Logan Paul prides himself on being one of the most famous people to ever come out of Cleveland, but he returned to the city for SummerSlam and had a big test ahead of him. Paul has carried the United States Title since beating Rey Mysterio in Saudi Arabia last year, but LA Knight was more than ready to take his title.

LA Knight added fuel to the fire by stealing Logan Paul’s Prime-wrapped truck during the August 2 episode of SmackDown. They carried that angle over to the biggest party of the summer, and Logan was not amused by the leader of the Yeah Movement’s actions. Machine Gun Kelly was revealed as Logan Paul’s special security for the match, and that got a pop out of the fans.

Before their SummerSlam match, LA Knight pulled up in that Prime truck and then smashed out the driver’s side window. This caused Logan Paul to jump the gun and attack Knight during his entrance. The two brawled outside the ring a bit before the match even started. This included Knight running the Prime Hydration cart into Paul before The Maverick created separation and then cleared off the announce table. Then LA Knight got Logan Paul on his shoulders and nailed a neckbreaker on the table without breaking it.

The match finally started, and LA Knight had control early on. “F*ck you Logan” chants filled the stadium as he got the upper hand on Knight. The two started trading punches as the crowd chanted “YEAH” every time LA Knight landed a blow.


After Logan Paul, who had a lump already forming under his eye from the intense match, taunted LA Knight a bit, the former TNA star nailed a clothesline and took control of the match. Knight nailed a Side Effect before climbing to the top rope for an elbow drop to get a two-count. Paul was able to gain an advantage after that as he sent Knight to the floor before nailing a perfect springboard moonsault to the floor.

They continued, and Logan Paul kicked out of a brainbuster off the top rope. Then, when Paul went to the floor, Knight nailed a dropkick through the ropes. Knight pulled Logan Paul’s friends over the barricade and started laying the boots to them before Paul snuck up and sent him into the post. Then MGK gave Logan Paul brass knuckles that he had around his neck as a chain.

In the end, LA Knight was able to avoid the attack and win the WWE United States Title. Although Paul did hit him with the knuckles, Knight reversed the buckshot lariat from Paul to nail his finisher. Then he celebrated in Cleveland Browns Stadium as the crowd cheered him on in a big way.

What is your take on how WWE booked the United States Title at SummerSlam? Is Logan Paul already a shoo-in WWE Hall of Famer? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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