It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 23, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (7/23/2024):

  • No Disqualification Match: Brooks Jensen vs. Josh Briggs
  • Singles Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis
  • Singles Match: Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King
  • We Will Hear From Chase U’s Thea Hail
  • Singles Match: Carlee Bright vs. Wren Sinclair

WWE NXT Results (7/23/2024):

The show opens up with a shot of Trick Williams arriving at the Performance Center. Just before Williams makes his way down to the ring, he is stopped by Cedric Alexander. Alexander asks Williams what he is doing and Williams makes it clear that he will stop at nothing to get his hands on WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page and the WWE NXT Championship. Williams then makes his way down to the ring as Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcomes us to the show.

Trick Williams starts off by saying he hasn’t been the same since losing the WWE NXT Championship. Williams then says he has had many chats with people he trusts and tells Ethan Page he will stop at nothing to regain the title. Cedric Alexander’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Alexander says he didn’t want to do this in front of the world, but Williams should take in his advice of not pursuing the NXT Championship. Alexander then says Williams is blinded by his passion. Ashante “Thee” Adonis’ music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Adonis tells Alexander that he told him Williams wouldn’t listen to him and Williams questions why Adonis is at ringside. Adonis then says Williams dropped the ball and Williams becomes defensive. Alexander then cites Williams’ behavior moments ago as an example of his emotions taking over and tells Adonis to go to the back so he can handle this. Alexander then says he’s been trying to respect Williams, but he is mistaking his kindness for weakness. Alexander then challenges Williams to a match and Williams accepts. Adonis then continues to run his mouth about Williams and Williams nails him. Williams then sends Adonis crashing out of the ring and stares down Alexander.


We then see Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont clowning on WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page in the parking lot earlier today. Page tells Igwe and DuPont that they aren’t worth his time.

Josh Briggs is about to make his way down to the ring for the first match of the night, but Brooks Jensen blindsides him backstage. Both men then brawl down to the ring and the first match of the night is underway.

No Disqualification Match: Brooks Jensen vs. Josh Briggs

The match starts off with Briggs sending Jensen crashing to the outside. Briggs then sends Jensen’s head bouncing off the barricade, then sends him over it and delivers some right hands on him. Jensen then sends Briggs’ face bouncing off the ring bell, but Briggs sends Jensen crashing into the ring post spine first and chokeslams him through the announce desk. Briggs then sets up part of the announce desk in the corner. Jensen then clotheslines Briggs into it, then catapults him into it and grabs a kendo stick. Jensen then nails it across Briggs’ spine repeatedly, but Briggs catches one of the shots and delivers a forearm on Jensen. Jensen then gets Briggs on the ring steps, but Briggs escapes and clotheslines Jensen from behind. Briggs then hits Jensen with a back suplex on top of the ring steps before he and Jensen deliver some strikes on each other. Briggs and Jensen then nail each other with boots, then each grab a kendo stick and hit each other with them. Jensen then grabs a chair and looks to hit Briggs with it, but Briggs sees him coming and blasts him. Briggs then grabs the chair and contemplates using it to hit Jensen. Shawn Spears then appears at ringside and encourages Briggs to hit Jensen with the chair. Briggs then gets in Spears’ face, opening the door for Jensen to hit Briggs with the chair from behind. Jensen then hits Briggs with the chair several more times, then eyes Spears on the outside and hits a DDT on him on top of the chair. Jensen then pins Briggs for the win.

The winner of the No Disqualification Match, Brooks Jensen!

After the match, Shawn Spears pats Brooks Jensen on his shoulder for his win.

We then head to the back and see Nathan Frazer. Axiom walks in and looks to tell Frazer something, but The Rascalz walk in. The Rascalz then challenge Frazer and Axiom to a 6-Man Tag Team Match and the WWE NXT Tag Team Champions accept. Axiom then reveals to Frazer he got himself a match on WWE Speed and Frazer becomes insulted after the hard time Axiom gave him about competing on WWE Speed.

Lexis King then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night. Eddy Thorpe makes his way down to the ring next.

Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic and Sol Ruca were then shown chatting about Fallon Henley mocking them as rookies. They then talked about possibly going after the titles. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson then shows up to say they were coming after the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Jackson and Legend then leaves with Lash saying they have to go to support Oro Mensah.

Singles Match: Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

The match starts off with both men wasting no time in going after each other. Both men deliver strikes on each other and King lands some right hands on Thorpe and follows it up with a backbreaker. Thorpe then hits a series of chops on King, then follows it up with a kick on his spine. Thorpe then delivers some strikes on King and follows it up with a variation of a backbreaker, then nails King with with a kick on his chest. King then hits Thorpe with a clothesline on the back of his neck, then looks to hit The Coronation. Thorpe then responds with an elevated flatliner for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Eddy Thorpe!

After the match, King nails Thorpe from behind and delivers some right hands on him on the outside. King then sends Thorpe crashing into the ring steps, then places his hand between the ring steps and the ring post. King then grabs his staff and uses it to hit Thorpe’s hand.

We then see Kelly Kincaid interview Trick Williams about wrestling Cedric Alexander instead of “All Ego” Ethan Page. Pete Dunne was shown sitting at his locker. Trick says he is willing to wrestle anyone on his path back to the title. Dunne then says you think so. Trick then says if Dunne has something to say, than he should say it. Dunne then says figure it out. Trick then wonders what Dunne was talking about after Dunne leaves.

Meta-Four (Oro Mensah, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson) then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night. Ashante “Thee” Adonis makes his way down to the ring next.

Singles Match: Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah vs. Ashante “Thee” Adonis

The match starts off with Mensah hitting a tope suicida on Adonis on the outside as Adonis speaks with Jackson and Legend. Mensah then sends Adonis back in the ring. Mensah then hits a boot on Adonis’ head, then delivers a right hand on him and a chop. Mensah then sends Adonis crashing into the middle rope, then hits him with a suplex. Adonis then sends Mensah onto the apron, then dropkicks him to the outside. Both men then get back in the rind and Adonis hits a boot to the side of Mensah’s head. Adonis then hits a Bronco Buster style dropkick on Mensah, then hits him with a bodyslam and a couple of elbow drops. Mensah then rolls up Adonis, but Adonis kicks out. Mensah then charges at Adonis in the corner, but Adonis sees him coming and hits him with a back elbow. Adonis then climbs to the top, but Mensah trips him and pushes him off. Mensah then hits a single legged dropkick on Adonis from the apron, then hits him with a springboard moonsault. Adonis then hits a flapjack on Mensah in the corner, then follows it up with a spinebuster and goes for a pin. Mensah then kicks out and hits a rolling forearm on Adonis’ spine. Mensah then follows it up with a roundhouse kick in the corner for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Meta-Four’s Oro Mensah!

After the match, Mensah grabs a mic and puts “All Ego” Ethan Page on notice.

We then head to the back and see Wren Sinclair preparing for her match as No Quarter Catch Crew and The D’Angelo Family stand by. Charlie Dempsey then shows “The Don Of NXT” Tony D’Angelo a note from Sinclair reminding him, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights that she knows what they did to Damon Kemp. D’Angelo then advises Dempsey to give Sinclair what she wants, which is a spot in the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Carlee Bright and Kendal Grey then make their way down to the ring for the next match of the night as Wren Sinclair is already waiting inside and No Quarter Catch Crew stands at ringside with The D’Angelo Family watching on from the crowd.

Singles Match: Carlee Bright vs. Wren Sinclair

The match starts off with both women taking turns in locking each other in submission holds. Sinclair then locks in a modified Bow and Arrow on Bright, but Bright escapes and hits a dropkick on Sinclair. Bright then follows it up with a dropkick, but Sinclair responds with a shoulder tackle and a bulldog. Sinclair then goes for a pin, but Bright kicks out. Bright then hits a back elbow and a dropkick off the top on Sinclair. Bright then goes for a pin, but Dempsey gets Sinclair’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Grey then gets in Dempsey’s face and hits a suplex on Borne. Bright then looks to take advantage and rolls up Sinclair, but Sinclair kicks out. Sinclair then rolls up Bright as Dempsey holds her in place for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Wren Sinclair!

We then head to the back and see Hank Walker and Tank Ledger chatting as Nathan Frazer and Axiom argue behind them. Je’Von Evans then approaches Frazer and Axiom. Evans then offers to be their partner in their 6-Man Tag Team Match against The Rascalz later tonight and the WWE NXT Tag Team Champions accept.

Andre Chase and Riley Osborne were then shown consoling Duke Hudson about his recent loss. Ridge Holland then shows up with new Black and Orange Chase U shirts. Chase U’s Thea Hail is then interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. Kelly talks about how Hail went after the WWE NXT Women’s Championship at last year’s Great American Bash and wonders what she has planned for this year’s title shot. Hail then talks about how she feels like she grew up and how Chase U trusts her, which feels cool. Kelly then asks Hail how it feels to have Ridge Holland as a mentor. Hail says Ridge is a human and sometimes people don’t trust him for being not perfect. Hail then says she saw herself in Ridge. Hail then says Ridge empowers her and that’s why she let him in. Kelly then says Hail looks different and more calm. Hail then says she is doing this for all the little girls like her who were picked last. Hail then says she is going to make everyone proud and win the WWE NXT Women’s Championship.

Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring for the next match of the night. Cedric Alexander makes his way down to the ring next.

Singles Match: Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander

The match starts off with Alexander shoving Williams, but Williams nails Alexander. Alexander then hits a mat return on Williams, then wears him down with an arm submission. Williams then runs over Alexander with a reverse shoulder block, then hits a chop on him in the corner. Alexander then returns the favor, but Williams nails Alexander with more chops of his own. Williams then hits a dropkick on Alexander, but Alexander responds with a springboard enzuigiri and a spear on Williams on the apron. Alexander then sends Williams crashing onto the apron. Williams and Alexander then exchange strikes with each other. Both men then nail each other before Williams hits a pop-up right hand and a flapjack on Alexander. Williams then hits Alexander with a kick, but Alexander responds with a Michinoku Driver. Williams then hits a couple of leg lariats on Alexander, but Alexander responds with an enzuigiri from the apron. Williams then hits a chokeslam on Alexander and looks to hit the Trick Shot, but Alexander sees him coming and hits him with a twisting neckbreaker. Alexander then looks to lock in a Cross Armbreaker, but Williams escapes and hits him with the Trick Shot for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Trick Williams!

After the match, Williams shows his respect for Alexander. Williams hugs Alexander and celebrates his win with the NXT Universe. Pete Dunne then blindsides Williams from behind on the ramp and hits him with a dropkick to his head, then stomps on the side of his neck and stands tall over him.

Robert Stone and Stevie Turner were then shown bickering backstage. WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page then shows up and says he needs help getting rid of the pest Oro Mensah. Stone then says Page should be lucky that he is the champ, but then quickly says NXT is lucky. Stone and Turner then continues to bicker leading to Page walking off.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan was then chatting with a few random developmental women about Fallon Henley continuing to hate on rookies.

Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic then made their way down to the ring for the next match of the night. Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson make their way down to the ring next.

Tag Team Match: Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic vs. Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

The match starts off with Jackson and Petrovic. Jackson hits a dropkick on Petrovic. Ruca then tags in and hits a moonsault on Jackson, but Jackson responds with an inverted facebuster and tags in Legend. Ruca then goes after Legend, but Legend catches her and looks to hit a powerbomb. Ruca then escapes with a hurricanrana, then hits a facebuster on Legend from the apron and tags in Petrovic. Petrovic then double teams Legend with Ruca and Ruca tags in. Legend then hits Ruca with a pump kick, then tags in Jackson. Jackson then hits a Hip Attack on Ruca in the corner, then follows it up with a Sling Blade and tags in Legend. Ruca then nails Legend with a superkick before Petrovic tags in and hit a kick of her own. Ruca and Petrovic then hit a double superkick on Legend and Petrovic pins her. Legend then kicks out and Jackson gets in the ring. Petrovic then hits a Tornado DDT on Legend using Jackson as a launch pad and pins Legend, but Jackson breaks the fall. Ruca then nails Jackson on the outside with a moonsault off the apron, but Legend sends Petrovic crashing into the mat for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson!

After the match, Legend grabs a mic and challenges Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn to a WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match at The Great American Bash next week.

We then head to the Gorilla Position and see both Trick Williams and WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez complain to Shawn Michaels about wanting a shot at Ethan Page’s WWE NXT Championship and not getting interviewed like Thea Hail earlier. HBK then goes back to the booth to take everything in.

We then get a video package on Joe Hendry. Hendry talks about how every passing week, more of the planet believes in him. Hendry then says becoming a Social Media sensation doesn’t happen overnight. Clips of people around the world getting hyped about Joe Hendry was then shown and Hendry talks about wrestling for 11 years just waiting for his time to shine. Hendry then says he always knew he had the ability, but in 2024 he needs to create something people won’t forget. Hendry then says he has put in time in the ring, in the studio and on Social Media. Hendry then says there’s not a person on this earth that hasn’t seen his head turn and his entrance. Hendry then talks about his entrance theme going to number 4 on the British music charts. Joe Hendry then hypes up that next week he’ll be holding a in-ring concert for NXT.

Gallus were then shown being interviewed in the parking lot. They all talked about how they hate Joe Hendry. Joe Coffey then challenges Joe Hendry to a match at the Great American Bash. Mark Coffey then shows Joe a flyer of Hendry being busy next week with the concert.

WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page then runs into a random referee and asks the referee if Oro’s pin last week counted. The referee then says it didn’t count. Page is then elated and drags the referee away.

Tweets were then shown of Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre accepting Lash and Jakara’s challenge for the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Ethan Page is speaking with a referee and starts off by insisting that Oro Mensah pinning him last week and counting to three himself last week doesn’t count because it wasn’t official. Page then insists that he is not bothered by the incident, then asks the referee if him or any of his colleagues counted to three when Mensah pinned him. The referee then says it was never official to the delight of Page. Mensah then blindsides Page and rolls him up as the referee makes the three count. Page then throws a fit in the ring after Oro walks away to end the segment.

The D’Angelo Family and the NQCC met up again backstage. Tony D says he is generous and since the Olympics are coming up, he wants to give an Olympian a shot at the NXT Heritage Cup. They then point out how Tavion Heights was an Olympian. D’Angelo then says he’ll see Tavion next week.

We then see a replay of Brooks Jensen beating Josh Briggs.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee) then make their way down to the ring for the main event. “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans and WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer and Axiom make their way down to the ring next.

6-Man Tag Team Match: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee) vs. “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans and WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer and Axiom

The match starts off with Trey Miguel and Axiom. Miguel hits a low hurricanrana on Axiom, but Axiom responds with a dropkick and tags in Frazer. Frazer then runs the ropes and hits a kick on Miguel’s face. Miguel then trips Frazer and hits a kick on his head before The Rascalz triple team on Frazer. Evans and Wes Lee then tag in and both men go back and forth. Evans then hits Lee with a hurricanrana and a dropkick, then follows it up with a forearm. Lee then hits a forearm of his own and both men continue to exchange them. Zachary Wentz then tags in and beats down Evans in the corner as Miguel and Lee brawl with Frazer and Axiom. Evans then flies to land on all four competitors on the outside and Wentz follows it up with a moonsault. Frazer then tags in and flies off the ropes to land on Wentz. Frazer then hits a standing Shooting Star Press, then tags in Axiom. Axiom then charges at Wentz, but Wentz nails Axiom with a boot. Frazer then tags back in, then immediately tags out to Evans. Evans, Frazer and Axiom then hit a triple superkick on Wentz and Evans locks in a submission on him to wear him down.

Frazer then tags in and flies off the ropes, but Wentz intercepts him with a knee and tags in Lee. Evans then tags in and Lee nails him. Lee then hits a drop toe hold and a dropkick on Evans’ spine, then follows it up with a back elbow and an enzuigiri in the corner. Miguel then tags in and double teams Axiom with Lee. Miguel then sends Evans into the mat before Frazer tags in. Miguel then hits a dropkick on Frazer’s spine, then tags in Lee. The Rascalz then triple team Frazer, but Frazer nails Lee with a kick. Evans and Miguel then tag in and Evans hits a cutter off the middle rope on Miguel. He then follows it up with a dropkick and tags in Frazer. Frazer then immediately tags out to Axiom and Axiom hits a Spanish Fly on Miguel off the top rope. Frazer then follows it up with a Phoenix Splash and Axiom pins Miguel, but Lee and Wentz send Evans and Frazer crashing into both men to break the fall. Miguel then sends Axiom crashing into the middle turnbuckle and tags in Lee. Lee then catapults Axiom into a kick from Miguel and both men double team on him. Wentz then tags in and hits an assisted standing moonsault on Axiom with some help from Lee for the win.

The winners of the 6-Man Tag Team Match, The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz and Wes Lee)!

After the match, The Rascalz shake hands with Evans, Axiom and Frazer.

We then head to NXT General Manager Ava’s office, where WWE NXT Champion “All Ego” Ethan Page demands a match against Oro Mensah. Ava then asks Page what changed and Page says he’s had enough of Mensah blindsiding him. He then offers to put the NXT Championship on the line against Mensah if that’s what it’ll take to get a match with him and Ava agrees to draft up a contract for a title match between them. Ava then announces that they will sign the contract next week at week one Of The Great American Bash and says the title match will take place at week two of the event. Page then walks off as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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