It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The post-WWE NXT No Mercy episode of NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the September 3, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (9/3/2024):

  • WWE NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang) vs. The Rascalz (TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel) vs. Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger)
  • Singles Match: Trick Williams vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne
  • Singles Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King
  • Singles Match: Tatum Paxley vs. TNA’s Rosemary

WWE NXT Results (9/3/2024):

The show opens up with a video recapping this past Sunday’s WWE NXT No Mercy PLE. Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T then welcomes us to the show.

Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring to address the WWE NXT Universe.


Trick Williams starts off by telling “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne ahead of their match later tonight that while Dunne started things, he is going to finish it now. Ethan Page’s music then hits and the reigning WWE NXT Champion makes his way down to the ring. Page brags about retaining the NXT Championship and forcing Williams to raise his hand on Sunday. Page then says the champion traditionally opens the show, but Williams tells him that while he called the match down the middle, he is not done with Page yet. Page then takes objection with Williams calling the NXT Championship his, then addresses his upcoming defense in four weeks when NXT makes its debut on the CW. Pete Dunne then appears out of nowhere and looks to blindside Williams with an attack, but Williams sees him coming and both men begin to brawl. Security Guards then made their way down to the ring to pull both men apart.

Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger) were then shown hyping each other up backstage. Gallus then shows up to talk trash to Hank & Tank. Referees then show up to get in between both teams. The cameras then pan to Jaida Parker arriving backstage and Fatal Influence (Jazmyn Nyx, Fallon Henley and Jacy Jayne) show up to talk smack to Parker.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz) then make their way down to the ring for the first match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match. Gallus and Hank & Tank then make their way down to the ring.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match: Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang) vs. The Rascalz (TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel) vs. Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger)

The match starts off with Gallus going straight after Hank and Tank. The Rascalz then pull Gallus off of Hank and Tank, then deliver some kicks on their chest and double stomps on their spines. Walker then sends Trey Miguel crashing into the top turnbuckle. Wolfgang then tags in and pins Walker, but Miguel breaks the fall. Miguel then rolls up Wolfgang, but Walker breaks the fall and sends Miguel crashing into the mat with a back suplex. Walker then goes for a pin of his own, but Wolfgang breaks the fall. Mark Coffey then tags in and sends Walker crashing into the mat with Wolfgang. Miguel then hits a couple of double knees to the back of Walker’s neck, then follows it up with a hurricanrana on Mark and a dropkick on his spine. Miguel then goes for a pin, but Walker breaks the fall. Zachary Wentz then tags in and delivers some strikes on Mark and Walker. Walker then uses Wentz to nail Mark as Ledger scoops up Miguel and Walker and Ledger send The Rascalz crashing into each other. Walker and Ledger then hit The Rascalz with a couple of slams and double team on Gallus.

Mark then hits a shoulder tackle off the middle rope on Walker and goes for a pin. Walker then kicks out and exchanges right hands with Mark before Wentz joins them. Ledger and Mark then tag in and Ledger nails Mark with a clothesline. Miguel then hits a double neckbreaker on Mark and Ledger. Joe then jumps up on the apron, but Je’Von Evans attacks Joe on the outside as The O.C. appears at ringside to distract Tank Ledger and Hank Walker. Miguel then hits a meteora on Ledger off the top rope and Wentz follows it up with a Swanton Bomb for the win.

The winners and new #1 Contender’s to the WWE NXT Tag Team Championships, The Rascalz (TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel)!

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Frazer is excited to get the titles back. The Rascalz then show up and Wentz says they will beat Axiom and Frazer to take the titles to TNA. Wentz then brags about being on the same page, unlike Axiom and Frazer. Frazer then mocks Wentz for being a singles champion.

Lexis King then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

We then see Blake Howard interview Trick Williams on what he thought about Dunne attacking him. Trick says he is ready for war. Pete Dunne then shows up to attack Trick and referees show up to pull both men apart.

Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah then makes his way down to the ring.

Singles Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King

The match starts off with Mensah delivering some right hands and chops on King, then following it up with a kick on King’s head and sending him crashing onto the floor off the barricade. Mensah then delivers a few chops on King and looks to fly back in the ring, but King pushes him off the apron and onto the floor. King then delivers some right hands on Mensah and nails him from behind, then follows it up with more right hands in the corner. King then rolls up Mensah with his feet on the ropes for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Lexis King!

After the match, Mensah chases King to the back out of frustration.

We then head to the back, where we see WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi confront The D’Angelo Family. Oba talks about how their boss was no match for the ruler. Rizzo then says that Oba will lose the title to Tony soon. Oba then says that was big words from a small woman. Oba then says in some cultures women are meant to be seen not heard. Tony D’Angelo then shows up and says in his culture people who talk to women like that get smacked in the mouth. Oba then tells Tony to do something about that. Tony then volunteers Stacks to go after Oba and Stacks agrees. Tony then says nobody talks to Rizzo like that and gets away with it.

Tatum Paxley then makes her way down to the ring for the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

We then head to the back, where No Quarter Catch Crew (WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Wren Sinclair) were shown walking. They then run into Gallus throwing a fit. Wren tells Gallus that Dempsey wants them to quiet down due to Myles having sensitive ears. Gallus then talks trash to Wren. Wren then gets in Joe’s face. Dempsey then pulls Wren back and tells her to think before making random challenges.

TNA’s Rosemary then makes her way down to the ring and she is accompanied by Wendy Choo.

Singles Match: Tatum Paxley vs. TNA’s Rosemary

The match starts off with Paxley hitting a mat return on Rosemary, but Rosemary responds with a sliding clothesline. Rosemary then turns Paxley inside out with a second clothesline and wears her down with a submission. Paxley then responds with an enzuigiri on Rosemary and hits her with a crossbody in the corner, then follows it up with an elbow drop and goes for a pin, but Rosemary kicks out. Paxley then charges at Rosemary in the corner, but Rosemary intercepts her and hits her with a couple of Fallaway Slams. Paxley then responds with a Crucifix Bomb for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Tatum Paxley!

After the match, Choo attacks Paxley and Rosemary joins in. Lyra Valkyria’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring to even the odds. Rosemary and Choo then retreat as Valkyria and Paxley embrace in the ring.

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing Pete Dunne about what he means by “Figure it out”. Dunne says Trick needs to figure out that actions have consequences. Trick Williams then shows up and both men brawl again. NXT General Manager Ava then gets in between both men and demands that both men deal with it now. After both men leaves, WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page shows up and tells Ava that things are falling apart with her as the GM.

Still shots from WWE NXT No Mercy were then shown.

We then get an instagram video from TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace. Grace talks about WWE Week next week where RAW, Smackdown and NXT are all on the USA Network. Grace then says to make things better, Ava awarded her with a chance to issue an open challenge for her Knockouts World Title next week on NXT.

As Trick Williams and Pete Dunne were making their way down to the ring, both men start to brawl once again when they see each other near the ringside area.

Singles Match: Trick Williams vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne

The match starts off with Williams and Dunne getting in the ring. We then see Ethan Page watching the action from backstage. Dunne then hits a couple of double knees on Williams’ arm, then wears him down with a submission hold on his legs. Both men then find themselves on the apron and Dunne traps Williams in the ring skirt. Dunne then hits a knee on Williams, then follows it up with a boot to the side of his head and hits a stomp on Williams’ head as he lays on the ring steps. Williams then hits a flapjack on Dunne. Dunne then responds with a German suplex and stomps on Williams’ hand, then follows it up with a boot on the side of his face and climbs to the top. Williams then meets him up there, but Dunne pulls him down with a powerbomb and goes for The Bitter End. Williams then escapes and sends Dunne crashing into the mat, then stomps on his hand and hits him with a spinning roundhouse kick. The action then spills out of the ring and Williams looks to hit a boot on Dunne. Dunne then avoids it and Williams is sent crashing into the barricade. Both men then teeter on it, but Williams looks to send Dunne crashing through the announce desk with a uranage. Dunne then prevents Williams from doing so, then hits a Russian Leg Sweep that sends them both crashing through it. Alicia Taylor then announces that both men have been counted out of the match.

The Singles Match ends in a Double Count-Out!

After the match, Williams delivers some right hands on Dunne, but officials make their way down to the ring to break the two men apart. Dunne then breaks free and delivers some down right hands on Williams, but Williams hits a kick on him.

We then get a video from Ridge Holland. Holland talks about how Chase U brought him in at his lowest point, restored his confidence and gave him a sense of belonging. Holland says asks himself why would he destroy Mr. Chase and put him in the hospital. Holland then says because Chase failed. Holland then says they were Champions, but they did what Chase U does, win the big one and then fail. Holland then says he brought them to prominence, new look and new classroom. Holland then says Duke Hudson criticized every move he made. Holland then says Hudson was a smug and arrogant asshole. Holland then says Riley is no different. Ridge then talks about helping Chase and Hudson getting a title shot, them sending him home and failing without him. Holland then says he finally became a champion and it got ripped away due to mediocrity. Holland then says NXT is going to get the man he fought so hard not to be. Holland then says the step by step destruction of Chase U begins next week and from then he’s going to love every second of it. Holland then leaves the classroom and steps on Hudson’s MVP trophy.

Je’von Evans vs. Joe Coffey is then hyped as the next match.

We then see Shawn Spears in an arm sling and he catches up with Brooks Jensen. Spears says he wanted to say something to Brooks that nobody has said to him and that is thank you for helping him last week and breaking Edris’ arm. Spears then says he thought he had to save Brooks, but Brooks saved him. Spears then says he’s not going to leave Brooks. Brooks then asks Spears why does everybody think that Spears is manipulating him. Spears then says it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, only what Brooks thinks. Spears then pats Brooks on the shoulder and thanks him before leaving. Dion Lennox then shows up and tells Brooks that Spears is gaslighting him with psychological manipulation.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Gallus’ Joe Coffey vs. “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans

The match starts off with Evans hitting Joe with a right hand. Evans then follows it up with a hurricanrana and a dropkick, then hits a tope suicida on Joe on the outside and sends him back inside. Joe then hits a Vader Bomb on Evans and goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out. Joe then sends Evans out of the ring and both Wolfgang and Mark look to attack him, while Joe distracts the referee. Cedric Alexander then makes his way down to the ring and gets in Gallus’ face, opening the door for Evans to fly over the top to land on Mark and Wolfgang on the outside and hit his finisher on Joe back in the ring for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans!

We then head to the back, where we see Tatum Paxley thank Lyra Valkyria and says she has Lyra’s back on RAW. Lyra then says Tatum wouldn’t let her have friends. Lyra then tells Tatum that she should have made friends, not make toy friends. Lyra then says she wants to help Tatum show people how weird she is. Lyra and Tatum then hug and jump.

WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

We then get an ad for the NXT CW debut featuring CM Punk.

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing NXT General Manager Ava about the all night brawling between Pete Dunne and Trick Williams. Ava says she understands that the referee did his job, but there needs to be a winner. Ava then books Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams next week in a Last Man Standing Match for a title shot against Ethan Page on the CW Debut.

The D’Angelo Family then make their way down to the ring.

Singles Match: WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi vs. The D’Angelo Family’s Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

The match starts off with Stacks delivering some right hands on Femi. Stacks then hits a knee on Femi’s midsection, but Femi sends him into the corner and looks to deliver some right hands on him. Femi then sends Stacks crashing into the opposite corner and sends him across the ring, then charges at him. Stacks then looks to hit Femi with a boot, but Femi sees it and sends Stacks crashing into the mat. Femi then hits Stacks with a couple of elbow drops as he stares Tony D’Angelo down on the outside. Stacks then responds with a jawbreaker and a kick, then dropkicks Femi out of the ring. Femi then nails Stacks with a right hand and a clothesline on the back of his neck, then follows it up with a bodyslam. Stacks then delivers some strikes on Femi, then sends him crashing into the mat and climbs to the top. Stacks then looks to fly, but Femi sends him crashing into the corner and follows it up with a powerbomb for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi!

We then see Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reese chatting and worried about Edris Enofe. After creeping around the corner, Ashante “Thee” Adonis shows up to offer Brinley a shoulder to lie on and a rose. Eddy Thorpe then shows up and tells Brinley not to take the rose.

Fatal Influence (Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx) then make their way down to the ring for the main event of the night.

We then head to the back, where we see Je’Von Evans having a conversation with Wren Sinclair. Evans was chatting with Sinclair about how he’s coming after the NXT Heritage Cup. Wren then asks Evans what qualifies him for a title match. Evans says he did well in his recent WWE Speed match, main evented Heatwave and spin the block on Joe Coffey. Evans then says this sounds like a job interview and he has never had a job before. Wren then says it looks like Evans deserves a cup match. Evans then leaves happy. Dempsey then shows up and was shocked to hear Wren gave away a title shot. Wren then says she just took his advice. Dempsey then yells at Myles Borne, who had his back turned and didn’t hear the interview.

OTM’s Jaida Parker then makes her way down to the ring.

Singles Match: OTM’s Jaida Parker vs. Fatal Influence’s Jazmyn Nyx

The match starts off with both women going back and forth before Nyx hits a dropkick on Parker. Nyx then wears Parker down with a submission, but Parker escapes and powers up to her feet. Nyx then delivers some elbows on Parker to escape her grasp, then runs the ropes. Parker then intercepts Nyx and hits her with a Fallaway Slam, then follows it up with a couple of shoulder tackles and her signature Hip Attack in the corner. Nyx then rolls up Parker, but Parker kicks out and runs the ropes. Parker then hits a second Hip Attack on Nyx for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, OTM’s Jaida Parker!

After the match, Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley attack Parker. Parker then gains the upper hand momentarily, but Jayne nails her from behind and Nyx hits a Pele Kick on her.

Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams in a Last Man Standing Match was then hyped for next week’s NXT.

WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was then shown walking through the hallways.

We then see the women’s locker room all watching the monitors backstage. Jayne, Nyx and Henley then shows up to gloat. Kelani Jordan then talks about how NXT has the best women’s division in wrestling because of what they do in the ring, not things like Fatal Influence. Jacy Jayne then scoffs and the trio walks off.

A tweet was then shown of Duke Hudson responding to Ridge Holland’s challenge.

The lineup of next week’s episode of WWE NXT is then announced.

WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez then makes her way out to address the WWE NXT Universe.

Roxanne Perez starts off by running her mouth about retaining the WWE NXT Women’s Championship against Jaida Parker at No Mercy, then says she’s smashing all of Asuka and IYO SKY’s records in NXT. Perez then says while Parker proved herself as the future of the NXT women’s division, she proved that she can’t be touched. Perez then continues gloating about how great she is as a talent and says no one has the ability to dethrone her as the NXT Women’s Champion.

Chelsea Green’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Green asks Perez if she was expecting someone else, then rags on one section of fans and says there’s been a lot of talk about Perez’s next challenger. Green then says she is beloved by the WWE Universe and will do anything for most of her fans and she is here to interrupt and no one can tell her that she’s not Perez’s new #1 Contender. Giulia’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Green gets in Giulia’s face and looks to slap her, but Giulia intercepts it and takes Green down with a knee. Giulia then stares down Perez and grabs Green’s mic, then tells Perez that she will see her at the debut of NX” on The CW. Both women then stare each other down and Perez holds up her NXT Women’s Championship as the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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