It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The CW debut episode of WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 8, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (10/8/2024):

  • NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer & Axiom) (c) vs. A-Town Down Under (Grayson Waller & Austin Theory)
  • Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans
  • Sexyy Red appearance
  • Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill & Kelani Jordan vs. Fatal Influence
  • Trick Williams will address the NXT universe
  • Jey Uso appearance
  • Cora Jade will explain her actions

WWE NXT Results (10/8/2024):

Your announcers for the night are Booker T and Vic Joseph. We see footage of the wrestlers arriving at the arena.

Highlights from last week’s show are shown. NXT Men’s Champion Trick Williams heads to the ring.


Trick starts by hyping up the crowd, saying they’re live from St. Louis, and mentions that Sexyy Red is backstage. He says NXT is on a whole new level—new cities, new network—and he’s at the top of it all. He reminds everyone that he’s “Tricky Two Times” and their champion. But he’s well aware that there are sharks in the locker room ready to come after him.

Wes Lee appears in the balcony, interrupting Trick’s celebration. Wes says nobody wants to hear Trick bragging for two hours, especially since he wasn’t the only one who had a big win. He’s aiming to become a Triple Crown Champion by taking Trick’s title.

Trick shoots back, saying he knows exactly the kind of person Wes is—the type that acts like a friend but stabs you in the back. Trick makes it clear he’s dealt with that before.

Wes isn’t fazed. He tells Trick that while he may be the face of NXT right now, he’s not “the guy.” Wes vows to take the title from him and leave him in the dust, just like Trick’s former partner did.

Suddenly, Jey Uso’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. Trick says he respects Jey for showing up, especially after his big win last night. Trick adds that he knows Jey must be feeling it, but despite being tired, they both look sharp and ready. Trick fires up the crowd by saying that if anyone tries to come for their titles, they’ll “whoop that trick” together.

Jey and Trick start exchanging dueling gestures, playing off the crowd’s energy before sharing a hug in the middle of the ring.

Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill, and Bianca Belair versus Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx

Kelani gets distracted by Nyx, allowing Fallon and Jacy to team up and work over Jordan. Nyx strikes with a forearm, but Jordan counters with a Tiger Feint arm drag followed by a dropkick. Bianca enters with a dropkick of her own, and Jade delivers a jumping kick. Together, Jade, Kelani, and Bianca hit synchronized slams, taking control.

Backstage, we see Oba Femi doing some stretching.

Back in the ring, Jordan slams Nyx and follows up with a splash for a near fall. Bianca tags in and delivers a slam to Nyx. Bianca charges at Fallon with a shoulder tackle, but Fallon counters with an Irish whip. Bianca floats over and runs across the ring, taunting Fallon before flipping over her and landing a solid shoulder tackle. Bianca unleashes punches on Fallon, but Jacy grabs Bianca’s hair. Bianca quickly deals with Jacy and hits Fallon with a suplex, followed by a handspring moonsault for another near fall.

Jade tags in, and they execute a double slam off a hip toss setup. Jordan re-enters the match as Jade press-slams Jordan overhead, dropping her onto Fallon for a close near fall. Fallon responds with a double thrust to the throat and a punch. She locks in a headlock before tagging Nyx. Fallon holds Jordan’s leg as Nyx connects with a bulldog. Jordan is sent to the floor, and Jacy follows with a cannonball off the apron. We head into a commercial break.

We return from commercial, and Nyx is preventing Jordan from making the tag. Nyx follows up with an Irish whip and vicious kicks in the corner. Fallon tags in, and Nyx sweeps the leg while Fallon hits a flying hair takedown. Jacy follows with a back senton for a near fall. Jacy throws Jordan into the turnbuckles and lands a series of kicks. Jacy goes for a cannonball in the corner but misses, though she quickly stops Jordan’s momentum. Jordan counters with a jumping spin kick.

We cut to Tony D’Angelo and his crew hanging out backstage.

Back in the ring, Jacy charges into a knee from Jordan, who fights her way out of the corner. Jordan lands on her feet from a belly-to-back suplex. Nyx and Jade tag in, and Jade comes in hot with forearms for everyone in the ring. She plants Jacy with a spinebuster and slams Fallon to the mat. Jade then delivers a powerful fallaway slam to Nyx, followed by splashes to Nyx and Jacy in the corner. Jade hits a chokeslam on Nyx before tagging in Bianca. Bianca leaps onto Nyx for a near fall, but Fallon breaks up the pin.

Jade responds with a superkick to Fallon, but Jacy lands a kick of her own. Jordan hits an X-Factor and follows it up with a 7-10 moonsault to the outside. Nyx fires back with a Pele Kick on Bianca for a near fall. Bianca counters Nyx’s next move, blocking a kick and driving her face-first into the mat. Jade tags in, and they hit a devastating assisted DDT and German suplex combo.

Jordan tags in and finishes the match with a split-legged moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Kelani Jordan, Jade Cargill, and Bianca Belair.

Frazer and Axiom are in the locker room when Randy Orton approaches them, asking about how fast Je’Von Evans is. Axiom mentions that Evans might be the fastest guy in NXT, which frustrates Frazer.

Randy reassures Frazer, saying there’s nothing wrong with being a hothead, but it’s important to find where you feel comfortable. Frazer, fired up, says he’s going to take that advice and run with it.

Backstage, Sarah is interviewing Giulia and asks what she expects to hear from Roxanne and Cora tonight. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door, and someone off-screen greets an “old friend.” Giulia smiles and confidently replies, “They have it.”

We go to a commercial break.

When we return, NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez makes her way to the ring.

Roxanne Perez grabs a mic and says she thought last week would be the week everyone expected it to happen. The so-called “international chosen one” was supposed to become the NXT Women’s Champion—but nope, here you are, disappointed again, and she’s still the champion. Maybe now you’ll believe what she’s been saying since April. She adds that the fans are so predictable, always propping someone else up, and she’ll be here, happily drinking the tears of their latest “flavor of the month.” Roxanne says she no longer has to drink alone, though, because a new friendship is beginning to heat up.

Cora Jade makes her way to the ring.

Cora says for the past nine months, she’s been at home, listening to how this is the deepest division in NXT—but her name was never mentioned. That really pissed her off. Now that she’s back, she’s determined to make everyone pay for forgetting about her. No one saw her costing Giulia last week—not even Roxanne. She was once a girl trying to be a part of NXT, but now, she’s going to make NXT. Cora acknowledges that Roxanne deserves to be NXT Champion and says this is the version of Roxanne she always knew was possible. Their friendship has been repaired, and that spells bad news for the so-called deepest division in WWE.

Roxanne responds, saying she wishes she had listened to Cora years ago when she told her to look out for herself. She knows the title is what broke their friendship, but now it’s bringing them back together.

Suddenly, Giulia’s music hits, and she heads to the ring. Cora holds the ropes open for Giulia, inviting her in. Stephanie Vaquer makes her entrance, walking out to stand alongside Giulia. The two head into the ring, and chaos ensues as Vaquer and Giulia lay waste to Roxanne and Cora.

After the beatdown, Giulia and Stephanie simultaneously pick up the NXT Women’s Championship belt, staring each other down.

Backstage, the No Quarter Catch Crew is shown, and Wren says she’s going to give Stephanie Vaquer a lesson in what NXT is truly about. We then cut to Lexis King watching a replay of his loss to Oro Mensah. King turns to Charlie and asks for a match against Oro, one where cheating won’t be possible. Charlie suggests the classic Admiral Lord Mount Evans match—a true gentleman’s battle.

Tony D’Angelo versus Oba Femi for the Men’s North American Title

Oba Femi taunts Tony D’Angelo, getting him to flinch, but Tony responds with a flurry of punches. Oba swings for a chop but misses, allowing Tony to land more strikes. Tony attempts an Irish whip, but Oba counters with a clothesline out of the corner. Oba follows up with a knee to the midsection and a powerful slam, then drops an elbow for a near fall.

Oba locks in a side headlock, and Tony tries to send him off the ropes, but Oba holds on tight. Tony manages to reverse it into a rollup for a near fall, but Oba immediately takes him down again with a side headlock takedown. Tony fights back, delivering a strong shoulder tackle before clotheslining Oba over the top rope to the floor. As Tony steps onto the apron, Oba attempts a chop, but Tony counters with a kick. However, Oba catches Tony off the apron and chokeslams him onto the apron, leaving Tony writhing in pain.

We head to commercial.

We return from commercial, and Oba Femi is stretching Tony D’Angelo over his knee. Tony fights back with elbows, trying to free himself from Oba’s grip. Oba goes for a powerbomb, but Tony counters with a back body drop. In the chaos, someone passes Tony a crowbar, but the referee doesn’t notice. Tony hands it back to Lorenzo and continues the match with a series of forearms to Oba.

Tony attempts a spinebuster, but Oba stops him with a forearm. Both men tumble over the top rope to the floor. As Tony makes his way back to the apron, Oba delivers a jumping chop to his chest. Oba then gets in the face of The Family at ringside, shoving Luca, Lorenzo, and Rizzo down. Tony takes advantage of the distraction, hitting Oba with a double-leg takedown followed by a series of punches. He slams Oba into the guardrails and ring steps before hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the ramp.

Back in the ring, Tony spears Oba, but it only gets a near fall. Oba responds with an uppercut and a running uppercut in the corner. Tony fires back with a clothesline, but Oba catches him with a flying boot and a chokeslam for a near fall. Oba follows up with short-arm clotheslines, but Tony ducks one and delivers a German suplex, holding on for a second one. Oba counters with elbows to the back of Tony’s head and hits a toss backbreaker, though he collapses after the move.

Oba hits another running uppercut in the corner and places Tony on the turnbuckles. Tony fights back with punches, sending Oba to the mat. As Tony jumps off the turnbuckles, Oba catches him with an uppercut mid-air. Tony rolls to the outside, and Oba follows, adjusting the announce table. Oba tries for a powerbomb, but Tony lands on his feet and counters with a spinebuster, driving Oba through the table.

Both men return to the ring, where Tony hits another spinebuster, but Oba kicks out at two. Oba attempts a chokeslam, but Tony counters with a sunset flip and manages to pin Oba for the three count.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo (new NXT North American Champion)

After the match, we get a recap of Lola Vice and Jaida Parker fighting in the locker room after their match.

Lola approaches Ava Raine, telling her she wants Jaida in the ring. Ava responds, saying Jaida wants the same and promises to work it out. Nikkita Lyons then appears, expressing how grateful she is to be back. She tells Ava that they need to talk, while suggesting Lola finds something else to do. Lola warns Nikkita to be careful, or she’ll put her back on the shelf. Ava steps in and says she already knows who Nikkita’s first opponent will be.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Axiom and Austin Theory kick things off with Axiom locking in a side headlock, but Theory powers out with a shoulder tackle. Theory gets cocky, pie-facing Axiom, who quickly retaliates with a sharp chop. Axiom fires up with a dropkick, and then Frazer tags in. Axiom applies an Octopus hold while Frazer lands a rapid-fire running boot to Theory’s head.

Frazer continues the momentum with a chop before floating over on an Irish whip. He follows up with a series of arm drags, transitioning into an arm bar. Theory responds with a double thrust to Frazer’s throat. He lifts Frazer off the mat, and Frazer impressively lands on his feet in a Seth Rollins-style move, followed by a swift kick.

Frazer takes control, sending Theory out of the ring and landing a kick to Grayson Waller. Axiom joins in the action with a tornado DDT. Theory retreats to the corner, but Axiom catches him with a well-placed kick as Theory climbs the turnbuckles.

When Axiom goes for a Spanish Fly, Waller grabs Theory to save him. Theory takes advantage of the distraction, clotheslining Axiom after crotching him on the top rope.

We head to commercial.

We return from commercial to see Axiom hit Waller with a head scissors. As Axiom attempts to make the tag, Theory yanks Frazer off the apron, preventing it. Waller follows up with a punch to Axiom before tagging in Theory, and they connect with a double forearm, earning a near fall.

Frazer tries to get back into the action, landing a forearm on Waller while Theory positions Axiom on the turnbuckles. Theory sets up for a superplex, but Axiom blocks it, firing off forearms and kicking Theory back to the mat. Axiom follows with a splash, tagging Frazer in, who immediately hits a springboard dropkick. Frazer flips over Theory and nails him with a flying forearm.

Frazer goes for a suplex, but Theory manages to land on his feet. Frazer counters with a springboard moonsault into a reverse DDT for a near fall.

Frazer follows up with a pescado onto Waller outside, and Axiom signals for the tag. Frazer attempts a shooting star press, but Theory gets his knees up just in time, leading to a near fall. Frazer responds with an enzuigiri, but Waller pulls Axiom off the apron to prevent the tag again. Theory capitalizes with Ataxia, but Frazer kicks out at two.

Waller tags in, and they attempt a double belly-to-back suplex, but Frazer lands on his feet and tags in Axiom. Axiom charges in with a missile dropkick, while Frazer hits a leg sweep, leading to a near fall for Axiom.

Frazer attempts another pescado to the outside, but Theory cuts him off with a forearm. Back in the ring, Axiom nails Waller with a forearm and locks in a rear naked choke. At the same time, Frazer applies a guillotine on Theory, but Theory powers through, lifting Frazer and dropping him onto Axiom to break the hold.

Frazer delivers a kick to Waller, followed by Axiom nearly securing a pinfall. Waller and Theory come close to colliding, but Axiom takes advantage, hitting Theory with the Golden Ratio. Axiom follows up with a Destroyer on Waller.

Frazer tags in, and they set up their next move, with Axiom hitting a Spanish Fly. Frazer then seals the victory with a stunning Phoenix Splash, earning the three count.

Winners: Nathan Frazer and Axiom (retain championship)

Ridge Holland is backstage with Sarah for an interview. Ridge confidently declares that he would run through everyone in his way, and that’s exactly what he did. He adds that those who crossed him paid the price for their mediocrity.

Suddenly, Riley Osborne ambushes Ridge, leading to a heated brawl as officials rush in to separate them.

In the ring, Sexyy Red is set to perform, but she is interrupted by Ethan Page.

Red calls out Ethan for having an attitude problem. Page cuts her off, saying her performance is canceled. He adds that this is the consequence for interrupting him on Raw last week. Page vents his frustrations, saying things have completely fallen apart in just one week. Wes Lee thinks he’s the number one contender, Ava is out to ruin his life, and Je’Von Evans believes he deserves to face Randy Orton. But in reality, Ethan Page claims he should be the one defending his title against Randy Orton.

Je’Von Evans makes his entrance, heading straight to the ring. Page, unbothered, says he doesn’t care that Evans is facing Randy Orton. As Ethan Page steps toward Evans, Evans retaliates with a punch, sending Page over the top rope and out of the ring.

We head to a commercial. We return with a video package promoting Delta.

The following week promises to be action-packed: the Halloween Havoc wheel makes its return, Tony D’Angelo will hold a championship celebration, Lola Vice is set to face Nikkita Lyons, and Stephanie Vaquer will take on Wren Sinclair.

Je’Von Evans vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton exchanging some words with Evans before they lock up. Orton takes control early with a side headlock. Evans tries for a dropkick, but Orton sidesteps it effortlessly. They lock up again, and Orton transitions into a wrist lock. Orton sends Evans into the ropes with an Irish whip, but Evans slides to the apron and slingshots back into the ring, skillfully avoiding Orton.

They lock up once more, and Orton applies another side headlock. Evans tries to surprise Orton with a springboard cutter, but Orton expertly dodges it, moving out of the way with a quickness that reminds the crowd of Samoan agility. Orton adds insult to injury by patting Evans on the head during a break. Orton blocks a kick attempt, but Evans quickly recovers with a second kick and follows up with a dropkick, sending Orton rolling to the floor.

We head to a commercial break.

We return from commercial, and Je’Von Evans is sent to the floor, with Randy Orton in pursuit. Orton sets up for a back drop driver onto the announce table, but Evans manages to land on the table and leap over Orton, returning to the apron to land a kick. Evans follows up with a suicide dive, but Orton catches him mid-air and delivers a back drop driver onto the announce table. Not finished yet, Orton delivers another back drop driver, and then a third, making Evans bounce painfully off the table. Orton dishes out one more brutal back drop driver to Evans for good measure.

Orton rolls Evans back into the ring and hits him with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Evans slides under the ropes on another Irish whip attempt and counters with a springboard clothesline, followed by a series of chops. Orton tries to whip Evans into the corner, but Evans floats over and lands a rebound roundhouse kick. When Evans goes for a springboard cutter, Orton catches him and counters with a powerslam for a near fall.

Orton then drags Evans onto the apron and sets up for his signature IEDDT, connecting with precision. With the crowd buzzing, Orton drops to the mat and coils, signaling for the RKO. Just as he’s about to strike, Evans counters with a sudden superkick, dropping Orton to the mat.

Evans capitalizes with his double-jump cutter for a near fall, but Orton kicks out at the last moment. Evans tries to finish things off with another double-jump twisting senton, but Orton dodges at the last second. As Evans gets to his feet, Orton strikes with a perfectly timed RKO, pinning Evans for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, Randy Orton shows a sign of respect by helping Je’Von Evans to his feet and raising his hand, acknowledging Evans’ efforts in the hard-fought bout.

Backstage, Ava is seen with Ethan Page and Wes Lee. She lays down the challenge: if Ethan wants a shot at the title, he’s going to have to earn it. Wes is told the same. Ava announces that the winner of their match next week will go on to face Trick Williams at Halloween Havoc for the NXT Championship. But in a twist, Ava adds Je’Von Evans to the match, turning it into a high-stakes triple threat.

The screen fades as we go to credits.

Tags: WWE Featured
Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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