It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The NXT Great American Bash Week 2 episode of WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the August 6, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (8/6/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship Match: “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley
  • WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs. MSK (Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz)
  • Singles Match: Trick Williams vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne
  • Singles Match: No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair vs. Kendal Grey
  • Singles Match: Gallus’ Joe Coffey vs. Joe Hendry

WWE NXT Results (8/6/2024):

The show opens up with a video vlog from Hank & Tank (Hank Walker and Tank Ledger) followed by a video recapping week 1 of The NXT Great American Bash special.

Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T then welcomes us to the show and we get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a Singles Match between Trick Williams vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne.


Singles Match: Trick Williams vs. “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne

The match starts off with Williams hitting a dropkick on Dunne, then following it up with a couple of chops. Dunne then puts Williams in a submission hold, but Williams counters it into a vertical suplex to escape and goes for a pin and Dunne kicks out. Dunne then locks in another submission on Williams and snaps his fingers, then stomps on them and delivers some forearms on him. Dunne then locks in another submission on Williams, but Williams counters it into a powerbomb to escape. Williams and Dunne then exchange strikes with each other before Dunne looks to fly out of the corner. Williams then catches Dunne and hits him with a neckbreaker and goes for a pin, but Dunne kicks out.

Dunne then stomps on Williams’ tricep and hits him with an elbow strike. Dunne then charges at Williams, but Williams nails him and delivers some right hands on him. Dunne then follows it up with a couple of leg lariats and a flapjack, then kips up. Dunne then rolls Williams up, but Williams quickly kicks out and hits Dunne with a uranage. Williams then goes for a pin of his own, but Dunne kicks out. Dunne then delivers some boots on Williams’ head, then follows it up with a German suplex. Dunne then hits Williams with a roundhouse kick to his head and climbs to the top rope, but Williams meets him up there and hits Dunne with an avalanche flapjack. Williams then goes for a pin, but Dunne kicks out. Williams then goes for the Trick Shot, but Dunne sees him coming and nails him with a forearm. Dunne then follows it up with a step-up enzuigiri, but Williams nails him. Dunne then hits Williams with a powerbomb, then follows it up with a series of stomps on the side of his face. Williams then gets fired up and hits Dunne with a series of chops and some right hands, but Dunne snaps Williams’ fingers. Williams then looks to hit the Trick Shot, but Dunne moves out of the way and Williams is sent crashing into the corner. Dunne then hits The Bitter End on Williams for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne!

We then see the NXT roster having a cookout party in the backstage area. Lexis King was in charge of music and he played Rock music. Edris Enofé says King’s music was trash. Tank Ledger then says they wanted Eddy Thorpe, but had to settle with Lexis instead. Eddy Thorpe then chases Lexis King away. We also see Robert Stone and Stevie Turner still bickering with each other. Hank and Tank then made them settle things with a chicken wing eating contest.

Tatum Paxley was then shown pacing around backstage.

We then see WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page complain about the temperature of his ice bath to a medical official. WWE NXT Tag Team Champion Nathan Frazer then walks in and wishes Page good luck in his NXT Championship defense later tonight and a verbal confrontation between both men ensues.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley

The match starts off with Jordan and Paxley taking turns in locking submission holds on each other as we see Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley watching the action from the backstage area. Jordan then rolls up Paxley, but Paxley kicks out. Jordan then hits an arm drag on Paxley and follows it up with a shoulder tackle. Jordan then hits two more arm drags on Paxley, then follows it up with a flipping leg drop. Paxley then rolls out of the ring and Jordan flies over the top rope to land on her. Paxley then crawls under the ring and Jordan reluctantly lifts up the ring skirt. Jordan then finds a doll as Paxley emerges from the adjacent side of the ring and trips Jordan. Jordan then rolls up Paxley, but Paxley kicks out and looks to hit an enzuigiri. Jordan then avoids it and Paxley hits her with a bulldog. Wendy Choo then emerges at ringside and picks up Paxley’s doll that was left on the floor as Jordan nails Paxley inside the ring. Jordan then rolls up Paxley, but Paxley kicks out. Jordan then hits a Hammerlock DDT on Paxley and looks to hit a split legged moonsault, but Paxley avoids it and Jordan hits hard on her injured knee. Paxley then hits a 450 Splash on Jordan off the top rope and Jordan charges at her. Paxley then trips Jordan and climbs back up to the top, but Jordan meets her up there and hits her with a Spanish Fly. Jordan then follows it up with a splash for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion, Kelani Jordan!

After the match, Wendy Choo hands Tatum Paxley her doll and locks in a Sleeper on her. Kelani Jordan then approaches both women and finds Paxley asleep as Choo stares her down.

We then head to the back and see both Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne having a conversation with Wren Sinclair. The D’Angelo Family then approaches them and Tony D’Angelo offers Dempsey a shot at his WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship should Wren Sinclair win her match later tonight. Sinclair then looks to have Dempsey sweeten the pot and Dempsey tells her she can be part of No Quarter Catch Crew should she win. WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi then barges through them. The camera then pans over to Nathan Frazer looking nervous at Axiom not being there. Axiom then shows up and Frazer was relieved.

Separate shots were then shown of Ethan Page and Meta-Four walking backstage.

We then see “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne being interviewed backstage. Dunne talks about how Trick Williams may not be ready for an NXT title shot, but maybe he is. Trick Williams then jumps Pete Dunne from behind and both men end up in a pull apart brawl.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Championship Match.

WWE NXT Championship Match: “All Ego” Ethan Page (c) vs. Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah

The match starts off with Mensah delivering some chops on Page in the corner, then following it up with a hurricanrana and a splash. Mensah then hits Page with a running kick and goes for a pin, but Page kicks out. Mensah then hits a forearm on Page’s spine, then follows it up with a chop. Page then sends Mensah crashing into the top turnbuckle face first, then hits him with a chop. Mensah then hits some strikes on Page, then follows it up with a boot through the middle rope. Mensah then looks to hit a springboard moonsault on Page. Page then hits Mensah with a kick and follows it up with a powerslam and goes for a pin. Mensah then kicks out and hits a suplex on Page, then delivers some right and left hands on him. Mensah then hits Page with a clothesline and an elbow, then follows it up with a scissor kick and goes for a pin, but Page kicks out.

Page then hits a roundhouse kick on Mensah’s head, then looks to drag Mensah up to the top rope. Mensah then escapes from Page’s grasp and hits him with a kick that sends Page crashing out of the corner. Mensah then hits Page with a tope suicida and sends Page back inside the ring, then hits Page with a roundhouse kick and goes for a pin, but Page kicks out. Page and Mensah then exchange right hands with each other before Mensah hits an enzuigiri on Page from the apron and a single leg dropkick off the ropes. Mensah then follows it up with a dropkick on Page through the ropes on the outside and brawls up the ramp with him. Mensah then sends Page’s head bouncing off one of the decorative picnic tables, but Page tosses Mensah into the other. Page then hits an Ego’s Edge on Mensah through it and sends him back in the ring, then hits Mensah with a DDT and goes for a pin. Mensah then manages to kick out and Page sets him up for another Ego’s Edge. Mensah then escapes and rolls Page up twice, but Page kicks out. Mensah then hits a DDT on Page and follows it up with a leg lariat in the corner. Mensah then goes for a pin, but the referee spots Page’s foot under the bottom rope and stops his count. Mensah then looks to fly off the top rope, but trips on it. This then opens the door for Page to hit Mensah with an Ego’s Edge for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Champion, “All Ego” Ethan Page!

After the match, Page says it’s the Era of All Ego. Page then says he doesn’t care who his next challenger is because it is not NXT, it is NX-Me.

We then head to the back, where Kelly Kincaid is interviewing The Rascalz. She talks about their 852 days since they were stripped of the titles. Wentz says they have been wishing this day would come when they can get it back. Wes then says they actually thought that day would never come. Wes then struggles to come up with words about his friends. Wes then says he had tough days in his life with his friends taking him to the top of the world, but then they were both gone. Wes then says it was great being NXT North American Champion, but the best moment of his career was having Wentz and Trey with him. Trey then says he’s all about the Rascalz, but tonight it’s about MSK all day.

Vic Joseph then hypes up Joe Coffey vs. Joe Hendry.

We then get another video of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger’s barbeque from earlier today. Jaida Parker and Lola Vice find themselves in a verbal exchange over who gets the next shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. One of the attendees then tries shooting his shot with them, but Vice, Parker and Ruca triple powerbomb him through a table.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Gallus’ Joe Coffey vs. Joe Hendry

The match starts off with Joe Hendry flying over the top rope to take down Mark Coffey and Wolfgang on the outside. Hendry then takes Joe Coffey down on the outside, then gets him back inside the ring. Joe Coffey then hits a backbreaker on Hendry. Hendry then hits a jumping knee on Joe Coffey, but Joe Coffey looks to hit a crossbody on him out of the corner. Hendry then sees him coming and Joe Coffey is sent crashing into the mat before Hendry nails Joe Coffey with a delayed vertical suplex. Hendry then delivers some right hands and stomps on Joe Coffey in the corner, then nails him and clotheslines him out of the ring. Hendry then looks to roll up Joe Coffey, but Joe Coffey avoids it and looks to lock in a submission on Hendry. Hendry then prevents him from doing so, but Joe Coffey sends his face bouncing off the top rope. Mark and Wolfgang then look to attack Hendry as Joe Coffey distracts the referee, but Hendry takes them both down. Hendry tangles Mark up in the ring skirt and grabs a chair, then hands it over to Wolfgang and lays on the announce desk, pretending he was just hit with it. The referee then ejects Mark and Wolfgang from ringside and Hendry rolls Joe Coffey up back inside the ring. Joe Coffey then kicks out and Hendry hits him with a back body drop. Hendry then hits Joe Coffey with a Fallaway Slam and rallies up the crowd, then nails Joe Coffey with The Standing Ovation for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Joe Hendry!

After the match, Sarah Schreiber joins Hendry in the ring to talk about his time in NXT thus far. Hendry says he likes it in NXT and he is planning on sticking around. Hendry then says he will be on NXT next week to challenge anyone. Hendry then reminds viewers that if you say his name, he will appear. Hendry then leads the crowd in waving their hands out.

We then get a video of Chase U in their new classroom. Andre Chase credits Ridge Holland for making the new classroom happen before Holland walks in and gives a speech to the crowd. Holland then announces that Chase U will receive an NXT Tag Team Championship shot next week. Duke Hudson then becomes fired up and vows to bring home the title with Chase, but Holland clarifies that he will be teaming with Chase much to the disappointment of Hudson.

Wren Sinclair and No Quarter Catch Crew then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

We head back to the barbeque, where some daunting music started to play as Shawn Spears was shown stopping Brooks Jensen from spiraling into alcoholism again by telling him he will help him. Jensen then yells at Spears and walks away. We then see Robert Stone and Stevie Turner exhausted after their Buffalo Wing eating contest. Stone was about to talk to Ava about booking a women’s match, but Turner punches him and says she will go request it instead. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows then shows up and tells Hank and Tank their food sucks. A brawl then ensues between the two tag teams.

Vic Joseph then says that NXT will return to USA next week. Vic also plugs the ticket sale date for the first two CW shows featuring CM Punk and Randy Orton in their respective hometowns.

Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night.

Singles Match: No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair vs. Kendal Grey

The match starts off with both women taking turns in locking each other in submission holds, but Grey hits a crossbody on Sinclair out of the corner. Sinclair then locks in a Bow and Arrow on Grey, but Grey counters into a pinfall. Sinclair then kicks out and Grey hits her with a neckbreaker, then follows it up with a couple of back elbows. Grey then hits Sinclair with a belly-to-belly suplex and hits a second suplex before going for a pin. Sinclair then kicks out and Myles Borne jumps up on the apron to distract the referee. Sinclair then looks to take advantage and roll up Grey, but Grey kicks out. Grey then rolls up Sinclair, but Sinclair counters into a fall of her own. Dempsey then considers helping Sinclair, but Dempsey opts not to. Sinclair then puts Grey into the mat for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, No Quarter Catch Crew’s Wren Sinclair!

After the match, Wren leads Dempsey and Borne in their NQCC pose. Bourne was all for it, but Dempsey did not want to be a part of it.

We then get a video from Je’Von Evans, where Evans talks about how his teacher and counselors told him he needs to go to college and have a backup plan, but for him wrestling was the only goal. Evans then says he was signed by WWE last November. Evans then says the first person he met at the Performance Center was Matt Bloom (a.k.a. Prince Albert). Evans then jokes about if he was allowed to call him Lord Tensai on TV. Evans then talks about meeting Tensai when he was a kid when he asked Tensai how he got rid of his face tattoos after becoming Sweet T. Evans then says Tensai just laughed and took a picture with him. Evans then says it was surreal meeting Tensai as a kid and now having him as his trainer. Evans was then asked what he goal was in the next ten years. Evans then says he doesn’t quite know, but we are all there to watch him grow.

Separate shots were then shown of The Rascalz and Axiom and Frazer warming up backstage.

We then see Oba Femi announce that he will be defending his NXT North American Championship next week before The D’Angelo Family passes him and a confident Tony D’Angelo voices that he will be able to retain the NXT Heritage Cup Championship against Charlie Dempsey next week.

The lineup for next week’s episode of WWE NXT is then announced.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs. MSK (Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz)

The match starts off with Wes Lee and Axiom. Both men take turns in locking each other in submission holds before Frazer is tagged in and rolls up Lee. Lee then kicks out before Wentz tags in and hits a Bronco Buster on Frazer. Lee then tags back in and Frazer hits an enzuigiri on him. Axiom then tags back in and hits a crossbody off the top, then nails Wentz on the apron and sends Lee out of the ring. Frazer then flies over the top rope to land on MSK on the outside and Axiom follows suit by hitting a moonsault off the top rope. Frazer and Axiom then hold up the NXT Tag Team Championships.

Lee and Axiom then tag in. Lee then delivers some strikes on Axiom, then follows it up with a couple of kicks in the corner and tags Wentz in. Lee then looks to catapult Axiom into a kick from Wentz, but Axiom avoids it. Frazer then tags in and Axiom hits a Spanish Fly on Wentz off the top rope. Frazer then follows it up with a Phoenix Splash and goes for a pin, but Lee breaks the fall. Lee then goes after Frazer, but Axiom looks to hit a superkick on him. Lee then avoids it and Axiom accidentally hits Frazer. Lee then nails Axiom with a superkick and Wentz hits a springboard cutter on Frazer. Wentz then goes for a pin, but Frazer kicks out. Lee then tags back in and helps Wentz hit a standing moonsault on Frazer. Lee then goes for a pin, but Axiom breaks the fall. Frazer then places Lee on the top rope and hits a dropkick on him, then joins him up there and hits him with a superplex. Axiom then tags in and hits a superkick-brainbuster combination on Lee with Frazer. Axiom then goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out. Axiom then hits the Golden Ratio on Lee for the win.

The winners and still the WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom and Nathan Frazer!

After the match, MSK hugs each other in the ring. Miguel then begins crying, but Lee blindsides him with a superkick out of nowhere. Wentz then asks what Lee is doing, but Lee low blows him and berates Wentz. Lee then tells him that he left him alone, then delivers some right hands on him and kicks him out of the ring. Lee then hits a right hand on Miguel’s midsection, then sends him crashing through the barricade and nails a running knee on Wentz that sends him crashing into the ring steps. Lee then stands tall and heads to the back as the crowd boos him and the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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