It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 10, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (7/10/2024):

  • Global Glory 4-Way Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. Don Callis Family’s ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher vs. “The Bastard” PAC vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii
  • AEW TBS And NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné Double Championship Victory Toast
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals Match (Jeff Jarrett Will Serve As The Special Guest Enforcer): Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “Hangman” Adam Page
  • Stampede Street Fight: FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe
  • Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals Match: Mariah May vs. Willow Nightingale
  • AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland Returns
  • We’ll Hear From AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay

AEW Dynamite Results (7/10/2024):

The show opens up with a recap of MJF attacking Daniel Garcia on last week’s Dynamite as well as a footage of MJF’s promo from Saturday’s Collision. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay then makes his way down to the ring as Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcomes us to the show. Ring announcer Justin Roberts then introduces Will Ospreay and he is handed a microphone.

Will Ospreay starts off by saying he was appalled, disgusted and not surprised that MJF betrayed Daniel Garcia at the end of last week’s episode of Dynamite. Ospreay then says he’s heard rumors of MJF’s insecurity and there’s no indication of Garcia’s return to pro wrestling after MJF’s actions. Ospreay then condemns MJF for what he did and says in the few interactions they have had, he can tell MJF doesn’t like him for a few reasons: the fact that Tony Khan spent his money on signing him instead of the bidding war of 2024, thinking that he is talentless and being a reminder to fans of what AEW should be. Ospreay then says that despite MJF getting a tattoo for AEW saying “bet on yourself”, it should have said “AEW: all about me”. Ospreay then calls MJF a scumbag and says the level of the devil is ground floor while he’s at the top of the skyscraper. Ospreay then says that instead of being in England grieving his grandmother, he is in Calgary. Ospreay then calls MJF to the ring.


MJF’s music then hits, but he’s nowhere to be found. MJF instead appears on the big screen with a glass of wine in hand and says the people of Calgary don’t deserve to be in the presence of his greatness. MJF then says he has beaten all the fan favorites of AEW, then calls Ospreay a joke. MJF then says fans will come to realize that they have seen Ospreay’s routine and they will grow tired of it. MJF then says fans will throw Ospreay away like they did to him and he has seen many like Ospreay come and go. MJF then says he is a once in a generation wrestler and while Ospreay may want to face him tonight, he won’t. MJF then challenges Ospreay to an International Championship Match next week and Ospreay accepts MJF’s challenge.

We then get a video package that set up the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals Match. Special enforcer Jeff Jarrett then makes his way out and stands on the stage next to the trophy. Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson then makes his way down to the ring while Jarrett remains on the stage. Jarrett then looks at the heel entrance tunnel as “Hangman” Adam Page’s entrance music played, but Page makes his way out through the babyface entrance tunnel.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals Match (Jeff Jarrett Will Serve As The Special Guest Enforcer): Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

The match starts off with Page delivering some right hands on Danielson, then following it up with a couple of chops. Danielson then locks in a Half Boston Crab on Page, but Page quickly makes it over to the bottom rope to break the hold. Danielson then hits a tope suicida on Page on the outside, then gets him back in the ring and climbs to the top. Danielson then hits a missile dropkick on Page, then kips up. Page then clotheslines Danielson from behind, then sends him crashing into the ring post. Page then nails a right hand on Danielson. Danielson then responds with a kick on Page’s head, but Page hits another right hand on Danielson. Danielson then delivers more kicks on Page, but Page nails Danielson with a series of kicks of his own. Page then nails Danielson with a series of chops on Danielson’s chest, but Danielson cinches in a cross arm bar on Page. Danielson then transitions into a crossface, but Page is able to reach the bottom rope to break the hold. Page then hits a suplex on Danielson, but Danielson responds with an avalanche German suplex off the middle rope on Page. Danielson then looks to hit a diving headbutt off the middle rope on Page, but Page moves out of the way and locks in a crossface of his own. Danielson then makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Danielson then delivers then Hammer and Anvil Elbows on Page. Page then sends Danielson’s head bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then follows it up with a Tombstone and goes for a pin. Danielson then kicks out and Page sends Danielson tumbling out of the ring. Page then climbs to the top, but Danielson pushes him off. Danielson then flies off the top to take down Page on the outside, then hits the Yes Kicks on Page. Page then responds with a piledriver and Jarrett checks on Danielson along with medical officials. Page then gets in Jarrett’s face and shoves him, then gets back inside the ring as the referee begins a ten count. Danielson then beats it and Page delivers some right hands on him back inside the ring. Page then rips off Danielson’s tape on his trapezius, but Danielson responds with the Busaiku Knee on Page. Danielson then hits a roundhouse kick on Page, but Page responds with a suplex on Danielson. Danielson then looks to hits the Busaiku Knee on Page, but Page moves out of the way and Danielson is sent crashing into the referee. Page then removes his belt and starts lashing Danielson with it. Page then chokes Danielson with it as Jarrett slides into the ring. Page then pushes Jarrett and Jarrett removes his shirt to reveal a referee shirt. Danielson then rolls Page up, but Page kicks out. Page then hits Danielson with the Dead Eye and pins him, but Danielson kicks out. Page then hits a Buckshot Lariat on Danielson and looks to hit a second one, but Danielson stops Page and rolls him up. Page then kicks out and locks in a crossface on Danielson, but Danielson transitions into a pinfall for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals Match, Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, Martha Hart joins Jarrett and they present Danielson with the Owen Hart Foundation Cup and the Owen Hart Cup Tournament Championship. Hart says it’s great to be back in the Saddledome in Owen’s hometown. Hart then says it’s with great pleasure to award the cup and the title to Danielson and they will see him at Wembley Stadium for his AEW World Title shot. Danielson’s opponent for All In and the reigning AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana then make their way down to the ring.

Swerve Strickland then grabs a microphone to address the AEW fans and his opponent for All In “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. Strickland starts off by recalling AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay looking him in the eye and telling him that the best in the world was the person who holds the championship. Swerve says he is the best in the world now that he’s beaten Ospreay and he is still the AEW World Champion.

Swerve then congratulates Danielson for winning the Owen Hart Cup and says it will be an honor to face him in the main event at All In. Swerve then says it still bothers him that Danielson holds a pinfall victory over him. Swerve then says they are at two different points in their careers. Swerve then says Danielson is on the downslide whereas he is the most dangerous man in AEW. Swerve then recalls The EVPs attempting to recruit him to be on their Blood & Guts team. Swerve then announces he will be in Blood & Guts for Team AEW. Swerve then says he will step up and lead the team. Swerve then says he will do two things that Danielson failed to do this year – beat Ospreay and lead Team AEW to victory over The Elite. Swerve then challenges Kazuchika Okada to face him and says the world champion will show him how to make it rain. Swerve then says he will see Danielson at All In. Swerve then promises Danielson that it will truly be his final countdown.

We then get a video package highlighting the Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals Match.

We then get a new Acclaimed and Daddy Ass music video with Max Caster rapping about The Elite. Excalibur then reminds the fans that The Acclaimed are still owed a shot at the AEW World Tag Team Titles.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Stampede Street Fight.

Stampede Street Fight: FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe

The match starts off with both men staring each other down. Samoa Joe then takes off Chris Jericho’s cowboy hat and uses it to hit a right hand on him, then delivers more right hands on Jericho in the corner and follows it up with a couple of headbutts. Joe then sends Jericho into the opposite corner and hits him with an enzuigiri, then follows it up with another right hand and a headbutt. Jericho then hits Joe with a right hand of his own, then follows it up with a few chops. Joe then hits a tope suicida to land on Keith on the outside, then sends him over the barricade and into the crowd. Jericho then nails Joe, then sends him crashing into the barricade and grabs a chair. Jericho hits Joe with the chair on the shoulder and parades it around, then takes another shot at Joe with it and sends Joe back inside the ring. Jericho then grabs another chair from under the ring and a bag, then dumps the bag out to reveal several horseshoes.

Jericho then looks to send Joe crashing through the pile of horseshoes, but Joe blocks him. Jericho then hits a boot on Joe’s midsection and runs the ropes, but Joe intercepts him and sends Jericho crashing through the horseshoes spine first. Joe then follows it up with a senton and pins Jericho, but Jericho kicks out. Joe then hits a few kicks on Jericho’s thigh, but Jericho catches one of them and trips Joe. Jericho then locks in the Walls of Jericho on Joe. Joe then escapes and delivers some right hands on Jericho, then places him on the top rope. Jericho then hits a dropkick on Joe off the top and looks to fly off the apron, but Joe moves out of the way and sends Jericho over the barricade. Joe then follows him and both men brawl with each other in the crowd. Joe then throws a bag of popcorn at Jericho, then drags him backstage and hits him with a chop. Jericho then tosses a cup of coffee at Joe, but Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on him. Big Bill then comes out of a room nearby and nails a chair across Joe’s spine to break the hold. Keith then joins him and both men continue beating Joe down. They then hold Joe in place as Jericho hits Joe with a cowbell. Keith and Bill then place Joe on a pallet on a forklift and Jericho gets on the forklift. Jericho then drives Joe and the forklift through part of the drywall in the Saddledome and the doctor calls for the match to be stopped.

The winner of the Stampede Street Fight via doctor stoppage, FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho!

We then see Samoa Joe being loaded onto an ambulance as Jericho, Bill and Keith happily wave him off to the hospital.

We then see that Tomohiro Ishii, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC and Kyle Fletcher are already waiting inside the ring for the next match.

Global Glory 4-Way Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. Don Callis Family’s ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher vs. “The Bastard” PAC vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii

The match starts off with Fletcher delivering some right hands on Ishii. Ishii then stays on his feet and runs over Fletcher with a shoulder tackle as Castagnoli hits an uppercut on PAC in the corner. Castagnoli and Ishii then begin brawling, but Fletcher blindsides Ishii. Ishii and Castagnoli then hit a double shoulder on Fletcher and clotheslines him out of the ring before they exchange forearms. PAC then climbs to the top and hits a missile dropkick on Ishii. PAC then runs the ropes looking to nail Ishii on the outside, but Fletcher trips him. PAC then hits Fletcher with a hurricanrana, but Ishii nails Fletcher and PAC with back suplexes. Ishii then looks to hit one on Castagnoli, but Castagnoli blocks him and hits him with a T-Bone suplex. Castagnoli then flies and hits a Tornillo over the top rope to land on Ishii on the outside.

All four men are now down on the mat. PAC, Castagnoli and Fletcher then deliver forearms on Ishii, but Ishii responds with forearms of his own on all three men. Ishii then sends Fletcher crashing into the mat, then hits a clothesline on PAC in the corner. PAC then nails Fletcher with a poisonrana, but Castagnoli nails him with a pop-up uppercut. Ishii then runs him over, but Fletcher nails him with a Tombstone and goes for a pin. Ishii then kicks out. Castagnoli then hits The Swing on Fletcher, then locks in a Sharpshooter on him. PAC then climbs to the top and hits an elbow drop on Fletcher, then locks in the Brutalizer on him. Ishii then delivers some right hands on Castagnoli and nails him with a suplex, then breaks up the Brutalizer. Ishii then turns Fletcher inside out with a clothesline and pins him, but Fletcher kicks out. Castagnoli then hits the Neutralizer on Fletcher and pins him, but PAC pulls Castagnoli off Fletcher and pins him himself. Castagnoli then pulls PAC off Fletcher and the two begin to brawl. Ishii then takes down Castagnoli, but PAC hits a German suplex on Ishii and hits one on Castagnoli. Fletcher then rolls up PAC, but PAC kicks out and climbs to the top. PAC then hits the Black Arrow on Fletcher and locks in the Brutalizer on him and Fletcher taps out.

The winner of the Global Glory 4-Way Match, “The Bastard” PAC!

After the match, PAC grabs a mic. PAC says he has made bold promises since returning to AEW, but he’s also suffered many failures. PAC then says it’s All In season and he will not be denied his moment at Wembley Stadium. PAC then vows to be back.

We then head to the back, where “Hangman” Adam Page storms past Renee Paquette. Paquette then stops him looking to get a little respect, but Page ignores her. Page then knocks on the door of The Elite’s dressing room and tells The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada that he will be the fifth member of Team Elite in Blood & Guts.

AEW TBS And NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné then makes her way down to the ring to host her double championship victory toast.

Moné starts off by telling Calgary to say hello to their CEO, then says she’s honored to be in the Saddledome to continue celebrating being both the TBS Champion and the NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion. Moné then points out the extra security at ringside courtesy of The Young Bucks and says she will not be interrupted tonight. Moné then declares herself as “the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.” Moné then tells Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. that she will not be facing her at All in, then pours herself a shot and looks to toast to herself. Britt Baker’s music then hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Security then looks to stop her from entering the ring, but she takes them down and pushes past them. Moné then slides out of the ring and Baker stands tall.

We then see Brandon Cutler lying on the ground asking for mercy. The camera then pans to Darby Allin, who nails Cutler once again. Allin then grabs the camera and recalls Jack Perry saying we all have to make sacrifices. Allin then says Cutler just made his. Allin then mentions next week’s Dynamite 250 and says they are just getting started.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals Match.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals Match: Mariah May vs. Willow Nightingale

The match starts off with Nightingale and May shaking hands with each other. Both women then go back and forth, taking turns locking each other in submission holds. Nightingale then hits May with a chop in the corner, then runs her over with a shoulder tackle. May then trips Nightingale, then hits a dropkick on her and a chop. May then hits a hurricanrana on Nightingale that sends her crashing into the ropes, then tangles her up in the ropes and nails her with a dropkick to her spine. May then goes for a pin, but Nightingale kicks out. May then hits a missile dropkick on Nightingale off the top rope and follows it up with a Hip Attack. May then sends Nightingale into the mat, but Nightingale hits a splash on May in the corner and follows it up with a spinebuster. Nightingale then looks to lock in a Sharpshooter on May, but May fights her way out and hits a German suplex on Nightingale.

May then hits an uppercut on Nightingale in the corner, then delivers some forearms on her in the opposite corner. May then charges at her, but Nightingale gets her boot up. May then hits a double chop on Nightingale, then follows it up with a hurricanrana and goes for a pin. Nightingale then kicks out and pins May, but May kicks out. May then nails Nightingale with a headbutt. A hooded figure then looks to interfere as the referee is distracted by Storm, but Nightingale fights them off. Kris Statlander then appears out of nowhere and hits a kick on Nightingale and the hooded figure reveals himself to be Stokely Hathaway. This then opens the door for May to hit a running knee on Nightingale. Nightingale then kicks out and May looks to hit the May Day on her. Nightingale then escapes and rolls up May, but May kicks out. Nightingale then hits a lariat on May and follows it up with a cannonball. Nightingale then sets up for the Doctor Bomb, but May counters into a roll up for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals Match, Mariah May!

After the match, May and Storm look to celebrate May’s win on the top of the ramp. May then grabs the Owen Hart Cup Tournament Championship, but hits Storm with it out of nowhere and attacks her with it. Storm then begins to bleed as May attacks Luther with the championship and sends him crashing off the stage through a table. May then hits Storm repeatedly in the head with her shoe and jams it into her head. Officials then show up to separate the two women, but May blasts Aubrey Edwards. May then rubs Storm’s blood on her face, then stands tall over her as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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