Pro wrestling has seen a mountain of controversies over the years, and you never know where that next big headline will come from next. Cash Wheeler’s arrest certainly came out of nowhere, but that is now past him, and he’s getting quite candid about his experience.

On August 18, 2023, Wheeler was arrested in Orange County, Florida, and charged with one count of aggravated assault with a firearm, a third-degree felony. The charge stemmed from an alleged road rage incident. After an arrest warrant was issued, Wheeler posted $2,500 bail and was released from custody. The situation, however, lingered for months until May 2024, when all charges against him were officially dropped.

Cash Wheeler recently opened up about the legal ordeal that hung over his head for months in an interview on Close Up with Renee Paquette. Joined by his longtime friend and tag team partner, Dax Harwood, Wheeler reflected on the stress and uncertainty that came with his arrest and the potential impact it could have had on his wrestling career and personal life.

Cash Wheeler explained that from the moment he learned about the charges. It was a period of immense pressure, for sure. Performing on AEW television while dealing with the legal case weighed heavily on him, but he stood firm in his innocence. Through it all, he kept going, even passing a polygraph test in the process. Wheeler shared how he handled the situation, making it clear that he refused to accept any plea deal.


“It was a very rough patch. From August, when I found out about it, to May when everything finally got dismissed, as it should have been the whole time. It was a long stretch. There was a point in time where I couldn’t think about life after May because I knew everything hinged on that. That was the be-all, end-all. I told my lawyers when it happened; I would not take any sort of plea deal, I would not plead guilty to any charge. I was not guilty, and I would not take any sort of plea.”

Cash Wheeler emphasized how serious the consequences would have been had he been found guilty. Not only would his wrestling career have been in jeopardy, but he also faced the possibility of never being able to leave the country again, effectively destroying everything he had worked for in the business.

“The maximum, if the judge sees fit, is five years in prison. I knew that, but I also knew that I didn’t do it, and I was not going to sit here and be like, ‘I’ll take any charge to not go to jail.’ If I do that, AEW has to get rid of me. I can never leave the country again. Everything I ever worked for, over something that never happened.”

Wheeler went on to express his frustration with how quickly the situation escalated, despite the lack of substantial evidence against him. According to the Top Guy, the case was built solely on one individual’s statement, with no witnesses, photos, or videos to corroborate the claims.

“The way it all went about, I don’t see how it ever got that far. I didn’t find out about it until a week after the fact. They never pulled me over and found anything. They never came to my house and searched. They never had a witness, a picture, a video. All they had was one guy’s statement and that was it. I found out a week later that there was already an arrest warrant for me.”

Now that the legal issues are behind him, Cash Wheeler is focused on moving forward with his career in AEW. His story serves as a reminder that no matter how challenging the circumstances, perseverance and a commitment to truth can pave the way for a brighter future.

FTR is still going strong, and they are seemingly happy in AEW. Cash Wheeler is certainly happy to be in the ring and not in a cell, which makes him very thankful for his attorneys and fans as well.

What do you think of Cash Wheeler’s story? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share your thoughts on how his ordeal could have impacted his career.

Tags: Cash Wheeler
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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