Mercedes Mone has made a significant impact on the world of professional wrestling, breaking barriers during her time in WWE and continuing to push the envelope after leaving the company. Now, as a top star in AEW, Mone has made her self-worth a focal point of her journey, both in and out of the ring.

Appearing on The Breakfast Club, Mone responded to questions about being the highest-paid woman in wrestling, acknowledging that while she isn’t sure of other women’s earnings, she believes she’s earned her spot at the top.

“I hope so. I would like to think so,” Mone said. “I don’t know other people’s bank accounts, but I like that title. I definitely want to make more money.”

Mone emphasized that her current pay reflects her worth and the hard work she’s put into her career. “I am [getting what I deserve]. I don’t even want to say it’s crazy, it’s just beautifully deserved and earned, and it’s something that I worked so hard for for such a long time.”


Her comments shed light on the larger conversation around pay equity, particularly for women in professional wrestling. Mone’s journey, from headlining WrestleMania to commanding what she feels is fair compensation in AEW, reflects her commitment to empowering other women in the industry.

“I want women to work for [what they deserve]. I finally got something that, as women, we’re like no, you can’t even see those numbers, you can’t even talk about those numbers. You can’t even walk into the room and ask for a raise or ask for a bonus or anything.”

Mercedes Mone’s focus on self-worth and fair compensation has set an example for future generations of women in wrestling. As she continues to trailblaze in AEW, her story is a testament to the power of knowing your value and demanding what you’ve earned.

What are your thoughts on Mercedes Mone’s stance on pay equity in wrestling? Do you think she’s helping pave the way for future female wrestlers to earn what they deserve? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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