WWE is gearing up to make a significant move with the RAW brand, expanding into new territory with a major partnership with Netflix. This deal is set to bring in substantial revenue, and uncensored programming, and is likely to be accompanied by some big names to launch the brand on the popular streaming platform.

John Cena has already confirmed his involvement with RAW on Netflix, making the announcement during Money in the Bank in Toronto, where he also revealed his surprise retirement. The Rock is expected to join as well, though details are still unfolding.

During Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentioned that he anticipates Dwayne Johnson will be involved with RAW’s Netflix launch, possibly for the first few months of the deal.

“I certainly expect The Rock on Netflix a lot for the first couple of months, you know? And Cena too for that matter.”


RAW is scheduled to move to Netflix in January 2025. With WrestleMania set for April 20 and 21 in Las Vegas, WWE has time to build momentum for the event on Netflix. The Rock has already expressed his desire to return and face Cody Rhodes, so it will be interesting to see how this develops.

WWE’s new Netflix deal adds to the company’s significant revenue stream, complementing its existing contract with the USA Network, which is estimated to be worth $250-260 million annually. The new deal spans ten years and exceeds $5 billion in value, making it a critical moment for WWE’s future, especially with The Rock’s involvement as a board member of TKO.

Speculation about The Rock’s WrestleMania 42 match is already brewing, and how this plays out will be a pivotal chapter in WWE history.

What do you think about The Rock returning to WWE for the Netflix deal? Are you excited to see an uncensored Final Boss on Netflix? Let us know in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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