The Undertaker recently shared his thoughts on rock band Blink 182 using his iconic WWE entrance theme during one of their concerts.

Known for his historic career and lasting impact on the sport, The Undertaker has seen his popularity extend beyond wrestling circles, with celebrities increasingly showing admiration for his legacy.

On June 22, The Undertaker took to social media to acknowledge Blink 182’s choice of his entrance music, expressing his approval with a touch of humor. He wrote:

“Say it ain’t so… Great choice in entrance songs @blink182, have a great tour.”


This interaction highlights The Undertaker’s ongoing relevance and influence in popular culture, as well as his appreciation for unexpected tributes to his storied career.

As Blink-182 embarks on their tour, the use of The Undertaker’s theme song serves as a powerful homage to one of wrestling’s most iconic figures, bridging the worlds of music and sports entertainment in a memorable way.

What are your thoughts on Blink 182 using The Undertaker’s iconic WWE entrance music during their concert? How do you feel about The Undertaker’s expressed desire for an in-ring return? Share your opinions and excitement in the comments below!

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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