On Tuesday, July 3, 2024, WWE executive Shawn Michaels held a call with the professional wrestling media to promote the upcoming NXT Heatwave premium live event scheduled for this Sunday, July 7, 2024.

Shawn Michaels welcomed everyone to the call and reviewed the lineup for the Heatwave PPV.

When asked about his thoughts on working with Anthem for the TNA crossover and whether we’d see that continue at Heatwave, Shawn Michaels discussed all the recent WWE collaborations but said he couldn’t speak more on the future of the TNA relationship. He didn’t mention any specific talents.

Michaels was asked about Charlie Dempsey working overseas. He mentioned that Dempsey has adapted very well, and they are striving to help him and everyone else be as well-rounded as possible.


Regarding Drew Gulak and Gable Steveson’s departure, Michaels said Gulak’s contract was expiring, and there wasn’t role for him on the main roster. He stated that the decision to move on was made from a business standpoint.

Michaels was asked about Mia Yim’s work in NXT. He said she’s been fantastic and believes she has been enjoying it as well, showcasing her talents. He expressed excitement about bringing back talent from the black and gold era, which Yim takes pride in. With the roster being so deep and talented, having skilled veterans like Mia is a huge advantage and a treat. Michaels mentioned that he’s enjoyed having her and, as long as she is willing, he wants to continue utilizing her.

Michaels was asked about WWE NXT being on the road when it goes to the CW Network. He acknowledged hearing the same rumors but said nothing is set in stone. He praised the Orlando home base, stating there’s no need to leave it full-time. However, these decisions are beyond his pay grade, allowing him to focus on NXT. Michaels expressed excitement for their upcoming trip to Toronto, highlighting that it’s a significant experience for younger talents who have never traveled outside the country. He believes taking PPVs on the road strikes a good balance and doesn’t foresee any immediate changes. However, he noted that in WWE, plans can always change.

Michaels was asked about TNA’s Joe Hendry. He said it was his first time meeting him and appreciated how Hendry has generated fan goodwill on his own, thinking outside the box. Michaels believes Hendry has a strong future ahead.

When asked about the UFC Apex event and his social media profile, Michaels mentioned that Jordynne Grace brought him the chef hat. He spoke positively about being at the Apex, highlighting it as a great experience where they learned a lot about how to improve for future appearances.

Michaels commented on Je’Von Evans and his experience working with such a young talent. He noted that Evans hasn’t shown any eagerness to rush to the main roster, demonstrating impressive patience. Michaels praised Evans for being authentic on camera, living his best life, and showcasing immense talent. He marveled at Evans’ natural ability, seeing his current achievements as just another day at the office, with an exciting future ahead. Michaels highlighted Evans’ positive attitude and patience behind the scenes, expressing hope that these traits continue to define him as he progresses.

Regarding Ethan Page and Shawn Spears, both Canadians, Michaels reflected on his longstanding collaboration with Spears and praised Page’s impactful presence since joining. He acknowledged their success while balancing personal achievements with mentoring talents in WWE’s NXT. Michaels humorously noted their Canadian heritage, jokingly stating he won’t hold it against them. He commended their contributions to the industry, passing on wisdom to nurture its growth and success.

When asked about his approach to researching talents and outside performers, Michaels explained that he maintains a balanced engagement with social media. He admitted to using Twitter but emphasized that he doesn’t let it consume him. Michaels shared that he keeps abreast of daily feedback and notices emerging talents like Joe Hendry through his social media presence. He values what appears on his timeline, aiming to discern enduring trends from passing fads.

Michaels highlighted the collaborative effort involved, mentioning the input from the social media team and their use of analytics. He underscored the importance of having a strong team, particularly noting the contribution of young creatives within NXT. Michaels expressed satisfaction with the current team dynamics at NXT, emphasizing the collaborative and iterative nature of their creative process.

Michaels commented on not featuring Kendrick Lamar vs. Drake on the show, noting that when you see mainstream figures referencing things you did in the past, it’s a flattering compliment that resonates, especially with your own children.

Regarding navigating the post-WWE Draft era compared to previous years, Michaels described it as challenging. With ongoing drafts and occasional injuries, the landscape remains fluid. He emphasized the need to remain flexible with storylines, acknowledging the unpredictability of future events. Michaels admitted to taking the creative process personally, much like his approach to wrestling matches. He highlighted Triple H’s influence in teaching him to embrace the ups and downs of the business. Despite inevitable disappointments when plans change, Michaels praised the adaptability of young talents and the trust veterans place in the team’s vision. Michaels discussed the potential lessons for talents regarding outside talents coming in and concerns about losing their spot. He explained that in NXT, everyone understands it’s a developmental territory with rotating opportunities. New talents often haven’t yet become desensitized to the business dynamics, unlike those on the main or veteran rosters where roles are more established.

When asked about the storylines involving Brooks Jensen and Ridge Holland, Michaels emphasized the importance of sensitivity while navigating blurred lines. He acknowledged that sometimes interpretations can stray unintentionally. Reflecting on past insensitivities towards issues like depression and frustration, Michaels stressed his awareness and commitment to ensuring storylines are handled appropriately. If he senses any missteps, adjustments will be made accordingly.

Regarding the development of younger talent post-pandemic, Michaels addressed the scaling back of NXT house shows in Florida. He expressed plans for talent to gain experience through smaller PC-held events, while logistical challenges hinder larger-scale shows. Michaels expressed optimism about cross-promotional opportunities fostering exposure to diverse wrestling styles, underscoring ongoing efforts to refine developmental strategies.

In discussing Lola Vice, Michaels exercised caution regarding public perception versus internal development needs. He stressed that readiness for the main roster entails more than technical proficiency, aiming for talents who can elevate ratings and draw revenue. While acknowledging Vice’s potential as a future star, he advocated for a measured approach to ensure sustained success beyond initial readiness indicators.

Michaels expressed enthusiasm about WWE’s upcoming event in Toronto, likening it to the NYC/MSG of Canada—a significant opportunity to perform before a large audience.

Regarding Madusa’s experience offering help at another company, Michaels discussed the approach to veteran talent like Ethan Page entering WWE. He emphasized the dual goal of elevating them to the main roster while potentially mentoring younger talent. Michaels noted that if a veteran declines this role, he respects their decision, preferring to avoid situations where effort might be lacking despite talent.

On Kelani Jordan’s progress since her title match, Michaels highlighted the competitive nature of the ladder match, where all participants could be seen as dark horses. He acknowledged the challenge of introducing new faces to the audience, emphasizing WWE’s commitment to developing compelling characters and stories within its developmental system.

Michaels expressed his excitement for the upcoming show and thanked everyone for their coverage. He enjoys being kept on his toes, ready to respond to challenges or skepticism as they arise.

Tags: WWE Featured
Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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