It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! The post-AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door and Beach Break episode of Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the July 3, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (7/3/2024):

  • We’ll Hear From Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
  • AEW TBS And NJPW Strong Women’s Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné Double Championship Celebration
  • Trios Match: Cage Of Agony (“The Machine” Brian Cage, Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun) vs. Samoa Joe, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata and HOOK
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Wild Card
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals Match: “The Bastard” PAC vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson
  • Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals Match: Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale
  • AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

AEW Dynamite Results (7/3/2024):

The show opens up with Renee Paquette standing backstage and welcoming us to the Beach Break edition of Dynamite. Paquette then introduces Daniel Garcia, who is accompanied by “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and she asks how much pressure he feels. Garcia says he doesn’t feel pressure, but it’s the most important night of his life. Garcia then says he respects Will Ospreay and everything he wants to do for the company, but he put it on his mother’s life that he will not lose. MJF then shows up and offers to be in Garcia’s corner. Garcia then says he will see MJF out there. After Garcia leaves, Menard says that MJF is okay with him after everything he has done for Garcia recently.

Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone then welcomes us to the show and we get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals Match.


Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals Match: “The Bastard” PAC vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson

The match starts off with both men taking turns in locking each other in submission holds before Danielson delivers some chops on PAC. Danielson and PAC then nail each other with crossbodies and exchange strikes, but PAC hits a boot on Danielson that sends him crashing out of the ring. PAC then nails Danielson with a springboard moonsault, then gets Danielson back in the ring and locks in the Brutalizer. Danielson then gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

PAC then mocks Danielson by hitting him with the Yes Kicks. PAC then follows it up with a German suplex, but Danielson responds with a roundhouse kick on PAC’s head and the Yes Kicks. Danielson then hits a running knee on PAC off the apron, then places him on a chair near the timekeeper’s area and hits him with the Yes Kicks. PAC then intercepts Danielson with a thrust kick, then follows it up with an elbow drop off the barricade. PAC then gets Danielson back in the ring, then climbs to the top and hits him with an elbow drop. PAC then hits a Tombstone on Danielson and goes for a pin, but Danielson kicks out. Danielson then cinches in the LeBell Lock on PAC, but PAC gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Danielson then delivers some strikes on PAC and follows it up with a running knee in the corner before he climbs to the top. PAC then trips Danielson, then hits him with a superplex and goes for a pin. Danielson then kicks out and PAC climbs back up to the top. PAC then looks to hit the Black Arrow, but Danielson rolls out of the way and hits PAC with the Busaiku Knee. Danielson then pins PAC, but PAC transitions into the Brutalizer. Danielson then escapes with a pinfall and PAC kicks out. Danielson then cinches in the LeBell Lock once more, but PAC escapes with a pin. Danielson then reverses it into a pinfall of his own for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Semifinals Match, Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, the trainer checks on Danielson while they show the updated tournament bracket as well as the women’s tournament bracket. Hikaru Shida vs. Maria May in a semifinal match will take place on Friday’s Rampage.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Willow Nightingale. Nightingale says tonight nothing matters and to smile anyways. Nightingale then says those are the words she lives by and she can cry nonstop if she doesn’t look on the bright side. Nightingale then says she does it for herself, the fans and for everyone, but Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway mock her for just that. Nightingale then says she will become a two-time Owen Hart Cup winner and go to Wembley to win the AEW Women’s World Title.

We then get a video package recapping “The Scapegoat” Jack Perry winning the 6-Man Ladder Match at Forbidden Door to become the new AEW TNT Champion.

ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe is now shown waiting in the ring as he will address the AEW fans.

Mark Briscoe starts off by saying while they may call him a chicken, he’s not scared of anything. Briscoe then says Jack Perry got lucky last week when he emerged victorious in the 6-Man Ladder Match at Forbidden Door to win the TNT Championship. Briscoe then says he’s no longer worried about last week, but he’s worried about Shark Week and AEW Blood & Guts. Briscoe then officially announces himself as the first member of Team AEW in the match. Jack Perry then blindsides Mark Briscoe and nails him with the TNT Championship. Kyle O’Reilly then makes his way out and delivers a kick on Perry, but AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada appears and hits the Rainmaker on O’Reilly. The Young Bucks then make their way down to the ring to join Okada and Perry and hit the EVP Trigger on Briscoe. The Elite then stand tall in the ring holding up their titles, but The Acclaimed’s music hit and they make their way down to the ring to even the odds alongside “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn. The Elite then exits the ring and jumps the barricade. Excalibur then says Mark Briscoe is official for Team AEW, but each team will have five wrestlers.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm while Maria May is resting her head on Storm’s chest and Luther is standing behind them. Storm is fired up about May facing Hikaru Shida on Rampage and then she hugs May.

Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway then make their entrance for the next match, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals Match. Willow Nightingale then makes her way out. Statlander then goes after Willow, but Willow nails Statlander with a Pounce that knocks Statlander down the ramp. Willow then slams Statlander’s head on the apron. Willow then suplexes Statlander on the floor, then rolls Statlander inside the ring to officially start the match.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals Match: Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale

The match starts off with Nightingale sending Statlander’s face bouncing off the turnbuckle. Statlander then hits a jawbreaker on Nightingale. Both women then brawl on the apron and Statlander looks to hits a German suplex on Nightingale onto the floor. Nightingale then hangs on to the top rope and hits a back elbow on Statlander, then follows it up with a cannonball off the apron. Both women then get back in the ring and Nightingale hits a dropkick on Statlander. Statlander then hits a German suplex on Nightingale and looks to hit a second one, but Nightingale avoids it and hits a German suplex on Statlander off the middle rope. Statlander then hits a boot on Nightingale as she sits on the top rope and sets up for Saturday Night Fever. Nightingale then counters into a roll up, but Statlander reverses the pin. Nightingale then kicks out and Statlander sends Nightingale crashing into the mat off her shoulders. Hathaway then places a chain in the corner for Statlander to use and she grabs it as Hathaway distracts Nightingale. Statlander then looks to hit Nightingale with the chain from behind, but Nightingale sees her coming. Statlander then almost hits Hathaway, but puts a stop to her own momentum. Nightingale then takes advantage of the miscommunication and rolls up Statlander for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Semifinals Match, Willow Nightingale!

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is speaking with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt. Paquette says it was an emotionally charged match for Jarrett and asked how he has been able to prepare without knowing who his opponent will be. The Jarretts and Singh then walks away. Lethal says he and Dutt have never seen Jeff more prepared for anything in his entire life. Lethal then says it’s not just about wrestling, it’s about honoring one of Jeff’s best friends Owen Hart.

We then see Tony Schiavone waiting in the ring and he introduces Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and she makes her way down to the ring to address the AEW fans.

Britt Baker starts off by telling the AEW fans that she has missed them and while she was thinking about what she wanted to say in her first promo back, she decided just to talk to the fans. Baker then says she wants to talk about three things tonight: the past, the present and the future. Baker then says that the fans surely have been wondering where she’s been for the last ten months. Baker then says she had a couple herniated discs and a torn hip labrum. Baker then says she convinced herself she was good until she started feeling really sick one day. Baker then says she looked to open a bottle of water, but she couldn’t because her entire right side wouldn’t work. Baker then says she was diagnosed with a mini stroke and she told Tony Khan she needed to stay at home for a while. Baker then says in this present moment, she is cleared to return to action. Baker then says she has never been more nervous than she was returning at Forbidden Door she was worried no one would care if she walked through the curtain. Baker then says that rejection is irrational, but it’s persistent. Baker then says the fans welcomed her back with open arms and she will always be in their corner.

Baker then says that when one is going through a hard time, be present and feel it all because it will feel even better once you get through it. Baker then says everyone possesses the impulse to be Elite, then says there’s a new Elite female face in AEW: Mercedes Moné. Baker then says Moné worked hard to earn the three letters of CEO and it’s brilliant to manipulate fans into cheering them by incorporating them into her entrance music. Baker then says fans don’t need music to tell Moné that the only three letters that matter in AEW are DMD. We then see a car pull up to the Wintrust Arena and Mercedes Moné gets out. Moné is then greeted by The Young Bucks and she makes her way down to the ring as the ring gets set up for her TBS Championship/NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship double celebration. Moné then tells Chicago it’s time to celebrate with their double champion. Baker then says she outshined her moment at Forbidden Door and now Moné is trying to do the same thing to her. Moné then says she made Forbidden Door famous when she became a double champion and she should’ve known that Baker would try to steal her moment. Moné then tells Baker to get a good look at what a star looks like. Baker then says she wrestled at the very first All In in Chicago and she was the first woman to sign with AEW. Baker then recalls wrestling at Wembley Stadium at All In last year while Moné was injured, then challenges Moné to a match at All In. Moné then cuts Baker off and tells Baker to go to the back of the line and Baker asks Moné what line she is referring to. Moné then says since she’s a fan, she knows she’s about to say that there’s a price to pay when you mess with Moné. Both women then stare each other down as Moné holds up the TBS Championship and the NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship.

Highlights from the main event at last weekend’s Forbidden Door is then shown.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is trying to interview AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay while Kyle Fletcher is standing behind them. Don Callis then shows up and Ospreay dismisses Paquette and speaks to Callis. Ospreay says he couldn’t use the screwdriver or use the Tiger Driver finisher. Ospreay then says he owes Callis a lot, but he now wants out of the Callis Family. Fletcher then looks surprised and Callis says he’s not normally in the habit of letting people out of signed agreements, but he is proud of Ospreay and what he’s done with his life and in AEW. Callis then says he is happy to do a favor for Ospreay, then adds that maybe one day he will ask Ospreay for a favor. Callis then hugs Ospreay and tells him that he will be the world champion and he is proud of him. Callis and Fletcher then leaves.

FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho then makes his way out with a contract folder in hand and waves to the crowd. Jericho says he wasn’t booked for the show so he decided to sit in on commentary. Jericho then brings up HOOK using his finisher and says it’s the ultimate sign of disrespect. Jericho then takes issue with Taz applauding after the match “like a mark.” Jericho then says he can’t trust Taz, so he spoke with Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson. Jericho then says the contract bans Taz from commentary and requires him to leave the building immediately. Several security guards then escorts Taz away and Jericho takes his spot at the commentary desk.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: Cage Of Agony (“The Machine” Brian Cage, Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun) vs. Samoa Joe, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata and HOOK

The match starts off with Joe and Liona. Joe delivers some forearms on Liona, but Liona responds with a back elbow. Liona then delivers some right hands on Joe’s midsection, but Joe responds some right hands on Liona. Shibata and Cage then tag in and Shibata delivers some forearms on Cage. Shibata then cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Cage quickly makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold. HOOK and Kaun then tag in and Kaun hits a jawbreaker on HOOK. Kaun then sends HOOK crashing to the outside. HOOK then hits a suplex on Kaun. Liona then hits a strike on HOOK and Kaun nails HOOK with a gutbuster. HOOK then hits a back elbow on Cage, then follows it up with a Tornado DDT and tags in Joe. Joe then hits a splash on Liona and Shibata follows it up with a kick. HOOK and Shibata then hits a double suplex and Joe follows it up with a running senton. HOOK then locks in the Redrum on Kaun as Shibata locks in a Sleeper on Cage and Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch on Liona and Liona taps out.

The winners of the Trios Match, Samoa Joe, “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata and HOOK!

After the match, “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith and “The Redwood” Big Bill join Jericho in the ring to beat down Joe, HOOK and Shibata. Keith then uses a chair to target Shibata’s arm. Bill then takes the chair and nails it across Joe’s spine and Jericho puts on a pair of brass knuckles. Jericho then hits HOOK with the brass knuckles and Keith grabs a table from under the ring. Bill and Jericho then set it up in the ring and Bill chokeslams HOOK through the table.

Jeff Jarrett then makes his way out for the next match, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match while Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt stands on the stage and applauds him. Jeff and Karen Jarrett then kisses before Jeff makes his way down to the ring with his guitar in hand. “Hangman” Adam Page’s new entrance music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

The match starts off with Page delivering some right hands on Jarrett, but Jarrett responds with a right hand of his own on Page and a knee. Page then runs Jarrett over with a clothesline, then follows it up with a Fallaway Slam and a powerbomb on the ring apron. Page then sends Jarrett’s head repeatedly bouncing off the ring steps. Page then bites Jarrett and looks to hit the Dead Eye on him on the apron. Jarrett then escapes and hits a Russian Leg Sweep on Page. Jarrett then delivers some right hands on Page and hits him with a Russian Leg Sweep, then follows it up with an enzuigiri, but Page responds with a Dead Eye on Jarrett. Page then looks to hit the Buckshot Lariat, but Jarrett sees him coming and locks in a Sharpshooter. Page then makes his way over to the bottom rope to escape the hold. Page then hits the Buckshot Lariat on Jarrett and a second Dead Eye for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match, “Hangman” Adam Page!

After the match, Karen Jarrett checks on her husband. The updated brackets then shows that Page will face “Switchblade” Jay White on Saturday’s Collision.

We then head to the back, where “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith blindsides HOOK as he is being checked on by medical officials. Chris Jericho then throws a fireball at HOOK as “The Redwood” Big Bill watches on. Keith then stands over HOOK and tells him to respect Jericho.

We then see Renee Paquette trying to to interview “Hangman” Adam Page in the backstage area, but The Young Bucks show up. Matthew Jackson says they lifted his suspension and got him a spot in the tournament. Matthew then tries to ask Page about joining The Elite’s team for Blood & Guts. Page then grabs Matthew by his jacket and tells him he is not a child or a puppet nor is he in The Elite. Page then says he will win the Owen Hart Cup Tournament. Nicholas then asks Page what his problem is. Page then shoves Nicholas aside and storms away. Matthew then enthusiastically yells welcome back and then Nicholas tells the cameraman to cut away.

MJF makes his way out and stands on the stage while Excalibur says MJF will kick off Saturday’s AEW Collision. Daniel Garcia then makes his way down to the ring for the main event, which is an AEW International Championship Match and he is accompanied by MJF. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay then makes his way down to the ring.

AEW International Championship Match: “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

The match starts off with Ospreay hitting a shoulder tackle on Garcia, but Garcia responds with a kick on Ospreay’s face and follows it up with a variation of a piledriver. Garcia then hits a forearm on Ospreay, then follows it up with a dropkick and hits him with a neckbreaker. Ospreay then hits a clothesline on Garcia in the corner, then follows it up with a thrust kick on his face and a crossbody over the top rope. Ospreay then stares down MJF as he checks on Garcia.

Ospreay then hits a couple of chops on Garcia. Garcia then gets fired up and hits a couple of twisting neck breakers on Ospreay before spiking him with a DDT and hitting a third twisting neckbreaker. Ospreay then delivers some kicks on Garcia’s face, then exchanges open palm strikes with Ospreay. Garcia then hits a back suplex on Ospreay, but Ospreay responds with a Spanish Fly. Garcia then hits a belly-to-back piledriver on Ospreay. Garcia then hits a boot on the side of Ospreay’s head, but Ospreay responds with an enzuigiri and a Styles Clash. Ospreay then looks to hit the Hidden Blade on Garcia, but Garcia cinches in a submission on Ospreay. Ospreay then escapes and looks to hit the Os-Cutter, but Garcia sees him coming and hits him with a piledriver. Garcia then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. MJF then hands Garcia his Dynamite Diamond Ring and Garcia picks it up. Ospreay then tries taking advantage and rolls up Garcia, but Garcia kicks out. Garcia then nails Ospreay with a clothesline and debates using the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Garcia then opts not to and hands it back to MJF, opening the door for Ospreay to hit the Hidden Blade for the win.

The winner and still the AEW International Champion, “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay!

After the match, Ospreay whispers something to a disappointed Garcia. MJF then joins Garcia in the ring and MJF tells Garcia his loss was on him and not Garcia. MJF then helps Garcia up and raises his hand, then hugs him before he low blows him. MJF then puts on the Dynamite Diamond Ring and hits “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard with it when he tries to help out Garcia. MJF then hits Garcia with it and steps on his throat as Garcia begins to bleed. MJF then nails security with the Dynamite Diamond Ring when they make their way down, then delivers some right hands on Garcia and places him on the top turnbuckle. Officials then run down to the ring to try and stop MJF, but MJF ignores them. MJF then joins Garcia on the ropes and hits a piledriver on him. Officials then break the two apart, but MJF pulls them away and delivers more right hands on Garcia. Will Ospreay then makes his way down the ramp and MJF retreats through the crowd as he yells at fans and throws garbage at him. EMTs then get Garcia onto a stretcher and roll him out of the Wintrust Arena as the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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