WWE fans are eagerly anticipating Netflix’s upcoming “Mr. McMahon” series, which promises to provide an in-depth look at the eccentricities of WWE’s former chairman, Vince McMahon. September 25 can’t come soon enough for fans, and many have already subscribed to Netflix in preparation for the big docuseries. They promise to pull no punches, and Jonathan Coachman is right with them.

The series, featuring extensive interviews with McMahon himself, has generated a lot of buzz, though much of the content was reportedly gathered before the sex trafficking allegations against McMahon in January. That lawsuit is still ongoing, and fans are hoping to learn even more from the series. Janel Grant was not interviewed for the series, but the lawsuit will be a focal point.

While fans hope to gain new insights into McMahon’s complex personality, former WWE on-screen personality and occasional wrestler Jonathan Coachman didn’t hold back his thoughts on his former boss during a recent appearance on the Gabby AF podcast.

“I’ve never commented on the allegations, but I think they’re disgusting. I think they come from somewhere. And also, if you’ve never been around Vince, not only is he intimidating… you probably have more than a few friends that on a Saturday afternoon, or on a Sunday afternoon, you say, ‘Hey, the football game’s on, you wanna come over and watch it?’ Vince doesn’t have one of those people in his life. Not one. Doesn’t have a friend that’s [like], ‘Hey, you wanna go have a drink?'”


Jonathan Coachman continued by offering a harsh perspective on McMahon’s social life, pointing out that when he’s seen leaving restaurants with figures like John Cena, it’s likely because they want something from him, rather than out of genuine friendship.

“That to me is a sad existence. I don’t care how much money you have. What relationships did you leave behind? Vince has screwed up every single one of those.”

As more details emerge about McMahon through the Netflix series and interviews like Coachman’s, fans and critics alike may get a fuller picture of the man behind the WWE empire.

Ringside News is prepared to dive into the Mr. McMahon docuseries, and we will report everything that it uncovers. Keep checking back for constant updates as we get even close to the series’ big release. For more information about how to subscribe to Netflix, you can click here.

What’s your take on the upcoming Mr. McMahon docuseries? What do you expect to learn about that you didn’t already know? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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