Pro wrestling has a rich history, and many things have spawned from that world, including several words. Jobber is now a word that Dustin Rhodes hopes that fans will take out of their vocabulary.

The term jobber is short for jabroni. This is the name given to someone who is paid to lose a pro wrestling match, often times it is their mission in life to lose every night. A good jobber should enhance the star in question, which is why many have adopted the term enhancement talent instead, but the word jobber remains.

Dustin Rhodes took to Twitter, where he pleaded with pro wrestling fans to stop using that term. He said that the use of the word is hurtful, because those jobbers still put their bodies on the line when they are putting talent over.

“Please stop using the term ‘Jobber.’ It is extremely disrespectful to everyone who is putting their bodies on the line each week. All of us are “Enhancement Talent”. We enhance each others careers. Show compassion to everyone that steps in this business and works hard enhancing others. #KeepSteppin”


This is a very interesting hill to battle on at this stage in his pro wrestling career, but Dustin Rhodes has a point. The term enhancement talent is more true to what the typical jabronis do in the ring. In the end, we can thank The Rock for bringing jabroni to the mainstream. If not for The Great One, many fans would never know this term. That being said, it appears that Dustin Rhodes has The Final Boss to thank for this one.

We will have to see if fans start taking jobber out of the terms they are allowed to use. Until then, Dustin Rhodes has certainly made his point very clear.

What’s your take on Dustin Rhodes’ stance on the word jobber? Do you think that fans should stop using that hurtful word? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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