Last year, WWE released a list of Superstars, and Jinder Mahal was among those let go. The Modern Day Maharaja hadn’t been seen in the ring for a considerable time, and the reason behind it became clear once he parted ways with the company. Mahal has since disclosed that WWE informed him of his status as no longer being an active Superstar.

Raj Dhesi, better known to fans as former WWE star Jinder Mahal, is now a free agent. He recently appeared on Talk Is Jericho to discuss his WWE career and his plans for the future.

Jinder Mahal touched on the fact that he can still use the nickname “The Maharaja” outside of WWE. Despite WWE’s extensive legal resources, they never copyrighted that nickname. As a result, Mahal is free to use and promote it as he sees fit.

“It was actually my plan while I was in WWE. I said it in all the promos and I noticed WWE didn’t trademark it. I actually used it before WWE. I said it before WWE when I was released the last time, so I wanted to brand it. Going forward, I can do anything. I can have merchandise or any product or any line. I can do Maharaja branding. I think it is kind of synonymous with myself now.”


Reflecting on his final years with WWE, Mahal noted that the company effectively ended his in-ring career by transitioning him into a managerial role with Indus Sher.

“So the last two years, I wasn’t doing much. I was managing Indus Sher. In a way, they had retired me. They told me I wasn’t an active wrestler anymore, which was kind of weird. I think maybe they just wanted the focus to be on Indus Sher. I don’t know, something fresh, something new which I get because I had become very stale. Creative wise, I wasn’t doing much, which is, okay, I get it. I get it. Things change. That’s how my career has always been.”

Jinder Mahal had a notable run as WWE Champion, serving as a heel and drawing considerable revenue during that period. However, his reign was not enduring, and he never managed to return to the main event scene after losing the title.

This was not the first time WWE released Jinder Mahal. After the breakup of 3MB, he was let go, only to return years later and capture the WWE Championship once more. As he continues his career outside WWE, it remains to be seen whether he will return to the company or pursue other opportunities.

What are your thoughts on Jinder Mahal’s WWE career? Do you think he has earned a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame? Share your opinions in the comments section!

Tags: Jinder Mahal
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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