Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT No Mercy, broadcasting from the Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 6 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

WWE NXT No Mercy Matches (9/1/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship Match (Trick Williams Will Be The Special Guest Referee): “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. TNA’s Joe Hendry
  • WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match: “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez (c) vs. OTM’s Jaida Parker
  • WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom
  • WWE NXT North American Championship Match: “The Ruler Of NXT” Oba Femi (c) vs. The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wendy Choo
  • Singles Match: Wes Lee vs. TNA X-Division Champion The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz

Countdown To WWE NXT No Mercy Kickoff Pre-Show (9/1/2024):

The Countdown To WWE NXT No Mercy Kickoff Pre-Show opens up with a shot of The Mile High City. Megan Morant then welcomes us to the show from the WWE studios and she introduces her pre-show panel co-host Sam Roberts.

We then see WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page and Joe Hendry arriving to the arena and the panel then runs through the advertised No Mercy card.


We then get a video package on the Singles Match between Wes Lee vs. The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz. The panel then give their thoughts on the match with Roberts bringing up the fact that Wentz won the TNA X-Division Championship in Ultimate X a few days ago.

We then see Sarah Schreiber interviewing WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan. Schreiber asks Jordan what her mentality is. Jordan says she didn’t know where she was going to fit in. Jordan then says she was shy and timid. Jordan then says she was just an athlete who did gymnastics. Jordan then says there is a difference between feeling like a champion and being a champion. Jordan then says champions have different mindsets. Jordan then saysRoxanne feels like no one is on her level. Jordan then says she is more humble and she leaves it in the ring every time. Sarah then asks about her previous title matches and her match against Wendy Choo. Jordan then says she has a chip on her shoulder because Wendy choked her out and that was rude. Jordan then says she didn’t know how she would hang with Michin. Jordan then says Sol is a great athlete. Jordan then says Tatum gave her a run for her money. Jordan then says Wendy was her first match on Level Up, but they are not the same people. Sarah then asks Jordan she plans to stay champion. Jordan says it is a lot to go from the kickoff show at last year’s No Mercy to being the Women’s North American Champion. Jordan then says she plans to build a legacy. Jordan then says Wendy will try to pull out all of the stops and Wendy has nothing to lose. Jordan then says she has everything to lose and the title isn’t going anywhere. The show then returns to Roberts and Morant discussing the Jordan vs. Choo Match.

We then get a video package on the WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match between WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez vs. OTM’s Jaida Parker. The panel then give their thoughts on the match.

We then get a video package on the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match between WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom. The panel then give their thoughts on the match.

We then see Sarah Schreiber interviewing WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi earlier today. Schreiber asks Oba how is Tony D’Angelo different from everyone else. Oba says Tony demonstrates his power in the ring and on the streets. Oba then says Tony got the best of him a few weeks ago, but he showed up at restaurant and the people were afraid of him, except for Tony. Oba then says Tony has a false sense of confidence and he is surrounded by people who tell him that he can be beat. Oba then says tonight Tony learns the truth that he has no weaknesses and that he is inevitable.

We then see Blake Howard interviewing Nathan Frazer and Axiom. Blake asks about their history as opponents. Axiom says it started as opponents in a best of three series. Frazer then says they had something to prove to the people and themselves. Frazer then points out that he won the series. Frazer then says Axiom is a great partner and he has taken him to different levels. Frazer then says Axiom reminds him of a guy he faced in NXT UK and Axiom asks if Frazer lost to that guy. Frazer then says it was like lightning in a bottle when they teamed up in the Dusty Cup. Frazer then says you can’t throw away that kind of synergy. Blake then brings up issues between them and if they are in the past. Frazer says it was a bumpy road and he takes responsibility for it. Axiom then says they are both at fault. Frazer then says the disagreements brought they together. Frazer then says losing the titles only made them better. Frazer then says they need the titles back. Blake then asks if the loss means they will split as a team. Axiom says they were champions for over 100 days and they want to be better. Frazer then says that Axiom is his amigo. Axiom then says they are ready for anything that is thrown at them. Frazer then says they ain’t slowing down and they will be two time champions.

We then get a video package on WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez. Morant and Roberts then give more thoughts on the Perez vs. Parker Match.

The panel then runs through the advertised card again and we get a video package on the WWE NXT Championship Match between WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page and TNA’s Joe Hendry. The panel then give their thoughts on the match.

We then see NXT General Manager Ava on the phone and she is talking with Robert Stone and Stevie Turner. Trick Williams then shows up and Ava says that the title match is the main event. Ava then tells Trick to not let his issues with Page get in the way. Ava then mentions what Joe said to Trick about a title match and Trick says he will call it down the middle. The show then returns to the pre-show panel giving their thoughts on the Page vs. Hendry Match.

We then see Vic Joseph interviewing WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page. Vic asks Ethan how is he handling the pressure. Ethan says he wants Vic to mention historic. Ethan then says he has been making history since he entered the company. Ethan then says this company has been on a roll because of him. Vic then asks about Joe Hendry and if he is a threat to the title. Ethan says he is a truth teller. Ethan then reminds Vic of what he said about the three people in the #1 Contender’s Match. Ethan then says he sees the talent and value in Joe Hendry. Ethan then says he knows that Joe is a threat and is dangerous, but that is what comes when you are the champion. Vic then asks about Trick Williams as the guest referee. Ethan talks about Trick and Ava colluding. Ethan then says how will he manage with the man who he took the title from as the referee and the fact that Joe told Trick he would give him a title match if he wins. Ethan then asks Vic if he believes that Trick will call the match down the middle. Ethan then says anyone watching does not believe Trick will call it down the middle because he has so much to gain. Vic then brings up Pete Dunne’s comments about Trick. Ethan then says he does not care and Pete’s business is Pete’s business. Vic then brings up reacting to the crowd chanting for his opponent and the referee. Ethan then says he has so much on his plate. Ethan then says he has the weight of this championship and then company on his shoulders. Ethan then says they are four weeks away from going to CW. Ethan then says this is his era and you are going to ask about Joe and Trick. Ethan then says his job is to make sure he walks out with this title, not Joe Hendry. The show then returns to Morant and Roberts giving their final thoughts on the Page vs. Hendry Match and the Countdown To WWE NXT No Mercy Kickoff Pre-Show comes to a close.

WWE NXT No Mercy Results (9/1/2024):

WWE NXT No Mercy opens up with a video package and Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T then welcomes us to the show. Joseph and Booker T then gets the live crowd fired up from the entrance ramp.

We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Chase U (Andre Chase and Ridge Holland) (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom

The match starts off with Andre Chase and Axiom. Both men take turns in locking each other in submission holds and Axiom hits a dropkick on Chase. Frazer then tags in and double teams on Chase with Axiom, then hits a single leg dropkick on Chase. Ridge Holland then tags in and takes Frazer for a ride, then sends him crashing into the mat with a double underhook vertical suplex and tags in Chase. Chase then hits a dropkick on Frazer as Holland holds him in place, but Axiom tags back in and double teams on Chase with Frazer once again. Frazer then tags in and hits a double superkick on Chase with Axiom, then hits a second one on Holland on the apron and follows it up with a standing moonsault on Chase. Axiom then tags back in and locks in a Sleeper on Chase, but Chase breaks the hold by sending Axiom crashing into the corner spine first. Axiom then cinches in an Ankle Lock, but Chase escapes and nails him with a clothesline. Holland and Frazer then tag in and Holland nails Frazer with a clothesline and a couple of belly-to-belly suplexes. Holland then hits a splash on Frazer in the corner, then sends him crashing into the mat and goes for a pin, but Frazer kicks out.

Axiom then tags in and looks to fly, but Holland intercepts him and sends him crashing into the mat. Holland then climbs to the top and hits a flying headbutt before going for a pin. Frazer breaks the fall, then tags in. Axiom then hits a dropkick on Holland off the top as Frazer assists him, but Holland nails him with a headbutt and tags in Chase. Frazer then places Chase on the top rope, then hits him with a dropkick and tags in Axiom. Holland then nails Frazer with a boot, opening the door for Chase to hit a Spanish Fly off the top on Axiom. Chase then follows it up with a sit-out powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Axiom kicks out. Holland then tags in and hits a couple of chops on Axiom, then flies out of the ring to land on Chase as Axiom does the same to land on Holland. Holland then sees him coming and Axiom looks to blindside him by flying out of the ring. Holland then intercepts Frazer and sends him crashing into the NXT Universe along with Axiom. Both men then fly off the barricade to land on him on the outside. Frazer then tags in and hits a 450 Splash on Chase off the ropes. Frazer then goes for a pin, but Chase kicks out. Frazer then hits an arm drag and an enzuigiri on Chase, but Holland tags in and climbs to the top as Chase gets Frazer in an Electric Chair position. Chase and Holland then hits a Doomsday Device on Frazer before Chase tags in and Holland powerbombs Frazer into the corner. Holland then follows it up with a slam and Chase pins Frazer, but Axiom breaks the fall. Frazer then places Chase on the top rope and joins him up there, then hits a superplex on him. Axiom then hits a superkick on Chase’s midsection as Frazer sends him crashing into the mat with a suplex. Axiom then sets up for the Golden Ratio on Chase, but accidentally hits Frazer. Axiom then turns around into a clothesline from Holland and Chase follows it up with a backstabber. Holland then goes for the pin, but Axiom kicks out. Axiom then rolls up Chase, but Chase kicks out and sends Axiom crashing into the mat. Chase then climbs to the top, but Axiom nails him with an enzuigiri. Frazer then tags in and Axiom sends Chase crashing into the mat with a Spanish Fly off the top and Frazer follows it up with a 450 Splash. Frazer then pins Chase for the win.

The winners and new WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Nathan Frazer and Axiom!

After the match, Chase U embraces each other in the ring. Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne then look to leave the ring, but Holland attacks them out of nowhere. Holland then nails Chase in the ring and sends Hudson crashing into the barricade before he sends Osborne crashing into the ring steps and sends Chase out of the ring over the top rope. Holland then clears the announce desk and gets Chase on top of it and hits a Cradle DDT on him. Medical officials then make their way down to the ring with a stretcher in hand looking to load Chase on it.

We then get an ad for the WWE NXT Halloween Havoc PLE.

Vic Joseph then says today’s venue will be the same venue for tomorrow’s RAW. OTM’s Jaida Parker was then shown arriving to the arena earlier today. WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez was also shown arriving to the arena. We then get a replay of Ridge Holland laying out Chase U.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Wes Lee vs. TNA X-Division Champion The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz

The match starts off with Lee mocking Wentz. Wentz then rolls up Lee, but Lee kicks out and both men continue going back and forth with each other. Wentz then hits a dropkick on Lee and Lee charges at him. Wentz then intercepts Lee with a boot, but Lee sends Wentz crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Lee then delivers some kicks on Wentz’s chest and sends him crashing into the ring apron spine first, then goes for a pin but Wentz kicks out. Lee then sends Wentz crashing into the bottom turnbuckle face first, then hits a dropkick on his head and goes for a pin. Wentz then kicks out and both men exchange strikes with each other before Wentz hits a springboard knee on Lee and sends him crashing into the mat with a reverse flapjack. Wentz then hits a German suplex on Lee and a running kick on his chest that sends Lee crashing out of the ring. Wentz then hits a kick off the apron on Lee, then flies off the apron to land on Lee and sends him back inside the ring. Wentz then hits a Swanton Bomb off the top on Lee and goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Lee then looks to hit a meteora on Wentz, but Wentz sees him coming and locks in a Boston Crab on Lee. Lee then escapes and hits a couple of double kicks on Wentz, but Wentz responds with a superkick and an enzuigiri from the apron. Lee then returns the favor and hits a hurricanrana and a Phoenix Splash on Wentz off the apron. Lee then follows it up with a Kardiak Kick and goes for a pin, but Wentz kicks out.

Lee then hits a meteora on Wentz, then clears the announce desk and sends Wentz crashing into the ring steps. Lee then sends Wentz crashing through the announce desk and climbs up the top rope, then hits a double stomp on Wentz on the floor. Lee then sends Wentz crashing into the ring post shoulder first and grabs the X-Division Championship, but opts to grab a chair instead. Lee then looks to hit Wentz with the chair, but Trey Miguel appears out of nowhere and grabs the chair from him. This then opens the door for Wentz to get Lee back in the ring and hit him with a Canadian Destroyer. Wentz then hits Lee with a springboard rolling Stunner for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, TNA X-Division Champion The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz!

We then get an ad for WWE Bad Blood.

We then get an Instagram video of Hank & Tank (Hank walker and Tank Ledger).

We then head to the back, where Trick Williams is shown having a conversation with Joe Hendry and how he will call the NXT Championship Match down the middle. Hendry says that’s good and he promises Trick a title match if he wins.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wendy Choo

The match starts off with Jordan hitting a hair whip on Choo, then following it up with a dropkick and rolls up Choo. Choo then kicks out and Jordan hits a hurricanrana on her, then follows it up with a dropkick through the bottom rope on the outside and gets her back in the ring. Choo then looks to lock in a Sleeper on Jordan, but Jordan rolls up Choo to break the hold. Choo then kicks out and Jordan hits a roundhouse kick on her, then follows it up with a standing moonsault and climbs to the top. Choo then hits a dropkick on Jordan as she hangs off the top rope, then follows it up with a forearm and sends her face bouncing off the ring apron. Choo then gets Jordan back inside the ring and pins her, but Jordan kicks out. Choo then sends Jordan into the corner, but Jordan nails her with a forearm and goes for a pin. Choo then kicks out and hits a back elbow on Jordan, then follows it up a kick on her head. Choo then drapes Jordan off the top rope by her knees, then charges at her. Jordan then nails Choo with a kick and hits her with a clothesline, then follows it up with a couple of back elbows and a handspring back elbow. Jordan then hits a kick on Choo and a Tornado DDT off the ropes, then follows it up with a facebuster and a low crossbody. Jordan then climbs to the top and hits a splash on Choo, then goes for a pin but Choo kicks out. Choo then sends Jordan crashing into the mat before she locks in a Sleeper on her. Jordan then escapes and gets fired up, then delivers some forearms on Choo and sends her crashing into the mat. Jordan then climbs to the top and hits a 450 Splash on Choo before following it up with a split legged moonsault for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion, Kelani Jordan!

After the match, Jordan retreats up the ramp as Tatum Paxley sneaks up on Choo in the ring and locks in a Sleeper on her. Paxley then leaves Choo a doll of herself in the ring.

We then get a hype video package on OTM’s Jaida Parker.

We then see a tweet from Wolfgang demanding a tag team title shot for Gallus. We then get a replay of Ridge Holland beating down Chase U. We then see Andre Chase being stretchered and driven off by an ambulance. We then see Sarah Schreiber catch up with Ridge Holland and ask him why he attacked Andre Chase. Holland then acts like he was going to speak, but then walks away.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT North American Championship Match.

WWE NXT North American Championship Match: “The Ruler Of NXT” Oba Femi (c) vs. The D’Angelo Family’s “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo

The match starts off with Femi hitting a shoulder tackle on D’Angelo, but D’Angelo responds with a right hand and clotheslines him out of the ring. Both men then get back inside the ring and D’Angelo nails Femi with a right hand. Femi then hits an uppercut on D’Angelo, then delivers some stomps on him and hits him a suplex. Femi then goes for a pin, but D’Angelo kicks out. Femi then wears D’Angelo down with a front face lock, but D’Angelo escapes and hits a suplex on Femi. Femi then responds with a running uppercut in the corner and pins D’Angelo, but D’Angelo kicks out. Femi then hits a bodyslam on D’Angelo and stomps on his neck before D’Angelo rolls him up. Femi then kicks out and hits a shoulder-breaker on D’Angelo, then goes for a pin but D’Angelo kicks out. D’Angelo then hits a back body drop on Femi, but Femi responds with a Mongolian Chop. D’Angelo then looks to fly off the middle rope, but Femi sees him coming and both men end up on the apron. D’Angelo then sends Femi crashing onto the apron, then slides back inside the ring. Femi then goes for a kick on D’Angelo’s face, but D’Angelo hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Femi. D’Angelo then delivers some right hands on Femi, then follows it up with another belly-to-belly suplex and goes for a pin, but Femi kicks out.

D’Angelo then hits a suplex on Femi and gets Femi in an Electric Chair position, then follows it up with a Japanese Ocean Cyclone suplex. Femi then responds with a right hand and gets in Luca Crusifino’s face on the outside. Femi then grabs a car jack, but Stacks grabs it from him. When Femi and D’Angelo get back inside the ring, D’Angelo nails Femi and goes for a pin. Femi then kicks out and hits D’Angelo with a powerbomb, then looks to hit a second one. D’Angelo then escapes and Femi delivers some right hands on him, but D’Angelo responds with a spinebuster. Femi then hits a running uppercut on D’Angelo in the corner and follows it up with a powerbomb. Femi then hits a sit-out powerbomb on D’Angelo for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT North American Champion, “The Ruler Of NXT” Oba Femi!

We then get an ad for WWE Wrestlemania 41 in Las Vegas.

We then head to the back, where Trick Williams is shown having a conversation with WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page about how he will call the WWE NXT Championship Match right down the middle. Page says that is a joke like Trick being Champion. Page then gloats with the title and says that Trick won’t call the match down the middle because Trick gets a title shot if he loses. Trick then says Page better abide to his rules or else he’s going to whoop dat trick tonight.

We then see Sarah Schreiber interview The Rascalz (TNA X-Division Champion Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel). Wentz says he may have won a match tonight, but he lost a brother. Wentz then says he is thankful to have a brother in Trey Miguel. Trey then says the best thing they do best is move forward. Trey and Zach then challenge Axiom and Nathan Frazer for the WWE NXT Tag Team Titles.

We then get a video vignette on WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez.

OTM’s Jaida Parker then cuts a promo about being on point and how she’s about to be NXT Women’s Champion.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match.

WWE NXT Women’s Championship Match: “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez (c) vs. OTM’s Jaida Parker

The match starts off with both women taking turns in locking each other in submission holds and Perez hits a knee on Parker’s midsection and takes a bow. Parker then responds with an arm drag and takes a bow of her own, but Perez slaps her. Parker then drapes Perez across the middle turnbuckle and looks to hit a running knee on her, but Perez sees her coming. Parker then hits a double underhook suplex on Perez, but Perez sends her crashing out of the ring and looks to hit a tope suicida. Parker then catches Perez on her shoulders and climbs up the ring steps. Perez then escapes and trips Parker, sending her crashing face first into them. Parker and Perez then get back inside the ring and Perez hits a double stomp on Parker. Perez then steps over Parker, but Parker rolls her up. Perez then kicks out and sends Parker crashing into the ring post using the middle turnbuckle for assistance. Perez then drapes Parker across the middle turnbuckle and hits her with a Hip Attack.

Parker then delivers some knees on Perez’s midsection, then follows it up with a shoulder tackle and a bodyslam. Parker then hits Perez with a spinebuster as she charges at her and goes for a pin, but Perez kicks out. Perez then flies off the middle rope, but Parker intercepts her and sends her crashing into the corner. Parker then delivers some chops on Perez, but Perez looks to hit a Russian Leg Sweep on her. Parker then escapes and hits a suplex on Perez, then looks to hit a Hip Attack. Perez then rolls up Parker, but Parker kicks out. Perez then transitions into a crossface, but Parker powers up to her feet and hits a Fallaway Slam on Perez. Parker then looks to hit a Vader Bomb, but Perez moves out of the way and pins Parker. Parker then kicks out and Perez sets up for the Pop Rox. Parker then avoids it and sends Perez crashing to the outside with a Hip Attack, then looks to hit a second Hip Attack on the outside. Perez then avoids it and Parker is sent crashing through the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. Perez then hits a Pop Rox on Parker on top of the barricade and both women slide in the ring to beat the referee’s ten count. Perez then hits Parker with a second Pop Rox for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s Champion, “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez!

After the match, the lights dim as mysterious music echoes through the Ball Arena. Smoke then appears as Giulia walks through it to make her WWE debut. Giulia then stares down Perez as she gets into the ring and Perez holds up her WWE NXT Women’s Championship in response.

We then head to the back, where Sarah Schreiber asks NXT General Manager Ava for a medical update on Andre Chase. Ava says she doesn’t know, but he is still in the hospital and she will give everyone an update ASAP. Sarah then brings up a bunch of tag teams asking for title shots. Ava then announces Hank & Tank vs. Gallus vs. The Rascalz and the winners will become #1 contenders. Ava also announces that there will be an NXT Title Match on the brands’s debut on the CW.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah and Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne were announced for this Tuesday’s episode of WWE NXT.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE NXT Championship Match. WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page cuts a promo during his entrance and says he is going to do what he does best and that is win.

WWE NXT Championship Match (Trick Williams Will Be The Special Guest Referee): “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. TNA’s Joe Hendry

The match starts off with both men going back and forth with each other and Page looks to hit a shoulder tackle on Hendry. Hendry then stays standing and hits a shoulder tackle on Page as Williams applauds him. Hendry then hits a delayed vertical suplex on Page and both men take turns in rolling each other up. Page then delivers a few right hands on Hendry, then hits a kick on him and follows it up with a back elbow. Page then locks in a submission on Hendry, but Hendry counters with a vertical suplex and gets Page up on his shoulders. Page then escapes and sends Hendry crashing into the ring post shoulder first, then hits him with a driver and goes for a pin but Hendry kicks out. Page and Hendry then teeter on the ropes before Page gets Hendry on one shoulder and hits him with an avalanche powerslam. Page then goes for a pin, but Hendry kicks out. Page then climbs back up to the top, but Hendry meets him up there and hits him with a powerslam. Hendry then looks to pin Page, but Page rolls out of the ring to avoid the pin. Hendry then flies over the top to land on Page on the outside, but Page responds with an Ego’s Edge on Hendry on the apron.

Page then slides in the ring and Williams begins a ten count. Hendry then beats it to the frustration of Page and Page delivers right hands on him. Hendry then hits an Ego’s Edge of his own on Page and pins him, but Page kicks out. Hendry and Page then exchange strikes with each other, but Hendry responds with a clothesline and a Fallaway Slam on Page. Hendry then kips up and hits the Standing Ovation, then goes for a pin but Williams catches Page’s foot under the bottom rope, forcing himself to stop the count. Hendry then gets in Williams’ face and Page sends both men crashing into each other. Page then hits the Standing Ovation on Hendry and pins him as a second referee makes his way down to the ring, but Hendry kicks out. Page then grabs the NXT Championship, but the referee grabs it from him. Hendry then rolls up Page, but Page kicks out and hits a DDT on Hendry on top of the NXT Championship. The second referee then begins a three count, but Williams stops him. Page then gets in Williams’ face and looks to hit him, but accidentally hit the second referee instead. Hendry then looks to hit a second Standing Ovation, but Page low blows him while Williams is distracted checking on the second referee. Page then hits the Ego’s Edge on Hendry for the win as Williams slowly counts to three.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Champion, “All Ego” Ethan Page!

After the match, Williams reluctantly holds up Page’s hand. Pete Dunne then attacks Williams from behind and hits him with The Bitter End. Dunne then stands tall over Williams as Page watches on and the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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