WWE has seen several people leave the company in 2024. The list grows every month, and Matt Camp’s departure was a surprise, as he was a staple of their digital department for years. Now, he is speaking about his release.

Camp was one of WWE’s most prominent hosts, appearing on Raw Talk, Talking Smack, and The Bump. However, he was let go from the company after several years in early 2024. The illusion of a WWE family was part of the culture until it wasn’t.

On the latest edition of The Wrestling Matt, Camp discussed his release and the idea of the “WWE family” being false. When he was cut, the company did not make a public announcement. They simply carried on without him, not even mentioning that he was no longer part of that family.

“WWE did not put any announcement out, I just disappeared. I disappeared off The Bump, I disappeared off the shows, they made no mention of it, which admittedly I thought was pretty sh*tty.”


“And I’m not asking for a future endeavors thing or anything like that, but you know, that tells you what ‘family’ means when you work for a company. It doesn’t mean sh*t. You’re a number, and that’s what I was. And I understand that, but that whole ‘family’ and ‘we’re family’ – it’s total horsesh*t.”

“I had, three weeks prior to my release, The Rock show up at Headquarters and tell me what a big family this is and shaking hands, ‘We’re so happy to have you all aboard’, went through these Town Hall meetings after a bunch of cuts happened, and it was, ‘You’re still here for a reason’… then you’re gone.”

“And people get let go, that’s part of the business, I get that, but that whole ‘family’ bullsh*t – and Rock’s like, ‘Let’s take a picture with everybody in it because I wanna show that I was here’. I’m in that picture, and then I’m not here a couple of weeks later. It’s all who’s making the money, what’s the bottom line.”

Matt Camp discussed his release and the notion of the “WWE family” being false. According to him, there are often more than two sides to a story. This is certainly not the image that the company wants to project. It also seems that even getting his face in The Rock’s photo didn’t save Camp from his eventual cut.

What’s your take on Matt Camp’s release from WWE? Do you think they should have kept him on? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Tags: The Rock
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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