It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The CW debut episode of WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the October 1, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (10/1/2024):

  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions “The EST Of WWE” Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair will appear
  • WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match: “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia
  • WWE NXT Championship Match (CM Punk will serve as the Special Guest Referee): “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams
  • Street Fight: Wes Lee vs. TNA star The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz
  • MizTV with WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi and The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo
  • Tag Team Match: Jaida Parker and Lola Vice vs. two members of Fatal Influence

WWE NXT Results (10/1/2024):

The show opens up with Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcoming us. WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Shawn Michaels welcomes the fans to the CW premiere of NXT, then says there can’t be a new version of NXT without new NXT Championship and NXT Women’s Championship belts. A voice then asks Michaels if he’s ready and he reveals himself to be Triple H. Triple H and Shawn Michaels then ask the fans if they’re ready before Giulia and WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez make their way down to the ring for the first match of the night.


WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match: “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Giulia

The match starts off with both women taking turns in locking each other in submission holds, but Giulia sends Perez crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Perez then reverses the fall and both women continue taking turns pinning each other. Giulia then nails Perez with a headbutt and looks to send her crashing into the mat, but Perez escapes and sets up for the Pop Rox. Giulia then avoids Perez’s finisher. Perez then wears Giulia down with a submission hold. Giulia then powers up to her feet, but Perez nails her with a forearm and gets in her face. Perez then shoves Giulia’s face, but Giulia returns the favor and delivers some headbutts on Perez. Giulia then hits a forearm on Perez, then follows it up with a suplex and more forearms. Perez then flies through the ropes to land on Giulia on the outside, then sends her back in the ring. Giulia then hits a superplex on Perez and looks to lock in a submission, but Perez counters into a pinfall. Giulia then kicks out, but Perez locks in a crossface on her. Giulia then reverses into a crossface of her own, but Perez makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Perez then hits a shoulder on Giulia’s midsection through the middle rope from the apron, but Giulia responds with a suplex. Perez then hits a kick on Giulia’s midsection, then sets up for the Pop Rox. Giulia then avoids it once again, but Perez nails a kick on her midsection and hits the Pop Rox. Giulia then rolls out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Giulia then sends Perez crashing into the floor and the referee begins a ten count. Both women then beat it and Perez grabs the NXT Women’s Championship. The referee then stops her and a hooded figure drags Giulia out of the ring as he is being distracted by Perez. They then hit a DDT on Giulia on the outside and send her back in the ring, where Perez is waiting with the Pop Rox for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s Champion, “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez!

After the match, the hooded figure takes off their hood to reveal themselves as none other than the returning Cora Jade and that causes Perez to smile and raise her eyebrow.

We then get shots of CM Punk, Trick Williams and WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page arriving to the Allstate Arena.

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz in a Street Fight is then hyped as the next match of the night.

We then head to the back, where WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer are shown simulating their match against A-Town Down Under on the Playstation 5 console. Both men then end up bickering with each other. Frazer then loses his temper and throws the controller on the ground, but then was all smiles and asking for a rematch.

We then see NXT General Manager Ava having a conversation with CM Punk. Lexis King then interrupts and asks if he can talk to Punk. Punk says he respects King’s dad and is willing to help out King. King then says he’s trying to be different and his own man. King then brings up Oro Mensah picking up a dirty win last week. Punk then says next time King faces Oro, he can try to win at all costs or fight against his genes. King then thanks Punk for his advice.

Vic Joseph then sends us to a hype video package on Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz and we get the entrances of the next match of the night.

We head to the back before the next match of the night begins and we see Jaida Parker and Lola Vice warming up for their tag match. Both women bicker and WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan shows up and tries to convince them they need each other. Parker and Vice then storm off and Jordan says she has another plan.

Street Fight: Wes Lee vs. TNA star The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz

The match starts off with Lee wasting no time in going after Wentz. Wentz then responds with a tope suicida, then sends Lee crashing into the cart he brought to the ring full of weapons. Wentz then grabs the cart and uses it to sandwich Lee between it and the ring steps. Wentz then sends Lee back in the ring, then grabs a piece of plywood board from under the ring. Lee then flies out of the ring and nails Wentz using the plywood board, then sends a bunch of chairs in the ring and grabs a kendo stick. Lee then repeatedly nails it across Wentz’s spine, but Wentz responds with a superkick. Wentz then grabs a chair and hits Lee with it twice across his spine, but Wentz locks in a sleeper on Lee and sends him crashing through a piece of plywood set up on four chairs. Wentz then hits a Coast To Coast on Lee using a garbage can, then goes for a pin but Lee kicks out. Lee then dropkicks Wentz into a chair set up in the corner, but Wentz sends him crashing into a chair set up in the ropes face first. Wentz then places a garbage can in the ring, then grabs a kendo stick and blasts it across Lee’s spine. Wentz then places the garbage can on Lee’s head and hits him with the kendo stick repeatedly, then hits him with a double stomp. Wentz then climbs to the top and flies off the top rope to flatten the garbage can on Lee’s head. Wentz then goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Wentz then looks to fly off the ropes, but Lee sends him crashing on top of a table set up on the outside. Lee then places Wentz on a chair and climbs up the ropes, then wraps a chain around his knees and hits Wentz with a meteora for the win.

The winner of the Street Fight, Wes Lee!

The Miz is then shown making his way down to the ring from the backstage area.

We then see The Miz already waiting in the ring and he welcomes the fans to MizTV, then introduces WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi and “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo and both men make their way down to the ring.

The Miz starts off by asking D’Angelo what will make his rematch against Femi for the NXT North American Championship different after admitting to being afraid to face Femi. D’Angelo says there’s a reason that Femi is the most dominant NXT North American Champion of all time, then expresses his confidence in dethroning Femi next week. Miz then asks Femi for his response to what D’Angelo just said and Femi says D’Angelo doesn’t believe a word of what he just said. Femi then says D’Angelo has been successful in NXT, but a man like D’Angelo has a ceiling. Femi then says D’Angelo can never be NXT North American Champion because the title is his. D’Angelo then says he grew up on the streets of Chicago having lived 20 minutes away and he has family in the back and in the crowd. Femi then says his family can’t fight for him because it’ll be just the two of them in the ring next week. Femi then reminds D’Angelo that he beat him in their NXT North American Championship match at No Mercy. Femi and D’Angelo then stand up and stare each other down. Femi then tells D’Angelo that he’s inevitable and Miz promotes their upcoming NXT North American Championship match for next week one last time.

We then get a replay of Cora Jade costing Giulia the WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match that kicked off the show.

We then head to the back, where Cora Jade tells Roxanne Perez that she likes the woman she has become and Perez responds by telling Jade that a common enemy may be just the thing they need to come together.

Jaida Parker and Lola Vice then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night. Fatal Influence then follows and WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan joins the announce desk.

Tag Team Match: Jaida Parker and Lola Vice vs. Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley)

The match starts off with Jaida Parker and Jacy Jayne. Both women slap each other, but Vice tags in and hits a Scissor Kick on Jayne from the apron. Fallon Henley and Parker then tag in and Parker sends Henley into the corner. Parker then hits a chop on Henley’s chest, then sends her and Jayne crashing into the mat in the corner and tags in Vice. Vice then hits a Hip Attack on both Henley and Jayne in the corner, then delivers some right and left hands on Henley in the corner. Parker then tags in and delivers some shoulders on Henley’s midsection. Vice then tags back in and delivers more right and left hands on Henley. Parker then tags back in and hits a couple of shoulder tackles on Henley. Henley then nails Parker and Vice with forearms, then follows it up with a jawbreaker on Parker. Vice then nails Jayne with a kick, but Parker gets in her face. Henley then nails Parker from behind. Jayne then hits a kick on Vice’s head and follows it up with a cannonball in the corner. Henley then tags in, but Vice hits a right hand on her. Henley then returns the favor and both women continue exchanging them. Parker then storms to the back as Vice delivers a series of kicks on Jayne and Henley. Jayne then nails Vice with a right hand, then tags in Henley. Henley and Jayne then hit a dropkick-running knee combination for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Fatal Influence (Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley)!

After the match, Fatal Influence call Kelani Jordan into the ring. Jordan says she had a feeling this would happen, but she didn’t come alone. Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair’s music then hit and they make their way down to the ring. Cargill and Belair then nail Henley and Jayne and Jordan hits them with a dropkick that sends them crashing out of the ring.

Vic Joseph then hypes a Je’von Evans promo coming up next, where he’ll talk about his one-on-one match against Randy Orton next week.

We then get a promo from Je’von Evans. Evans talks about how fun it was to have Randy Orton call him out. Evans then says Randy is one of the original G’s. Evans then says he’s happy to face one of his idols. We then see Randy Orton talking about how Evans might be the next him. Evans then talks about how he’s coming for one of his idols and will have to take Orton down.

Vic Joseph then plugs Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo, Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill and Kelani Jordan vs. Fatal Influence and Je’von Evans vs. Randy Orton for next week’s NXT.

We then get a hype video package on Ethan Page vs. Trick Williams.

“The Best In The World” CM Punk then makes his way down to the ring for the main event and Trick Williams and WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page follows.

WWE NXT Championship Match (CM Punk will serve as the Special Guest Referee): “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. Trick Williams

The match starts off with Page rolling up Williams, but Williams kicks out. Page then gets in Punk’s face and tells him to count faster, then locks up with Williams again. Williams then looks to hit a closed fist right hand on Page, but Punk stops him. Page then takes advantage and rolls up Williams, but Punk catches his feet on the ropes and stops his count. Page then hits a boot on Williams, but Williams dropkicks Page out of the ring through the ropes. Page then sends Williams through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. Page then delivers some right hands on Williams and hits him with a boot on the side of his jaw. Page then looks to hit another one, but Williams catches it. Page then responds with a DDT and goes for a pin, but Williams kicks out. Williams then hits a boot on Page’s face that sends him crashing out of the ring, but Page sends Williams crashing into the ring steps face first and hits him with an Ego’s Edge through the announce desk. Williams and Page then deliver right hands on one another and Page nails Williams with a couple of kicks. Williams then hits a pop-up right hand on Page, then sends him crashing into the mat and follows it up with a uranage. Page then hits a right hand on Williams, then sets up for then Ego’s Edge. Williams then escapes and hits the Trick Shot on Page for the win.

The winner and new WWE NXT Champion, Trick Williams!

After the match, confetti rains down from the ceiling as Williams celebrates becoming a two time NXT Champion. Punk then hits a GTS on Page and Williams continues celebrating as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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