A while ago, The Maverick expressed his enthusiasm for CryptoZoo, a “cool game” that allows users to earn money, on his Impulsive podcast. YouTuber Coffeezilla would then expose Logan Paul for his involvement in the scam and a lot happened afterwards. Unsurprisingly, Paul has now filed lawsuit against Coffeezilla.

According to TMZ, Logan Paul has initiated legal action against YouTuber Coffeezilla, alleging defamation and deliberate dissemination of false information to damage his reputation. The lawsuit targets Coffeezilla, real name Stephen Findeisen, and his production company. It revolves around Coffeezilla’s critical investigations into Paul’s failed CryptoZoo project.

Coffeezilla has produced multiple videos over two years scrutinizing the fallout of the blockchain game, labeling it a “scam” and implicating Paul in misleading his fans for personal financial gain. Paul claims to possess text exchanges contradicting these allegations but asserts that Coffeezilla persists in spreading falsehoods to attract more viewers and profit.

Paul further alleges that Coffeezilla launched a subscription-based Patreon account immediately after the initial video on CryptoZoo, suggesting a profit motive tied to sensationalizing the controversy.


In his defense, Paul presents texts indicating his commitment to a legitimate and enjoyable gaming experience, stressing his reliance on advisors Eddie Ibanez and “Crypto King” Jake Greenbaum for the project’s execution. He contends that despite his intentions, the project failed due to alleged deception by Ibanez and Greenbaum.

Paul stated that he did not profit from CryptoZoo and claims to have refunded over $1 million to NFT purchasers, intending to clear his name from accusations of fraud through the lawsuit. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages, aiming to vindicate Paul’s reputation through legal proceedings.

We will have to wait and see how the lawsuit will proceed as it is clear Logan Paul had been planning on suing Coffeezilla for a long time now and has finally decided to take action.

Do you feel Logan Paul has a solid case against Coffeezilla? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tags: Logan Paul
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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