It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 31, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (7/31/2024):

  • “The Glamour” Mariah May Will Speak With Renee Paquette
  • Trios Match: The Conglomeration (“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe and “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and Don Callis Family’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH
  • CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator Match: CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander
  • We Will Hear From Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson
  • Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. “Hangman” Adam Page
  • Singles Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay vs. “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer
  • We Will Hear From AEW TBS Champion And NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné

AEW Dynamite Results (7/31/2024):

The show opens up with AEW American Champion MJF making his way down to the ring as Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz welcomes us. MJF has a microphone in hand and is introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts.

Excalibur says it was one week ago that MJF rechristened the AEW International Championship as the AEW American Championship. Schiavone then calls MJF a fraud. MJF then starts off by saying he knows people in the south are not very bright, which Excalibur calls low hanging fruit. MJF then tells the simple minded folks to keep their meth addicted mouths shut. MJF then says he was going to talk to real America. MJF then says there was no class in the south. MJF then says he singlehandedly defeated the redcoat terrorist Will Ospreay with ease and brought gold back to our great nation. MJF then says he will walk into enemy territory on August 25 at All Out in London and beat Ospreay again. MJF then asks the fans to show some respect by standing up for their American hero.


Will Ospreay’s music then hits and Ospreay makes his way down to the ring, which leads to MJF leaving the ring and heading to the stage. Ospreay says MJF should keep running after what he said about his family last week. Ospreay then says Americans love their flag just like he loves his country’s flag. Ospreay then says no one is acknowledging MJF’s title after he threw the AEW International Championship in the trash. Ospreay then praises former champions PAC, Orange Cassidy, Jon Moxley, Rey Fénix and Roderick Strong and says they would all put it on the line for the people. Ospreay then says he gets it, but MJF does not represent the American spirt or work ethic. Ospreay then says he will restore honor to the AEW International Championship. MJF then refers to himself as an American hero and says he lets his actions do the talking. MJF then says he will annihilate Ospreay in front of his countrymen. MJF then says he doesn’t think Ospreay will make it to Wembley because everybody dies. “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer then makes his way down to the ring for the first match of the night, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay vs. “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer

The match starts off with Archer hitting a chokeslam on Ospreay. Archer then hits Ospreay with a series of elbows in the corner, but Ospreay responds with a forearm. Archer then hits Ospreay with a forearm of his own, then follows it up with a springboard kick. The action then spills to the outside and Archer hits a bodyslam on Ospreay on the floor, but Ospreay responds with a hurricanrana on Archer that sends him crashing into the barricade. Ospreay and Archer then get back inside the ring and Ospreay looks to fly off the top, but Archer pulls him down. Ospreay then hits a kick on Archer’s head and looks to fly off the ropes. Archer then catches Ospreay and hits him with a slam, then follows it up with a spinebuster and goes for a pin. Ospreay then kicks out and hits Archer with a kick on his face, then sends him into the mat and charges at him in the corner. Archer then intercepts Ospreay with a boot, then steps on Ospreay and climbs to the top. Ospreay then trips Archer and joins him on the ropes. Archer then looks to chokeslam Ospreay, but Osprey counters into a Spanish Fly and goes for a pin. Archer then kicks out, but Ospreay hits him with the Os-Cutter and goes for another pin. Archer then kicks out once again and Ospreay sets up for the Hidden Blade. Archer then hits Ospreay with a clothesline and goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. Ospreay then hits a couple of Hidden Blades on Archer for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

After the match, MJF blindsides Ospreay and delivers some right hands on him. MJF then hits Ospreay with a brainbuster and puts on the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but Kyle Fletcher makes his way down to the ring to help Ospreay out. MJF then demands to be given a mic as Fletcher explains to Don Callis why he just helped Ospreay. Fletcher says Ospreay is his best friend and his brother and Ospreay is laying in a heap on the ground because of MJF. Fletcher then says he heard what MJF said last week and MJF only cares about himself rather than America and recalls dreaming of moving from Australia to America because that’s where the best wrestle. Fletcher then says the U.S. has given him everything and everyone is sick of MJF. Fletcher then tells MJF to get in the ring so he can beat him down and while MJF initially squares up, he ultimately decides against it. MJF then agrees to give Fletcher a match next week. MJF then says he will Kangaroo Kick Fletcher’s goddamn face off. MJF then says he will make sure Fletcher meets the same faith as Daniel Garcia by breaking his neck and leaving him in a pool of his own blood. MJF then says he couldn’t wait to see the look on Ospreay’s face when he’s done dismantling his boy. Fletcher then raises Ospreay’s arm and then they hug.

We then get a video package of Swerve Strickland’s reign as AEW World Champion.

We then get highlights of Chris Jericho vs. Minoru Suzuki from last week’s show followed by Katsuyori Shibata saving Suzuki.

We then head to the back, where Alex Marvez is interviewing FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, who is accompanied by “The Redwood” Big Bill and “The Bad Apple” Bryan Keith. Bill has a birthday cake to celebrate Jericho holding the FTW Championship for 102 days. Jericho says the cake will not end up in anyone’s face like it normally does in pro wrestling. Jericho then says Shibata had no one left to help him and they set up Shibata vs. Keith for next week. Bill then hands the cake to Marvez and Keith teases shoving it in Marvez’s face.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator Match.

CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator Match: CMLL World Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

The match starts off with Statlander attacking Nightingale from the apron and hitting her with a missile dropkick off the top rope. Statlander then delivers a couple of chops on Nightingale. Statlander then looks to hit a splash on Nightingale in the corner, but Nightingale moves out of the way and hits Statlander with a boot. Statlander and Nightingale then roll each other up before Nightingale nails Statlander with a forearm and a Northern Lights suplex. Nightingale then goes for a pin, but Statlander kicks out. Nightingale and Statlander then end up on the outside and Nightingale hits Statlander with a forearm on her spine. Nightingale then sends Statlander crashing into the barricade, then looks to hit her with a cannonball but Statlander moves out of the way. Nightingale then hits a spinebuster on Statlander and goes for a pin. Statlander then kicks out and hits a back elbow on Nightingale, then gets her in an electric chair position and sends her crashing into the mat face first. Statlander then follows it up with a Scissor Kick and goes for a pin, but Nightingale kicks out.

Nightingale then sends Statlander crashing onto the apron, but Statlander drags Nightingale out to join her. Both women then exchange forearms before Nightingale hits a Death Valley Driver on Statlander. Nightingale then gets on Hathaway’s face and hits a forearm on him, but gets hit with a strike from Statlander. Statlander then gets Nightingale back in the ring and looks to fly, but Nightingale stops her with a powerbomb. Nightingale then follows it up with a DDT and goes for a pin, but Statlander kicks out. Statlander then hits a 450 Splash off the top rope on Nightingale and goes for a pin, but Nightingale kicks out. Hathaway then hands Statlander a chain and distracts the referee. Statlander wraps the chain around her hand and hits Nightingale with it for the win.

The winner of the CMLL World Women’s Championship Eliminator Match, Kris Statlander!

After the match, Hathaway hands Statlander a chair. Statlander then hits Nightingale with it a couple of times, but security makes their way down to the ring to prevent Statlander from using the chair again. Statlander then takes down three guards and Hathaway holds up her hand.

We then get video footage of the pep talk Jeff Jarrett gave to “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson on last week’s show.

Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson then makes his way down to the ring to address the AEW fans.

Bryan Danielson starts off by saying it’s great to be in Greenville, then recalls having his engagement pictures with his now-wife Brie Bella in Greenville. Danielson then says he and Brie were recently looking through the pictures and the good old days are gone before you know it. Danielson then says he wants to walk about presence and promises tonight and he’s been lucky in his career. Danielson then says although he was forced to retire, he’s been able to be present since he returned to professional wrestling. Danielson then says the last three years in AEW has been fun and incredible, but before he came down to the ring, he was able to be present behind the curtain and during the fan’s cheers for him. Danielson then says he promised his daughter that he would stop wrestling when she turned 7 and the last professional wrestling contract he ever signed will be with AEW. Danielson then says his AEW contract ends tomorrow and he promises to give his best every time he steps in the ring. Danielson then says he set out to do two things in AEW when he arrived: kick people’s head’s in and become AEW World Champion. Danielson then says he has accomplished the former, but not yet the latter. Danielson then says his match at All In for the title will be his last shot and while doctors and his family advise him against wrestling, he promises to give everything he has at Wembley Stadium. Danielson then says he will go all in on August 25.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring alongside Prince Nana. Strickland tells Danielson that he has an immense amount of respect for him and says he’d be rooting for him at All In if it were any other time. Strickland then says now is his time rather than Danielson and unlike Danielson, he was successful in winning the AEW World Championship like he said he would. Strickland then says Danielson said he’d kick everyone’s head in, but he couldn’t handle it when people kicked back. Strickland then says Danielson had a classic against Will Ospreay, but got hurt and he got pinned during Anarchy In The Arena while he retained his title against Ospreay. Strickland then questions if Danielson’s body can handle being AEW World Champion, then promises to Danielson that he is the most dangerous man in AEW and will walk out of All In holding his title. Strickland then says when he’s done with Danielson, Danielson won’t be able to walk. Strickland then looks to leave the ring, but Danielson stops him and says he has another promise. Danielson then says he will never wrestle again if he doesn’t win the AEW World Championship at All In, then ups the stakes on August 25 and throws out the challenge of Title vs. Career. Danielson then offers his hand to Strickland and Strickland shakes it. Strickland then calls Danielson’s challenge noble, but tells him to keep his promise to his family rather than him. Swerve then poses with his championship, while Danielson stood by.

Renee Paquette then catches up with Danielson as he returned backstage. Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt then applauds Danielson. Jarrett says that’s how you go all in. Danielson then slaps Jarrett’s hat out of his hand and tells him that if he wants to see if he’s all in, then he should face him next week.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: The Conglomeration (“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe and “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and Don Callis Family’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH

The match starts off with Strong brawling with Ishii on the outside as RUSH and Mark go at it. Cassidy then mocks Mortos inside the ring. Cassidy then sends Mortos crashing into the mat, but Mortos gets back up to his feet and nails Cassidy from behind. Ishii then gets inside the ring, but Mortos hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ishii then quickly recovers and hits a vertical suplex on Mortos. RUSH then gets inside the ring and stares Ishii down. Ishii then hits RUSH with a shoulder block and both men exchange right hands with each other. Both men then continue going back and forth before Mark gets inside the ring and exchanges right hands with RUSH. Mark and Strong then brawl on the apron and Mark hits Strong with a blockbuster. Mark then flies with the assistance of a chair to land on Mortos and RUSH.

RUSH and Mortos then hit a double shoulder tackle on Cassidy. Mortos then looks to send Cassidy crashing into the mat, but Cassidy hits a Stun-Dog Millionaire on Mortos. Mark then tags in and delivers some strikes on RUSH and Mortos before Strong and Ishii tag in. Strong then delivers some forearms on Ishii, but Ishii stays standing and hits a forearm on Strong. Ishii then hits RUSH and Mortos with a couple of German suplexes, then hits a suplex on Strong. Cassidy then hits a DDT on Strong and Mark hits an elbow drop off the top rope. Ishii then hits a clothesline and Mark pins Strong, but Mortos and RUSH send Cassidy and Mark crashing into both men to break the fall. Strong then powerbombs Ishii and goes for a pin, but Ishii kicks out. Strong and Ishii then exchange strikes, but Mortos and Mark tag in. Mark then hits a missile dropkick on Mortos, but RUSH responds with an Exploder. Ishii then nails Strong with a clothesline, but Strong responds with a backbreaker. Cassidy then hits an Orange Punch on Strong, but Mortos takes him out. Mortos then hits a piledriver on Mark for the win.

The winners of the Trios Match, The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong, The Beast Mortos and Don Callis Family’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH!

After the match, Kyle O’Reilly and Orange Cassidy were all smiles as they were checking on Mark Briscoe.

We then head to the back, where The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) and “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn is cutting a promo. Gunn says they are coming to Collision. Caster then says they are looking for FTR in their own home territory, but they are nowhere to be found. Caster then says he wanted to see the two guys who said he’s not a serious wrestler because he makes rap videos. Caster then says maybe FTR are not serious wrestlers since they didn’t show up in their own hometown. Bowens then says they will come to FTR by appearing on Saturday’s Collision. Bowens then wonders if FTR will show up. Bowens then tells FTR to nut up or shut up.

We then get a pre-taped interview between Mariah May and Renee Paquette. May speaks about how she earned Toni Storm’s trust and then sliced her open and wore her skin. Paquette then asks May what Storm ever did to her. May then says noting and that’s why she is perfect. May then says she loved Storm and she gave her everything she ever wanted. May then recalls Storm saying the business would eat her alive. May then says it’s just her time to eat. May then says she us not answering more questions, which leads to Paquette making an uncomfortable exit.

Toni Storm then appears on the ramp and says she still has love for May. Storm then says All In will be the romance of a lifetime. Storm then yells maniacally.

We then get video footage of Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker being held apart during the AEW panel at the San Diego Comic-Con.

“The Brickhouse” Kamille and AEW TBS Champion and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné then make their way down to the ring and Brittany Jade is already waiting inside.

Singles Match: “The Brickhouse” Kamille vs. Brittany Jade

The match starts off with Kamille wasting no time in going after Jade. Kamille sends Jade crashing into the corner, then rakes her eyes along the top rope and hits her with a pump kick. Kamille then hits an over the shoulder cutter-facebuster combination on Jade for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “The Brickhouse” Kamille!

After the match, Moné joins Kamille in the ring. Moné steps on Jade as Kamille holds up her hand, then she tells Greenville to say hello to their CEO. Moné then introduces Kamille as the newest member of Moné Corporations before Kamille sends Jade out of the ring and Moné voices her frustrations with Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. targeting her. Moné then thanks Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson for suspending Baker, then says it’s her house now. Moné then says she will turn her house into a mansion and Moné changes everything.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

The match starts off with Allin hitting Page with an arm drag and dropkicking him out of the ring. Allin then looks to hit a Coffin Drop on Page off the top and to the outside, but Page catches Allin and hits him with a suplex. Page then sends Allin crashing into the barricade. Both men then brawl up the ramp and Allin sends Page crashing onto the floor. Allin then climbs up one of the entrance tunnels and hits a Coffin Drop on Page. Page then wears down Allin in the ring and looks to hit a vertical suplex on him. Allin then escapes and hits a springboard crossbody on Page, but the lights suddenly go out. They then come back on and Page sends Allin crashing into the ring steps on the outside. Page then drags the ring steps out of their normal position and sends Allin crashing into them. Allin then lands on his feet and looks to use the steps as a launching pad, but Page sends him crashing into the ring post and the ring apron. Page then hits three powerbombs on Allin on the apron and follows it up with a Fallaway Slam on top of the ring steps.

Page and Allin then teeter on the top rope before Page hits a Fallaway Slam on Allin. Allin then responds with a tope suicida on Page on the outside over the ring steps, then lashes him with his belt back inside the ring and hits him with a couple of splashes in the corner. Allin then looks for a third, but Page moves out of the way. Allin then hits a Code Red on Page and climbs to the top, then looks to hit a Coffin Drop. Page then puts Allin in a Sleeper, then follows it up with a lariat as Allin flies over the top from the apron and goes for a pin. Allin then kicks out and Page delivers some right hands on him. Page then powerbombs Allin and pins him, but Allin kicks out. Page then hits a couple of Dead Eyes and sets up for the Buckshot Lariat, but Allin rolls up Page for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Darby Allin!

After the match, Page grabs several chairs from under the ring and tosses them into the ring out of frustration. Allin then heads to the back as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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