Chad Gable’s WWE character has certainly seen a lot of changes over the years, but he’s still producing quality work. His in-ring and character work has received tons of praise by the fans, especially the work he is doing now in the American Made vs. Wyatt Sicks feud. Through it all, he’s also had a few notable catchphrases, and one of the was borrowed from a 90s cult classic.

Chad Gable was interviewed on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet. He talked about being “killed” by the Wyatt Sicks, but he also touched on how his famous catchphrase was also borrowed from somewhere else.

“Encino Man” is a 1992 comedy film that helped launch Brendan Fraiser into stardom, but it also helped introduce Pauly Shore to a lot of new fans as well. The Weasel’s character from that movie also contributed to inspiring a WWE catchphrase years later, and he never even realized it.

“Shoosh I stole from Pauly Shore’s movie ‘Encino Man’. The bully, the high school jock bully who just said shoosh like 100 times in the movie and it was so funny. Like it was so annoyingly funny. I’ll never forget the first time I did it. We had this one night and I think COVID had kind of interrupted the plans because a bunch of people got sick, had to stay home, all this stuff. It was Detroit, if I remember right, and me and Otis were thrust into this promo segment to open the show out of nowhere. They’re like, ‘Well, you guys can walk and talk and do a promo tonight.’ I’m like, ‘I can say what?’ They’re like, ‘Whatever.’ I was like, we were waiting for this. So I pulled out all these Pauly Shore references and these ‘Always Sunny’ references, absurd stuff that I just liked. It was the first time I ever just did stuff that I liked because I had the chance and lo and behold, the stuff I liked is what resonated with people and it was like this light bulb. The crazy thing is you get people that will tell you this, and it happens in all avenues of life. You get advice from people but it never really clicks until you just do it for once. It was like all this stuff I like resonated with the people and stuck and who would have thought it’d be something as stupid as saying thank you and shoosh.”


The Shoosh wasn’t the only thing that Chad Gable said that drew a pop from the WWE Universe. The former Alpha Academy leader also spoke on how his “Thank You” got over with the WWE fans.

“I think that was by accident as well. That was stolen from I think ‘Always Sunny’ if I’m pulling my right reference, because Charlie on one of the episodes of Always Sunny, he says thank you like three times in a row, but like the last time he said it, he kind of drifts off because I think he had huffed something. I always heard that last time he said it and I was like, That’s really funny. Then it was when I got my master’s degree, and I was being this obnoxious schmuck, so to thank people I said it like that. Then I just heard the people’s response and I was like, Oh, that one’s gonna stay, that’s gonna stick.”

Chad Gable has a lot of stories left to tell in WWE. At this point, he recently inked a long-term WWE contract, and he attributed Triple H to why he made the decision to stick around WWE. You have to know that Gable has options, and he is staying with WWE, no matter where the road takes him.

We will have to see what Chad Gable does next, or who he might borrow from for inspiration. Either way, he’s still having the time of his life as a WWE Superstar. For more on this story and so much more, please keep checking back her at Ringside News.

What’s the best catchphrase in WWE history? Do you think that Chad Gable has another few catchphrases left in him? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Tags: Chad Gable
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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