It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 15, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (10/15/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Wes Lee vs. “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans
  • Singles Match: Stephanie Vaquer vs. No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair
  • Gentleman’s Duel Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King
  • Singles Match: Nikkita Lyons vs. Lola Vice
  • Singles Match: Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland
  • “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo’s WWE NXT North American Championship celebration
  • Halloween Havoc Wheel returns

WWE NXT Results (10/15/2024):

The show opens up with Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcoming us from the Performance Center entrance ramp. Joseph and Booker T then runs through some of the segments taking place on the show and they send us to some highlights from last week’s episode.

“The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo is already in the ring for his WWE NXT North American Championship celebration. D’Angelo starts off by saying he wanted to come to the ring and celebrate his North American Championship win without his Family. D’Angelo then says he needed to win his title by any means necessary and he baited Oba Femi into thinking he broke him. D’Angelo then proposes a toast to Femi. Oba Femi’s music then hits and he makes his way out. Femi says D’Angelo got him and at NXT Halloween Havoc he will regain the North American Championship and once again become the ruler of NXT, but his Family won’t be his side. Femi then spins the wheel to reveal that they will be competing in a Tables, Ladders and Scares Match at Halloween Havoc.


We then head to the back, where Byron Saxton is interviewing Oro Mensah about the upcoming Gentleman’s Duel Match. Lexis King then shows up and says that he didn’t want to make his father proud by cheating. King then says tonight is going to be a fair match. King then says may the best man win. Mensah then says he’s not buying the nice guy act.

Stephanie Vaquer then makes her way down to the ring for the first match of the night and No Quarter Catch Crew follows.

Singles Match: Stephanie Vaquer vs. No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair

The match starts off with both women going back and forth and Sinclair locks in a bridging double chicken-wing and a Fujiwara Armbar on Vaquer. Vaquer then makes it up to her feet, then rolls up Sinclair. Sinclair then kicks out as we see Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade watching the action from backstage. Vaquer then hits a leg drop on Sinclair, then sends her head repeatedly bouncing off the mat. Sinclair then hits Vaquer with a shoulder tackle and a crossbody, then follows it up with a double underhook suplex and a clothesline in the corner. Sinclair then charges at Vaquer, but Vaquer moves out of the way and hits her with a Dragon Screw. Vaquer then follows it up with a meteora and a package backbreaker for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Stephanie Vaquer!

After the match, Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade attack Vaquer, but Giulia’s music hits and she takes down Perez and Jade. Perez and Jade then overpower Giulia, but Giulia nails them with a double dropkick and sends them both crashing out of the ring with Vaquer. Vaquer then grabs a mic and challenges Perez and Jade to a tag team match against her and Giulia at Halloween Havoc.

We then see WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams and WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan chatting backstage. Trick talks about finding his opponent later tonight. Trick then says he knows this title run will go better than the last. Jordan then talks about how she is waiting for Ava to pick her opponent and how nobody can do it like Lani. Both of them then fist bumps before leaving. The camera then pans to Fallon Henley telling the rest of Fatal Influence that it’s time to talk to Ava.

Lexis King then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

We then head to the back, where Karmen Petrovic is having a conversation with Brinley Reece. Ashante “Thee” Adonis then shows up to apologize for costing them their matches last week and he gave Reece a rose. Adonis then calls them a couple of shawtys. Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen then shows up. Spears says to call them ladies. Jensen then rips the rose up and tosses it on the ground. Robert Stone and security then show up to make sure a fight will not ensue. Karmen Petrovic then goes to the ground to look at the rose petals.

Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

Gentleman’s Duel Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

The match starts off with both men going back and forth. Mensah then tries to kick King on the ground, but the referee wouldn’t let him according to the rules. Mensah then hits a jackknife to get a two count. King then slips, but recovers and hits a crossbody for a two count. King then trips Mensah off the ropes, but saves Mensah to prevent breaking the rules. Both men then hits each other with stereo crossbodies. King then hits Mensah with a Swanton for a two count. King then works on Mensah with clinch knees. Mensah then comes back with a leg sweep and rapid chops. Mensah then hits King with a hurricanrana and power slam for a two count. King then comes back with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Both men then trade European Uppercuts and right hands. Mensah then hits King with a Koppu Kick. Mensah then hits a backflip to knock King off the top rope. Mensah then hits King with a Slingshot Rolling Sobat for a two count. King then hits Mensah with a Superkick. Mensah then comes back with a stiff lariat. Mensah then rolls into the corner and misses a corner heel kick. Mensah then rolls King up for a two count. King then gets a near fall off a jackknife pin. Mensah then gets a two count off a Crucifix pin. King then rolls up Mensah with a Modified Jackknife Pin for the win.

The winner of the Gentleman’s Duel Match, Lexis King!

After the match, King and Mensah share a respectful handshake with Mensah looking baffled.

We then head to the back, where Cedric Alexander and Je’von Evans are having a conversation. WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer then show up to congratulate Evans for his good performance against Randy Orton last week. Cedric then talks about how Axiom and Frazer cost them their match a few weeks ago. Frazer then says it was a accident. Wes Lee then shows up to tell Evans that he’s not ready for the NXT Championship. Cedric and Evans then say Wes was sounding salty. Wes then talks about winning championships in WWE while Evans hasn’t. Both men then bicker to end the segment.

Vic Joseph then plugs Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons for the next match of the night.

We then get a replay of IYO SKY jawing with Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend, which cost her the match. Tweets of Kairi Sane and IYO SKY were then shown, where they challenged Legend and Jackson. We then get a promo from Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson, where they say they will eliminate Damage Ctrl from the title picture and go after the tag titles.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Oba Femi in a Tables, Ladders and Scares Match was then announced for NXT Halloween Havoc. Vic Joseph then plugs the NXT Championship number one contenders match.

Commentary then sends us to a video package featuring Nikkita Lyons. Lyons says the audience has only got a taste of her. Lyons then says she likes to dance, fight, touch grass and vibe. Lyons then says she can knock your lights outs whenever she wants. Lyons then says she’s been out, but the come back is always better than the set back. Lyons then says the Lioness is about to be untamed and she’s going to take over.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Nikkita Lyons vs. Lola Vice

The match starts off with both women delivering punches and kicks on one another. They then manage to avoid them until Vice hits Lyons with a kick and locks up with her. Vice then hits a couple of kicks on Lyons’ midsection and looks to hit a third, but Lyons sees her coming and hits Vice with a couple of bodyslams. Lyons then delivers some shoulders on Vice’s midsection, then charges at her in the corner. Vice then moves out of the way and locks in a Sleeper on Lyons, buy Lyons fights her off. Vice and Lyons then deliver some right hands on one another, but Vice hits her signature rapid fire kicks on Lyons and follows it up with a Hip Attack. Vice then hits a Scissor Kick on Lyons, but Jaida Parker makes her way down to the ring and captures Vice’s attention. Vice then nails her with a kick, but turns around into a kick from Lyons that sends her crashing out of the ring. While the referee is distracted by Lyons, Parker hits a Hip Attack on Vice on the outside and sends her back in the ring. This then opens the door for Lyons to follow it up with The Lyons’ Roar for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Nikkita Lyons!

After the match, Lola Vice glares at Jaida Parker up the ramp.

We then head to the back, where NXT General Manager Ava is having a conversation with Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia about how she approves of their match against Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez. Fatal Influence then shows up to demand a Women’s North American Title shot. Ava says if they want a shot they should first face Giulia and Vaquer on NXT TV next week. They all look apprehensive, but Henley accepts.

Chase U’s Riley Osborne and Thea Hail then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Ridge Holland follows.

Singles Match: Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Ridge Holland

The match starts off with Osborne hitting a right hand on Holland off the ring steps and flying out of the ring to land on Holland on the entrance ramp. Osborne then delivers some right hands on Holland, then sends him inside the ring. Osborne then hits a couple of single leg dropkicks on Holland. Osborne then hits a dropkick on Holland that sends him crashing into the corner and follows it up with a standing Shooting Star Press. Osborne then goes for a pin, but Holland kicks out. Holland then delivers some right hands on Osborne, then places him on the announce desk. Osborne then responds with a Tornado DDT on Holland off the desk and sends him back in the ring, then climbs to the top rope. Holland then trips Osborne and hits him with a suplex off the middle rope, then follows it up with a modified powerbomb and his finisher for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Ridge Holland!

After the match, Holland continues beating Osborne down and sends him out of the ring. Holland then follows Osborne out there and clears the announce desk as he looks to send Osborne crashing through it. Andre Chase’s music then hits and Chase makes his way down to the ring. Chase delivers some shoulder tackles on Holland and sends him to ringside. Referees then made their way out to get in between Holland and Chase. Hail then hugs Chase.

We then get a replay of the match between Sol Ruca vs. Wendy Chu on last week’s show, where Tatum Paxley attacks Choo after the bout. Tatum Paxley is then shown playing with her dolls as Byron Saxton approaches her. Tatum talks about Wendy pretending to be her friend only to stab her in the back. Jaida Parker and OTM then shows up and drags Saxton away. Parker says she knows that Vice has hands. Paxley then shows up and says Parker is interfering with her play time. Parker then says Paxley handled business with Wendy Choo, but she doesn’t play around.

Vic Joseph then plugs Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer vs. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade for Halloween havoc. Vic then plugs the number one contenders match for tonight’s main event.

Ashante “Thee” Adonis is then shown checking himself out in a mirror and Brooks Jensen is shown warming up in the hallway.

We then get an ad for WWE Survivor Series: War Games.

Ashante “Thee” Adonis then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears are already waiting in the ring.

Singles Match: Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Brooks Jensen

The match starts off with Adonis hitting Jensen with a clothesline and going for a pin, but Jensen kicks out and delivers some stomps on Adonis. Jensen then delivers some right hands on Adonis, but Adonis responds with right hands of his own on Jensen in the corner. Jensen then hits an elbow on Adonis’ face, then wears him down with a submission and sends his head bouncing off his knee. Karmen Petrovic then appears at ringside and tosses out the rose petals in front of Adonis on the ring apron. Jensen then looks to take advantage, but Adonis sees him coming and hits him with a Bronco Buster before he climbs to the top. Jensen then trips Adonis after Spears jumps up on the apron, then he follows it up with a hanging DDT for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Brooks Jensen!

After the match, Adonis looks up the ramp and the camera shows Karmen Petrovic tilting her head and smirking.

Separate shots of the three men battling in the WWE NXT Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match are then shown.

We then see Lexis King walk past NQCC and says that maybe he should get a Heritage Cup Championship Match soon. King then passes by Tony D’Angelo and the D’Angelo Family and walks away. The D’Angelo Family then talk about Tony D’s upcoming Halloween Havoc Match. Luca Crusifino then asks Tony D if he could face Oba first next week on NXT.

IYO SKY and Kairi Sane vs. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson as well as Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer vs. Fatal Influence are then announced for next week.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE NXT Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match.

WWE NXT Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match: “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Wes Lee vs. “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans

The match starts off with Evans hitting a superkick on Lee. Page then hits a right hand on Evans, but Evans rolls him up. Lee then rolls up Evans, but Page breaks the fall. All three men then continue taking turns pinning one another and hitting dropkicks on each other, but Page hits a Fallaway Slam on Evans that sends him crashing into Lee on the apron and knocks him onto the floor. Page then follows it up with a boot on Evans and a backbreaker before setting up for Ego’s Edge. Evans then avoids it and pins Page, but Lee breaks the fall and pins Evans. Evans then kicks out and Lee delivers some stomps on him. Lee then delivers some right hands on Evans, but Evans responds with a couple of right hands. Lee and Evans then double team on Page to send him crashing out of the ring, but Evans hits a right hand on Lee that rocks him. Evans then runs the ropes, but Page trips him. Lee then flies to take down Page on the outside and looks to hit a Tornado DDT on him, but Page responds with a back body drop that sends Lee crashing onto the announce table. Evans then flies through the ropes to send himself and Page crashing over the announce desk.

Lee and Evans then exchange right hands with one another in the ring. Lee then turns Evans inside out with a clothesline, but Page delivers some stomps on both of them and bodyslams Evans onto Lee. Page ten sends Lee crashing on top of Evans, then sends Lee crashing into the ring post shoulder first and deliver some right hand on Evans. Page then hits a powerslam on Evans, then goes for a pin but Lee breaks the fall with a dropkick. Page, Evans and Lee then exchange strikes with one another and take each other down with kicks before Page and Lee teeter on the ropes. Page then knocks Lee off, but Evans joins him up there and hits him with a Spanish Fly. Evans then hit a roundhouse kick on Lee and goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Page then sets up for Ego’s Edge on Evans, but Evans avoids it. Evans then hits a cutter off the middle rope on Lee and pins him, but Lee kicks out. Evans then climbs to the top, but Page nails him from behind and sets up for Ego’s Edge. Lee then prevents Page from hitting the move, but Page pulls him and Evans off the ropes. Evans then superkicks Page out of the ring and hits a Tornillo on Lee off the ropes. Evans then pins Lee, but Page sneaks back in the ring and pins Evans for the win.

The winner and new #1 Contender to the WWE NXT Championship, “All Ego” Ethan Page!

After the match, Page tells Williams that he won’t give up on chasing the NXT Championship as long as there is air in his lungs. Page then calls Williams down to the ring and Williams appears. Page then spins the wheel to determine the stipulation for their NXT Championship Match at Halloween Havoc and the wheel lands on a Devil’s Playground Match. Page then nails Williams and stands tall on the entrance ramp, then tells Williams he is about to see the devil inside of him and the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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