Welcome to our live coverage of AEW Double Or Nothing, broadcasting from the UBS Arena in Long Island, New York. We’ll be bringing you all the action from this highly anticipated event.

Our live coverage kicks off at 6:30 PM ET, so be sure to join us as we follow the action and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Don’t forget to spread the excitement on social media!

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Matches (6/30/2024):

  • Zero Hour Pre-Show Tag Team Match: Kris Statlander and Momo Watanabe vs. Willow Nightingale and Tam Nakano
  • Zero Hour Pre-Show Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Mariah May vs. The Outcasts’ Saraya
  • Zero Hour Pre-Show Trios Match: Los Ingobernables de Japón (Yota Tsuji, Titán and Hiromu Takahashi) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fénix) and Místico
  • Zero Hour Pre-Show 4-Way Tag Team Match: The House of Black (Malakai Black and Brody King) vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii and Kyle O’Reilly vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong and Gabe Kidd vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)
  • AEW TNT Championship 6-Way Ladder Match: Don Callis Family’s “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita vs. ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe vs. The Elite’s “Scapegoat” Jack Perry vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin vs. Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo
  • Trios Match: FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, “The Redwood” Big Bill and Jeff Cobb vs. Samoa Joe, HOOK and “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa
  • Singles Match: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy
  • Singles Match: MJF vs. Hechicero
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito
  • Trios Match: The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson and AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada) vs. Scissor Ace (Anthony Bowens, Max Caster and Hiroshi Tanahashi)
  • Winner Takes All AEW TBS Championship And NJPW Strong Women’s Championship Match: AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Moné vs. NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer
  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi
  • AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Zero Hour Pre-Show (6/30/2024):

The AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Zero Hour Pre-Show opens up with Renee Paquette welcoming us. She then introduces the rest of the panel and they are Jeff Jarrett, Rocky Romero and RJ City. The panel then all agree that tonight is a big deal and they explain the different ways and various platforms the fans can watch tonight’s show. Paquette and City then run down the matches scheduled for tonight’s show.

We then head to the back, where The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) hype up their match for later tonight alongside “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn. Gunn says he’ll be cheering them on. Caster then takes a shot at AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada and says his wife is more famous than Okada is. Anthony Bowens then says he is amped up and they’re going to kick Okada in the Rainmaker. Bowens then says enough is enough and it’s time to step through the Forbidden Door to dish out an “elite” ass-kicking.


We then head back inside the arena, where Amanda Huber and -1 talk about the new Reebok shoe dedicated to the late Mr. Brodie Lee (Jon Huber).

Excalibur, “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and Nigel McGuinness then welcomes us to the AEW x NJPW Zero Hour Pre-Show as we get the entrances of the first match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Serpentico vs. Kyle Fletcher

The match starts off with Fletcher hitting a boot on Serpentico. Fletcher then delivers some right hands and stomps on Serpentico in the corner, but Serpentico responds with a hurricanrana on Fletcher. Fletcher then nails Serpentico with a clothesline and yanks on his mask. Fletcher then hits Serpentico with a kick, then follows it up with a variation of a Tombstone and places him on the top rope. Fletcher then joins Serpentico up there and hits him with a turnbuckle Brainbuster for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Kyle Fletcher!

We then get the entrances of the next match in the Zero Hour Pre-Show, which is a 4-Way Tag Team Match.

4-Way Tag Team Match: The House of Black (Malakai Black and Brody King) vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii and Kyle O’Reilly vs. The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong and Gabe Kidd vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)

The match starts off with O’Reilly and Black. Both men go back and forth. Ishii and King then tag in and both men exchange forearms. King then nails Ishii before Kidd tags in and delivers some right hands on King. Quen then tags in and hits a springboard kick on Strong, then delivers some right hands on Kidd and sends him into an enzuigiri by Kassidy. Kassidy then hits a crossbody on Kidd from the apron, then follows it up with a neckbreaker-double stomp combination with Quen and goes for a pin. Kidd then kicks out and O’Reilly tags in. Kidd then clotheslines Kassidy out of the ring, then nails O’Reilly with a clothesline and follows it up with a chop. Strong then tags in and delivers some chops on O’Reilly. Kidd then becomes furious by Strong tagging himself in and gets in his face. O’Reilly then tags in Ishii and Kidd and Strong look to nail him with chops. Ishii then stays standing and hits a double clothesline on both men before King tags in. Black then hits a boot on Ishii, but Ishii responds with a clothesline. O’Reilly and Ishii then double team King, then hits him with a kick-elevated DDT combination.

All competitors then get in the ring and begin brawling with each other. Kidd then bites King, but King nails him and stares down Private Party. Private Party then low bridge King onto the apron, then fly to land on him and everyone else on the outside. They then get King back in the ring, but Black nails Quen and Kassidy with The End. Kassidy then rolls up King, but King kicks out and nails him with a clothesline. King then hits Kassidy with a slam-piledriver combination for the win.

The winners of the 4-Way Tag Team Match, The House of Black (Malakai Black and Brody King)!

We then get a video package highlighting AEW TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné’s match with NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer.

We then get the entrances of the next match in the Zero Hour Pre-Show, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: Kris Statlander and Momo Watanabe vs. Willow Nightingale and Tam Nakano

The match starts off with Statlander and Nakano. Nakano delivers some right hands on Statlander, then nails her with a kick and tags in Nightingale. Statlander then quickly tags out to Watanabe and Nightingale hits a sliding clothesline on her. Nakano then tags in and delivers a series of forearms on Watanabe. Nakano then hits Watanabe with a thrust kick on her head, but Statlander hits Nakano with a back suplex as Stokely Hathaway distracts Nightingale and the referee. Watanabe then pins Nakano, but Nakano kicks out. Statlander then tags in and hits a delayed vertical suplex on Nakano. Statlander then hits a Fallaway Slam on Nakano, but Nakano sends Statlander crashing to the outside and looks to tag in Nightingale. Statlander then pulls Nightingale off the apron, then sends Nakano crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and tags in Watanabe. Watanabe then hits a kick on Nakano’s spine before Statlander tags back in and wears Nakano down with a submission. Nakano then hits a roundhouse kick on Statlander’s head, then tags in Nightingale.

Nightingale then delivers some right hands on Statlander, then follows it up with a boot. Watanabe then tags in and Nightingale sends her into the corner. Nightingale then wears Watanabe down and hits her with a spinebuster and Statlander tags in. Statlander then hits a discus lariat on Nightingale and pins her, but Nightingale kicks out. Nightingale then hits a missile dropkick on Statlander off the rope, then tags in Nakano. Nakano then looks to hit a crossbody on Statlander, but Statlander sees her coming and sets up for a rolling German suplex. Nakano then avoids it, then hits a German suplex of her own. Nightingale and Watanabe then tag in and Watanabe sends Nightingale crashing into the mat. Statlander then gets Nakano into an Electric Chair position as Watanabe climbs up the ropes, but Nakano nails Statlander with a German suplex and Nightingale gets Watanabe up her shoulders before sending her crashing into the mat. Watanabe then hits a couple of kicks on Nightingale, but Nightingale intercepts her with a shoulder pounce. Nightingale then nails Statlander on the outside, but Nakano hits a German suplex on Watanabe for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Willow Nightingale and Tam Nakano!

We then get a video package highlighting the AEW World Title Match between Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland.

We then get the entrances of the next match in the Zero Hour Pre-Show, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Mariah May vs. The Outcasts’ Saraya

The match starts off with May rolling up Saraya. Saraya then kicks out and May hits a boot on her. May then sends Saraya into the corner, then hits an uppercut on her and a Sidewalk Slam. May then hits a single legged dropkick on Saraya and places her on the top turnbuckle before hitting her a double chop and a reverse hurricanrana. May then climbs to the top and hits Saraya with a missile dropkick, then goes for a pin. Saraya then kicks out. May then looks to hit a Hip Attack on Saraya in the corner, but Saraya sees her coming and hits May with a jawbreaker off the top rope. Both women then teeter on the top rope before Saraya sends May colliding with the ring post. Saraya then sends May’s face bouncing off the ring apron, then jams her boot into May in the corner as we see Hikaru Shida watching the action from backstage. Both women then deliver forearms on each other before May hits a Hip Attack on Saraya in the corner. Harley Cameron then jumps up on the apron, but AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm pulls her off and hits a forearm on her. Saraya then hits a kick on May, then follows it up with a Fisherman’s Neckbreaker and goes for a pin. May then gets her hand on the bottom rope to break the fall. Saraya then wears May down and sends her head bouncing off the mat, but May manages to hit a Jackknife pin for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match, Mariah May!

After the match, Mariah May celebrates with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm. Mina Shirakawa then joins the celebration, but gets into a confrontation with Storm ahead of their match later in the show.

We then get the entrances of the final match in the Zero Hour Pre-Show, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fénix) and Místico vs. Los Ingobernables de Japón (Yota Tsuji, Titán and Hiromu Takahashi)

The match starts off with Fénix and Titán. Fénix hits a chop on Titán and Titán responds with one of his own, then hits a kick on Fénix’s midsection. Fénix then sends Titán crashing into the turnbuckles, then flies off the top to land on him. Titán then hits Fénix with a Tornado DDT, but Fénix lands on his feet. Penta and Tsuji then tag in and Penta does his signature pose on Tsuji. Penta then hits a kick to his midsection, then follows it up with an enzuigiri on him in the corner and hits a Bronco style kick. Tsuji then sends Penta crashing into the mat, then hits a chop on him. Penta then responds with a chop of his own and the two go back and forth hitting chops on each other. Tsuji then hits a jumping knee on Penta before Mistico and Takahashi tag in. Mistico then hits an arm drag on Takahashi, then flies to land on him on the outside as Penta and Fénix send Tsuji and Titán crashing into one another.

Mistico then climbs to the top rope, then hits a Swanton Bomb on Takahashi. Tsuji then tags in and sends Mistico’s face repeatedly bouncing off the turnbuckles. LIJ then triple teams Mistico and Tsuji hits a splash on Mistico. Titán then hits a splash of his own on Mistico off the ropes, but Mistico takes all three members of LIJ down and tags in Penta. Penta then. hits a Sling Blade on Titán, then follows it up with a superkick. LIJ, Penta, Fénix and Mistico then all begin brawling with each other before Titán hits a Tornado DDT and a kick on Fénix. Titán then pins Fénix, but Fénix kicks out and hits a superkick on Titán. Mistico then tags in and Fénix helps him hit a Tornado DDT on everyone else on the outside. Mistico then hits a springboard crossbody on Titán, then transitions into a Fujiwara Arm Bar on Titán and Titán taps out.

The winners of the Trios Match, The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fénix) and Místico!

The panel then runs through the card again and the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Zero Hour Pre-Show comes to a close.

AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results (6/30/2024):

The show opens up with Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness and Taz welcoming us as pyro shot off the stage. We then get the entrances of the first match of the PPV, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: MJF vs. Hechicero

The match starts off with Hechicero hitting a boot on MJF’s midsection. Hechicero then looks to hit an Arm Bar on MJF, but MJF avoids it and offers his hand to Hechicero. Hechicero then shakes it, but MJF responds with a boot to his midsection. Hechicero then uses the referee as a shield, then sends MJF to the outside. MJF then sends Hechicero crashing into the barricade twice, then places him in a chair and hits him with a running knee. MJF then sends Hechicero back inside the ring, but Hechicero sends MJF’s arm bouncing off the top rope and stomps on it. Hechicero then wears it down with an arm submission, then hits a Tornado DDT on MJF. Hechicero then follows it up with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and an elbow drop, then hits a jumping knee on MJF in the corner. MJF then hits a back body drop on Hechicero, then follows it up with a piledriver. Hechicero then hits a dropkick on MJF, then looks to cinch in a cross arm bar. MJF then transitions into the Salt Of The Earth Arm Bar, but Hechicero avoids it by transitioning into a pinfall. MJF then kicks out and Hechicero locks in a cross arm bar. MJF then escapes by getting his foot on the bottom rope before he and Hechicero nail each other with clotheslines. MJF then delivers some right hands on Hechicero, then bites him and hits him with the Panama Sunrise. MJF then follows it up with a Sheer Drop Brainbuster for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, MJF!

We then get a video package hyping up AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) and their role in the launch of Forbidden Door.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the PPV, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson and AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada) vs. Scissor Ace (Anthony Bowens, Max Caster and Hiroshi Tanahashi)

The match starts off with Caster and Okada. Okada nails Tanahashi on the apron. Tanahashi then tags in, but Okada tags out to Nicholas. Nicholas and Tanahashi then lock up and Tanahashi hits a springboard crossbody on Nicholas. Bowens then tags in and locks up with Nicholas, then delivers a couple of kicks on his face and follows it up with a snapmare. Bowens then rolls up Nicholas, but Nicholas kicks out. Caster then tags in and double teams Nicholas with Bowens. Caster then bodyslams Nicholas and holds both Nicholas and Matthew in place with Tanahashi as Bowens hits the Scissor Me Timbers. Okada then makes the blind tag and The Elite hit a triple enzuigiri on Caster. Okada then follows it up with a shoulder breaker before Matthew tags in. Nicholas then locks Caster in a Camel Clutch as Matthew runs the ropes several times, then tags in Okada. Okada then hits a running basement dropkick on Caster, then sends him into the corner. Nicholas then tags in and places Caster on the top rope, but Caster bites Nicholas and hits him with a crossbody off the middle rope.

Okada then tags in and Caster hits him with a jawbreaker. Matthew then tags in and Caster hits him with a back body drop. Bowens then tags in and double teams The Young Bucks with Caster. Bowens then hits a Famouser on Nicholas, then gets Matthew up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the mat. Bowens then goes for a pin, but Nicholas breaks the fall. Caster then goes after Matthew, then nails him as Bowens does the same thing to Matthew. Okada and Tanahashi then tag in and Tanahashi hits a couple of strikes on Okada. Tanahashi then follows it up with a bodyslam and a senton off the ropes, then hits a Dragon Screw on Okada’s leg and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Nicholas then breaks the fall and Caster nails him. Tanahashi then climbs to the top and hits a splash on Okada. The Bucks then hit superkicks on Bowens and Caster, then hit one each on Tanahashi. Okada then hits an elbow drop off the ropes on Tanahashi, but Tanahashi rolls him up. Okada then kicks out, then hits a Dragon Screw on Nicholas and runs the ropes. Okada then hits Tanahashi with a dropkick, then follows it up with the Rainmaker for the win.

The winners of the Trios Match, The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson and AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada)!

After the match, Okada goes to attack Tanahashi, but “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn makes the save. Tanahashi is down and out and The Acclaimed checks on him.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi

The match starts off with both men taking turns in wearing each other down with submission holds before Danielson wears down Takagi with a Bow and Arrow. Takagi then hits a shoulder tackle on Danielson. Danielson then responds with an elbow drop and a senton, then follows it up with a dropkick that sends Takagi crashing out of the ring. Danielson then hits Takagi with a tope suicida and Takagi responds by hitting Danielson with a twisting neckbreaker off the ring apron. Takagi then hits a jumping knee on Danielson, then follows it up with a series of strikes. Danielson then hits a roundhouse kick on Takagi’s head and both men exchange chops and uppercuts with each other. Danielson then hits a low German suplex on Takagi, then follows it up with a kick and climbs to the top. Takagi then nails several chops on Danielson and joins him up there, but Danielson trips Takagi and hits him with Hammer and Anvil Elbows. Danielson then hits Takagi with a back suplex off the middle rope and goes for a pin, but Takagi kicks out.

Danielson then hits Takagi with The Yes Kicks, then looks to cinch in a cross arm breaker. Takagi then blocks it and Danielson transitions into a Triangle. Takagi then counters it into a powerslam to escape, then nails Danielson with a lariat in the corner and a superplex off the top. Takagi then hits a sliding lariat on Danielson and goes for a pin, but Danielson kicks out. Takagi then hits a lariat on Danielson and follows it up with Made In Japan, then goes for a pin, but Danielson kicks out once again. Takagi then hits Danielson with the Hammer and Anvil Elbows, but Danielson responds with a Fujiwara Arm Bar. Danielson then looks to transition into the LeBell Lock, but Takagi avoids it. Takagi then gets Danielson up on his shoulders, but Danielson escapes and hits a kick on Takagi. Danielson then hits Takagi with a suplex and follows it up with the Busaiku Knee, then goes for a pin, but Takagi kicks out. Danielson then delivers some stomps on Takagi and locks in a Triangle. Takagi then makes his way up to his feet, but Danielson transitions into a Fujiwara Arm Bar and Takagi passes out.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinals Match, Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

After the match, Danielson vs. PAC was announced as a semifinal match for Wednesday’s Dynamite. Danielson then celebrates his win and points at Takagi while looking to the crowd. The fans then responds with some clapping and Takagi gets up and bows at Danielson.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW Women’s World Championship Match.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa

The match starts off with Storm hitting some right hands on Shirakawa, then nails her and follows it up with an overhand double chop. Shirakawa then hits Storm with a baseball dropkick, then sends Storm’s knees into the mat and cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock on Storm using the ring post. Shirakawa then sends Storm’s knee onto the floor, then gets her back in the ring and uses the ring rope to wear down her knee further. Storm then hits a dropkick on Shirakawa’s knee, then follows it up with a suplex and hits her with a Hip Attack that sends Shirakawa crashing out of the ring. Storm then looks to hit a second one on Shirakawa, but Shirakawa moves out of the way and Storm collides with the ring post.

Shirakawa then hits a crossbody on Storm on the outside off the ropes before she trips her in the ring with a kick and gets her up in an Electric Chair position. Shirakawa then sends Storm crashing into the mat and cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Storm then reverses the submission hold, but Shirakawa reverses it once again. Storm and Shirakawa then exchange forearms with each other, but Shirakawa hits Storm with a rolling elbow and climbs to the top. Storm then joins her up there and both women exchange strikes before Shirakawa hits a diving DDT on Storm and nails a second DDT. Shirakawa then goes for a pin, but Storm kicks out. Storm then hits a German suplex on Shirakawa, then follows it up with a Hip Attack on her in the corner. Shirakawa then pins Storm, but Storm kicks out and hits a boot on Shirakawa. Shirakawa then hits a back fist and a rolling elbow on Storm, then follows it up with a Falcon Arrow and goes for a pin, but Storm kicks out. Shirakawa then hits a roundhouse kick on Storm, but Storm rolls her up. Shirakawa then kicks out and Storm hits a German suplex on Shirakawa, then follows it up with the Storm Zero for the win.

The winner and still the AEW Women’s World Champion, “Timeless” Toni Storm!

After the match, Mariah May checks on Toni Storm. Storm then picks Shirakawa up. Mina then extends a handshake and Storm takes it. May then encourages Storm and Shirakawa to make up and they hug. Storm and Shirakawa then kiss. May and Storm then stand tall and they all leave together.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy

The match starts off with both men taking turns in locking each other in submission holds before Cassidy hits an arm drag on Sabre Jr. from the apron. Cassidy and Sabre Jr. then take turns rolling up each other, but Sabre Jr. hits a neck crank on Cassidy and follows it up with an uppercut. Sabre Jr. then locks in a Boston Crab on Cassidy, then transitions into another submission. Sabre Jr. then mocks Cassidy by hitting his signature kicks on him, then follows it up with a second neck crank. Cassidy then responds with a Dragon Screw on Sabre Jr., then follows it up with a tope suicida and two more Dragon Screws. Cassidy then gets Sabre Jr. back inside the ring and hits a fourth Dragon Screw, then looks to hit the Stun Dog Millionaire. Sabre Jr. then avoids it and Cassidy sends him crashing into the mat. Cassidy then hits a diving DDT on Sabre Jr. and goes for a pin, but Sabre Jr. kicks out. Sabre Jr. then hits a boot on Cassidy’s forearm, then begins wearing down his wrist. Sabre Jr. then locks in an Arm Bar on Cassidy, but Cassidy responds with strikes on Sabre Jr.’s knee and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Sabre Jr. then escapes and continues wearing down Cassidy’s wrist. Cassidy then hits a Beach Break on Sabre Jr. and goes for a pin, but Sabre Jr. kicks out. Cassidy then hits an Orange Punch on Sabre Jr., but Sabre Jr. comes back and nails Cassidy. Cassidy and Sabre Jr. then take turns pinning each other and Sabre Jr. locks in a full body submission on Cassidy and Cassidy taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, Zack Sabre Jr.!

After the match, Sabre Jr. gets Cassidy’s sunglasses and hands it to him as a sign of respect before leaving the ring.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is a Trios Match.

Trios Match: FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, “The Redwood” Big Bill and Jeff Cobb vs. Samoa Joe, HOOK and “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata

Before the match officially begins, a “Please Retire” chant breaks out. Jericho then takes the mic and says he knows the fans don’t really want him to retire because he is from Long Island. Taz then takes issue with McGuinness calling the FTW Title the “For The World” Title.The match then starts off with Bill and Shibata. Shibata then delivers some forearms on Bill. Bill then intercepts Shibata with an open palm strike and a boot, then follows it up with a brainbuster and tags in Jericho. Shibata then delivers several chops on Jericho, then tags in HOOK. HOOK then delivers some right hands on Jericho, then sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle. Cobb and Joe then tag in and Joe runs Cobb over with a shoulder tackle. Joe then delivers some right hands on Cobb, then sends him into the corner and hits him with an enzuigiri. Joe then delivers more right hands on Cobb, but Cobb hits Joe with a chokeslam and tags in Bill. Bill then delivers some right hands on Joe, then tags in Jericho. Cobb then tags in and Jericho holds Joe in place as Cobb delivers a few strikes on him. HOOK then tags in and sends Bill out of the ring, but Bryan Keith distracts HOOK and Cobb takes advantage. Cobb then hits a chop on HOOK, then tags in Jericho.

Jericho then jams his knee into HOOK’s neck and Bill delivers some right hands on him from the apron as the referee is distracted. Bill then tags back in and hits a bodyslam on HOOK, then follows it up with a couple of elbow drops and tags in Cobb. Cobb then hits a standing moonsault, but Shibata tags in and delivers some chops on Cobb. Cobb then hits a Fallaway Slam on Shibata, then tags in Jericho. Jericho then looks to hit a Lionsault, but Shibata gets his knees up as Bill sends Joe crashing into the barricade. HOOK then flies off the top to land on Joe. Jericho then locks in the Walls of Jericho on Shibata, but HOOK tags in and double teams Jericho with Joe. Bill and Cobb then take down Joe and HOOK, but Shibata nails Bill. Cobb then takes out Shibata and HOOK hits a T-Bone suplex on Cobb. Jericho then hits a Codebreaker on HOOK, but HOOK locks in the Redrum on Jericho as Shibata and Joe lock in Sleepers on Bill and Cobb. Jericho then rolls up HOOK, but HOOK escapes and hits the Judas Effect on Jericho for the win.

The winners of the Trios Match, Samoa Joe, HOOK and “The Wrestler” Katsuyori Shibata!

After the match, Taz stands up and applauds HOOK. Taz then says HOOK beat Jericho with his own move.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW TNT Championship 6-Way Ladder Match.

AEW TNT Championship 6-Way Ladder Match: Don Callis Family’s “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita vs. ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe vs. The Elite’s “Scapegoat” Jack Perry vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin vs. Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo

The match starts off with Takeshita nailing Perry with a headbutt. All the other competitors then go after Takeshita and nails him with strikes in the corner, then each of them grab a ladder. ELP, Briscoe, Martin and Rush then all grab ladders and hit each other with them. ELP and Martin then brawl on the outside as Briscoe and Rush do the same. Rush then uses a chair to fly, but Briscoe intercepts him. Briscoe then grabs a table from under the ring and sets up one of its leg. Perry then sets up a ladder in the ring and climbs the ladder, but Rush pulls him down and climbs up the ladder. Perry then hits a stomp on Rush in the corner, then sets up a ladder in the opposite corner. Rush then sends Perry crashing into the ladder, then nails a kick on him and hits Briscoe with a second ladder. ELP then gets Rush on his shoulders and sends him crashing through a ladder. Martin then climbs up a ladder, but ELP intercepts him and gets him up on his shoulders. Martin then escapes and hits him with a jumping knee.

Takeshita then hits a brainbuster on the side of a ladder and Briscoe tosses a ladder on Rush. Briscoe then sets Takeshita up on the table on the outside, then places a ladder on top of him and grabs a chair. Briscoe then flies to send Takeshita crashing through the table. Perry then climbs up a ladder looking to grab the TNT Championship, but Rush pulls him down. Perry then sets up a ladder between the corner and the ring. ELP then meets Perry up on top of the ladder that is set up and sends Perry crashing off of it. Martin then jumps over Perry to join ELP on top of the ladder, but Perry sends both men crashing off the ladder. Perry then grabs another table from under the ring and sets it up on the outside. Perry then looks to send Rush through it, but Rush escapes. Martin then hits a dropkick on Perry, then sets Perry up the table and delivers some right hands on him. Briscoe then climbs to the top of a ladder, then hits a splash on Perry on the table. Martin then sets up a ladder and climbs the ladder, but Rush joins him up there. Both men then look to grab the TNT Championship, but Takeshita pulls down Martin and hits him with a powerbomb. Takeshita then powerbombs Rush on top of a ladder, then climbs up another one that is already set up. ELP then hits a couple of superkicks on Takeshita, but Takeshita nails him with a knee and hits him with the Blue Thunder Bomb through a couple of tables set up on the outside. Takeshita then climbs up the ladder, but Briscoe nails a chair across his spine to stop him. Briscoe then sets up a ladder in the corner, then sends Takeshita crashing through it. Briscoe then climbs up the ladder, but Perry uses a second ladder to send Briscoe crashing off it. Perry then hits a chair repeatedly across Briscoe’s spine, then climbs up the ladder to grab the TNT Championship.

The winner and new AEW TNT Champion, The Elite’s “Scapegoat” Jack Perry!

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is a Winner Takes All AEW TBS Championship And NJPW Strong Women’s Championship Match.

Winner Takes All AEW TBS Championship And NJPW Strong Women’s Championship Match: AEW TBS Champion Mercedes Moné vs. NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer

Before the match officially begins, Vaquer hits a headbutt on Moné. The match then starts off with Moné hitting a Monkey Flip on Vaquer. Moné then delivers some right hands on Vaquer, then sends her crashing into the corner and hits her with a double arm drag. Vaquer then hits Moné with an arm drag off the top rope, but Moné responds with one of her own and hits a tijeras on Vaquer on the outside under the bottom rope. Moné then gets Vaquer back in the ring and hits her with a meteora off the bottom rope, then looks to hits her with a Tornado DDT on the outside off the ring apron. Vaquer then intercepts Moné, then hits her with Sole Food through the ropes and follows it up with a knee off the turnbuckle. Vaquer then hits Moné with a crossbody off the top rope to land on her on the outside, then gets Moné back inside the ring and delivers some boots on her. Vaquer then goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out.

Moné then hits a boot on Vaquer, then follows it up with a suplex. Vaquer then locks in a full body submission on Moné, then sends her head repeatedly crashing into the mat. Vaquer looks to fly off the ropes, but Moné sees her coming. Moné then hits a Tornado DDT on Vaquer, but Vaquer responds with a leg drop on Moné. Vaquer then looks to hit a second one, but Moné avoids it. Vaquer then nails Moné with a neckbreaker and both women kip up. Both women then nail forearms on each other before Vaquer rolls up Moné. Moné then kicks out and Vaquer transitions into a crossface. Moné then locks in one of her own, but Vaquer nails Moné with a gutbuster. Moné then hits Vaquer with a couple of backstabbers and climbs to the top rope, then looks to fly. Vaquer then gets her feet up and hits a couple of double knees on Moné in the corner. Vaquer then goes for a pin, but Moné kicks out. Moné then locks in a crossface on Vaquer, but Vaquer escapes with a jackknife pin. Moné then escapes and hits the Moné Maker on Vaquer, then locks in a crossface on Vaquer and Vaquer taps out.

The winner and new NJPW Strong Women’s Champion, AEW TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné!

After the match, Moné celebrates her win until Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.’s music hits and she makes her way out. Moné then raises her titles and Baker stares her down from the stage.

We then get a video package for Wrestle Dynasty, which will take place on January 5 from the Tokyo Dome.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the next match, which is an IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match as Jim Ross makes his way down to the commentary desk.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match starts off with both men wasting no time in hitting forearm strikes on each other. Moxley then delivers a series of stomps on Naito in the corner, but Naito responds with a boot. Moxley then sends Naito’s leg bouncing off the ring post, then thumbs his eye and sends the same leg of Naito’s bouncing off the ring post once again. Moxley then sends Naito crashing on top of the announce desk, then delivers some right hands on him. Moxley then locks in a Half Boston Crab on Naito back inside the ring, then transitions into a crossface. Naito then makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold, then Moxley hits Naito with a piledriver and goes for a pin. Naito then kicks out and Moxley delivers some right hands on him. Moxley then hits Naito with a suplex and goes for a pin, but Naito kicks out.

Moxley then places Naito on the top rope and rakes his back. Naito then pushes Moxley off the top rope, then sends him crashing between the commentary desk and the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. Both men then get back in the ring and Naito hits a kick on Moxley. Naito then hits Moxley with a neckbreaker, then goes for a pin. Moxley then kicks out and sends Naito crashing into the mat. Naito then rolls up Moxley, but Moxley kicks out. Moxley then powerbombs Naito off the middle rope. Naito then hits a Tornado DDT on Moxley, then uses the ropes to nail Moxley. Moxley then locks in a sleeper on Naito, but Naito sends Moxley crashing into the corner face first. Moxley then hits Naito with a double underhook and both men exchange strikes with each other. Moxley then blasts Naito with a clothesline, then follows it up with a Death Rider and goes for a pin. Naito then kicks out and Moxley gets in the referee’s face. Moxley then grabs a chair and sets it up, then looks to hit another Death Rider on Naito through it, but before he can, the referee grabs the chair. Moxley then hits a boot on Naito’s head, but Naito sends Moxley crashing into the mat and hits him with a Destino for the win.

The winner and new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Tetsuya Naito!

After the match, Naito celebrates his win.

We then get a video package and the entrances of the main event, which is an AEW World Championship Match as AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay made his way down to the ring first. Rapper Jim Jones then makes his way out and introduces himself before asking, “Whose House?” A graphic then promotes Jones’ album and Jones then introduces AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland, who is accompanied by a dancing Prince Nana.

AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. AEW International Champion “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay

The match starts off with both men exchanging forearm strikes and kicks with each other before Ospreay delivers some chops on Strickland in the corner. Strickland and Ospreay then look to deliver some boots on each other, but both intercept the other’s boot. Ospreay then hits a crossbody on Strickland over the top rope to land on Strickland on the outside, then follows it up with a chop and a forearm. Ospreay then delivers some right hands on Strickland through the bottom rope, then follows it up with a running kick. Strickland and Ospreay then get back inside the ring and Ospreay climbs to the top. Strickland then trips Ospreay and flies to land on him, then follows it up with a series of neck breakers. Strickland and Ospreay then end up back on the outside and Ospreay looks to fly off the barricade. Strickland then catches Ospreay, then looks to send him crashing into the barricade. Ospreay then hits Strickland with a hurricanrana. Both men then get back inside the ring and Ospreay takes Strickland down. Strickland then hits Ospreay with a backbreaker before sending him crashing into the mat. Strickland then looks to lock Ospreay in a cross arm breaker. Ospreay then blocks it and makes his way over to the bottom rope to force Strickland to relinquish the hold.

Strickland then delivers some kicks on Ospreay and both men exchange forearms. Ospreay then hits a Styles Clash on Strickland and goes for a pin, but Strickland kicks out. We then see Daniel Garcia watching the action from the crowd as Strickland hits a knee on Ospreay. Strickland then hits a T-Bone suplex on Ospreay off the top and goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. Ospreay then looks to hit the Os-Cutter on Strickland, but Strickland sees him coming and climbs to the top. Strickland then hits a Swerve Stomp on Ospreay that sends him crashing into the announce desk, then follows it up with a piledriver on top of the barricade. Strickland then gets Ospreay back in the ring and sends him crashing into the mat, then goes for a pin. Ospreay then kicks out. Strickland then climbs to the top, but Ospreay trips him and joins him up there. Ospreay then hits an Os-Cutter on Strickland off the top, then hits a second one and goes for a pin. Strickland then kicks out and Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade. Strickland then avoids it and Ospreay looks to hit another Os-Cutter, but Strickland sees him coming. Ospreay then manages to hit another Os-Cutter and Stormbreaker before he goes for a pin.

Strickland then kicks out as we see MJF watch the action from backstage. Ospreay then looks to hit the Stormbreaker once again, but Strickland avoids it. Strickland then hits the Hidden Blade and loos to hit the Swerve Stomp, but Ospreay avoids it and looks to hit the Hidden Blade. Ospreay then accidentally collides with the referee and Strickland hits a poisonrana on Ospreay. Ospreay then responds with a Hidden Blade and pins Strickland, but there is no referee to count the fall. Don Callis then appears at ringside and hands Ospreay a screwdriver. Ospreay then takes it, but Nana nails Callis. Ospreay then looks to use the screwdriver on Nana, but reconsiders it and throws it away. When Ospreay slides back in the ring, Strickland is waiting with then House Call. Strickland then follows it up with the Swerve Stomp as another referee shows up. Strickland then goes for a pin, but Ospreay kicks out. Strickland then hits a second House Call and goes for a pin, but Ospreay manages to kick out. Strickland then hits a third House Call and the JML Driver for the win.

The winner and still the AEW World Champion, Swerve Strickland!

After the match, Strickland shows his respect to Ospreay as Kyle Fletcher appears at ringside. Fletcher then hugs Ospreay and Strickland celebrates another successful defense of the AEW World Championship as the show comes to a close.

Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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