It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 20, 2024 episode.

AEW Collision will start this week at 8:00 PM EST and as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Collision Lineup (7/20/2024):

  • Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. “The Beast” Mortos
  • Singles Match: Skye Blue vs. Hikaru Shida
  • Lumberjack Match: “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. “La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa
  • Unified AEW World Trios Championship Match: Bang Bang Gang (“Rock Hard” Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) vs. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch)
  • We’ll Hear From FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood)
  • Singles Match: The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong vs. The Conglomeration’s “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii
  • Hologram Will Make His Debut

AEW Collision Results (7/20/2024):

The show opens up with Darby Allin making his way down to the ring for the first match of the night as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcomes us. We then get a recap of what transpired this past Wednesday night to close out Dynamite and “The Beast” Mortos makes his way down to the ring next.

Singles Match: Darby Allin vs. “The Beast” Mortos

The match starts off with Darby Allin wasting no time in going after “The Beast” Mortos. Mortos sends Allin to the corner. Darby then tries to get the upper hand on Mortos, but is quickly dropped to the mat. Mortos then puts Allin in a headlock. Darby then hits the ropes, but is taken down with a shoulder tackle by Mortos. Darby then sends Mortos to the outside and hits him with a dive. Darby then slams Mortos against the apron and goes for another dive, but Mortos catches Darby in mid-air and drops him down hard. Mortos then sends Darby back into the ring and goes for a surfboard. Mortos then drops Darby and gets a near fall. Darby then rolls up Mortos twice for a near fall. Mortos then sends Darby to the ropes and Darby gets another near fall. Darby then looks for a sleeper, but Mortos drops Darby into the turnbuckle. Mortos then looks for a running knee strike on Darby in the corner, but Allin moves out of the way and Mortos crashes to the outside. Darby then hits Mortos with a Coffin Drop to the floor, but Mortos responds with a dive of his own. Darby is then sent back to the ring and gets hit with a spear from Mortos and Mortos gets a near fall. Darby then hits a chop on Mortos and Mortos drops Darby to the mat with a right hand. Darby then hits Mortos with another chop and Mortos responds with a palm strike on Darby.


Darby then hits Mortos with a Code Red and gets a near fall. Darby then goes up top, but is intercepted by Mortos before the two go at it on the turnbuckle. Mortos then hits Darby with a press slam from the top rope and goes for a pin, but Darby manages to kick out. Darby then hits Mortos with a Coffin Drop and gets the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Darby Allin!

After the match, Darby grabs a microphone and cuts a promo. Allin says people always tell him to slow down because he wouldn’t be able to walk when he was 30. Allin then says he’s 30 now and he feels great. Allin then says it’s fitting he will be in Blood & Guts on Wednesday because he spilled his blood and guts during Sting’s retirement match and now has a nasty scar on his torso. Allin then says The Young Bucks never promoted or appeared on Collision like he did and AEW is his baby now. Allin then tells Jack Perry the TNT Title means everything to him and he challenges Perry to a TNT Title Match at All In Wembley.

We then head to the back, where The Acclaimed cut a promo on The Elite before Billy Gunn interjects. Gunn then puts over how important Blood & Guts is.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Skye Blue vs. Hikaru Shida

The match starts off with Blue waiting no time in going after Shida. Blue sends Shida to the corner and nails her with some stomps before Shida fights back with some forearms in the middle of the ring. Both women then trade strikes until Skye hits Shida with a back elbow. Shida then sends Skye out of the ring. Shida then hits Blue with a cross body. The referee then calls for medical attention and the match was called off.

The winner of the Singles Match via referee stoppage, Hikaru Shida!

We then head to the back, where Lance Archer was destroying random people in the back. Archer then says everyone forgot what he was about and that he was back to remind the world that everybody dies.

We then get a recap of Minoru Suzuki challenging FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho to a match on Dynamite. We then get a promo from Jericho, where he talks about how he has wanted this match for years. Jericho then warns Suzuki that this will be a dream match for everyone except for Suzuki and that the violence in Blood & Guts will pale in comparison to the violence he has in store for Suzuki on Wednesday.

We then head back to ringside as Tony Nese and The Premier Athletes make their way down to the ring. Nese says Arlington hasn’t had real athletes to look up to, so his lawyer drew up a contract to give a lucky individual an opportunity and them an opportunity to look at a real athlete. Rey Fénix then makes his way down to the ring and the match is underway.

Singles Match: The Premier Athletes’ Tony Nese vs. Rey Fénix

The match starts off with Nese putting Rey in a wristlock, but Fénix flips to escape the hold before putting Nese on one of his own. Nese then takes Fénix down and goes for a pin, but Fénix kicks out. Fénix then goes for a pin of his own, but Nese fights back. This then leads to an exchange of strikes between both men and Fénix hits a chop on Nese. Fénix then hits Nese with a dropkick, sending him out of the ring. Fénix then goes for a dive, but is cut off by The Premier Athletes. Nese then delivers some shots on Fénix, but Rey responds with some chops of his own. Nese then takes Fénix down and gets a near fall. Nese then goes for the running knee, but Fénix hits him with a hurricanrana and gets a near fall. The Premiere Athletes try to intervene once more, but Nese gets sent to the outside by Fénix and Fénix hits a dive on all of them on the outside. Fénix then sends Nese back into the ring and nails Mark Sterling with a penalty kick. This then leads to Nese hitting Fénix with a kick before going up top for a 450 splash. Nese then goes for a pin, but Fénix kicks out. Fénix then hits Nese with the frog splash off the top for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Rey Fénix!

After the match, Fénix celebrates his win and we get a reminder that Hologram is still set to debut tonight.

Tony Schiavone is already in the ring and he welcomes FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) and they make their way down to the ring. We get a recap of last week when Don Callis attacked Tommy Billington, only for FTR to come out to make the save. Wheeler then hypes up The Dynamite Kid and says he’s got a bright future ahead of him. Wheeler then talks about the run FTR has had. Wheeler then addresses some of the issues he has dealt with over the past year, talking about the escape he found in getting into the ring night after night. Wheeler then says the only thing that mattered to him was coming into the ring and wrestling every match like it might be their last. Wheeler then says he may be a bit of a hot head, but he’s not going to be that aggressive outside of this ring, so for now he only has his sights set on The Young Bucks. Harwood then talks about the match FTR had against The Young Bucks at All In and at Double or Nothing before calling them out for not being fighting champions the past few weeks. Harwood then says FTR’s path back to the tag titles starts now and will come to a head at Wembley Stadium for All In. Harwood then promises the crowd that FTR will become 3-time AEW World Tag Team Champions, before calling out The Young Bucks once more. Harwood then says top guys out.

We then head to the back, where Hikaru Shida says she came to Collision for a fight and she still wants a fight. Shida then challenges Britt Baker to a fight this coming Wednesday night on Dynamite. Shida then reminds Baker that she had broken Baker’s nose and spilled her blood once before and she will do it again at Blood & Guts.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong vs. The Conglomeration’s “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii

The match starts off with Ishii taking Strong to the ropes before they are broken up. Both men then trade chops. Strong then nails Ishii with a knee strike. Strong then runs the ropes, but Ishii stops him and nails him with a shoulder tackle. Ishii then nails Strong with a forearm shiver and gets a near fall. Strong then runs the ropes, but Ishii takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Strong then hits Ishii with a uranage. Ishii then hits Strong with a powerslam. Both men then exchange strikes with each other and Ishii nails Strong with a release German suplex. Ishii then hits a suplex on Strong for a near fall. Strong then hits Ishii with a back body drop. Strong then places Ishii onto his shoulders, but Ishii blocks a backbreaker attempt byStrong. Strong then hits Ishii with a reverse fireman carry followed by a backbreaker. Strong then goes for a pin, but Ishii kicks out. Ishii then blocks the End of Heartache and Strong evades the lariat. Ishii then gets the cover, but Strong kicks out. Taven and Bennett then jump on the apron, giving Strong an opening to hits a low blow on Ishii and securing the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong!

After then match, Undisputed Kingdom try to continue beating Ishii down, but ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly make their way down to the ring to make the save.

We then get a video package looking back at the nearly hour-long match between MJF and Will Ospreay.

Hologram then makes his way down to the ring for his debut and his opponent Gringo Loco is already in the ring.

Singles Match: Hologram vs. Gringo Loco

The match starts off with Gringo Loco diving on Hologram, but Hologram stands on his shoulders. Hologram then hits Loco with a satellite tijeras that sends him to the floor. Hologram then hits Loco with a springboard and a shotgun dropkick through the ropes and follows it up with a flipping senton that takes out Loco on the floor. Hologram then hits Loco with a hurricanrana, but Loco responds by sending Hologram face first into the buckles. Loco then hits a chop on Hologram, then follows it up with a military press and a standing moonsault for 2. Gringo then goes up top and misses the tornillo. Hologram then hits Loco with an armdrag that sends Loco to the floor again, Hologram then hits a diving headscissors on Loco, then follows it up with an Airplane spin into a slam for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Hologram!

After the match, Hologram celebrates his impressive debut.

We then head to the back, where Kevin Von Erich is with his sons and Dustin Rhodes to talk about the great history of wrestling in the state. Kevin talks about the differences in the modern era, thanking Dustin for taking the boys under his wing. Dustin then talks about the Von Erichs and the Rhodes families working together for the first time in decades.

We then see ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe hype up the ROH World Championship Match at Death Before Dishonor, talking about the history he and Roderick Strong have before warning him of the fight that’s ahead. Briscoe then turns his attention to Blood & Guts on Wednesday, addressing The Elite for the problem they represent. Briscoe then says Team AEW represents those in the grind, telling The Elite to bring the fight on Wednesday.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Lumberjack Match.

Lumberjack Match: “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. “La Mera Mera” Thunder Rosa

The match starts off with the action spilling to the outside, but the lumberjacks quickly making sure both women get back in the ring. Deonna then manages to get the upper hand by placing Rosa on the second rope and hitting her with a DDT, then getting a near. fall. Deonna then sends Rosa out of the ring, but Thunder slides back in as Deonna leaves and takes a hit from one of the lumberjacks. Both women then start arguing with each other as the action makes its way to the turnbuckle and Deonna fights back, sending Rosa onto the group of lumberjacks with a superplex.

Deonna then continues to stay in control as she gets a near fall on Thunder Rosa. Deonna then sends Rosa to the outside, forcing her to fight off the lumberjacks before getting back into the ring. Rosa then delivers some right hands on Deonna and sends her to the ropes and follows it up with a dropkick. Rosa then goes for a pin, but Purrazzo kicks out. Deonna then puts Rosa in a cross arm breaker, but Rosa pins Deonna to force a break. Deonna then drops Rosa right back down and gets a near fall. The action then makes its way to the apron as both ladies go at it, until Deonna drops Rosa on the top rope. Rosa then hits a spear through the ropes sending Purrazzo into the lumberjacks and onto the floor. Deonna then hits Rosa with a turnbuckle and gets the win.

The winner of the Lumberjack Match, “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

We then get a shot of The Patriarchy walking backstage ahead of the main event.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Unified AEW World Trios Championship Match.

Unified AEW World Trios Championship Match: Bang Bang Gang (“Rock Hard” Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) vs. The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch)

The match starts off with Nick Wayne and Austin Gunn. Both men exchange holds before Austin takes Nick down with an arm drag. Nick then heads to the corner where Cage tags himself in and Austin tags Juice in. Cage then quickly tags Killswitch in before he and Juice gets into it. Juice then delivers some chops on Killswitch, but it doesn’t seem to affect him and Killswitch nails Juice with a chop of his own. Juice then starts to fight back until Cage hangs Juice’s arm up on the top rope, allowing Killswitch to take back control. Cage then tags in to continue the damage on Juice and the Patriarchy tags in and out to keep Juice isolated from the rest of the Bang Bang Gang. Juice then tags Colten in and Colten gets a flurry of offense on the Patriarchy before tagging in Austin. Nick Wayne then brings Austin to the Patriarchy corner before Cage tags in. Cage then rakes Austin’s back and then drives his boot into his neck. Cage then pulls Austin’s face before tagging in Killswitch. Killswitch then drops Austin hard and gets a near fall.

Austin then makes the tag to Juice as Nick tags himself in. Juice then delivers some right hands on Nick, but only gets a two count. The action then spills to the outside where Killswitch tries to intervene, but he gets sent over the barricade by the Gunns. Juice then hits a cannonball on Nick in the corner. Juice then hits Nick with a delayed suplex and goes for a pin, but Cage breaks it up. Cage then gets hit by all three members of the Bang Bang Gang and the Gunns clothesline him to the floor. Nick then tries to lowblow Juice, but Juice stops him and hits a powerbomb on Nick. Juice then goes to the top and Killswitch nails him with a chokeslam. Nick then hits the Guns with a moonsault. Cage then hits a frogsplash on Juice and gets a two count. Cage then looks for the Killswitch, but is gets reversed. Mama Wayne then provides the distraction and Cage hits the Killswitch on Juice for the win.

The winners and new Unified AEW World Trios Champions, The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch)!

After the match, The Patriarchy celebrate their win until the lights flicker, signaling the House of Black and the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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