It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The post-AEW WrestleDream episode of Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 16, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (10/16/2024):

  • Singles Match: AEW TBS and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné vs. Queen Aminata
  • Singles Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. Lio Rush
  • Trios Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero) vs. The Elite (AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada and AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks)
  • Tag Team Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. The Learning Tree (“The Redwood” Big Bill and “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith)
  • Adam Cole will return
  • Singles Match: Bang Bang Gang’s “Switchblade” Jay White vs. “The Patriarchy” Christian Cage
  • AEW World Champion Jon Moxley will appear

AEW Dynamite Results (10/16/2024):

The show opens up with video footage of Jon Moxley, Marina Shafir, Claudio Castagnoli, “The Bastard” PAC and Wheeler Yuta leaving WrestleDream after Moxley defeated “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson to win the AEW World Title. As they were driving off, Moxley says he is the only one responsible. Moxley then says people think they know what motivates him, but they know nothing. Moxley then says he has a dream about a land of opportunity. Moxley then says wrestling gave him an opportunity and wants that for the 150 others under contract. Moxley then says he hates what AEW has become, with all the egos out of control and the dancing and partying when there is no need for it. Moxley then says he will burn down the forest to build a new one. Moxley then says they will do what has to be done in order for there to be a better future. Moxley then says if you don’t want to come with, run while you can, but get out of the way. Moxley then says what’s the need to know and what’s the new paradigm. Moxley then says it’s simple and that is we work for him now. We then see Wheeler Yuta riding off with them all in the back of a truck.

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness then welcomes us to the show and Adam Cole’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring to address the AEW fans.


Adam Cole starts off by asking the fans who’s ready for story time with him. Cole then tells Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett that he has to do this alone and while he considered talking about his months long recovery process to get back to the ring from injury, he thinks people would rather hear him talk about MJF. Cole then says he’s learned that sometimes you have to fight evil with evil and while MJF would say that his betrayal of him meant that he betrayed his trust, he isn’t stupid. Cole then says anyone who thinks you should trust a guy like MJF is stupid and if he could describe MJF in one word, it’d be fake. Cole then says MJF does what he wants when he wants and he is a scared, insecure little boy. Cole then encourages the fans to go on social media to trash MJF and says while he’ll pretend not to care, he’ll secretly be crying in his hotel room. Cole then says there are hungry guys in the locker room who will continue making AEW the best professional wrestling in the world and he gets sick thinking about the young guys looking at the path MJF is on and thinking they have to follow it. Cole then says MJF thinks he’s special and the best there’s ever been in AEW, but the truth is that everyone hates him. Cole then tells MJF that he’s ready to fight him right here and now.

MJF’s music then hits, but he doesn’t appear on the ramp. Cole then looks behind him to see if MJF intends to sneak up on him, but he instead appears on the big screen. MJF says Cole left a void in him, but yet, fans still cheer him on. MJF then says Cole will never meet him inside the ring and will die with a void of unfulfilled vengeance and Cole can thank him later. Cole then says MJF knows him better than anyone and knows he means it when he says that MJF can run but can’t hide. Cole then says he will hunt down MJF and give him the beat down that he has coming. Cole then poses on the stage and walks to the back.

We then see Chris Jericho being interviewed backstage after WrestleDream by Renee Paquette. We then get a video of Jericho’s match with Mark Briscoe and he tries to cast the chaos of the match as Mark cheating to win. Jericho then demands a rematch and says he will become the two time ROH World Champion just like Jay Briscoe. Mark is then interviewed and says Jericho is known for making stupid statements. Mark then says he could let that slide, but he can’t abide by Jericho using his brother’s name. Mark then challenges Jericho to a Ladder War Match next week. FTR then shows up and Mark says he will take care of Big Bill and the bad apple.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. The Learning Tree (“The Redwood” Big Bill and “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith)

The match starts off with Dax Harwood and Bryan Keith. Keith hits Harwood with a clothesline. Keith then follows it up with a boot, but Harwood responds with a chop of his own and a suplex. Cash Wheeler then tags in and delivers some uppercuts on Keith, but Keith responds with a bodyslam. Bill then tags in, but Wheeler hits him with an uppercut and a dropkick. Wheeler and Harwood then take turns delivering some right hands on Bill, but Bill runs over Wheeler. Wheeler then hits a back suplex on Keith. Bill then tags in and looks to hit a splash on Wheeler, but Wheeler avoids it and tags in Harwood. Harwood then delivers some right and left hands on Bill, then follows it up with a short arm lariat on Keith. Wheeler then hits Bill with a crossbody off the top and sets up for the Shatter Machine on Bill. Bill then escapes and clotheslines Wheeler out of the ring, then tags in Keith. Wheeler then tags in and FTR hits the Shatter Machine on Keith for the win as we see La Faccion Ingobernable watching the action from backstage.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood)!

After the match, The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) join FTR in the ring to celebrate with them and shake their hands.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn. Gunn says what’s next after beating MxM Collection is they are going to the gym since they are body guys. Gunn then leaves to get the car as Bowens says everyone loves The Acclaimed. Caster then says they are coming off another PPV win, but they want more. MVP then shows up with Shelton Benjamin and tells them to give him a call when they decide to get serious. Bowens then says they don’t need anything from him, but Caster did place MVP’s business card in his pocket.

Justin Roberts then says the next match of the night is for the TBS Championship. “The CEO” Mercedes Moné then makes her way down to the ring with “The Brickhouse” Kamille. We then see a video of the backstage interaction that set up the upcoming match, where Queen Aminata tells Moné she is rude. Queen Aminata then makes her way down to the ring.

AEW TBS Championship Match: NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné (c) vs. Queen Aminata

The match starts off with Kamille looking to trip Aminata. Moné then takes advantage and nails Aminata from behind, then hits her with an arm drag. Moné then rolls up Aminata, but Aminata reverses the fall. Moné then kicks out and Aminata hits a Fallaway Slam on her. Aminata then runs the ropes looking to nail Moné, but Kamille pulls her out of the way. Aminata then hits Kamille with a headbutt, but Moné nails her from behind. Aminata then does a jackknife pin on Moné. Moné then kicks out and Aminata sends her crashing into the mat, then follows it up with a Sunset Flip and locks in a shoulder submission. Moné then escapes, but Aminata hits her with a suplex and charges at her in the corner. Moné then sees her coming and hits Aminata with a meteora off the middle rope, then follows it up with a backstabber and transitions into the Statement Maker and Aminata taps out.

The winner and still the AEW TBS Champion, NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné!

We then see a WrestleDream video package that focuses on The Young Bucks vs. Private Party. Both teams are then interviewed in the backstage area at the same time by Renee Paquette. Private Party congratulates The Young Bucks and says they almost had them and wanted another opportunity. Matthew Jackson then admits he was wrong about them being mid-carders and says they took them to the limit. Nicholas Jackson then says they weren’t getting another shot and they were done with them. The Young Bucks then walks off and Stokely Hathaway shows up. Hathaway says they have been in AEW since the Obama Administration and have nothing to show for it. Hathaway then offers his services again and says they will remain bums without him and think Zay is more of a singles star anyway. Private Party then looks at each other after Hathaway walks off and say if that’s what it takes.

We then see The Elite backstage and Jack Perry says they need to handle business before going out there tonight as today is Kenny Omega’s birthday. Perry then says he understands Omega has had 20 feet of his intestines removed after they laid him out. The Elite then show a birthday cake saying Happy Birthday Kenny on it until Perry dumps some intestines onto it. Okada then says happy birthday b***h as Perry tells Omega to get well soon or die as he doesn’t care.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero) vs. The Elite (AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada and AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks)

The match starts off with Kazuchika Okada and Kyle O’Reilly. Both men exchange forearms with one another, but Nicholas Jackson tags in and locks up with O’Reilly. Orange Cassidy then tags in and double teams on Nicholas with O’Reilly. Okada then tags in and prevents Cassidy from tagging in O’Reilly or Rocky Romero. Okada then flips off Cassidy, but Cassidy manages to tag in O’Reilly. O’Reilly then delivers some strikes on Okada and turns Nicholas inside out with a clothesline. Okada then sets up for a Rainmaker on O’Reilly, but O’Reilly counters into a Guillotine. Matthew Jackson then provides Okada with a hand by hitting an elbow drop on O’Reilly off the top. The Elite then triple team on O’Reilly and Okada hits a shoulder-breaker on O’Reilly. The Young Bucks then set up for a double superkick on O’Reilly, but Cassidy makes the blind tag in and double teams on Okada with O’Reilly. Cassidy then sets up for the Orange Punch, but Wheeler Yuta appears and nails him with a kick.

The winner of the Trios Match due to outside interference, The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and Rocky Romero)!

After the match, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC, Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir join Yuta in the ring. Castagnoli, PAC, Moxley and Yuta then continue beating down Cassidy, but Top Flight and Action Andretti make their way down to the ring to even the odds. Castagnoli, PAC, Moxley and Yuta then overpower them, but Dark Order makes their way out as The Elite watch everything unfold from the entrance ramp. Moxley then gives Shafir a belt and Shafir chokes Alex Reynolds with it using the ring post. Moxley then tells anyone who works for AEW that they are under attack as Castagnoli and Yuta use the ring steps to continue wearing down Reynolds. Castagnoli, PAC, Moxley, Shafir and Yuta then retreat as Daniel Garcia, Private Party, Christopher Daniels and other officials make their way down to check on everyone at ringside. Nigel McGuinness then says while he doesn’t support The Elite not doing anything, smarter minds prevails tonight and they didn’t end up like the others.

The Elite are then approached by Arkady Aura backstage and are asked why they didn’t do anything. Daniel Garcia and Private Party then show up and ask why there isn’t any action from the EVPs before getting into Perry’s face. The Elite then leave and Nicholas says in due time. Garcia then says he has Private Party’s backs if they have his and Zay and Quen agree.

We then get a video package that focuses on MVP and Shelton Benjamin’s conversation with Swerve Strickland at WrestleDream. Lio Rush then makes his way down to the ring with Leila Grey for the next match of the night and Shelton Benjamin and MVP follows. 

Singles Match: Shelton Benjamin vs. Lio Rush

The match starts off with Benjamin shoving Rush. Rush then cinches in a waist lock on Benjamin, but Benjamin escapes and sends Rush crashing into the corner. Benjamin then hits a shoulder tackle on Rush and follows it up with a clothesline in the corner, then nails him with a jumping knee through the ropes as Rush looks to fly through them. Benjamin then hits a suplex on Rush on the outside. Rush then delivers some forearms on Benjamin. Benjamin then sends Rush into the corner, but Rush hits him with a Stunner. Rush then follows it up with a cutter and climbs to the top, then looks to fly. Benjamin sees Rush coming, then looks to send him crashing into the mat. Rush then escapes and hits an enzuigiri on Benjamin, then follows it up with a Tornado DDT and goes for a pin. Benjamin then kicks out and Rush looks to fly off the ropes, but Benjamin pulls him off and hits him with a German release suplex. Benjamin then hits Rush with a right hand on the back of his neck and hits him with a second German release suplex, then nails him with a kick and sends him crashing into the mat. Benjamin then hits a modified powerslam on Rush off the mat for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Shelton Benjamin!

After the match, MVP gives his business card to Lio Rush as Shelton celebrates his win. MVP then says Rush opened his mouth in his youthful exuberance and Benjamin shut it with his skill and wisdom. MVP then puts Swerve Strickland on notice. MVP then tells Strickland that what happened to Rush is what’s in his future and says it’s time to finish the conversation they started at WrestleDream.

Excalibur then reveals that Darby Allin has been unreachable since WrestleDream. Excalibur then introduces us to a video that Darby recorded last week that advertised some signed photos of himself and Tony Hawk that are being sold for the Skatepark Project charity.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana. Strickland says it was impressive what Benjamin did to Rush. Strickland then accepts the challenge that was issued earlier and says they can have it anywhere and to make it happen. Strickland then tells Benjamin not to fail when coming at him and asks the crowd Whose House.

Tony Schiavone then introduces Don Callis and Callis makes his way down to the ring alongside the newest member of The Don Callis Family Brian Cage and Lance Archer. Callis says he thought The Don Callis Family should hold a press conference to answer any questions that may be lingering. Callis then declares Cage and Archer’s intentions of going after tag team gold, then introduces Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita. Both men then make their way down to the ring. Takeshita then tells anyone who wants the AEW International Championship to come and take it from him and Fletcher then explains that everyone wants to talk about Will Ospreay rather than him and The Don Callis Family. Callis then adds that The Don Callis Family has never been stronger than it is today.

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Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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