It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The 250th episode of AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 17, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (7/17/2024):

  • Champion vs. Champion Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. The Elite’s AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada
  • AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. MJF
  • AEW TBS Championship Match: NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné (c) vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose
  • Mariah May Will Speak
  • “TV Time” With FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho

AEW Dynamite Results (7/17/2024):

The show opens up with MJF making his way down to the ring for the opening match as he was being introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts. Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone then welcomes us to the show and AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay makes his way down to the ring.

AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. MJF

The match starts off with MJF rolling out of the ring. MJF then gets back inside and both men go back and forth. Ospreay then clotheslines MJF out of the ring, then flies through the middle rope to land on him on the outside. Ospreay then sends MJF back inside the ring and hits a boot on the side of his face, then follows it up with a back suplex. MJF then sends Ospreay crashing into the middle turnbuckle and delivers some stomps on him, then wears him down with an arm and shoulder submission. MJF then hits a variation of a Stunner on Ospreay, but Ospreay responds with an enzuigiri on the apron and follows it up with a forearm off the top rope and a shoulder tackle. Ospreay then flies over the top rope to land on MJF and gets him back inside the ring and hits him with a moonsault. Ospreay then flies off the ropes and sets up for the Hidden blade, but MJF rolls out of the ring. Ospreay then flies to land on MJF on the outside. Ospreay then grabs the table from the timekeeper’s area and sets it up on the outside. Ospreay and MJF then get back inside the ring and Ospreay hits a chop on MJF, but MJF responds with a kick. MJF then hits a knee to the head of Ospreay and follows it up with a piledriver, then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out.


MJF then mocks Daniel Garcia by doing his signature dance and Ospreay delivers some chops on MJF. MJF then responds with a back body drop and cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock on Ospreay, but Ospreay reverses the hold. MJF then once again reverses the hold, but Ospreay makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold. MJF then delivers some chops on Ospreay, but Ospreay responds with a few of his own. MJF then trips Ospreay, then stomps on his leg and hits him with a knee to his midsection. Ospreay then hits a Stunner and the Os-Cutter on MJF and looks to pin him, but MJF rolls out of the ring before Ospreay can. Ospreay then gets MJF onto the apron and looks to hit him with an Os-Cutter, but MJF moves out of the way. MJF then hits a shoulder-breaker on Ospreay, but Ospreay flies off the ropes to take MJF down. Ospreay then delivers some chops on MJF and follows it up with an enzuigiri and a Blue Thunder Bomb and goes for a pin, but MJF kicks out.

The action then spills to the outside. MJF and Ospreay then brawl through the crowd and Ospreay delivers some right hands on MJF’s chest. Ospreay then delivers more right hands on MJF’s head and sends it bouncing off a trash can. Ospreay then stuffs MJF’s head into it, then places him on top of the table at ringside. Ospreay then climbs to the top rope, but MJF rolls back into the ring. Both men then take turns pinning each other before Ospreay hits MJF with a poisonrana. MJF then climbs up the top rope and hits a Code Red on Ospreay. MJF then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. MJF then places Ospreay on top of the table on the outside and climbs up to the top. Ospreay then rolls off the table and MJF jams his arm into the barricade. MJF then hits a right hand on Ospreay, then sends him crashing into the barricade on the opposite side of the ring and jams his thumb into his head. MJF then hits a running knee on Ospreay, but Ospreay respond with an Os-Cutter on MJF off the barricade. Both men then get back inside the ring and Ospreay hits a Cross-Rhodes on MJF. MJF then hits a stomp on Ospreay’s arm and follows it up with a Cradle DDT. MJF then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. Ospreay then looks to fly off the top, but MJF trips him. Both men then begin to brawl on the apron and Ospreay hits MJF with a Styles Clash. Ospreay then hits a powerbomb on MJF.

Ospreay then hits a kick to MJF’s head and sets up for an Os-Cutter. MJF then intercepts Ospreay and sends him crashing into the mat, then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. MJF then chokes Ospreay with his necklace, then sends him into the corner and shows off his bicep. Ospreay then delivers some chops on MJF, then sends him crashing to the outside. Ospreay then blasts MJF from behind by flying through the ropes, then sends him back in the ring and climbs to the top. Ospreay then hits the Hidden Blade on MJF off the top and goes for a pin, but MJF kicks out. Ospreay then climbs back up to the top, but MJF trips him. Ospreay then hits a Styles Clash on MJF off the middle rope and pins him, but MJF gets his hand on the bottom rope to break the fall. MJF then places Ospreay on top of the table on the outside and climbs up it before he hits an elbow drop on Ospreay through the table.

MJF then has a submission locked in on Ospreay with his arm on the top rope. The referee then catches MJF and kicks it out. Both men then take turns pinning each other and MJF teases hitting the Kangaroo Kick. Ospreay then sends MJF into the corner, but MJF lands on the middle rope. Ospreay then hits a hurricanrana on MJF and Ospreay lands on his feet. Both men then exchange strikes. Ospreay then hits an enzuigiri on MJF and both men take turns in pinning each other once again. Ospreay then hits a Spanish Fly on MJF and places him on the top turnbuckle. Ospreay then joins MJF up there and hits MJF with a cutter. Ospreay then follows it up with a Hidden Blade and goes for a pin, but MJF kicks out. Ospreay then looks to hit a second Hidden Blade, but MJF avoids it. Ospreay then hits a headbutt on MJF, then looks to follow it up with a Styles Clash. MJF prevents Ospreay from doing so, then sends Ospreay crashing into the referee. MJF then nails Ospreay with the Dynamite Diamond Ring and pins him for the win just as the time limit on the match was coming to an end.

The winner and new AEW International Champion, MJF!

After the match, the Dynamite Diamond Ring was shown lying on the ringside floor. The referee then calls for the trainer when both men was down. Multiple trainers then enters the ring and tends to both men. They then put an oxygen mask on MJF and help him up. MJF then holds up his title belt and then stumbles around. MJF then takes breaths through the oxygen mask, says his name and says you can thank him later.

We then head to the back, where Arkady Aura had a conversation with ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Max Caster and Anthony Bowens. Caster made his pitch to Briscoe for The Acclaimed to join Team AEW in Blood & Guts. Briscoe says they had his back a couple of weeks ago when The Elite jumped him. Briscoe then says it’s not just up to him. AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana then shows up. Swerve says he has had his issues with Caster over the years, but he knows what he is all about. Swerve then asks if they were ready to get violent and they all put their hands together. Briscoe then yells into the camera about how they are coming for The Elite.

Excalibur then hypes Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson for the AEW World Championship at All In and the Champion vs. Champion Match for later in the show.

We then see “The Redwood” Big Bill already waiting inside the ring and he introduces FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho. Jericho and “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith then make their way down to the ring.

Chris Jericho starts off by telling Little Rock that they need to take a few lessons from him due to the high crime rate there and that it’s the 250th episode of Dynamite. Jericho then says he’s been on almost every edition of the show since the beginning and vows to never miss another episode. Jericho then says he keeps telling people to listen to him and cites his, Bill’s and Keith’s attacks on HOOK and Samoa Joe as what happens when you don’t. Jericho then says people get hurt when he doesn’t and fans must realize that they need to listen to him and his teachings. Jericho then questions who would be crazy enough to not listen to him.

Minoru Suzuki’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a piece of paper in hand. Suzuki then stares Jericho down and grabs the mic from him. Suzuki holds up the paper and says next week. Keith then grabs the paper and opens it to reveal that Suzuki will be challenging Jericho for the FTW Championship, with Bill and Keith banned from ringside. As the trio take in the announcement, Suzuki hits a headbutt on Jericho and tells fans “Hi, guys!”

We then head to the back, where Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson and Kazuchika Okada cut a promo. Nicholas says it was ridiculous that The Acclaimed think they will be the next tag team champions. Matthew then speaks about how they will have all the gold and all the power. Nicholas then points out that they don’t have the world championship. Mercedes Moné then shows up and thanks the EVPs for banning Britt Baker from the backstage area during tonight’s Dynamite 250. Okada then had Moné do her dance. Once she leaves, Okada acted like he was overheating.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW TBS Championship Match.

AEW TBS Championship Match: NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné (c) vs. “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose

The match starts off with Moné cinching in a Waist Lock on Rose, but Rose sends Moné across the ring to escape it. Moné then delivers some stomps on Rose in the corner, but Rose gets Moné in a delayed vertical suplex position. Moné then escapes and looks to hit a Tornado DDT, but Rose blocks it and drapes Moné across the top rope. Rose then climbs up and hits a knee to the back of Moné’s neck. Rose then goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out. Moné then wears Rose down with a sleeper. Rose then powers up to her feet and hits a suplex on Moné, then follows it up with a splash in the corner and a cannonball. Rose then goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out. Rose then climbs to the middle rope, but Moné trips her and hits her with a Vader Bomb. Moné then hits Rose with a running knee, then climbs to the middle rope and hits her with a meteora. Moné then goes for a pin, but Rose kicks out. Moné and Rose then teeter on the top rope before Moné hits a bulldog on Rose and puts on a personalized glove. Moné then locks in the Statement Maker and Rose taps out.

The winner and still the AEW TBS Champion, NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné!

After the match, Moné rips up a sign from a masked fan. The fan then takes their mask off to reveal themselves to be Britt Baker and officials show up to keep both women apart.

We then get a video package on Mariah May’s attack on AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and their AEW Women’s World Championship Match at Wembley Stadium.

The Elite’s AEW TNT Champion “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry then cuts a backstage promo. Perry says Darby Allin only had to ask for his attention. Perry then says do you think I give a shit about Brandon Cutler. The camera then shows an injured Cutler on the floor. Perry then roughs up Cutler, then tells Allin to find him tonight and he will show him what a real sacrifice looks like.

Mariah May then makes her way down to the ring to address the AEW fans.

Mariah May starts off by saying in all honesty everyone foresaw her turning on Toni Storm except Storm herself. May then says Storm was so desperate for the spotlight that she didn’t realize she was giving it all away and the question shouldn’t be about why she turned on Storm, but rather what took so long for her to turn on Storm. May then says it was to easy to trick Storm and she had fun doing it. May then says she wanted to see how far she could string Storm along until she saw AEW All In at Wembley Stadium. May then says she has been Storm, but she can be so much more. May then says she still loves Storm and she has never loved her more than when she was bleeding, crying and screaming her name last week. May then says that was Storm’s greatest performance and her greatest performance will be at All In. May then says All Elite Wrestling is now All About Mariah.

We then get video footage from AEW Collision of Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn saying the person who wanted to strip them of the Unified Trios Titles will have to pull them from their cold dead hands. Seconds later, Bang Bang Gang handed the titles over to Christopher Daniels, who said he didn’t like the decision either but it was his job to enforce the rules. They then spoke briefly about facing Christian Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne for the vacant titles on this week’s Collision.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Champion vs. Champion Match.

Champion vs. Champion Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. The Elite’s AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada

The match starts off with Strickland hitting an arm drag on Okada, then following it up with a hurricanrana and climbing to the middle rope. Strickland then hits a back elbow on the back of Okada’s neck and both men go back and forth hitting forearms on each other. Okada then hits a flapjack on Strickland, then follows it up with a boot on his midsection and a DDT. Strickland then delivers a couple of forearms on Okada and follows it up with a headbutt. Okada then sends Strickland into the corner, then follows it up with a dropkick that sends him over the top rope. Strickland then gets Okada on his shoulders on the apron, but Okada escapes. Strickland then hits a jawbreaker on Okada off the top rope and hits him with a flatliner, then follows it up with a vertical suplex. Okada then hits Strickland with a bodyslam, then climbs to the top and hits him with an elbow drop. Okada then hits a dropkick on Strickland, but Strickland responds with a backbreaker and a powerslam. Strickland then climbs to the top and looks to hit the Swerve Stomp, but Okada sees him coming and hits him with a Tombstone. Matthew and Nicholas Jackson then blindside Strickland in the ring, causing the disqualification.

The winner of the Champion vs. Champion due to a disqualification, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland!

After the match, The Acclaimed make their way down to the ring to even the odds. Jack Perry and Mark Briscoe then make their way down to the ring as well and everyone else continues brawling. Mark then flies to land on The Bucks and The Acclaimed on the outside, but Perry nails him with a DDT back inside the ring. Strickland then hits a House Call on Perry, but “Hangman” Adam Page’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. The Elite and Page then overpower Strickland, The Acclaimed and Mark, but Darby Allin’s music hits. Allin then makes his way down to the ring from the rafters on a wire, opening the door for Team AEW to overpower The Elite. Both teams then continue to brawl and officials try to separate the ten men as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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