WWE is making significant waves in the entertainment industry, as they are more open for business than ever before. Endeavor merged UFC and WWE, and it was off to the races. This also includes revisiting many policies that Vince McMahon once held firm to while he controlled the company’s direction and the careers of his talent.

Vince McMahon resigned from his post in WWE after Janel Grant’s lawsuit brought several heinous acts to light. While he handles his impending sex trafficking case as part of that lawsuit, a lot is happening in his absence in the company he used to run with an iron fist. This included a change in how Vince McMahon dealt with his talent accepting roles outside the ring.

There has been a lot of noise about WWE talent signing for Hollywood representation. PW Insider noted that they can’t imagine that Vince McMahon would have allowed that. The thing is that WWE Superstars will likely keep taking those roles, as Charlotte Flair and others proved, while they take a hiatus to film for acting roles.

Vince McMahon doesn’t own the company anymore. In the old days, if he decided someone like Alexa Bliss needed to be on the road and couldn’t do a film role, that was the end of it. It was at his whim. Now, the company is owned by Endeavor, with its roots in Hollywood as a talent powerhouse agency, so I don’t think they are going to be against their talents doing roles and legitimizing WWE in the process.


In the end, 99% of those who saw things the way Vince did and/or were loyal to him are gone from the company. Kevin Dunn departed soon after McMahon left, others like Mark Carrano are also gone, and Pat Patterson is sadly deceased, leaving few members of the old guard who are still around. In fact, allegations came out about Carrano stealing title belts after his departure, but nothing was reported to have been done to handle that or follow up in any way from WWE’s side.

We will keep a close eye on this story, and so many more, as things change for WWE. There are big things on the horizon as the company continues building its brand into an even more impressive global powerhouse. This could also include their Superstars, who are all good actors in the first place, branching out with the approval of the company.

What’s your take on WWE Superstars taking other acting roles while they remain with the company? What’s your favorite thing that’s changed in WWE since Vince McMahon left? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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