The legal drama involving Janel Grant, Dr. Carlon Colker, and Peak Wellness is heating up, as Grant’s attorneys filed a strong opposition to Colker’s attempt to dismiss her bill of discovery complaint. Filed in Connecticut Superior Court, the latest filing challenges Dr. Colker and Peak Wellness for refusing to provide complete access to Grant’s medical records, allegedly in violation of multiple federal laws.

What’s the Issue?

Janel Grant, who has accused Vince McMahon and WWE of misconduct, claims that Dr. Colker was in regular communication with McMahon during her treatment at Peak Wellness between November 2019 and April 2022. Her legal team insists that these communications, along with her full medical records, are essential for building a potential lawsuit against Colker and Peak Wellness.

The opposition filing alleges that Colker and Peak Wellness only provided incomplete, paper-based medical records while ignoring requests for her electronic records, metadata, and other critical information. “Defendants (and Vince McMahon) have gone to great lengths to block Ms. Grant from accessing these documents relating to her own medical care,” the statement reads.

Colker’s defense has argued that the bill of discovery violates an FBI-requested stay in her federal civil case, but Grant’s legal team shot back, saying this complaint is separate from the federal case and should move forward. They claim that Connecticut Superior Court is the proper venue for this discovery process.


Grant’s team also made a strong point about the emotional toll the situation has taken. Colker’s legal team sent a marshal to personally serve her with a separate bill of discovery, despite knowing she was already represented by counsel. This move was labeled as a deliberate attempt to cause “extreme emotional distress.”

“Imagine being at your most vulnerable, and the doctor you are told to see only makes you feel worse,” said Ann Callis, attorney for Janel Grant. “Our filing today makes clear that Dr. Colker violated ethical and medical standards when he injected unknown substances into Janel’s body and directed her to take unlabeled pills while dismissing her basic questions about those drugs. Peak Wellness owes Janel Grant answers and the clinic’s secrecy and evasion must come to an end.”

What’s Next?

Grant’s attorneys are seeking a range of documents, including her full medical history, communications between Colker and McMahon, and financial records between Peak Wellness and WWE. They argue these are necessary to investigate potential claims of civil conspiracy, aiding and abetting, fraud, and violations of RICO laws.

In a statement, Grant’s attorney Ann Callis said: “Imagine being at your most vulnerable, and the doctor you are told to see only makes you feel worse… Peak Wellness owes Janel Grant answers, and the clinic’s secrecy and evasion must come to an end.”

With this legal battle intensifying, do you think Janel Grant will be able to get the answers she’s looking for? What impact could this have on Vince Mc Mahon and WWE? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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