It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The 5th Anniversary episode of AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 2, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (10/2/2024):

  • AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. Ricochet
  • AEW World Championship vs. AEW Continental Championship Match (AEW Continental Championship only at stake for the first 20 minutes): AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. The Elite’s AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada
  • Singles Match: “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Bang Bang Gang’s Juice Robinson
  • Singles Match: “The Professor” Serena Deeb vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
  • MVP has an announcement

AEW Dynamite Results (10/2/2024):

The show opens up with a cinematic video featuring Jon Moxley, AEW World Trios Champions “The Bastard” PAC and Claudio Castagnoli and Marina Shafir. PAC says he knows Wheeler Yuta is not a zoo creature, someone to be paraded around and a fluffy cute animal. PAC then says Yuta is a lion. Castagnoli then says he’s the same guy. Shafir then speaks briefly. Moxley then says he will win the AEW World Championship one way or another and there will be casualties. Moxley then says he will officially relieve Bryan Danielson of duty at AEW WrestleDream.

Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone then welcomes us to the show and Excalibur acknowledges the five-year anniversary of Dynamite. Excalibur also says there is news regarding Taz that they will get to.


Ricochet then makes his way down to the ring for the first match of the night as he is being introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay is shown talking with Kyle Fletcher. Don Callis and “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita then shows up. Callis tells Fletcher that they needed to talk about last week and Fletcher walks off with him. Ospreay then makes his way down to the ring for the first match of the night.

AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. Ricochet

The match starts off with both men going back and forth with each other, but Ricochet looks to hit a hurricanrana on Ospreay. Ospreay then lands on his feet, but Ricochet delivers some chops on him and follows it up with a backbreaker. Ricochet then hits a tope suicida to land on Ospreay on the outside, then follows it up with a hurricanrana off the barricade. Ospreay and Ricochet then get back in the ring and Ospreay flies off the ropes. Both men then exchange kicks and Ricochet hits a jumping knee on Ospreay. Ospreay then hits Ricochet with a standing Spanish Fly and goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet then hits an enzuigiri on Ospreay, but Ospreay responds with a cutter off the ropes. Ricochet then hits a hurricanrana on Ospreay off the top rope, but Ospreay lands on his feet. Ricochet then hits a cutter on Ospreay, then sends him crashing into the mat and follows it up with a piledriver. Ospreay then hits a modified Stunner on Ricochet, then follows it up with a hurricanrana and a Styles Clash. Ospreay then goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out.

Ospreay then hits an Os-Cutter on Ricochet and goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Ospreay then sets up for the Hidden Blade, but Ricochet avoids it and climbs to the top. Ospreay then hits a Shooting Star Press on Ricochet and goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out. Ospreay then hits a reverse hurricanrana on Ricochet, but Ricochet responds with one of his own. Ospreay then hits the Hidden Blade on Ricochet with his shoulders on the mat. The referee then clarifies that the match has been declared as a draw and Justin Roberts reveals that Tony Khan has declared that this match will continue. Ospreay and Ricochet then exchange right hands with one another and Ospreay hits Ricochet with a Hidden Blade. Konosuke Takeshita then appears in the ring and beats Ospreay down, then nails Ricochet with the Raging Fire. Takeshita then grabs the International Championship and holds it up.

The winner of the match via disqualification and still the AEW International Champion, “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

After the match, Takeshita returns to the ring and places the championship between Ricochet and Ospreay.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing NJPW Strong Women’s Champion TBS Champion Mercedes Moné. Moné sets up a video package she said she had the production crew put together for the anniversary. The video package consists of Moné highlights. Moné says the video package was amazing. Moné then says money changes everything. MVP then shows up and says, “Yes, it does.” MVP then hands Moné his business card before exiting. Moné and Kamille then both check out the card.

Excalibur then hypes up the TV Time segment coming next.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn about Juice Robinson’s match later tonight, but they were suddenly attacked by “Hangman” Adam Page with a steel chair.

“The Redwood” Big Bill is already waiting inside the ring and he introduces “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho. Jericho then makes his way down to the ring alongside “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith. Chris Jericho starts off by greeting then fans, then he credits himself for building AEW. Keith then leads the fans in a “Thank you Chris” chan and Jericho says it’s the 34th anniversary of his pro wrestling debut. Jericho then reflects on the early days of his career in Alberta, then continues crediting himself for mentoring Keith and Bill. Jericho then says it’s time for a new era of Jericho, then challenges Mark Briscoe to a match for the ROH World Championship at AEW WrestleDream.

Mark Briscoe’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring alongside the rest of The Conglomeration. Mark tells Jericho that his father taught him what it meant to be a man. Mark then says he had Jericho beat in their Tornado Tag Team Match at AEW Collision: Grand Slam last week, but Bill prevented him from winning. Mark then says for the last four decades, Jericho has been one of the most influential pro wrestlers on the planet, but he is confident he can beat him. Jericho then tells Mark he doesn’t think that he could beat him, but he thinks that Jay Briscoe could. Jericho then says everyone knows that Mark will never be as good as Jay was and Mark hits Jericho with a punch. Mark then warns Jericho against invoking his brother’s name, then accepts Jericho’s WrestleDream challenge and says what happened to Jericho was consequential.

We then see video of Darby Allin sitting at the hood of a car saying he was 19 years old, used to riding a bus, daydreaming, but one night he was hit in the head with something and guys were laughing at him. Allin then says he realized those guys were taking turns spitting at him and after doing nothing, he finally went to do something when one of the guys pulled a switchblade asking what he was going to do about it. Allin then says it looked like he was getting stabbed and he started fighting. Allin then says he views Jon Moxley as one of those guys as either you live by the sword or you die by the sword. Allin then says WrestleDream was supposed to be himself vs. Bryan Danielson, but it wasn’t meant to be. Allin then says people say he’s the future of this company, but he’s losing faith in himself. Allin then says he will be at the Tacoma Dome and issues an Open Challenge. Allin then says anyone who wants to build their name off of him should bring it as he’s got nothing left to lose.

“Hangman” Adam Page then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Juice Robinson follows.

Singles Match: “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Bang Bang Gang’s Juice Robinson

The match starts off with Page meeting Robinson on the ramp and both men begin to brawl. Robinson then nails Page with his belt, but Page grabs the belt and returns the favor to Robinson. Both men then continue to brawl through the crowd, then get back inside the ring. Robinson then hits a superplex on Page. Robinson then follows it up with a couple of elbows and a couple of chops, then delivers some right hands on Page and looks to hit him with a cannonball. Page then rolls out of the ring before Robinson can, then sends him crashing into the barricade on the outside and bouncing off the ring apron face first. Robinson then sends Page crashing into the ring apron spine first, then hits him with a cannonball that sends him crashing through the barricade. Robinson then gets Page back in the ring and looks to hit him with a crossbody off the top rope, but Page intercepts Robinson and hits him with a Fallaway Slam that sends him crashing into the bottom turnbuckle. Page then looks to hit a Deadeye on Robinson off the middle rope, but Robinson escapes and hits Page with a powerbomb. Robinson then goes for a pin, but Page kicks out. Robinson then sets up for The Juice Is Loose, but Page low blows him to avoid it and hits Robinson with the Buckshot Lariat for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “Hangman” Adam Page!

After the match, Page takes off his cowboy buckle belt. Page then uses it to choke out Robinson, but Jay White’s music hits and he blindsides Page from behind with a clothesline. White then delivers some left and right hands on Page in the crowd, then follows it up with some chops and sends him crashing through a table set up on one of the barricades. White then helps Robinson to his feet and to the back.

We then see Renee Paquette standing in the parking area. AEW TNT Champion Jack Perry arrives in his bus. Katsuyori Shibata then approaches Perry and challenges him to a TNT Championship Match at WrestleDream through his phone translator. Perry says he will think about it and starts to walk way. Perry then turns around and attacks Shibata, then accepts the match.

Excalibur then hypes up the main event.

We then see AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson standing in the backstage area. Danielson says he has had one sentence running through his head all day long and that is f*** Jon Moxley. Danielson then says the belt doesn’t belong to him or Moxley, it belongs to AEW. Danielson then says it’s been five years and they’ve broken the entire system that wrestling was built on. Danielson then says AEW is where the best wrestle and that’s why he challenged Kazuchika Okada. Danielson then says they will find out who the best is. Danielson then says AEW this is for you.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. then makes her way down to the ring through the crowd for the next match of the night and “The Professor” Serena Deeb follows.

Singles Match: “The Professor” Serena Deeb vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

The match starts off with both women taking turns in locking each other in submission holds as we see Mariah May watching the action through the crowd. Deeb then cinches in a Half Boston Crab on Baker, but Baker crawls over to the bottom rope to break the hold. Deeb then hits a shoulder tackle on Baker, but Baker responds with a neckbreaker and a forearm. Deeb then hits a chop block on Baker’s knee, then follows it up with a clothesline. Baker then hits a couple of clotheslines on Deeb and follows it up with a Sling Blade. Baker then responds with a swinging neckbreaker and goes for a pin, but Deeb kicks out. Baker then puts on her signature glove, but Deeb hits her with a Dragon Screw as she continues wearing down her injured knee. Deeb then hits a powerbomb and a submission on Baker’s injured knee, but Baker escapes and nails Deeb with a back elbow. Deeb then hits a German suplex on Baker, but Baker responds with a superkick under her jaw. Baker then goes for the pin, but Deeb reverses the fall. Baker then kicks out and Deeb looks to lock in another submission to wear down her injured knee. Baker then sends Deeb crashing into the corner, but Deeb climbs to the top and Baker meets her up there. Baker then hits an Air Raid Crash on Deeb off the middle rope and pins her, but Deeb kicks out. Deeb then goes for the pin, but Baker kicks out and cinches in the Lock Jaw to make Deeb tap out.

The winner of the Singles Match, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

After the match, Deeb nails Baker from behind and locks in a Half Boston Crab on her. Queen Aminata’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Aminata delivers some right hands on Deeb, but Deeb slides out of the ring and Aminata checks on Baker. Aminata then helps Baker up and raises her hand.

HOOK is then interviewed by Renee Paquette in the backstage area. Paquette asks HOOK about what happened to Taz. HOOK is clearly upset and says he will find who did it and that he is coming for that person.

“The Patriarchy” Christian Cage then cuts a promo and boasts that he is the next AEW World Champion and everyone’s father figure. Christian then says he will soon have it all.

We then see Renee Paquette interview AEW Women’s World Champion “The Glamour” Mariah May. Paquette brings up her recent challengers and May says Willow Nightingale is failing up and somehow gets a title shot after losing over and over. Nightingale then shows up and calls May a shady b***h as both women start arguing until May pie-faces Nightingale. Security then shows up with Christopher Daniels, who holds Nightingale back saying not to do things here.

Private Party then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Iron Savages are already waiting inside.

Tag Team Match: Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. Iron Savages (Bronson and Boulder)

The match starts off with Bronson and Kassidy. Kassidy hits a dropkick on Bronson. Boulder then tags in and Private Party hits a double dropkick on him. Boulder then stays standing on his feet as we see Stokely Hathaway watching the action from backstage. Private Party then hits the Gin and Juice on Boulder for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)!

After the match, Private Party calls out The Young Bucks and challenges them to an AEW World Tag Team Championship Match. The Young Bucks’ music then hits and they appear, agreeing to Private Party’s challenge. Matthew Jackson then says The Bucks will be backing down due to having limited dates and Jack Perry appears out of nowhere. Perry then attacks Private Party and Matthew joins in, but Katsuyori Shibata’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring to even the odds. Christopher Daniels’ music then hits and he makes his way out to announce a 6-Man Tag Team Match between The Elite vs. Private Party and Shibata on AEW Rampage this coming Friday.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing MVP as MVP looks to make an announcement. Prince Nana then interrupts and confronts MVP about what happened between them last week, but MVP introduces Shelton Benjamin to the fans and announces that he handles all complaints. MVP then says Benjamin is his business partner and the president of their complaint department. Benjamin then takes Nana’s coffee cup, takes a sip and tells Nana that it was a pretty good coffee and walks off with MVP.

We then get a brief Brodie Lee video package and Excalibur hypes up the main event as the next match of the night.

AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada then makes his way down to the ring for the main event and AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson follows.

AEW World Championship vs. AEW Continental Championship Match (AEW Continental Championship only at stake for the first 20 minutes): AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. The Elite’s AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada

The match starts off with both men staring each other down. Both men then lock up and Danielson hits Okada with a kick. Okada then sends Danielson crashing into the corner. Danielson then delivers some right hands on Okada, then dropkicks him. Okada then responds with a Flapjack and a strike on Danielson in the corner, but Okada hits Danielson with an elbow. Danielson then hits an uppercut on Okada, then climbs to the top rope and looks to hit a diving headbutt. Okada then rolls out of the way, then hits a DDT on Danielson and goes for a pin. Danielson then kicks out and Okada places him on the top rope, then dropkicks him out of the ring and sends him crashing into two of the barricades shoulder first. Okada then hits a boot that sends Danielson crashing into the crowd, but Danielson responds with a couple of knees on Okada and sends him back in the ring. Danielson then climbs to the top rope and hits a dropkick on Okada that sends him back out of the ring, then follows it up with a tope suicida to land on him. Danielson then sends Okada back in the ring, then hits him with a dropkick on his spine off the top and follows it up with a series of kicks. Okada then rolls Danielson up, but Danielson kicks out. Okada and Danielson then each take a turn unsuccessfully pinning one another, then exchange slaps with each other before Okada hits an elbow drop on Danielson off the top rope.

Okada then looks to hit the Rainmaker on Danielson, but Danielson locks in a Guillotine. Danielson then transitions into the LeBell Lock and the Cattle Mutilation, but Okada gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Danielson then hits the Busaiku Knee on Okada and looks to pin him, but Okada rolls out of the ring before Danielson can. Okada and Danielson then begin brawling on the outside and Okada hits Danielson with a Tombstone. Danielson then delivers some chops on Okada in the corner. Danielson then hits a kick on Okada’s tricep, then nails him with a suplex and a kick on his head. Danielson then delivers some stomps on Okada and gets the crowd hyped up, then sets up for the Busaiku Knee. Okada then sees it coming and nails Danielson, then exchanges right hands with Danielson. Okada then nails Danielson with a boot, then hits him with a running boot and goes for a pin. Danielson then kicks out and hits the Rainmaker on Okada, then goes for a pin but Okada kicks out. Danielson then hits the Hammer and Anvil elbows on Okada, but Okada sends Danielson crashing into the mat and nails him with a clothesline. Claudio Castagnoli and PAC then appear in the crowd as Danielson rolls up Okada for the win.

The winner and still the AEW World Champion, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

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Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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