinks AEW is going in the wrong direction.

We then get a promo package for Fright Night Dynamite and its matches.

We then head to the back, where Jake Roberts addresses FTR ahead of their match against LFI tonight. Roberts says LFI are assassins, noting they will go after their weak body parts. Roberts then says they’re just going to tell you what they’re going to do before they do it. RUSH and Dralistico then speaks about FTR and the match and LFI poses menacingly.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Ricochet vs. Lio Rush

The match starts off with both men feeling each other out and looking for potential holds until Rush hits Ricochet with a forearm on his face. Rush then says he’s the one Ricochet should look out for. Rush then dodges a shot from Ricochet and forearms him once again in the face. Rush then beats Ricochet in the corner. Ricochet then reverses an Irish Whip. Rush then ends up on Ricochet’s shoulder. Both men then have a quick exchange and Ricochet is sent outside the ring. Ricochet then gets back in the ring and both men do more flips at each other until Ricochet manages to drop Rush. Ricochet then takes down Rush with a snapmare and hits him with a running elbow drop for a two count. Both men then get to their feet and Ricochet chops Rush in the corner. Ricochet then sends Rush across the opposite corner. Rush then slaps away Ricochet’s hand, then slaps his face. Rush then reverses an Irish Whip into the corner, but Ricochet counters Rush into the turnbuckle and hits a 619. Ricochet then misses a double stomp, but hits a knee strike. Rush then sends Ricochet outside the ring and bounces off the ropes for a suicide dive to the outside. Ricochet and Rush are on the top rope and Rush hits Ricochet with strikes. Rush then jumps off the turnbuckle and causes Ricochet to hit the top rope. Rush then goes for a double stomp, but Ricochet ducks and hits a flying forearm followed by some slams and a standing Shooting Star Press. Ricochet then goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out. Ricochet then drags Rush to his feet and set up for a move, but Rush hits a stunner. Ricochet then goes for a kick, but Rush catches his foot. Ricochet then goes for an axe kick, but Rush hits him with a strikes. Ricochet then hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and looks into the camera, talking trash to Takeshita. Ricochet then gets Rush up in an inverted face-lock. Rush then counters Vertigo and rolls Ricochet up for two. Rush then hits a poison rana and a kick, but only gets two. Rush then goes to the outside and grabs a chair, but Ricochet drops it into him as he approaches the ring. Ricochet then dives over the top rope and hits a Fosbury Flop, then taunts Rush and hits his new Hidden-Blade-esque diving clothesline finisher for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Ricochet!

We then head to the back, where Lexy Nair is interviewing Harley Cameron. Cameron says she is wearing face paint, then calls herself “Thunder Harley.” Cameron then says Rosa isn’t the only one who can wear face paint. Cameron then tells Rosa she will feel her wrath. Rosa then shows up and pretends to hit Cameron, making her flinch. Rosa then says she’s not going to hurt her yet. Rosa then says she wants Cameron next week in a Dias De Los Muertos Match. Rosa then leaves and Cameron says to be afraid of her.

We then see Lexy Nair interviewing Undisputed Kingdom and The Beast Mortos. Roderick Strong says he still wants Mortos to be in the group. Matt Taven then offers Mortos a basket of sweets, but it doesn’t seem to work. Mike Bennett then shows up in a Beast Mortos mask and tries to talk to him via growling. Strong then says they’re going trick-or-treating old school and they want Mortos to join them. They then dance away leaving Mortos with the basket growling.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Anna Jay vs. Viva Van

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Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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