WWE’s NXT No Mercy event in Denver delivered several major moments, leaving fans buzzing. While the audience may not have known what to expect going in, the show wasted no time in delivering shocks, starting with a significant betrayal.

The event featured Chase University, with Ridge Holland teaming up with Andre Chase, taking on the formidable duo of Nathan Frazer and Axiom. The match kicked off with Frazer and Axiom demonstrating their speed and teamwork, quickly gaining the upper hand.

As the bout progressed, the Denver crowd remained fully invested, cheering on every near fall. A standout moment came when Ridge Holland overpowered both Frazer and Axiom with chokeholds, only for Axiom to counter with a dive and a double kick to Chase. The match saw momentum swing back and forth, with Chase University executing impressive double-team maneuvers on Frazer, only to have Axiom break up the pin.

In the final moments, a miscommunication between Axiom and Frazer almost allowed Holland to secure the win with a powerbomb on Axiom. However, Frazer turned the tide with a Phoenix Splash on Chase, earning a clean victory and crowning new NXT Tag Team Champions, setting the tone for the rest of No Mercy.


The post-match scene took a dramatic turn as Ridge Holland, in a shocking twist, unleashed a brutal assault on his Chase U stablemates. Thea Hail, watching in tears, witnessed the destruction of her team. The Denver crowd, unexpectedly, chanted for “One More Time,” highlighting the intensity of the betrayal. This unexpected development suggests that Chase U is undergoing a significant transformation on the NXT brand.

What’s your opinion on NXT No Mercy’s booking decisions? Did you anticipate this big breakup? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

Tags: NXT No Mercy
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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