Nick Hogan, son of WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan, has received his penalty for DUI incident from November last year. Now, he has received his penalty for driving while intoxicated, and it will include him wearing a new piece of court-mandated hardware for a few months.

The sentence for Nick Hogan includes a year of probation and a court-mandated alcohol monitoring system for the first 120 days, along with a $1000 fine. During court, Hogan apologized to the Clearwater Police Department and the court. He will not see any time behind bars as long as he keeps his nose clean.

He can request release from probation after six months. Nick must also complete a 12-hour Advanced Driving Instruction class to avoid suspension of his driver’s license.

Nick Hogan was arrested on November 18, 2023, at 4 AM in Clearwater, FL, while returning from a bikini contest at his father’s restaurant. Video from the occasion showed that everyone was having what appeared to be a good time.


At the scene, Nick Hogan refused a breathalyzer test when taken into custody and had initially pleaded not guilty. It is unclear if this plea change is part of an agreement with the prosecution.

The arrest report noted that Nick Hogan approached a traffic stop in his 2021 Dodge Ram in the median lane. He did not vacate the lane or reduce his speed. Authorities recorded him driving 51 mph in a 40 mph zone. Officers pulled him over and noted the strong smell of alcohol, his swaying balance, and bloodshot eyes. He showed signs of impairment and performed poorly on field sobriety tests.

Police bodycam footage on YouTube shows Nick Hogan initially denying drinking. When the officer noted the smell of alcohol, he claimed he had just kissed his girlfriend, who had been drinking. The footage also shows Hulk Hogan arriving at the scene after Nick was pulled over, and the Hulkster was seen walking with the help of cane.

On December 21, 2023, Nick Hogan’s attorneys filed a motion requesting that he be allowed into venues that serve alcohol to perform his duties as a DJ. The court had ordered him not to frequent bars or clubs where alcohol is primarily served, but he requested access for work. The court has not yet ruled on the motion.

Nick Hogan is known from the reality series Hogan Knows Best, has also appeared on WWE and WCW programming. He hasn’t done much in the pro wrestling world since then, but he will always be a part of the pro wrestling world since his father has such obviously strong ties with the business.

What’s your take on Nick Hogan’s DUI charge and his sentence? Should he have received a stiffer penalty? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Tags: Hulk Hogan
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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