It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the September 25, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam Lineup (9/25/2024):

  • Singles Match (If Bryan Is Cleared To Wrestle): Blackpool Combat Club’s AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness
  • Singles Match (Darby’s Shot At The AEW World Championship Will Be On The Line): Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Elite’s The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay and Don Callis Family’s “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “The Glamour” Mariah May (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki
  • FTW Championship Match: “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” HOOK (c) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong
  • Prince Nana will provide an update on Swerve Strickland

AEW Dynamite: Grand Slam Results (9/25/2024):

The show opens up with Nigel McGuinness making his way down to the ring for the first match of the night as Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross welcomes us. Ring announcer Justin Roberts then introduces Nigel McGuinness as he was making his entrance.

AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson’s music then plays, but he doesn’t come out. McGuinness then takes some shots on Danielson and demands that referee Paul Turner count out Danielson. Turner then starts his count, but The Final Countdown plays and Danielson makes his way down to the ring.


Singles Match (If Bryan Is Cleared To Wrestle): Blackpool Combat Club’s AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness

The match starts off with McGuinness hitting Danielson with an uppercut and Danielson responds with a kick on McGuinness’ spine. McGuinness then delivers some strikes on Danielson and both men exchange uppercuts with one another before Danielson hits a kick on McGuinness’ leg. Danielson then delivers some right and left hands on McGuinness and McGuinness returns the favor. Danielson then cinches in the LeBell Lock on McGuinness, but McGuinness gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. McGuinness then sends Danielson out of the ring and sends him crashing into the ring steps, then sets up the ring steps on their side. McGuinness then sends Danielson crashing into them and uses them to target his arm. Danielson then sends McGuinness crashing into the ring post, but McGuinness sends Danielson back inside the ring and wears his arm down with a submission. Danielson then hits a suplex on McGuinness and climbs to the top, but McGuinness pushes Danielson off and hits him with the Busaiku Knee. Danielson then delivers some kicks on McGuinness’ chest, but McGuinness continues wearing down Danielson’s arm and hits him with a rebound clothesline. Danielson then hits a series of kicks on McGuinness’ head, but McGuinness delivers the Hammer and Anvil elbows on Danielson and follows it up with a neckbreaker. Danielson then delivers the Hammer and Anvil elbows on McGuinness and both men exchange chops and kicks with one another. McGuinness then hits Danielson with a knee, but Danielson cinches in the LeBell Lock on McGuinness and McGuinness taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, Christian Cage’s music hits and he makes his way out with the contract for an AEW World Championship Match in hand. Cage looks to cash it in, but Kip Sabian sneaks up behind Cage and takes his pen from him before Cage can sign it. Cage then chases Sabian backstage and then comes face to face with PAC and Claudio Castagnoli. Cage then stops in his tracks and runs past them to go after Sabian.

Excalibur then hypes Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley as the main event and says HOOK vs. Roderick Strong for the FTW Title is up next.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is an FTW Championship Match.

FTW Championship Match: “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” HOOK (c) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong

The match starts off with HOOK wearing Strong down with a submission hold, but Taven and Bennett pull Strong out of the ring. HOOK then follows Strong out there and hits a knee on him, then delivers some right hands on him. Strong then sends HOOK crashing into the barricade, then grabs a kendo stick. HOOK then takes the kendo stick from Strong and hits Taven and Bennett with it. HOOK then uses it to hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Strong into the barricade, but Strong gets HOOK up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the ring post. HOOK then sends Strong crashing into the mat and deliver some strikes on him in the ring. Taven then slides a chair in the ring to Strong and Strong sets it up in the corner. Strong then sends HOOK crashing into it, then hits him with a knee and sends HOOK crashing into the mat face first. Strong then sets up two chairs in the ring, but HOOK sends Strong crashing through it with a hip toss. Strong then gets HOOK up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the chair midsection first before hitting a running knee. HOOK then cinches in the Redrum on Strong and Strong taps out.

The winner and still the FTW Champion, “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” HOOK!

After the match, Strong offers his hand to HOOK. HOOK then shakes it and both men hug each other. Tony Schiavone then catches up with HOOK and HOOK says that all good things must come to and end. HOOK then announces that he is officially retiring the FTW Championship. HOOK then hands it over to Taz and hugs his father.

We then get a drone shot of the stadium area and the entrances of the next match of the night, which is an AEW World Tag Team Championship Match.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: The Elite’s The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay and Don Callis Family’s “The Protostar” Kyle Fletcher

The match starts off with Nicholas Jackson and Will Ospreay. Matthew tags in and double teams on Ospreay with Nicholas, but Fletcher tags in. Fletcher and Ospreay then hits a double arm drag on Nicholas and both men hit moonsaults off the top on Matthew and Nicholas. Ospreay then tags in and delivers a right hand off the top rope on Matthew. Ospreay then sets up for the Hidden Blade on Nicholas, but Nicholas sees him coming and tags in Matthew. Matthew then hits an assisted Sliced Bread with Nicholas on Ospreay before Nicholas tags in and The Bucks set up for the EVP Trigger on Ospreay. Ospreay then sees it coming and hits a double Os-Cutter on The Bucks. Fletcher then tags in and nails The Bucks with a double clothesline, then sets up for a powerbomb on Nicholas. Nicholas then counters into a hurricanrana, but Ospreay hits a 450 Splash on him off the top. Matthew then hits Ospreay with a Canadian Destroyer, but Ospreay quickly recovers and hits a Hidden Blade on Matthew. Fletcher then exchanges right hands with Nicholas and runs the ropes, but Matthew trips him and Nicholas hits Fletcher with a hurricanrana off the apron. The Bucks then hit the TK Driver on Fletcher on the apron.

Ospreay and Fletcher then hit The Bucks with a double Styles Clash. Ospreay then tags in and hits the Hidden Blade on Matthew, then sends him crashing into the mat and goes for a pin, but Nicholas breaks the fall. Nicholas then hits a Bulldog on Fletcher and Matthew gets him up on his shoulders as Nicholas climbs to the top. The Bucks then set up for the TK Driver, but Ospreay hits Nicholas with a Bulldog and climbs to the top before hitting an assisted piledriver on Matthew. Fletcher then hits a Brainbuster on Matthew off the top that sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle. Don Callis then appears at ringside and hands Fletcher a screwdriver before distracting the referee. Fletcher then considers using the screwdriver, but Ospreay stops Fletcher from using it. Nicholas then hits Fletcher with one of the AEW World Tag Team Championship belts, then hits him with the EVP Trigger with Matthew for the win.

The winners and still the AEW World Tag Team Champions, The Elite’s The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson)!

After the match, Ospreay and Fletcher exchange a tense look with one another.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly and Rocky “Azucar” Romero. Cassidy hands Romero a Conglomeration t-shirt and invites him to join the faction. Briscoe then plugs the new Conglomeration t-shirt and says he wore a Dem Boys shirt because they were only five miles away from where the last Briscoe Brothers match was held. Briscoe then says the world of the day was vociferous. Briscoe then closes with his crazy rant.

Tony Schiavone is on the stage and he introduces Prince Nana and Nana makes his way out. Schiavone asks Nana how Swerve Strickland is doing after losing the AEW World Championship to Bryan Danielson and facing “Hangman” Adam Page in a Lights Out Steel Cage Match and Nana reveals that while Strickland is fighting hard everyday, he isn’t cleared to compete. MVP then appears and apologizes to Schiavone, then says Strickland’s run as AEW World Champion will be studied for generations. MVP then says he saw Strickland’s loss at All In and his childhood home burned down by Page. MVP then says Strickland’s recent shortcomings are due to Nana. MVP then hands over his business card to Nana and tells him to pass it along to Strickland. Nana then shakes his head in disgust and looks at the card.

We then get video footage of AEW TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry driving his bus over a New York bridge. Excalibur says the bus is on its way to Queens and then questions who will accept Perry’s open challenge to a TNT Title match on Saturday’s AEW Collision.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is an AEW Women’s World Championship Match.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “The Glamour” Mariah May (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki

The match starts off with Sakazaki flying off the top rope to land on May, then sends May’s face bouncing off the ring apron a couple of times and follows it up with a 619 on her face. Sakazaki then sends May back in the ring and goes for a pin, but May kicks out. May and Sakazaki then exchange open palm strikes and May hits a dropkick on Sakazaki on the outside. May then hits a Sidewalk Slam on Sakazaki, then follows it up with a dropkick on her spine. May then nails Sakazaki with a headbutt, but Sakazaki responds with a kick on May’s head and sends her crashing into the mat. Sakazaki then looks to hit a crossbody on May off the top, but May sees her coming and hits Sakazaki with the Storm Zero for the win.

The winner and still the AEW Women’s World Champion, “The Glamour” Mariah May!

After the match, Willow Nightingale slides in the ring and stares down May. Mina Shirakawa’s music then hits and May nails Nightingale from behind with the AEW Women’s World Championship. May then celebrates with Shirakawa on the entrance ramp. Shirakawa then acts upset by what May did in the ring. Sakazaki then heads to the stage and chases off May.

Excalibur then hypes up the main event.

We then get the entrances of the main event of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match (Darby’s Shot At The AEW World Championship Will Be On The Line): Darby Allin vs. Jon Moxley

The match starts off with Moxley hitting Allin with a boot. Moxley then delivers a couple of chops on Allin in the corner, then jams Allin’s mouth into the middle rope twice and hits him with a couple of bodyslams. Moxley then stomps on Allin and sends him into the corner, but Allin traps Moxley in the ring skirt and rakes his back. Allin then hits a kick on Moxley and traps his arm in the ring post before delivering some strikes on it and hitting him with a Coffin Drop off the top rope. Shafir then stares Allin down on the top rope, opening the door for Moxley to hit a bodyslam on Allin on the apron. Shafir then takes a couple of cheap shots on Allin on the outside as Moxley distracts the referee, then wears down his arm using the ring post. Moxley then turns Allin inside out with a clothesline. Allin then responds with a jawbreaker and a dropkick off the top, then looks to send Moxley crashing into the exposed turnbuckle. Moxley then prevents Allin from doing so, but Allin hits a springboard crossbody on Moxley and wears him down with a front face lock.

Moxley then sends Allin crashing out of the ring, then exposes the concrete with Shafir. Moxley then sets up for the Death Rider on Allin, but Allin escapes and sends Moxley crashing into the ring steps. Allin then looks to hit a tope suicida on Moxley, but Moxley moves out of the way and Allin is sent crashing into the exposed concrete. Moxley then sends Allin crashing into the ring steps. Moxley and Allin then exchange open palm strikes and Allin climbs to the top and sets up for the Coffin Drop. Moxley then sees him coming and places Allin in a Sleeper, but Allin escapes. Allin and Moxley then teeter on the top rope and Allin bites Moxley, but Shafir distracts Allin, opening the door for Moxley to send Allin crashing into the mat for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Jon Moxley!

After the match, AEW World Champion “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson emerges from the crowd and chokes Moxley out. Shafir, Claudio Castagnoli and PAC then pull Danielson off Moxley and beat him down, but Private Party and Komander make their way down to the ring to even the odds. Danielson then sets up for the Busaiku Knee, but Shafir, Castagnoli and PAC pull Moxley out of the ring before Danielson can. Danielson then grabs the mic and recalls Moxley saying he wanted a war. Danielson then yells “I declare war” and says Moxley can face him at WrestleDream. Danielson then says he will kick Moxley’s f***ing head in. The Final Countdown then plays while Danielson is standing in the ring with Komander and Private Party as Moxley is at ringside with his crew. Commentary then hypes Danielson vs. Moxley for the AEW World Championship for WrestleDream. Excalibur then announces PAC, Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs. Private Party and Komander for the AEW World Trios Titles at Collision and the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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