TNA Slammiversary is happening tonight, and Ringside News has you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 20, 2024 event.

TNA Slammiversary will kick off at 7:00 PM EST, and as always, match-by-match highlights and results will be updated right here. Feel free to leave your reactions in the comment section below. Check out the lineup for tonight’s event below.

TNA Slammiversary 2024 Lineup

  • TNA World Championship – Six-Man Elimination Match: Moose (c) vs. Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry
  • TNA Knockouts Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash By Elegance
  • TNA X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey
  • TNA Digital Media Championship & International Heavyweight Championship: AJ Francis (c) vs. PCO
  • TNA Tag Team Championship: The System (c) vs. ABC
  • TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships: Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c) vs. SpitFire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)
  • Mike Santana vs. Jake Something
  • Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Countdown Show

  • TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) & Alisha Edwards vs. Spitfire
  • Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside vs. Faby Apache
  • KUSHIDA vs. Rich Swann

TNA Slammiversary 2024 Kickoff

The broadcast team consists of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt, while Jade Chung served as the ring announcer, delivering introductions for the opening match.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside vs. Faby Apache

A “TNA” chant erupted from the crowd as soon as the bell rang. Shaw and Brookside teamed up at the start. Steelz then shoved Shaw and Brookside together.


Later on, Shaw caught Apache mid-air and powerbombed her. She went for the pin, but Brookside intervened. Shaw took down Brookside with a knee strike and had the pin, but Steelz threw Shaw out of the ring and stole the pin.

Tasha Steelz defeated Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw, and Xia Brookside.

Hannifan and Rehwoldt, speaking from their broadcast table at ringside, announced that the AJ Francis vs. PCO match has been changed to a Montreal Street Fight. A video package then set up the match.

Gia Miller conducted a backstage interview with AJ Francis and Rich Swann. Francis didn’t flinch at the news of his match becoming a street fight. They were joined by Smoke DZA and Josh Bishop, who sported “Heels Have Eyes” sweatshirts. Francis assured them that they would be well-compensated if they fulfilled their duties.

Sami Callihan appeared, expressing surprise at seeing Bishop, leading to a tense staredown. Francis suggested that Callihan could potentially join First Class. Callihan, however, seemed insincere while pretending to consider the offer.

KUSHIDA vs. Rich Swann

Rich Swann made his entrance to a subdued reaction. Kushida followed, entering with his face covered. He then revealed Japanese symbols painted on his face, chest, and arms.

It was noted that Swann replaced the advertised Jonathan Gresham. Swann had a nice run of offense, capping it off with a handspring into a cutter for a near fall. Kushida battled back, but Swann avoided a top rope moonsault.

Swann took Kushida down and got cocky as he climbed the ropes. Kushida joined him on the ropes, applied a Hoverboard Lock, and pulled him back to the mat, forcing Swann to submit.

Kushida defeated Rich Swann

A video package focused on Jordynn Grace.

Gia Miller attempted to interview Ash By Elegance, but The Concierge took the mic and delivered an over-the-top introduction for Ash.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Masha Slamovich (c) & Alisha Edwards vs. Spitfire

The entrances for the Knockouts Tag Team Title match then took place. Hannifan noted that Lars Frederiksen is no longer associated with Threat and Luna.

Masha Slamovich and Jody Threat started things off, getting in each other’s faces until Masha took Threat down. Threat reversed it and applied an arm lock. After a series of reversals, Threat kicked Masha off her.

Alisha Edwards and Dana Luna were tagged in next. They locked up, but Luna quickly threw Alisha down. Alisha tried to grab Luna from behind, but Luna easily disposed of her. Alisha attempted some strikes, but Luna shrugged them off and drove Alisha down to the mat. Jody Threat was tagged back in.

Luna and Threat hit Alisha with a series of strikes, then lifted her for a double suplex. Masha, having seen enough, rushed in, but Luna and Threat double-teamed her as well. The ref finally got Threat out, and Alisha managed to land a strike on Luna. Luna ran the ropes, and Masha tripped her.

Masha tagged in, and Luna was double-teamed by Alisha and Masha. Masha got a two count. She delivered some vicious kicks to Luna’s back and chest, earning another two count. Luna fought back, staggering Masha, but Masha countered with a kick while Luna was on the ropes. Masha tagged Alisha back in, and Luna found herself in the opposing corner. Despite the odds, she fought out and tagged in Threat.

Threat came in like a house on fire, laying out the tag champs. She tripped up both opponents into the ropes and jumped onto their backs. Threat then hit a German suplex on Masha and a big slam on Alisha, attempting to pin both simultaneously but only getting a two count.

Luna was tagged back in, and she and Threat hit a Hart Attack, which Masha broke up. Alisha attacked Threat’s eyes, and Masha drove Threat into the mat with a Snow Plow, resulting in a two count. Masha grabbed the tag titles and tried to hit Threat with one. She missed, and the ref tried to remove the belt from the ring. Threat charged Masha in the corner, but Alisha used the second belt to strike Threat in the face. Alisha then hit a Bulldog off the ropes for the win.

Winners and Still Champions: Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards

A video package highlighted the issues between Mike Bailey and Mustafa Ali. Following the video, Mustafa Ali’s arrival was shown, accompanied by Campaign Singh and his security. Mike Bailey was also shown arriving.

TNA’s Director of Authority, Santino Marella, came out to the biggest reaction of the night. Speaking from the stage, Santino reminisced about living in Montreal over 25 years ago and expressed his love for the city. He thanked the fans and announced he had one more surprise before the show started.

Eric Young made his entrance for an unadvertised match, with the crowd singing the Ole song. Hammerstone was then introduced as Young’s opponent.

Eric Young vs Hammer Stone

Eric Young wore Montreal Canadiens-themed gear. Hammerstone dominated the early action, but Young eventually battled back and bodyslammed Hammerstone. Young went up top, but Hammerstone cut him off.

Young knocked Hammerstone off the ropes and hit him with an elbow drop for a near fall. Hammerstone countered a piledriver attempt. Young threw strikes, but Hammerstone pressed him over his head and dropped him face-first on the mat. Hammerstone put Young in a Torture Rack, but Young slipped away and rolled him up for a three count.

Eric Young defeated Hammerstone

After the match, Young told the Montreal crowd that it felt good to be home. He said it was a celebration of pro wrestling for both the wrestlers and the fans. Young promised that everyone would give the fans the show of a lifetime. “This is Slammiversary, and this is TNA Wrestling,” Young declared to close. Hannifan noted that TNA had its biggest crowd in over a decade, wrapping up the pre-show.

TNA Slammiversary 2024 Results

Tom Hannifan welcomed viewers to the pay-per-view, joined on commentary by Matt Rehwoldt. Ring announcer Jade Chung then introduced Annie St. Onge, who performed the Canadian National Anthem on the stage.

Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Matt Hardy made his entrance, followed by JDC, who came out holding an American flag and wearing red, white, and blue gear. Hardy attacked JDC at ringside, but JDC jabbed Hardy with the flagpole and roughed him up a bit before rolling him inside the ring.

Hardy battled back and hit an elbow drop from the middle rope. He did the “Delete” gesture and went for a Twist of Fate, but JDC pushed him away. Hardy then hit a Side Effect for a two count.

Hardy attempted another Twist of Fate, but JDC countered again and executed a Falcon Arrow. JDC climbed to the top rope, but Hardy crotched him and hit a Twist of Fate from the middle rope, pinning him for the win.

Matt Hardy defeated JDC

After the match, Hardy hit JDC with the Twist of Fate two more times.

Backstage, “The System” members Moose, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, and Alisha Edwards wore red, white, and blue warmup jackets while delivering a promo. Moose concluded by saying he would once again show the world why you should always trust The System.

The French broadcast team, Marc Blondin and Handsome JF, checked in from their desk at ringside, receiving a nice pop from the live crowd.

TNA Tag Team Championship: The System (c) vs. ABC

The champions wore red, white, and blue gear, while the challengers sported pink and black. ABC executed a Hart Attack clothesline on Myers for an early two count.

Edwards (Eddie and Alisha) ran Bey into a knee strike from Myers and then covered him for a two count. Alisha choked Bey over the ropes while the referee was distracted. Bey ducked under a double clothesline attempt and tagged in Austin.

The challengers quickly cleared the champions from the ring, and Bey hit them with a flip dive. Alisha climbed onto the apron, distracting Austin momentarily. Edwards pulled Austin from the floor, causing him to hit his face on the apron. The champions then isolated Austin.

Austin managed to tag Bey, but the referee, distracted by Myers, didn’t allow it. Eventually, Austin caught Myers with a kick and made the hot tag. Bey then worked over both opponents. Bey set up for another dive, but Alisha distracted him. Bey left the ring to chase Alisha until Edwards caught him with a shot on the floor.

Bey dropped Myers with a cutter on the apron, and then Austin performed a dive onto Edwards, eliciting TNA chants from the crowd. Bey hit Edwards with a top rope frog splash for a near fall, sparking a “this is awesome” chant.

Myers caught Bey with a spear, and Edwards covered him for a two count. The champions attempted System Overload, but the challengers countered it. Austin and Bey hit Myers with the Magic Killer, and Bey covered him for a close near fall.

Austin and Bey set up for a move on Myers, but Alisha entered the ring, standing in front of him. Bey accidentally took out Alisha with a kick meant for Edwards. Austin and Bey hit their finishers and secured the three count…

“ABC” Ace Austin and Chris Bey defeated Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.

Gia Miller interviewed Mike Bailey backstage about his upcoming challenge for the X Division Title against Mustafa Ali. Bailey expressed that this would be the biggest match of his life, in front of his friends and family. He mentioned that Ali has been avoiding him, but they will settle it at Slammiversary. Bailey also spoke briefly in French.

Mike Santana vs. Jake Something

Mike Santana entered through the crowd, greeted by a hot reception from the audience. The bell rang, and both men soaked in the crowd’s energy, especially the love for Santana.

They circled each other and locked up, maintaining the hold until the referee broke it up against the ropes. After separating, they engaged in some catch wrestling, with Santana grabbing a headlock. Something whipped him into the ropes, and they collided multiple times, neither man budging. On the last collision, Something followed through with a big tackle, sending Santana to the outside. Something then hit a dive.

Santana was rolled back into the ring and used his positioning to kick Something before performing a big dive of his own. Outside the ring, Santana delivered a massive chop to Something, who then rolled back inside. They exchanged a couple of shots before Santana took control with a big chop and a charge to the corner. Something responded with an elbow, but Santana hit a German suplex for a one count.

Santana grabbed another headlock, but Something fought up to his feet, breaking free and hitting the ropes, only to be met by another big chop from Santana. Santana maintained the headlock, but Something powered out again, taking control and whipping Santana hard into the corner.

Something stomped Santana down in the corner, circled the ring, and was met by a kick from Santana. However, Something quickly regained control and hit a suplex. Santana pushed Something off a few times and landed a big kick. He leaped over Something and delivered another leaping kick. Santana tried to Spin the Block but missed, still managing to get Something down for a two count.

After a series of counters, Santana hit Outlined in Chalk, leaving Something down in the corner for a cannonball, which resulted in a two count. Santana struck Something with his elbow several times and attempted to flip into him in the corner. Something caught him and hit a sitdown powerbomb for a two count.

Something climbed to the top rope, but Santana leaped up with him and hit a top rope German suplex. Both men exchanged blows as they got to their feet, with Santana landing a superkick. After more exchanges, Something got hit again. Santana then executed Spin the Block and secured the win!

Winner: Santana

Highlights aired of Eric Young defeating Hammerstone on the pre-show, followed by a brief promo from Young. The broadcast team spoke from their desk while highlights from the Slammiversary press conference and other TNA events held in Montreal were shown.

A video package set up the six-man tag match, and then entrances for the match took place. There were some NXT chants during the No Quarter Catch Crew’s entrance, while the crowd popped enthusiastically for The Rascalz’ entrance.

The Rascalz vs. WWE NXT’s No Quarter Catch Crew

The match kicks off as the bell sounds! Miguel chops Borne, who swiftly tags Dempsey. Miguel responds by tagging in Lee. Dempsey and Lee grapple, with Dempsey lifting Lee, who manages to escape. Dempsey attempts a strike, but Lee evades and retaliates with a face-targeting dropkick that floors Dempsey. Wentz tags in, only to be met with a powerful uppercut from Dempsey. Tavion Heights enters the fray, taking Wentz down with a gut-wrench suplex. Heights passes the baton back to Dempsey, who executes another suplex on Wentz and nearly secures the win with a two count.

Dempsey immobilizes Wentz’s arms, but Wentz escapes, tagging in Miguel who lands a swift kick on Dempsey. With the referee distracted by Heights, Dempsey and Heights double-team Miguel. Heights lifts and slams Miguel with a devastating clothesline, almost pinning him. Borne takes over, striking Miguel’s back and hurling him towards the corner. Miguel counters, but Borne sends him rebounding off the ropes, targeting his left leg, then tags in Heights. Heights delivers a heavy right and secures Miguel in a headlock, but Miguel fights off the pin.

Miguel gains momentum, knocks down Heights, and tags Lee. Dempsey returns, but Lee swiftly dispatches him to the corner and tags Borne. After a brisk exchange, Dempsey reenters but Lee quickly covers him for another two count. The No Quarter Catch Crew launches a triple attack on Lee. Dempsey tags in yet again, but Lee makes a tag to Miguel, and Wentz joins in. Lee soars from the top rope, crashing down on Dempsey and taking out the NQCC with a spectacular dive outside the ring.

Back in the ring, Dempsey grasps Miguel while Heights holds Wentz. Both Borne and Dempsey are overpowered and retreat outside. Wentz then superkicks Heights. Miguel ascends the top rope and delivers a ‘soup kitchen’ to Heights. Wentz goes for the cover and secures the victory.

Winners by pinfall: The Rascalz

A promotional video sets the stage for the upcoming clash between PCO and AJ Francis for the Digital Media and International Heavyweight Title.

TNA Digital Media and International Heavyweight Championship Match: AJ Francis vs. PCO

AJ Francis, with Rich Swann in tow, enters first amid jeers, taking a moment with the microphone to declare PCO absent tonight. He shows footage of his earlier assault on PCO with Swann. AJ demands the referee to declare him the winner and reigning champion. Just as the referee is about to comply, an ominous thunderclap interrupts, displayed on the big screen. A casket appears at the entrance, and a figure is lowered from the ceiling into it. The casket lid opens, revealing PCO, who receives a thunderous welcome. He springs from the casket and charges into the ring, ready for battle.

The bell rings, and AJ Francis immediately strikes PCO with a chair, but PCO remains unfazed. Francis retreats to the floor, and PCO follows with a daring leap through the ropes, taking Francis down on the outside. Swann rushes to assist Francis, but PCO ascends to the top rope and executes a massive moonsault, hitting both Swann and Francis. PCO then sets up a table, but Swann attacks him from behind. Francis joins in, dropping PCO. Together, they set up the table more securely.

Francis fetches a trash can from under the ring and slams it into PCO’s head. He then brings PCO to the ground, goes back under the ring, and starts throwing chairs into the ring. Francis places a trash can over PCO and repeatedly hits it with a chair. He continues the assault with more chair shots to PCO’s back, then puts a chair on PCO and lands a big leg drop. Francis attempts a cover, but PCO kicks out at two!

Francis picks up PCO, who fights back and eventually takes Francis down. As PCO climbs to the top rope, Francis recovers, lifts PCO, and drops him back first onto a pile of chairs for another two-count. Francis climbs to the top rope, but PCO grabs him and throws him onto the tables outside, splitting them with a loud crash. Suddenly, Josh Bishop interferes, hitting PCO with a chair, then executing a devastating tail bomb on the steel chairs.

Sami Callihan rushes out with a baseball bat, only to be attacked by Swann. Swann snatches the bat and throws Callihan into the ring. As Swann swings at Sami, Rhino’s music hits, and he charges down to deliver a massive gore to Swann. The crowd erupts with chants for PCO! PCO gets up, retrieves Francis, and tosses him back into the ring. Climbing to the top, PCO nails Francis with another huge moonsault, but Francis manages to kick out at two!

Francis then jabs a thumb into PCO’s eye, lifts him, and hits a big tombstone piledriver, but PCO resiliently kicks out. As Francis tries for a chokeslam, PCO reverses it, delivers his own chokeslam, and follows with a moonsault from the turnbuckle to finally pin Francis and win the match.

Winner and new TNA Digital Media and International Champion: PCO

Post-match, Steph DeLander makes a dramatic entrance, grabs a mic, falls to her knees, and pulls out a ring. She asks PCO to marry her. Overwhelmed, PCO responds affirmatively in French.

The broadcast transitions to a video package, hyping up the upcoming match where Jordynne Grace defends her TNA World Knockouts Title against Ash By Elegance.

TNA Knockouts Championship: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash By Elegance

As the bell rings, both women confront each other aggressively. Jordynne Grace quickly overpowers Ash, taking her down with force. Ash rebounds and runs the ropes, but Grace catches and grounds her again. Grace charges, Ash sidesteps, and Grace slaps her before executing a spinebuster. Grace pins Ash, but only secures a two count.

Suddenly, Rosemary appears, heading towards the ring, which distracts Ash’s personal concierge, who is then ejected from ringside. In the chaos, Rosemary, wielding a knife, chases the concierge backstage. This distraction allows Ash to take advantage and plant Grace on the floor, following up with kicks to her back.

Both competitors find themselves on the apron where Ash manages to drop Grace onto it. Back in the ring, Grace ascends to the second rope but Ash counters, delivering a backstabber. Ash tries to lock in a sleeper hold on Grace, but Grace falls back, breaking the hold as Ash hits the mat hard.

Grace quickly recovers, powerslamming Ash and striking her with a spin back fist. Ash pushes Grace away and hits a tornado DDT, but Grace kicks out at two. The action escalates as Grace places Ash on the top turnbuckle, slaps her, then headbutts and knees her before delivering a devastating superplex followed by a jackhammer, yet Ash still manages to kick out at two.

Frustrated, Grace unleashes a series of punches on Ash, then hits a Canadian Destroyer. Ash counters an attempted lift with a spinning neckbreaker and climbs to the top rope. Grace confronts her there, attempting a chin lock, but Ash counters with a slice bread from the top rope, though Grace kicks out of the subsequent pin.

Ash relentlessly attacks with rights and lefts, targeting Grace’s back and grabbing her leg. Grace counters, putting Ash in a sleeper hold, which Ash escapes and covers Grace, but she kicks out. Ash stands, and as Grace attempts a juggernaut driver, Ash counters. Unfazed, Grace lifts Ash once more and successfully hits the juggernaut driver, pinning Ash to retain her title.

Winner and still TNA World Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace

The broadcast transitions to an exciting video package, setting the stage for the upcoming X-Division match.

TNA X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey

The arena fills with the sounds of the challenger’s entrance music as Mike Bailey makes his way down to the ring, receiving a warm ovation from the crowd. Cameras catch a glimpse of Bailey’s real-life wife, Veda Scott, who is at ringside supporting him.

Next, the champion’s theme hits, and Mustafa Ali emerges, flanked by his security guards. He’s dressed impressively in pink, silver, and black tights, a visual testament to his status and flair.

As the formal introductions begin, the arena resonates with chants of “Speedball,” signaling the crowd’s support for Bailey in this high-stakes matchup.

The bell sounds, and the match is off to a rapid start as both competitors lock up. Bailey pushes Ali against the ropes, and they exchange runs across the ring. Ali manages to drop Bailey, but he quickly recovers, taking Ali down and delivering a series of chops. Ali retaliates by targeting Bailey’s leg and taking him down with a shoulder tackle. Bailey quickly gets up and returns fire with a kick to Ali’s back. Despite a missed kick, Bailey soon sweeps Ali off his feet. Ali rebounds, dropping Bailey and taunting him before launching him to the ropes. Bailey, undeterred, fires back and floors Ali, who briefly retreats to the floor where Bailey lands a moonsault off the second rope and then shares a kiss with his wife at ringside.

Distracted by Ali’s security, Bailey is caught off-guard, and Ali capitalizes with an assault on the floor before rolling Bailey back into the ring and executing a neckbreaker. Ali continues his assault, locking in a chin lock, then sends Bailey to the ropes and faceplants him, covering for a two-count.

The crowd vocally disapproves of Ali, who ascends the top rope and attempts a 450 splash, but Bailey dodges and counters with a kick. Both men are down momentarily before Bailey misses a shooting star press; however, he quickly recovers and hits Ali with a shooting star press from the top, resulting in another near fall. Ali narrowly escapes Bailey’s double knee strike and climbs to the top rope. Bailey follows and spectacularly dispatches Ali’s crew with a Spanish Fly, taking out Ali in the process.

The action is relentless as both men return to the ring, exchanging blows. Bailey attempts a kick, Ali counters, but Bailey eventually lands a knee to Ali’s face. Ali fires back with his own knee strike, dropping Bailey for another two-count. Ali tries for another 450 splash from the top, but Bailey evades, and the match continues with high-octane moves until a mistaken strike from Bailey accidentally incapacitates the referee. Ali’s security attempts to intervene, but Bailey fends them off until Campaign Signh interferes with the title belt, allowing Ali to hit a 450 splash. However, the chaos escalates as a masked figure intervenes, revealed to be Trent Seven, who is quickly neutralized by Ali.

Amidst the turmoil, veteran referee Earl Hebner is reluctantly brought out to a chorus of boos, referencing the infamous “Montreal Screwjob”. Hebner hesitates as Ali attempts a sharpshooter, but refuses to call for the bell. Bailey seizes the moment, counters with a chair toss, locks Ali in a sharpshooter, forcing him to submit. Hebner then officially declares Bailey the winner, to the ecstatic approval of the crowd.

Backstage, Santino Marella discusses the contentious events with Ash’s personal concierge. Hammerstone enters, demanding a rematch against Eric Young. Santino sets up a mixed tag match for Thursday’s TNA IMPACT.

Winner and new X-Division Champion: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

The broadcast transitions to a video package outlining the history leading up to tonight’s main event, setting the stage for what promises to be another memorable showdown.

TNA World Championship Elimination Match: Moose vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian

Tonight’s world title match has no count-outs or disqualifications. The arena erupts as Joe Hendry’s theme plays and he walks out to a resounding ovation. Frankie Kazarian is next, quickly following suit. As anticipation builds, the lights dim for Josh Alexander’s entrance. Known as the walking weapon, he strides confidently towards the ring. The lights fade once more before Steve Maclin’s music signals his arrival, completing the lineup for tonight’s showdown.

The bell sounds and the match begins in chaos as everyone targets Moose. Kazarian unleashes a barrage of stomps on Moose, leading everyone to turn their attacks on Kazarian. Hendry seizes the moment to suplex Kazarian, igniting a fierce brawl. Nemeth and Hendry square off in the ring, with Hendry taking down Nemeth with a solid boot. Outside the ring, Hendry manages to suplex Moose onto the floor, before returning to the ring.

Kazarian attempts a sneaky roll-up on Hendry but only gets a two count. Maclin and Alexander then team up to dominate Kazarian. After a brief confrontation between Maclin and Alexander, Alexander launches into a series of German suplexes on Maclin and then Moose, thrilling the crowd. Alexander’s rampage continues as he suplexes both Kazarian and Nemeth. Meanwhile, Moose battles Hendry outside the ring, cornering him with a vicious boot to the throat.

Nemeth intervenes, attacking Moose and executing a series of impactful moves, culminating in a leap from the apron to land a crushing elbow on Moose. Inside the ring, Kazarian is slammed headfirst into the mat by an unseen assailant. Moose climbs to the top rope but narrowly avoids elimination when Kazarian counters with a cutter.

The action escalates with Maclin delivering a lariat to Kazarian, then diving through the ropes to tackle Moose on the floor. In a stunning display, Maclin executes an Olympic Slam on Alexander, but his momentum is cut short when Moose re-enters the ring and spears him, leading to Maclin’s elimination. Maclin exits with defiance, gesturing rudely to the fans.

Back in the ring, Moose’s dominance is on full display as he overpowers Kazarian and Alexander, sending Kazarian flying out of the ring. Hendry and Moose exchange heavy blows, with Moose showcasing his power. The battle intensifies as Moose and Alexander face off on the second rope, with Moose delivering a devastating suplex.

As the action spills outside and onto the ramp, Hendry and Nemeth exchange strikes, escalating their rivalry. Amid the chaos, Alexander traps Kazarian in an ankle lock on the stage. Nemeth’s resilience shines as he superkicks Kazarian off the stage, crashing him through a table.

The climax builds as Moose tosses Nemeth and Alexander back into the ring. After a fierce exchange, Hendry capitalizes on a distracted Moose with a cutter. However, Moose survives the pin attempt. As Hendry gains the upper hand, Alexander delivers a low blow and finishes Hendry with a C-4 spike.

The crowd’s anger is palpable as Alexander proclaims himself the heart and soul of TNA, drawing jeers. The match reaches its fever pitch as Nemeth and Alexander exchange brutal attacks. Nemeth secures the victory with a superkick followed by a “Danger Zone”, crowning him as the new TNA World Champion. The arena erupts in cheers, solidifying Nemeth’s triumph in a match filled with relentless action and dramatic turnarounds.

As Nemeth savors his victory, the atmosphere in the arena intensifies with celebration. His brother Ryan rushes into the ring, sharing a heartfelt moment with the new TNA World Champion. Jordynne Grace, alongside ABC, join in the festivities, adding to the jubilant scene. The celebration grows even larger as PCO and Steph Delander make their way to the ring, applauding Nemeth’s hard-fought victory.

Amid cheers and applause, Nemeth climbs to the second rope, proudly raising the championship belt high above his head. This iconic image marks the closing moment of the show, capturing the triumph and unity of the moment as the broadcast fades out, leaving fans exhilarated and eager for what’s next in TNA.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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