John Cena has a massive fan base, and just imagine the excitement they feel when they log onto X and discover that John Cena is following them. This has happened to many people, and it’s always heartwarming to see someone share their joy on social media when they realize Cena has followed them.

John Cena has nearly 15 million followers on Twitter and follows nearly 850,000 people. What’s interesting is that not all of his follows are celebrities; he also follows many everyday fans.

This has led many to wonder why he’s so inclined to follow fans on social media, especially those with few followers. Cena explained his approach to WIRED when answering the most Googled questions.

“If the general public is asking. The way that I use X is to engage in conversation. I believe you can’t just talk to people, you have to talk with them. The way I use X is not only for shameless self-promotion — please watch ‘Jackpot’ on Prime Video — but also I put out thoughts that might be on my mind or thoughts that will engage people. Everything nowadays is polarizing, but they are thoughts that people have a viewpoint on or a perspective. I follow everyone I can. I’m following over 800,000 people at the moment. I will continue to follow 1,000 people a day because that is all X allows you to follow. I follow people from everywhere. I don’t care. No one is off-limits. Your affiliations, your beliefs, I don’t care because I want to hear all the voices.”


John Cena is also a big pro wrestling fan who loves to connect with others. Twitter allows him to curate a timeline of people he finds interesting or worth following, as they might have something valuable to share. Cena saw something special in them, enough to hit the follow button.

We’ll have to see how John Cena’s retirement run unfolds. He plans to retire in 2025, with over 30 appearances in a farewell tour. While his in-ring time is coming to an end, he’s not leaving Twitter, much to the delight of the fans he follows.

What’s your take on John Cena following so many fans on Twitter? Do you think more people should do that? Let us know in the comments section!

Tags: John Cena
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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