It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the August 7, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (8/7/2024):

  • Singles Match: “The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Viva Van
  • Anything Goes Match (Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat Will Be A Special Guest): Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett
  • AEW American Championship Eliminator Match: AEW American Champion MJF vs. Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher
  • Singles Match: “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith vs. “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata

AEW Dynamite Results (8/7/2024):

The show opens up with AEW American Champion MJF making his way down to the ring for the first match of the night as he is being introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts. Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone then welcomes us to the show as “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay was shown watching the match on a monitor backstage. Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher then makes his way down to the ring next.

AEW American Championship Eliminator Match: AEW American Champion MJF vs. Don Callis Family’s Kyle Fletcher

The match starts off with MJF sliding out of the ring. MJF then grabs a mic and takes a shot at Fletcher, then gets back inside the ring and hits him with a kick. Fletcher then rolls up MJF twice, but MJF kicks out both times and Fletcher hits him with a bodyslam. MJF then responds with a back elbow and sends Fletcher into the corner, then gloats. MJF then hits a hair whip on Fletcher, but Fletcher responds with a jawbreaker. MJF then hits Fletcher with a shoulder-breaker and a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb, then sets up for the Kangaroo Kick. Fletcher then stops MJF and hits him with a superkick, then sends MJF crashing into the corner. Fletcher then delivers some right hands on MJF and hits him with a Sidewalk Slam. The action then spills out of the ring and Fletcher hits a tope suicida on MJF before he gets him back in the ring and climbs up the ropes. MJF then rolls out of the ring, but Fletcher nails him with a kick off the apron and hits him with a moonsault off the ropes.


MJF and Fletcher then get back in the ring, but MJF rolls back out of the ring and sits on a chair. Fletcher then follows him and delivers some right hands on him, then follows it up with a chop on his chest and looks to hit a Hip Attack. MJF then rolls out of the way and bites Fletcher, then looks to hit a running knee. Fletcher then moves out of the way and MJF is sent crashing over the barricade into the crowd. Fletcher then flies over the barricade to land on MJF, then sends him back into the ringside area. Fletcher and MJF then get back inside the ring and Fletcher hits an elbow drop on MJF off the top rope. MJF then looks to hit a Brainbuster on Fletcher, but Fletcher escapes. MJF then rolls up Fletcher, but Fletcher kicks out and MJF hits an Alabama Slam on Fletcher. MJF then hits a Cradle DDT on Fletcher and goes for a pin, but Fletcher kicks out. MJF then hits a couple of kicks on Fletcher’s head, then slaps him and gets in his face. Fletcher then gets fired up as MJF spits in his face, but Fletcher delivers some strikes on MJF. MJF then hits a Canadian Destroyer on Fletcher, but Fletcher responds with a clothesline. MJF then locks in the Salt Of The Armbar on Fletcher, but Fletcher escapes and sends MJF crashing into the middle turnbuckle. Fletcher then places MJF on the top rope, but MJF bites Fletcher and looks to hit a Tombstone. Fletcher then escapes and pins MJF, but MJF kicks out. Fletcher then hits a Tombstone on MJF and pins him, but MJF kicks out. Don Callis then leaves his position at the commentary desk and jumps up on the apron. Callis then tosses Fletcher a screwdriver and while Fletcher debates using it, he ultimately opts not to. MJF then hits a Kangaroo Kick and a Brainbuster on Fletcher for the win.

The winner of the AEW American Championship Eliminator Match, AEW American Champion MJF!

After the match, Will Ospreay looks to open the door of his dressing room. Ospreay finds that road cases are blocking it, but Ospreay pushes through them. Meanwhile in the ring, MJF hits the referee with the American Championship and nails Fletcher with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF then delivers some right hands on Fletcher using the ring and looks to continue to beat him down. Ospreay then runs down to the ring to make the save and MJF retreats as Ospreay cradles Fletcher and calls for him to receive medical attention.

We then get a video package on “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Jeff Jarrett with comments from both men about their Anything Goes Match.

“The Glamour” Mariah May then makes her way down to the ring for the next match of the night and Viva Van is already waiting inside the ring.

Singles Match: “The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Viva Van

The match starts off with May going straight after Van. May delivers some right hands on Van in the corner, then climbs to the top rope and hits her with a missile dropkick. May then sends Van’s head repeatedly bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then hits another missile dropkick on her. Van then hits a kick on May’s face. May then responds with a Hip Attack and delivers some right hands on her, then follows it up with a running knee and a Storm Zero for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Glamour” Mariah May!

After the match, May unwraps a gift to reveal a picture of Toni Storm cradling her and on the back, “Die Mariah Die” is written on it. Storm then blindsides May in the ring and May momentarily gains the upperhand over Storm. Storm then grabs the shoe from May, but a referee prevents her from using it and officials run down to the ring to separate both women. Storm then holds up the sign after May is out of the ring.

We then get a video of AEW TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry watching a footage of Darby Allin setting him on fire during the Anarchy in the Arena Match and then threatening to set him on fire during the Blood & Guts Match. Perry says everything in life has a price, but the question is how much you are willing to sacrifice for it.

Darby Allin then cuts a promo from the backstage area and says people have asked him why he didn’t just set Jack Perry on fire and be done with it. Allin says it was simple and the reason is Perry wouldn’t show up at All In. Allin then lists upcoming shows and says Perry doesn’t have to show up for them, but he has to show up at Wembley.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith vs. “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata

The match starts off with Keith wasting no time in going after Shibata. Shibata hits a running forearm on Keith in the corner, then follows it up with a stomp on his arm. The action then spills to the outside and Keith sends Shibata into the corner. Keith then hits a jumping knee on Shibata’s bicep, then drapes him on the apron and hits him with another kick on his bicep. Keith then delivers some strikes on Shibata in the corner and goes for a pin. Shibata then kicks out and Keith hits a suplex on him. Shibata then nails Keith and puts him in a cross armbreaker and Keith taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata!

After the match, Big Bill and Chris Jericho blindside Shibata in the ring and beat him down with Keith. Jericho then looks to hit Shibata with the FTW Championship as Bill and Keith hold him in place, but a returning HOOK makes his way down to the ring to make the save. HOOK then sends Keith and Bill crashing out of the ring, then beats down Jericho and sends him out of the ring to join them.

We then head to the back, where “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy is being interviewed by Renee Paquette. Paquette says the other members of The Conglomeration were not at the building due to travel issues. Cassidy says he will go through with his scheduled match against Roderick Strong, RUSH and The Beast Mortos. Cassidy then says he had a couple of local boys who were looking for a fight. Cassidy then asks Paquette if she will wrestle for him and she says no.

Excalibur then hypes Jim Ross’ sit-down interview with AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland.

“Hangman” Adam Page is then interviewed by Renee Paquette in the backstage area. Paquette brings up his loss to Darby Allin and says he hasn’t been getting the results he wanted. Page says there is one man he wants, but there has been a bunch of dumbasses getting in his way. Page then says he will get what he wants.

We then see Jim Ross’ sit-down interview with AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland. Ross says he is excited about what the fans will see, but is worried that some fans doesn’t know what they will be seeing. Swerve speaks about how motivated he is. Swerve then speaks about being the opener of last year’s All In to headlining the show this year. Ross asks Swerve if he has any remorse from some of the controversial things he has done. Swerve says if you knock on the door long enough and they don’t let you in, you have to make noise and then people will finally listen. Swerve then speaks about how physical his match with Bryan Danielson will be. Ross then mentions that Danielson is taking like this will be it win, lose, or draw. Swerve then says i the situations were reversed, would Danielson or anyone else care that he will be on his way out. Swerve then says they shouldn’t and neither will he. Swerve then says he doesn’t really care about Danielson being a father. Ross then says he thinks this will be the toughest match that Swerve has ever had. Swerve then questions why and then asks what will happen when Danielson’s body gives out on him. Ross then asks if Swerve can beat Danielson. Swerve then says he can and he will. Swerve then says Danielson’s legacy will belong to him.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong, Don Callis Family’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH and The Beast Mortos

The match starts off with Dax Harwood and RUSH. RUSH delivers some chops on Harwood, then tags in Mortos. Mortos then wears Harwood down, then tags in Strong. Harwood then delivers some chops on Strong, then tags in Cash Wheeler. Wheeler then immediately tags out to Cassidy and Cassidy hits some shoulders on Strong’s midsection. Harwood then tags in back in and hits an elbow drop on Strong, then tags in Wheeler. Cassidy then tags in and hits an elbow drop on Strong off Wheeler’s back. Mortos is tagged in and he hits a splash in the corner. RUSH then tags in and Strong hits a running knee before Mortos hits a Fallaway Slam. Strong then tags in and wears Wheeler down with a crossface, but Harwood tags in and delivers some right hands on Strong.

Harwood then rolls up Strong twice, but Strong kicks out both times. Harwood then hits a clothesline on Strong out of the corner, then delivers some chops on Strong as he places him on the top rope. Mortos is then tagged in before Taven and Bennett deliver some stomps on Harwood on the outside. Mortos and RUSH then deliver some stomps on Cassidy back in the ring. Strong then sends Wheeler crashing into the apron spine first. Cassidy then tags in and hits a crossbody on RUSH. Cassidy then follows it up with a Tornado DDT on Mortos, but Mortos responds a spear on Cassidy after Strong captures Cassidy’s attention. Cassidy then hits a Beach Break on RUSH, then goes for a pin but RUSH kicks out. RUSH then hits Harwood with a suplex and goes for a pin, but Harwood kicks out. Mortos then nails Wheeler with a headbutt and flies to land on him on the outside. RUSH then delivers some chops on FTR, but FTR hits the Shatter Machine on RUSH for the win.

The winners of the Trios Match, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood)!

After the match, The Acclaimed’s music hits and both Anthony Bowens and Max Caster make their way out. Caster’s mic didn’t work. Harwood says he respects what Caster and Bowens have done for AEW, but this goes beyond AEW. Security then comes out and stands in front of The Acclaimed. Harwood says he is not as good on the mic as The Acclaimed. Harwood then tells The Acclaimed to break through the wall and fight and we get a pull apart brawl.

We then get Highlights from Collision of The Patriarchy being stuck between the House of Black and the Bang Bang Gang.

The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, Mother Wayne and Killswitch) then cuts a backstage promo. Cage speaks about the House of Black and the Bang Bang Gang wanting to face them for the AEW Trios Titles. Cage then says he made some calls and got the House of Black and the Bang Bang Gang booked in a match to determine the No. 1 Contenders on Saturday’s AEW Collision. Cage then says the winners will face The Patriarchy at All In. Cage then says he will be the special referee for the Collision match.

We then get a video package on Hologram.

“The Brickhouse” Kamille and AEW TBS Champion and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night as Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter are already waiting in the ring.

2-On-1 Handicap Match: “The Brickhouse” Kamille vs. Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter

The match starts off with Kamille nailing both Carter and Hao. Hao and Carter then deliver some stomps on Kamille in the corner, but Kamille locks in the Torture Rack on Hao and sends her crashing into the mat. Kamille then sends Carter crashing into the mat and pins both Carter and Hao for the win.

The winner of the 2-On-1 Handicap Match, “The Brickhouse” Kamille!

After the match, Moné tells the crowd to say hello to “The Brickhouse” Kamille, who then tosses both opponents out of the ring. Moné then tells the crowd to say hello to their CEO. Moné then says not to worry about Britt Baker because the EVPs suspended her and they don’t have to worry about her until All In. Moné then tells the crowd again that Baker wasn’t there. Moné then says her titles show that she’s the best in AEW. Tony Schiavone then stands up and says Christopher Daniels just informed him that Tony Khan overruled The Elite and lifted the suspension of Baker. Schiavone then says Baker is available via satellite. Britt Baker then appears on the big screen and says Moné can’t stop her. Baker then says she follows through with things to the end, unlike Moné, who takes her ball and goes home. Baker then says AEW is just the flavor of the month for Moné, whereas AEW is her home. Baker then says she will win the TBS Title and become the first woman to beat Moné in AEW. Baker then wonders how she will get her hands on Moné. Baker then says she will figure out a way and you can trust her because she is a doctor. Baker then ends with her DMD line.

We then get a video package on AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. Excalibur says their match is 18 days away, but the Dynamite main event is just moments away.

Excalibur then recaps highlights of Claudio Castagnoli winning a 3-Way on Collision to earn an AEW Continental Championship Match. Excalibur then announces that Kazuchika Okada and Castagnoli will have a face-to-face on next week’s Dynamite.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is an Anything Goes Match, but as “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson was making his way out, Jeff Jarrett hit him with a chair from behind.

Anything Goes Match (Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat Will Be A Special Guest): Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett

The match starts off with Jarrett hitting Danielson with his guitar as a shocked Jay Lethal and Karen Jarrett watch on in horror. Jarrett and Danielson then gets in the ring. Jarrett then hits Danielson with a chair on his spine outside of the ring and beats him down through the crowd. Jarrett then sends Danielson’s face bouncing off the railing and into the concession area. Jarrett then throws a garbage can full of popcorn at Danielson, but Danielson hits Jarrett with a water bottle across his head. Jarrett then sends Danielson into a metal garbage can face first, then suplexes him through it. Danielson then responds with a suplex of his own on Jarrett on top of the garbage can.

Jarrett then delivers some right hands on Danielson in the corner of the ring, but Danielson nails him and hits him with a kick. Danielson then delivers some right hands of his own on Jarrett in the corner, then bites him and hits him with kicks on his chest on the outside as Jarrett sits on a chair. Danielson then charges at Jarrett, but Jarrett moves out of the way. Danielson then delivers more kicks on Jarrett’s chest and looks to fly off the apron, but Jarrett hits him with a chair and sends him back in the ring. Jarrett then places Danielson’s ankle in a chair and climbs to the top, but Danielson nails him with the chair and hits him with a hanging superplex. Danielson then hits the Yes Kicks on Jarrett, but Jarrett puts Danielson in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Danielson then grabs the chair and hits Jarrett with it on his right knee to break the hold. Jarrett then hits The Stroke on Danielson on top of the chair and pins him, but Danielson kicks out. Jarrett then locks in a Sharpshooter on Danielson, but Danielson reverses it into the LeBell Lock. Jarrett then escapes and exchanges strikes with Danielson before he hits an enzuigiri and looks for a second Stroke. Danielson then sends Jarrett crashing into a chair in the corner, then hits him with the Busaiku Knee using a chair for the win.

The winner of the Anything Goes Match, Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett and Sonjay Dutt join Jeff in the ring as Wheeler Yuta joins Danielson and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat checks on both men. Steamboat then holds up the hands of both men. AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana then make their way down to the ring and Strickland says fans just got to see three great legends: Jarrett, Steamboat and himself. Strickland then tells Danielson he won’t hesitate to take the Killshot, then asks him how he’s feeling. Strickland then says if Jarrett can make Danielson lose the feeling in his legs, spine and fingers, then imagine what he’ll do to him. Strickland then says he wants a warm up match ahead of All In, then challenges Wheeler Yuta to a match next week. Yuta then accepts. Swerve then tells Danielson that he wanted him to have a front row seat while he shows him why he is the most dangerous man in AEW. Swerve then tosses the mic at Yuta’s chest and let it drop, then holds up his title belt and goes face-to-face with Danielson as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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