It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the August 20, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (8/20/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match For NXT No Mercy: Wes Lee vs. Joe Hendry vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne
  • WWE NXT Women’s Championship 6-Woman Gauntlet Eliminator Match For NXT No Mercy: No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair vs. The D’Angelo Family’s Adriana Rizzo vs. Sol Ruca vs. OTM’s Jaida Parker vs. Kendal Grey vs. Karmen Petrovic
  • Tag Team Match: Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger) vs. The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)
  • Singles Match: Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo
  • Singles Match: Dion Lennox vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis
  • Chase U’s WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Celebration

WWE NXT Results (8/20/2024):

The show opens up with separate shots of Jaida Parker, Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic arriving at the Performance Center. We then see a shot from earlier today of Izzi Dame attacking Karmen Petrovic at the parking lot of the WWE Performance Center. Vic Joseph then says that Petrovic’s status for her upcoming match is in question now.

Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T then welcomes us to the show and we get highlights from last week’s episode, where Andre Chase and Ridge Holland ended the show as the new WWE NXT Tag Team Champions.


Chase U then make their way down to the ring through the crowd for their WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Celebration.

WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Ridge Holland and Andre Chase runs through a Chase U flag wearing their championships. Andre Chase grabs the mic and soaks in the Chase U chants. Chase says it’s a new year in Chase University, with new students, new classroom and new tag team champions. Thea Hail then says she is proud of Ridge Holland proving that he belongs in Chase University. Duke Hudson then talks about how Holland became a success in NXT after a Rugby career. Riley Osborne then talks about how he was skeptical at Ridge at first, but he won him over. Andre then thanks Ridge for being the reason they are champions now.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer then make their way down to the ring. Axiom talks about how Chase U were good that night, but not every night because he and Frazer are the best tag team in NXT. Frazer then talks about how Chase U got lucky since both him and Axiom also were going after singles matches. Ridge Holland then cuts Frazer off for taking away Chase U’s moment. Holland then talks about how he came back to NXT to find himself and when he came everyone turned their back on him. Holland then says it was Chase U that had his back. Holland then talks about how Thea Hail gave him his confidence back. Holland then talks about busting his ass for six years and finally getting a championship in WWE. Holland then says with the tag belts his mission was accomplished. Axiom then says they want their tag team rematch. Duke Hudson then proposes he and Riley Osborne vs. Axiom and Frazer and if Axiom and Frazer can win, they can get their tag title shot. Axiom and Frazer then agrees and were about to get warmed up, but Osborne and Hudson revealed that they were in their ring gear and were ready for a match now.

The first match of the night is underway, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. Chase U (Riley Osborne and Duke Hudson)

The match starts off with a brawl between all four men as Frazer and Axiom do their best to get the advantage with their athleticism, but Hudson continually puts the brakes on their offense. Everyone then goes diving to the outside, but Chase U maintains control and pose. All four men are now back in the ring and Axiom and Osborne trade shots. Axiom then gets a near fall and transitions into an ankle lock. Osborne then makes a tag and Hudson comes in with a slingshot German Suplex. Frazer then tags in and gets hit with a Boss Man Slam for a near fall. Frazer then counters a Razor’s Edge with a Hurricanrana for a near fall. Osborne then tags in and hits a Wheelbarrow Slam/Blockbuster combo. Osborne then climbs to the top rope. Frazer then dodges a Shooting Star Press. Frazer then hits a reverse springboard spanish fly that gets a near fall. Osborne then dodges a Phoenix Splash. Osborne then counters a Superplex. Frazer then recovers and hits a Superplex. Axiom then tags in and he hits a double team move with Frazer for the win.

The winner of the Tag Team Match, Axiom and Nathan Frazer!

We then see NXT General Manager Ava inform Robert Stone and Stevie Turner about Karmen Petrovic not being cleared to wrestle in the eliminator match. Izzi Dame then shows up and demands to be the replacement. Ava then says Dame will not be rewarded for what she did and instead Brinley Reece will be the replacement.

Wendy Choo then makes her way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

Brinley Reece was then show in the locker room, excited to now be in the Eliminator Match later tonight. Wren Sinclair then shows up and says she is going to bring the women’s title to “Wren” QCC. Reece then thought that catchphrase sounded dorky.

Lola Vice then makes her way down to the ring for the next match.

Singles Match: Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo

The match starts off with Choo running through Vice, then following it up with a Thesz Press. Both women then brawl and Vice fights out of a Cobra Clutch attempt from Choo. Choo then has the advantage on Vice, taking her from corner-to-corner. Vice then comes back with a kick on Choo’s midsection. Choo then rolls Vice up and puts her in a Rear Naked Choke. Vice then fights out and Choo chops Vice in the throat. Vice then comes back with MMA knee strikes and follows it up with a bicycle kick to the back of Choo. Vice then hits a powerslam on Choo and Choo rolls out of the ring. Choo is now choking Vice on the ropes. Vice then tries to fight back, but to no avail. Choo then hits a suplex on Vice for a near fall. Vice then rolls up Choo with an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Choo then chokes Vice in the corner. Choo then places Vice in the Tree of Woe. Choo then hits a dropkick on Vice for a near fall. Vice then comes back with a rollup for a near fall. Vice then hits a series of kicks on Choo. Vice then hits a running strike on Choo in the corner. Choo then rolls up Vice and goes for a Cobra Clutch, but Vice breaks it with a Jawbreaker. Kelani Jordan then makes her way down to the ring and gets hit with a backfist from Vice by accident. Choo then hits Vice with a loaded pillow behind the referee’s back for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Wendy Choo!

After the match, WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan challenges Wendy Choo to a match at NXT No Mercy for her championship. Jordan then hits Choo with the loaded pillow and pulls the WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship out of the pillow and holds it high.

We then head to the back, where Kelly Kincaid is interviewing Wes Lee about his upcoming match. Lee says Pete Dunne is talented in the ring, but will be sent back to RAW angry. Lee then says Joe Hendry will return to TNA empty handed to swing his arms side to side. We then see a split screen, where Sarah Schreiber is interviewing Joe Hendry. Hendry talks about how disrespectful Lee was to his friends. Lee then blows off Hendry and leaves the interview segment. Hendry then talks about how he is going to be in the ring with two top athlete. Hendry then says he has spent the last ten years making believers of the fans, but he will make a believer in himself when he wins the NXT Championship.

We then get a promo from Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx. Jayne and Henley continues to trash talk about the NXT NIL rookies and compares it to how she and Jayne grinded on the indies. They then praise Nyx for following their lead. Jayne and Henley then talks about being friends before WWE and how they are going to take over the women’s division.

No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair was already in the ring for the next match of the night. Vic Joseph then reads out the Gauntlet Eliminator Match Rules. Sol Ruca then makes her way down to the ring next.

WWE NXT Women’s Championship 6-Woman Gauntlet Eliminator Match For NXT No Mercy: No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair vs. The D’Angelo Family’s Adriana Rizzo vs. Sol Ruca vs. OTM’s Jaida Parker vs. Kendal Grey vs. Karmen Petrovic

The match starts off with Sol Ruca and Wren Sinclair trading holds. Sinclair then holds up the No Quarter Catch Crew hand sign. Ruca then tries to outwrestle Sinclair, but Sinclair continuously finds her way out. Ruca then trips up Sinclair and puts her in a stretch manuever, but Sinclair quickly counters it into a Single Leg Crab. Sinclair then transitions it into a modified Bow and Arrow/Surfboard combination. Ruca then fights her way out for a near fall. Ruca then dodges a lariat and both women begin a hair pull, sending each other to the canvas as the countdown begins. Adriana Rizzo then makes her way down to the ring and takes both women out. Rizzo then hits a series of Northern Lights Suplexes. Rizzo then clears house with corner forearm smashes. Ruca then counters and hits Rizzo with a superkick. Ruca then fights out of a double rear naked choke. Rizzo then hits a Fireman’s Carry on Ruca. Ruca then rolls Rizzo up with an Inside Cradle for a near fall. Ruca then hits Rizzo with a Codebreaker. Ruca then hits a Fireman’s Carry Powerbomb on Rizzo for a pinfall and Rizzo is eliminated.

Ruca then kicks out of a roll up. Brinley Reece then makes her way down to the ring and takes out both Sinclair and Ruca. The countdown then begins and Kendall Grey makes her way down to the ring. All three women then go after Grey, but she deals with each of them. Grey then hits a modified Back Suplex on Reece for a pinfall and Reece is eliminated. Grey then rolls Sinclair up for a near fall. Grey then hits Ruca and Sinclair with a headlock/headscissors takedown. Grey then hits a crossbody.  Ruca then nails Grey and pus her in a surfboard stretch. Grey then powers out of the move and gets hit with a bulldog by Sinclair who gets a near fall. Ruca then press slams Grey out of the ring onto Sinclair. Ruca then climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault to the floor. Jaida Parker then makes her way down to the ring and throws everyone into various barricades and then takes Grey into the ring. Grey then rolls Parker up for a near fall. Parker then counters a crossbody and puts Grey in the corner for a senton. Parker then hits a Gourdbuster on Grey and gets a pinfall and Grey is eliminated. Ruca then hits Sinclair with a Solar Eclipse for a pinfall and Sinclair is eliminated. Ruca and Parker then trade counters. Parker then counters a springboard with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Ruca then counters a Powerbomb with a rollup for a near fall. Ruca then climbs to the top rope. Ruca then does a cartwheel on the top rope. Ruca then hits a Straight Jacket German Suplex on Parker, but Parker counters the move and hits a Drive By Hip Attack on Ruca for the win.

The winner and new #1 Contender to the WWE NXT Women’s Championship For NXT No Mercy, OTM’s Jaida Parker!

After the match, Lucien Price and Bronco Nima celebrates with Parker. Sarah Schreiber then interviews Parker in the ring. Parker says Perez may be champion, but she’s got next. The camera then shows Perez looking smug.

We then head to the back, where Kelly Kincaid is interviewing WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page. Page was gloating and he was suddenly interrupted by “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne. Dunne says he sees that Page is like everyone else who’s afraid of him. Dunne then says he was NXT UK Champion for over 600 days, so when he becomes champion, he will keep the belt.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night. The O.C. make their way down to the ring next.

Tag Team Match: Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger) vs. The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)

The match starts off with Karl Anderson and Hank Walker. Hank dominates Karl and tags in Tank. Tank then hits a corner splash for a near fall. Anderson then fights back and he corners Tank. Anderson then berates the crowd. Tank then counters Anderson and hits a corner splash. Hank then tags in and hits an assisted Senton on Anderson. Hank and Tank then hit Anderson with stereo body blocks for a near fall. Anderson then fights out and knocks Hank out of the ring. Gallows then tags in and assaults Hank at ringside. Gallows then gets Hank back in the ring and continues the attack. Gallows then nails Hank in the corner and tags in Anderson. Anderson then gets a near fall and immediately continues his attack on Hank. Hank then fights back and tags in Tank. Tank then gets the better of Anderson and rips off his shirt. Hank and Tank then hit a powerslam combo on Anderson for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger)!

After the match, Hank and Tank celebrates with Vic Joseph and a bunch of security guards. Gallows and Anderson then teases going after Hank and Tank, but the guards form a wall to protect Hank and Tank.

We then head to the back, where Shawn Spears was about to cut a promo. Spears was cut off by Edris Enofé and Malik Blade, who didn’t like Spears corrupting Brooks Jensen. Enofé and Blade say they are looking out for a friend. Spears then mocks them for ditching Brinley Reece. Spears then attacks both men. Enofé and Blade then stands tall after tossing Spears into some equipment. Brooks Jensen then runs over to check up on Spears.

No Quarter Catch Crew then make their way down to the ring to address the WWE NXT Universe.

WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion Charlie Dempsey starts off by calling the Heritage Cup “the oxygen the NQCC needs to live.” Wren Sinclair then takes the mic and stops Dempsey. Dempsey then continues and says he plans on making the cup the most prestigious title in NXT. Sinclair then steps on his line again and says Dempsey will face anyone at any time. WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi’s music then hits and Sinclair immediately apologizes to Dempsey. Femi then congratulates Dempsey, but says the most prestigious title is his North American Championship. Femi then says he will not hesitate to add Dempsey to his list of victims. Tony D’Angelo and The D’Angelo Family then interrupt. D’Angelo says he no longer wants the cup, he wants the North American Championship. The D’Angelo Family then brawls with the NQCC, while Femi and D’Angelo stare each other down. D’Angelo then counters a powerbomb and hits a spinebuster on Oba Femi. D’Angelo then takes the North American Championship and places it on the fallen champion.

We then head to the back, where Ashante “Thee” Adonis was trying to hit on developmental women stars but they got distracted and attracted to Dion Lennox. The camera then pans to Wren Sinclair handing the Heritage Cup to Je’von Evans to take care of it while she did something. Gallus then shows up and brags about Mark Coffey being a former Heritage cup Champion. Cedric Alexander then shows up to have Je’von’s back. Joe then jokes that Cedric was playing the role of daddy. Gallus then did a bit more clowning before walking off.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Dion Lennox vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis

The match starts off with Adonis dominating Lennox in the corner. Lennox then fights back. Lennox then hits a body slam and a series of throws on Adonis. Adonis then retreats to ringside, where Lennox gives chase. Adonis then recovers and hits a baseball slide on Lennox. Adonis then hits a corkscrew crossbody to the outside. Adonis then gets a near fall. Both men then trade shits. Lennox then fires up and nails Adonis repeatedly. Lennox then smacks the taste out of Adonis’ mouth and hits a Spinebuster on him for a near fall. Adonis then counters a stalling suplex. Adonis then assaults Lennox’s arm. Adonis then hits a Superkick on Lennox for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Ashante “Thee” Adonis!

We then head to the back, where Lexis King is shown coaching a random person to polish his personal throne. The camera then pans to Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson about how they are going to teach Fatal Influence a lesson next week. Lexis King then cuts in to hit on the women, while also mocking them as Meta Two. King then leaves and Oro Mensah shows up to encourage Lash and Jakara.

The lineup of next week’s episode of WWE NXT is then announced.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match For NXT No Mercy.

WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match For NXT No Mercy: Wes Lee vs. Joe Hendry vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne

The match starts off with Lee and Dunne charging at Hendry during his entrance. Hendry then fights back and tosses both men around. Lee then gets in some offense, but is sent out of the ring. Hendry and Dunne then trade shots. Lee then rejoins the fight and is neutralized by Dunne. Hendry then hits a catapult, sending Lee’s head into Dunne’s crotch. Lee then hits a Koppo Kick on Hendry. Dunne then brawls with Lee outside of the ring. Hendry then hits a Senton Plancha on Dunne and Lee on the outside. Hendry then continues to dominate, hitting a double Fallaway Slam on Lee and Dunne. Dunne then comes back and stretches Hendry and Dunne’s fingers. Dunne then hits an X-Plex on Hendry for a near fall. Dunne and Lee then brawl in the ring. Both men then battle on the top rope. Hendry then knocks Lee to the floor. Hendry then hits an Avalanche Fallaway Slam on Lee. Lee then hits a Frog Splash on Hendry for a near fall. Dunne then stops Lee from hitting a handspring and breaks Lee’s fingers. Hendry then hits Dunne with a Chokeslam. Ethan Page then pulls the referee out of the ring to break up the pinfall. Hendry then chokeslams Lee through the announce desk. Hendry then hits Dunne with a chokeslam, but Page stops the official from getting to the ring. Dunne then hits the Bitter End on Hendry. Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring and hits Dunne with the Trick Shot and Hendry gets the win.

The winner and new #1 Contender to the WWE NXT Champion for NXT No Mercy, Joe Hendry!

After the match, Joe hendry poses and jaws with Ethan Page as Page vs. Hendry for the NXT Title was made official for NXT No Mercy. The WWE signature then appears on the screen to close the show, but the show continues with Zachary Wentz attacking Wes Lee from behind. Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz then had to be pulled apart as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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