Welcome to our live coverage of TNA Victory Road 2024, broadcasting from the Boeing Center at Tech Port in San Antonio, Texas. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 7:30 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

TNA Victory Road 2024 Matches (9/13/2024):

  • TNA World Championship Match: “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth (c) vs. The System’s Moose
  • TNA Knockouts World Championship Match: “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace (c) vs. NXT’s Wendy Choo
  • Singles Match: Joe Hendry vs. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander
  • TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) (c) vs. The System (“The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)
  • TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match (If Spitfire Lose, They Must Disband): Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)
  • TNA X-Division Championship Match: The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey
  • Tag Team Match: TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion “The French-Canadian Frankenstein” PCO and “The War Machine” Rhino vs. Deathmatch Royalty (Matt Cardona and Steph De Lander)
  • Tag Team Match: The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) vs. Fir$t Cla$$ (A.J. Francis and KC Navarro)
  • Countdown To Victory Road Singles Match: “The Time Splitter” KUSHIDA vs. Leon Slater
  • Countdown To Victory Road Tag Team Match: “The World Class Maniac” Eric Young and Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone and Jake Something

Countdown To TNA Victory Road 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show (9/13/2024):

The Countdown To TNA Victory Road 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show opens up with Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcoming us. We then get the entrances of the first match of the pre-show, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Time Splitter” KUSHIDA vs. Leon Slater

The match starts off with KUSHIDA and Slater feeling each other out and they are evenly matched early on. KUSHIDA then gains the upper hand, but Slater showcases his quickness and resets the bout. Slater then hits KUSHIDA with a handspring back elbow. Slater then hits KUSHIDA with a kick. KUSHIDA then sends Slater to the outside and dives onto Slater. KUSHIDA then targets Slater’s arm. Slater then rallies, but gets hit with a dropkick. Slater then fires up and trades shits with KUSHIDA. Slater then escapes the Hover Board Lock and sends KUSHIDA to the outside. Slater then dives onto KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA then slams Slater off the top and makes him tap out to the armbar.


The winner of the Singles Match, “The Time Splitter” KUSHIDA!

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing Josh Alexander about his upcoming match against Joe Hendry. Alexander talks about Joe Hendry being in his world when the bell sounds tonight. Alexander then says after he beats Hendry, Hendry can go back to his keyboard and write and make funny videos.

We then get a video package hyping up the TNA World Championship Match later tonight between TNA World Champion “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth vs. The System’s Moose.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the pre-show, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: “The World Class Maniac” Eric Young and Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone and Jake Something

The match starts off with both teams brawling. Hammerstone and Something then take control. Something accidentally collides with Hammerstone and Maclin rallies. Maclin then takes the fight to Hammerstone and hits him with a series of strikes. Something then runs over Maclin at ringside and gains the upper hand. Something and Hammerstone then isolate Maclin. Maclin then fires up and hits a running knee. Young then tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Young then hits a gut-wrench powerbomb. Young then keeps rolling, but Hammerstone nails him with a boot. Maclin then hits a running Spear in the corner and Young gets a two count with a diving elbow drop. Something then slams Maclin. Hammerstone then puts Maclin in the Torture Rack, but Young breaks it up. Something then hits Young with Into The Void for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Hammerstone and Jake Something!

Hannifan and Rehwoldt then hypes up the TNA Victory Road 2024 PPV and the Countdown To TNA Victory Road 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show comes to a close.

TNA Victory Road 2024 Results (9/13/2024):

TNA Victory Road 2024 opens up with a video package and we get the entrances of the first match of the PPV, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) vs. Fir$t Cla$$ (A.J. Francis and KC Navarro)

The match starts off with Jeff Hardy and KC Navarro and both men feel each other out. Jeff then gains the upper hand and The Hardys double team Navarro. Matt Hardy then maintains the upper hand. Francis then grabs Matt from behind and Navarro tries to attack Matt, but Matt sends Navarro into Francis. Navarro then takes control and grounds Matt Hardy. Francis then overpowers Matt and keeps him grounded. Matt then evades a Swanton Bomb attempt by Francis. Jeff then tags in and fires up with an offensive flurry. Francis then tags in and slams Jeff. The Hardys then hit Francis with a double suplex. Francis then hits a diving splash. Francis then goes for a double chokeslam, but The Hardys hit him with a DDT. The Hardys then clothesline Francis to the outside. Jeff then hits Navarro with a Twist of Fate. Matt then hits Navarro with a neckbreaker. The Hardys then hit a Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combination for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy)!

We then get a video package hyping up TNA’s biggest event of the year Bound For Glory, which is set to take place on Saturday, October 26th from Detroit, Michigan.

Commentary then runs down the card for tonight’s PPV and we get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a TNA X-Division Championship Match.

TNA X-Division Championship Match: The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey

The match starts off with Wentz and Bailey going back and forth early on. Wentz gains the upper hand and hits Bailey with a superkick. Wentz then dives onto Bailey at ringside. Wentz then kicks Bailey’s arm and continues to target it. Bailey then hits Wentz with a kick and dives onto him with a moonsault at ringside. Bailey then hits diving knees while Wentz is hung up on the ropes. Bailey then wrenches Wentz’s legs in a submission hold. Wentz then gets a two count with a pin attempt. Wentz then hits Bailey with a series of kicks. Bailey then hits Wentz with several more kicks. Both men then battle back and forth and both men are down. Wentz and Bailey then trade strikes. Both men then go crashing over the ropes and down to the floor on a crossbody by Wentz. Bailey then dives onto Wentz with a moonsault. Wentz then dodges a dive and nails Bailey with a knee strike. Bailey then hits Wentz with double knees in the corner. Wentz then slams Bailey head-first onto the floor at ringside. Wentz then stomps on Bailey’s back. Bailey then gets his knees up for a Swanton and nails Wentz with a kick. Bailey then gets a two count with a kick. Wentz then hits a diving cutter for a two count. Bailey then takes control and hits a Shooting Star Press on Wentz for a near fall. Bailey then hits Wentz with a kick. Wentz then dodges the Ultima Weapon and gets a two count with a pin attempt. Wentz then hits a flipping DDT. Bailey then hits Wentz with a Poison-rana. Wentz then hits Bailey with a running kick. Bailey then hits Wentz with the Flamingo Driver for the win.

The winner and new TNA X-Division Champion, “Speedball” Mike Bailey!

We then head to the back, where The System explains why Alisha Edwards has been replaced by Tasha Steelz. The System also hypes up their scheduled matches for the PPV and Moose cuts a promo on Nic Nemeth.

TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion “The French-Canadian Frankenstein” PCO, “The War Machine” Rhino, Matt Cardona and Steph De Lander then make their way down to the ring for a scheduled tag team match, but De Lander grabs a mic and starts to speak.

De Lander says her career has felt like a dream. De Lander then says she is proud to be in a TNA ring. De Lander then continues to reflect on her journey and says PCO and Cardona need to figure this out. De Lander then reveals that she needs neck surgery. De Lander then says that she has needed neck surgery for a long time, but she’s been fighting through it because she didn’t want to let anyone down. De Lander then says Cardona has been a jerk lately, but she could never forget everything they had been through. De Lander then thanks Cardona and tells PCO she found true love in TNA. De Lander then says this friction is not healthy and she needs them to figure this out without her. De Lander then says this is not a retirement speech as she has more to give to TNA, the business and the fans. De Lander then says this is not a goodbye, but an I’ll see you later. De Lander then tells the fans she loves them. De Lander then hugs PCO and they walk to the back. Cardona then kicks the ropes as Rhino is leaving. Cardona then hits Rhino with Radio Silence and leaves him laying.

We then head to the back, where TNA World Champion “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth discusses his upcoming match against The System’s Moose.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match (If Spitfire Lose, They Must Disband): Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)

The match starts off with Luna and Steelz and both women are evenly matched early on. Threat and Luna then double team Slamovich and control the action. Slamovich then hits Threat with a Brainbuster. Steelz then maintains the advantage and grounds Threat. Threat then hits Steelz with the Three Amigos. Steelz then takes control of the bout once again, but Threat keeps fighting. Luna then tags in and clears house. Luna then hits Steelz with a powerbomb and gets a two count. Luna then breaks up a pin attempt by hitting a Sliced Bread. Luna then blocks another double team. Luna and Threat then hit a double team Pressure Drop for the win.

The winners and new TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)!

After the match, Alisha Edwards berates Slamovich. Slamovich then gets in Edwards’ face and Steelz attacks Slamovich from behind. Steelz then continues to attack Slamovich and she stands tall over a fallen Slamovich with Edwards.

We then head to the back, where we see Hammerstone and Jake Something celebrate their win from earlier tonight. Hammerstone and Something then say anyone who gets in their way will suffer the same fate.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Joe Hendry vs. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander

The match starts off with Alexander and Hendry locking up and going back and forth. Alexander then gains the upper hand, but Hendry fires up and hits Alexander with a stalling suplex. Alexander then regains the advantage and puts Hendry in an ankle lock, but Hendry escapes. Alexander then hits Hendry with a German suplex. Alexander then puts Hendry in a guillotine, but Hendry suplexes his way out. Hendry then rallies and slams Alexander. Alexander then counters the Standing Ovation attempt by Hendry, but gets hit with a powerbomb. Alexander then hits Hendry with a backbreaker. Hendry then counters a C4 Spike attempt by Alexander and crotches Alexander on the ropes. Hendry then hits a Fallaway Slam on Alexander from the second rope. Hendry and Alexander then trade shots. Alexander then puts Hendry in the ankle lock, but Hendry reaches the ropes to break the submission move. Hendry then rallies once again to get back in the match. The referee then gets knocked down. Hendry then counters another C4 Spike attempt from Alexander and puts Alexander in the ankle lock. Alexander then taps out, but the referee is down. Alexander then kicks Hendry below the belt, but Hendry reveals that he was wearing a cup. Hendry then hits the Standing Ovation on Alexander and makes Alexander tap out to the ankle lock.

The winner of the Singles Match, Joe Hendry!

After the match, Hendry celebrates his huge win over Alexander.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a TNA World Tag Team Championship Match.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) (c) vs. The System (“The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)

The match starts off with ABC taking an early advantage early on and Austin grounding Myers. ABC then continue to work together and take the fight to both of their opponents. Bey then dives onto Edwards at ringside. Austin then nails Edwards with a kick. Edwards then sends Austin to the floor. Alisha then distracts Bey and Myers hits Bey with a Spear. Edwards then grounds Bey and controls the action. Myers then tags in and continues to ground Bey. Edwards and Myers then maintain the advantage. Austin then goes for the tag, but Edwards pulls him off the apron. Myers and Edwards then continue to isolate Bey. Bey then rallies and Austin tags in. Austin then clears house with a flurry of offense. Bey and Austin then keep rolling. Edwards then hits Bey with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Myers then hits Austin with a Roster Cut. Alisha then grabs Bey’s ankle. Myers then hits Bey with a Spear and Edwards follows it up with a Boston Knee Party for the win.

The winners and new TNA World Tag Team Champions, The System (“The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards)!

After the match, The System celebrate their win to once again become the TNA World Tag Team Champions.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a TNA Knockouts World Championship Match.

TNA Knockouts World Championship Match: “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace (c) vs. NXT’s Wendy Choo

The match starts off with Grace overpowering Choo early on. The match then spills to the outside and Choo attempts to hit Grace with a loaded pillow, but Grace responds with a DDT on the floor. Grace’s grandmother in the front row then takes the pillow from Choo and Grace clotheslines Choo. Choo then gains the upper hand and she continues to control the action. Grace then rallies and slams her way out of a sleeper hold. Grace then keeps rolling with a flurry of offense. Grace then slams Choo for a two count. Choo then hits a belly-to-belly suplex and a brainbuster on Grace. Choo then evades the Juggernaut Driver from Grace, but gets suplexed. Choo then locks in a sleeper, but Grace reaches the ropes to break up the hold. Choo then suplexes Grace and slams her. Choo then puts Grace in a sleeper hold once again, but Grace fires up and hits the Juggernaut Driver on Choo for the win.

The winner and still the TNA Knockouts World Champion, “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace!

After the match, Jordynne Grace celebrates her big win in front of her family in attendance, but Rosemary suddenly appears and spears Grace. Choo then puts the sleeper hold once again on Grace. Choo puts Grace to sleep and both Choo and Rosemary stand tall over Grace. Choo and Rosemary then crawl out of the ring and head to the back.

We then head to the back, where we see Santino Marella having a conversation with his daughter and the NXT/TNA liaison Arianna Grace. Santino says he is super excited to see Grace and he really likes Grace. Santino then says he is excited to work with Grace, but he won’t tolerate any shenanigans or monkey business.

Self-proclaimed “King Of TNA” Frankie Kazarian then joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary for the main event of the night and we get a video package and the entrances of the TNA World Championship Match.

TNA World Championship Match: “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth (c) vs. The System’s Moose

The match starts off with Moose and Nemeth battling it out. Nemeth then gains the upper hand, but Moose powerbombs him. Moose then overpowers Nemeth and controls the action. Nemeth then tries to rally, but Moose hits him with a dropkick. Nemeth then slams Moose onto the entrance ramp. Moose then takes control again as he maintains the power advantage. Moose then grounds Nemeth, but Nemeth rallies and hits Moose with a hurricanrana onto the floor. Moose then slams Nemeth onto the apron. Nemeth then delivers some strikes on Moose. Nemeth then clotheslines Moose over the ropes. Nemeth then hits Moose with a German suplex onto the floor. Moose then powerbombs Nemeth through a table at ringside. Nemeth then evades a Spear and gets a two count with a Fameasser and a Spear. The System then makes their way out and distracts Nemeth. Moose then counters the Danger Zone and gets a two count with a Spear. Moose then grabs the title, but Mike Santana rips it away and brawls with JDC at ringside. Nemeth then hits the Danger Zone for a near fall. Nemeth then counters a powerbomb into a Fameasser, but The System pulls the referee out of the ring. The System are then ejected from ringside and WWE Hall of Famer John “Bradshaw” Layfield attacks them. Moose then hits Nemeth with a Spear for a two count. Nemeth and Moose then trade shots. Nemeth then clotheslines Moose, superkicks him and hits him with the Danger Zone for the win.

The winner and still the TNA World Champion, “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth!

After the match, Nemeth celebrates his win and stands tall as the TNA Victory Road PPV comes to a close.

Tags: TNA Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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