WWE’s tag team division showcased its talent during the August 13 episode of NXT, where two of its top teams faced off. The black and gold brand returned to the USA Network, featuring a highly anticipated tag team title match as part of the event.

This NXT Tag Team Title match was the third championship bout of the night. Earlier, Charlie Dempsey had secured the Heritage Cup, and Oba Femi and Otis had clashed over the NXT North American Title.

The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match featured Axiom and Nathan Frazer defending their titles against Chase U, represented by Andre Chase and Ridge Holland, with the entire Chase U stable supporting them at ringside. Before the match, the faction had rallied backstage, agreeing that bringing the titles back to the stable was the only priority, regardless of who competed in the ring.

As the main event of the night, the match began with high energy. The champions, Axiom and Nathan Frazer, tagged in and out to maintain their momentum, while Andre Chase took on both opponents in the early stages. Ridge Holland then entered the fray, using his strength to overpower Axiom and Frazer. Interestingly, although Frazer and Thea Hail are in a real-life relationship, she was cheering for Chase U during the match.


Chase U gained the upper hand when Ridge Holland began to rally against the champions, leading to a near fall as Axiom kicked out at two. The momentum shifted again when Andre Chase tagged in, only for Nathan Frazer to regain control with an impressive move off the top rope. Despite Chase’s resilience, kicking out of Frazer’s pin, the match continued with the crowd chanting “NXT” as the intensity in the ring escalated. The champions fought hard, surviving another near fall, but the tide turned when Axiom hit Holland with a Spanish Fly from the top rope. However, Andre Chase intervened, pushing Frazer off the top rope to the outside.

In a sudden and decisive moment, Ridge Holland executed his finisher, securing a clean victory. The night concluded with new NXT Tag Team Champions as Chase U celebrated their triumph in the ring.

What’s your take on the NXT tag team division? Are the titles in the right team’s possession? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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