Welcome to our live coverage of TNA Emergence 2024, broadcasting from the Old Forester’s Paristown Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 7:30 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

TNA Emergence 2024 Matches (8/30/2024):

  • TNA World Championship 1 Hour Iron Man Match: “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth (c) vs. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander
  • 6-Knockout Tag Team Match: TNA Knockouts World Champion “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace and Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) vs. Ash By Elegance and TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions (The System’s Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich)
  • 8-Man Tag Team Match: The System (Moose, “The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards and JDC) vs. The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy), Joe Hendry and Mike Santana
  • TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match: “Speedball” Mike Bailey (c) vs. The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz vs. Hammerstone vs. The Good Hands’ Jason Hotch vs. NXT star Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Laredo Kid
  • Singles Match: Steve Maclin vs. “The World Class Maniac” Eric Young
  • Countdown To Emergence Singles Match: “The Time Splitter” KUSHIDA vs. “The King Of TNA” Frankie Kazarian
  • Countdown To Emergence TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Championship Match: “The French Canadian Frankenstein” PCO (c) vs. Matt Cardona’s Monster

Countdown To TNA Emergence 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show (8/30/2024):

The Countdown To TNA Emergence 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show opens up with Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt welcoming us. Frankie Kazarian and KUSHIDA then make their way down to the ring for the first match of the pre-show.

Singles Match: “The Time Splitter” KUSHIDA vs. “The King Of TNA” Frankie Kazarian

The match starts off with Kazarian immediately heading out of the ring and telling the ring announcer Jennifer Chung to formally introduce him as “The King of TNA.” KUSHIDA then hits Kazarian with rapid-fire forearms and a splash off the ropes. KUSHIDA then hits a hurricanrana on Kazarian to send him out to the floor. KUSHIDA then hits a kick through the ropes that sends Kazarian into the barricade. KUSHIDA then follows it up with a running knee off the apron onto Kazarian on the floor. KUSHIDA then nails Kazarian and covers him for a two count. Kazarian then hits KUSHIDA with a clothesline. Kazarian then hits KUSHIDA with a power slam and a slingshot leg-drop. KUSHIDA then pushes his forehead into Kazarian, but Kazarian sends KUSHIDA into the corner. KUSHIDA then goes for a Hoover Board Lock, but Kazarian avoids it and locks in a Chicken Wing. KUSHIDA then escapes, but Kazarian puts him back in it again. KUSHIDA then hits Kazarian with a Tanaka punch. KUSHIDA then goes for the Hoover Board Lock again. Kazarian then fights his way out of it and jumps down on the floor. KUSHIDA then hits a splash on Kazarian from the top rope to the floor and puts him in a straight armbar at ringside. Kazarian then hits a low blow on KUSHIDA through the ropes while the referee was distracted. Kazarian then follows it up with the Fade To Black for the win.


The winner of the Singles Match, “The King Of TNA” Frankie Kazarian!

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing AJ Francis. Miller asks Francis who will be replacing the injured Rich Swann to take on ABC for the TNA World Tag Team Titles. KC Navarro shows up and he is revealed as Francis, which Santino Marella confirmed.

We then get a video package of TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth and Josh Alexander discussing their TNA World Championship 1 Hour Iron Man Match.

“The Indian Lion” Shera makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the pre-show as he is revealed as PCO’s “Mystery Monster.” TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion PCO then makes his way down to the ring next.

TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Championship Match: “The French Canadian Frankenstein” PCO (c) vs. “The Indian Lion” Shera

The match starts off with PCO immediately charging at Shera. The fight then spills to the outside, where Steph De Lander and Shera go face-to-face. Shera then hits a suplex on PCO for a two count. PCO then hits a DDT on Shera out of the corner. PCO then hits the De-Animator on Shera on the apron. PCO then hits the PCO-Sault on Shera for the win.

The winner and still the TNA Digital Media and Canadian International Heavyweight Champion, “The French Canadian Frankenstein” PCO!

After the match, Steph De Lander joins PCO in the ring and the couple celebrates his big win as the Countdown To Emergence 2024 Kickoff Pre-Show comes to a close.

TNA Emergence 2024 Results (8/30/2024):

TNA Emergence 2024 opens up with a video package and Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt then welcomes us to the show. We then get the entrances of the first match of the PPV, which is a TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match.

TNA X-Division Championship Ultimate X Match: “Speedball” Mike Bailey (c) vs. The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz vs. Hammerstone vs. The Good Hands’ Jason Hotch vs. NXT star Chase U’s Riley Osborne vs. Laredo Kid

The match starts off with Hotch trying to climb the ropes immediately, but he gets thrown to the floor by Hammerstone. Everyone then gangs up on Hammerstone and he slides out of the ring. Osborne then dives out to the floor. Laredo Kid and Hotch then hit dives and Bailey tries to climb to the top rope, but Hammerstone pushes him out to the floor. Bailey then hits rapid-fire kicks on Hammerstone, but Hammerstone responds with a back suplex. Bailey then tries to dive on Hammerstone, but Hammerstone catches him and slams him back into the ring. Osborne then jumps over three men and hits a tower power bomb. Wentz then hits a cutter from the top rope on Osborne. Wentz and Bailey then climb up past the top rope. Bailey then gets kicked off and hits a moonsault onto the other men. Wentz then gets on the cables and Spiderman climbs towards the title. They then monkey-bar kick each other off the cables. Hammerstone is left alone on the cables, but he ends up falling off as well. Bailey and Wentz then trade super kicks. Hammerstone then throws them both to the floor. Hammerstone then tosses Osborne out as well. Laredo Kid then goes to the cables, but Hammerstone military presses him out to everyone else on the floor. Hotch then hits a low blow on Hammerstone. Hotch then hits a torture rack bomb on Hammerstone. Laredo and Hotch then head to the top rope. Laredo then jumps up and grabs the cables with his hands and leaps into a hurricanrana on Hotch off the top. Osborne then gets up to the cables and hits a shooting star press off of it. Bailey then hits the Ultimo Weapon off the ropes. Wentz and Bailey then hang onto the cable with their hands and legs and then hang by their legs and trade shots with each other next to the X-Division Championship. Bailey then switches to a hand grip and Wentz knocks him off. Wentz then unhooks the title for the win.

The winner and new TNA X-Division Champion, The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz!

After the match, Trey Miguel celebrates with Wentz.

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing Josh Alexander as he prepares to challenge TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth in a 1 Hour Iron Man Match. Alexander says he promises to leave Emergence with the TNA World Championship and embarrass Nic Nemeth tonight.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Steve Maclin vs. “The World Class Maniac” Eric Young

The match starts off with both men staring each other down. Young then hits the ropes and tackles Maclin. Young then gets in some shots in the corner. Maclin then reverses and gets in some shots of his own. Young then reverses and gets in some corner shots again. Maclin then gets control back and hits some big chops on Young. Young then takes back control and drags Maclin’s face over the ropes. Maclin then shakes it off and hits an Olympic Slam for a two count. Young then hits a corner flip and then gets in a series of shots before hitting a delayed Death Valley Driver for a two count. Young then climbs the ropes for a moonsault, but Maclin stops him. Young is in the Tree of Woe and Maclin hits a running shoulder strike for a two count. Maclin then hits a backbreaker. Maclin then hits Young in the corner multiple times and puts him in the Tree of Woe again. Maclin then goes for a running shoulder strike again and hits it for a two count. Bot men then exchange strikes in the center of the ring and then hit a double clothesline. Young then puts his hands behind his back and tells Maclin to hit him. Maclin then obliges with a forearm. Maclin then shouts at Young that he’s the “blood of this place.” Young then shoots up and Maclin puts his arms behind his back. Young then hits Maclin with a shot. Young then tells Maclin to “stay down.” Maclin then gets up and says “Never! Not for you!” Both men then go face-to-face and exchange strikes. Young then gets tossed to the outside and Maclin goes for a dive between the bottom and second rope. Young then moves and Maclin hits the floor hard. Young then sends Maclin back in and goes to the top. Maclin then meets him at the top. Young then bites Maclin’s forehead and Maclin goes down. Young then hits Maclin with an elbow drop. Young then goes for a piledriver, but Maclin gets out of it. Young then goes for the piledriver again. Maclin then almost gets out of it, but Young muscles into it for a two count. Young then goes for another piledriver, but Maclin rolls him up for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Steve Maclin!

After the match, Eric Young is in disbelief as Steve Maclin favors his shoulder. Young then gets back into the ring and spins Maclin around. Both men then stare each other down and Young offers a handshake and Maclin accepts.

We then head to the back, where Gia Miller is interviewing TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth. Nemeth says everything he has done in the past is the past. Nemeth then says he is all about representing TNA now. Nemeth then says he knows Josh Alexander has been in an Iron Man Match, but he’s still coming out on top tonight no matter what. Nemeth then says it is time for him to hold the title high.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a 6-Knockout Tag Team Match.

6-Knockout Tag Team Match: TNA Knockouts World Champion “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace and Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) vs. Ash By Elegance and TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions (The System’s Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich)

The match starts off with all six women getting in each other’s faces and start brawling in the ring. Ash by Elegance, Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich are then sent to the outside. Jody Threat then hits a dive. Dani Luna then hits a dive. Jordynne Grace then almost goes for a dive, but it looks like Alisha Edwards is hurt on the outside. Things then slow down a bit and Grace and Ash get into the ring. Grace then spins Ash around by her head for a two count. Alisha is then shown on the outside as she is getting checked on. Threat is then tagged in. Threat then hits some shots on Ash in the corner and then hits an Exploder for a two count. Alisha is then being carried to the back by Tommy Dreamer. Ash is then being triple teamed by Grace and Spitfire and Luna gets a two count. Ash is then able to throw Luna into the post shoulder first. Masha then gets involved as Luna tries to get back into the ring and then tags in. Masha then tosses Luna around a bit and then gets two big kicks in for a two count. Ash then tags back in. Ash then gets a kick in on Luna as Masha holds her. Ash then hits a big chop in the corner. Luna is then sent into the corner and Ash hits a cartwheel elbow. Ash then goes for a suplex that Luna reverses into a suplex of her own. Grace is then tagged in. Masha is then tagged in. Grace then gets in some shots on Masha, along with a vicious elbow. Grace then hits a Muscle Buster for a two count as Ash breaks it up. Ash is then sent out of the ring by Grace. Threat then tags in. Grace then holds Masha for Threat as Threat gets in some shots. Threat then gets a big kick in on Masha and a German Suplex for a two count. Threat then goes for a suplex, but it is blocked. Masha then hits a suplex of her own into the turnbuckles. Masha then tags in Ash. Threat then tries to fight away from Ash, but Ash drags her back into the middle of the ring and hits a suplex. Ash then goes to the top rope and goes for a senton, but Threat moves. Threat then hits Pop Shove It for the win.

The winners of the 6-Knockout Tag Team Match, TNA Knockouts World Champion “The Juggernaut” Jordynne Grace and Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)!

After the match, the babyfaces throw Ash By Elegance out to the floor and celebrate in the ring.

We head to the back, where PCO and Steph De Lander are upset by a tweet from Matt Cardona. De Lander says she will see Cardona on Thursday’s iMPACT.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a TNA World Tag Team Championship Match.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) (c) vs. Fir$t Cla$$ (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

The match starts off with AJ Francis and Ace Austin. AJ wants a test of strength, but Austin gives him a smack in the face. Austin then ducks a punch and tries to use his quickness with some strikes. AJ then cuts him off and picks him up. Austin then wiggles out and tries to lift AJ, but he can’t do it and gets dropped. Austin then tags in Chris Bey. Bey then uses his quickness to get behind AJ and transitions into a headlock. AJ then sends him off and charges the corner. Bey then uses his quickness to get in a quick strike, but then gets a hand around his throat. He then gets out of the choke, but then gets tackled by AJ. KC Navarro is then tagged in. AJ then sends KC into Bey in the corner for a two count. Bey then takes advantage of KC taunting the crowd to get control back. He then chops KC in the corner and then sends him across the ring. KC then uses his quickness to headscissor Bey followed by a leaping kick as Bey’s body dangled through the ropes. Bey is then able to hit a backbreaker for a two count. Austin then tags back in and ABC double team KC for a two count. Austin then starts to work over KC’s arm and shoulder. Bey then tags back in and ABC double teams KC again for a two count. KC then distracts the referee so that AJ can attack Bey. KC then gets sent to the outside, but is caught by AJ. Bey then dives on AJ, but AJ catches him and drops him onto the apron, allowing KC to take control. AJ then tags back in and strikes Bey in the corner. Bey then tries to tag Austin in, but AJ cuts him off. He then throws Bey into the First Class corner, but Bey drops KC from the apron. He then leaps onto AJ, but AJ stops him mid-air. Bey is then able to turn it into a DDT. Austin and KC are then tagged in. Austin then comes in hot and hits some strikes. He then hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep and the Click Click Boom. Austin is then sent onto the apron and cartwheels over an AJ strike. He then kicks AJ. Austin is then able to counter KC into a suplex. AJ then comes in and Austin tries to lift AJ again, but they fall over. Austin then tries again and does get AJ up. He then drives him down into the mat. KC then comes back in and Austin is able to get him down for a two count. Bey then tags back in. They double team KC for a two count as AJ breaks it up. ABC then tries to suplex AJ, but AJ blocks it and suplexes them both over. He then drags KC to the corner and tags himself in. Austin then attacks AJ to save Bey. AJ is then tagged by KC, but AJ doesn’t realize it. AJ then shakes it off and hits a chokeslam on Bey. He then goes for the cover, but he isn’t legal. The referee then points it out. Austin then hits The Fold on AJ. KC then disposes of Austin and goes after Bey, but Bey gets in a quick roll up for the win.

The winners and still the TNA World Tag Team Champions, ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey)!

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is an 8-Man Tag Team Match.

8-Man Tag Team Match: The System (Moose, “The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards and JDC) vs. The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy), Joe Hendry and Mike Santana

The match starts off with Moose and Santana, but Moose decides against it and tags in JDC before anything happens. Santana then takes the early advantage and he clears the apron of every member of The System. Santana then asks the crowd if they want a Hardy and he tags in Matt and the “DELETE!” chants begin. Jeff Hardy then hits a poetry in motion off Matt’s back and another one off of Santana’s. Fans then start singing “I Believe in Joe Hendry!” as the action continues. Hendry and the Hardys then hit a suplex on the opposing team. Hendry and the Hardys then stand with their backs to the camera and turn around and do a pose. The System then take control of Matt Hardy and Hardy eventually makes the tag to Jeff. Jeff then hits a flurry of offense on The System. Jeff then hits a Whisper in the Wind on The System and Moose works over Jeff. Moose then tags in JDC and he hits some offense on Jeff. Jeff then hits a Twist of Fate on Moose as he is now the legal man. Jeff then tags in Hendry. Hendry then hits a fall-away slam on Edwards and follows it up with a fall-away slam on JDC. Myers then goes to spear Hendry, but Hendry side-steps him and Myers takes out JDC. Hendry then hits another fall-away slam on Myers. Moose then charges at Hendry, but Hendry side-steps him as well. Hendry then hits a pop-up power bomb on Edwards and goes for the cover, but only gets two. Hendry then goes for the Standing Ovation, but Edwards avoids it and both men collide into each other off the ropes. Hendry then tags out to Matt Hardy and Hardy hits a Side Effect. Jeff then hits a Swanton Bomb, but JDC responds with a Falcon Arrow. Hendry then hits a Standing Ovation on JDC. Matt Hardy then hits a Twist of Fate on Edwards for a close two count. Matt then goes after Edwards, but Edwards low blows him and hits the Boston Knee Party for the win.

The winners of the 8-Man Tag Team Match, The System (Moose, “The Most Professional Wrestler” Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards and JDC)!

After the match, The System celebrates on the ramp and Moose says that he will be coming for the winner of the main event and come back to get what is his.

We then get a video package on TNA Bound For Glory.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the main event of the PPV, which is a TNA World Championship 1 Hour Iron Man Match.

TNA World Championship 1 Hour Iron Man Match: “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth (c) vs. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander

The match starts off with both men looking to get the advantage early on. Nemeth then controls Alexander on the mat and works on his arm. Both men then hit the mat once again and roll around before quickly separating and staring at each other. Alexander then hits a headlock takeover on Nemeth. Alexander then goes for an ankle lock, but Nemeth quickly heads to the ropes. Nemeth then does a roll up on Alexander to get the first fall of the match. Alexander then quickly jumps on Nemeth and puts the boots to him in the corner. Nemeth then hits a back elbow on Alexander, but Alexander responds with a back breaker. Alexander then continues to focus on the lower back of Nemeth. Alexander then hits a suplex on Nemeth and goes for a pin, but Nemeth kicks out. Nemeth then hits several forearms on Alexander, but Alexander responds with a knee. Both men then go back and forth with pin attempts and Nemeth ends up hitting Alexander with a FameAsser and goes for another cover, but Alexander kicks out at two. Nemeth then looks for the Danger Zone, but Alexander avoids it. Nemeth then hits his Danger Zone finisher and gets the second fall in the match. Alexander then hits a German suplex on Nemeth and follows it up with several more. Nemeth then responds with several German suplexes of his own.

Nemeth then headbutts Alexander’s head gear off his head. Alexander then trips Nemeth up with an ankle pick. Alexander then looks for the ankle lock in the middle of the ring and Nemeth tries to get to the ropes. Alexander then steps on Nemeth’s head and pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Alexander then puts more pressure in the ankle lock and sits down on it. Nemeth then gets to the ropes and the referee forces Alexander to let go of the ankle lock. Alexander then slams Nemeth’s leg on the ring apron. Alexander and Nemeth then accidentally bumps the referee. Alexander then grabs a table from underneath the ring and sets it up at ringside. Alexander then looks to hit Nemeth with a C4 Spike through the table, but Nemeth counters with a back body drop that sends Alexander bouncing off the corner of the ring apron. Alexander then hits Nemeth with a spinning tombstone. Alexander then covers Nemeth and Nemeth gets his shoulder up. Alexander then grabs a steel chair and brings it with him in the ring. Alexander then gives it to the referee and as the referee gets rid of it, Alexander gets a foreign object out of his knee brace and nails Nemeth with it. Alexander then hits Nemeth with a C4 Spike and gets the third fall of the match and it is now 2-1. Alexander then hits another C4 Spike on Nemeth and gets the fourth fall of the match and it is now 2-2. Alexander then covers Nemeth once again, but Nemeth kicks out.

Nemeth then puts Alexander in a sleeper hold. Both men then crash onto the mat and Nemeth lets go. Nemeth then puts Alexander in a sleeper hold once again and Alexander slams Nemeth face-first into the turnbuckle to get Nemeth to release the hold. Nemeth then puts Alexander in another sleeper hold and Alexander climbs up the ropes and both men fall onto the floor. Both men then trade shots. Nemeth then headbutts Alexander, but Alexander responds by sending Nemeth to the floor. Alexander then rolls back in the ring and the referee begins the count, but Nemeth beats it at 9. Alexander then goes for another C4 Spike, but Nemeth avoids it and hits Alexander with a back body drop through the table that was set up earlier. Alexander then hits another C4 Spike, but Nemeth gets his foot on the ropes to stop the count. Nemeth then hits a DDT on Alexander, but only gets a two. Alexander then hits Nemeth with a big boot. Alexander then kicks Nemeth and Nemeth goes after him. Nemeth then climbs to the top rope and looks for a superplex, but Alexander knocks him down. Alexander then heads up to the top, but Nemeth stops him and hits him with a superplex. Nemeth then goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out. Both men then trade shots and Alexander kicks Nemeth’s ankle out from under him. Alexander then pulls his straps down and gets super kicked by Nemeth. Alexander then fights back and hits a German release suplex on Nemeth. Alexander then sends Nemeth into an exposed turnbuckle in the corner. Alexander then hits Nemeth with Nemeth’s own Danger Zone finisher and goes for the cover, but Nemeth kicks out. Alexander then looks for another C4 Spike, but struggles to get Nemeth up. Nemeth then counters with a back-slam into a pin, but Alexander kicks out. Nemeth then hits Alexander with another Danger Zone. Nemeth then hits Alexander with a C4 Spike for the next fall in the match and Nemeth is up 3-2. Alexander then crashes and falls back to the mat and the time runs out.

The winner and still TNA World Champion, “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth!

After the match, WWE Hall of Famer JBL makes a shocking appearance as he confronts TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth in the ring. JBL then whispers something into Nemeth’s ear before heading to the back and leaving him to celebrate as a confused Nemeth looks on and the show comes to a close.

Tags: TNA Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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