The Insane Clown Posse, comprised of Shaggy 2 Dope & Violent J, have been a part of pro wrestling for quite few years, especially during the 90s. Violent J recently went off on CM Punk in a scathing rant and now he has revealed the reason for his actions.

In case you forgot, Violent J recently expressed his strong feelings towards CM Punk in very profane rant, criticizing him for his past behavior in TNA and his treatment of Colt Cabana.

During his appearance on AdFreeShows with Conrad Thompson, Violent J discussed his feelings towards CM Punk, clarifying that Colt Cabana is not just an associate but a close friend. He recounted how seeing old footage of Punk criticizing Cabana for sharing a bank account with his mom triggered his outburst on Instagram. Violent J admitted he has never liked Punk, describing him as consistently disrespectful towards him and his partner, Shaggy 2 Dope.

Reflecting on their initial encounter in the wrestling business, Violent J recalled an incident where Punk refused to shake their hands, which left a lasting negative impression. He expressed frustration at Punk’s personal attacks on Cabana and questioned Punk’s motivations for such behavior, particularly in light of his own positive experiences with sharing a bank account with his late mother.


“Colt Cabana is not an associate, he’s a friend. I don’t have very many people that I actually consider real friends, someone you basically talk to every day. Me and Colt are cool like that.

What happened was, I was at the airport, I was flipping through Instagram, and I came across the footage from a couple of year ago when CM Punk was going off on Colt Cabana about sharing a bank account with his mom. I don’t like CM Punk. He’s always been a d***to us. I just unloaded. I’ve been meaning to say this. When I saw the post come up, I was like, ‘Let me school this m*******.’ I had been meaning to say it. Here’s where it comes from. Back in Ian Rotten’s IWA, we were doing something there back in the day. Apparently, we didn’t shake everyone’s hand in the dressing room like was required for that time. You come in and shake everyone’s hand. We didn’t know this. We just didn’t know at the time that was a customary thing for respect.

We just didn’t know. Apparently, according to Colt, CM Punk didn’t like us after that. When we got to TNA, we went to shake his hand, and he wouldn’t shake our hand. I was like, ‘That’s the first time that someone refused to shake our hand in wrestling over something like that.’ When Colt fell out with him, I caught that statement about ‘who would share a bank account with their mom?’ Not everyone’s mom is like CM Punk’s mom where that would be a problem. I shared a bank account with my mom before she passed. I don’t understand him. I don’t understand his anger, his bitterness, and I don’t understand his attacks on Colt, and his blatant disregard for us. F*** him. F*** this dude.

“I unloaded because I have an outlet and something is on my mind, I unload. The funny this is, he doesn’t live in my mind like that. It’s not like a grudge where I’m after him. I just saw it and I was like ‘F***this guy.’ That’s it. There is no anger to it. I don’t like him. I think he suffers inside. Just watching and observing as a fan, I think he has problems and there is a lot more going on in his head than I’ll ever understand. I respect his wrestling and everything he’s done and his ability. I’m a CM Punk fan for his work, but him as a man, it’s hard to relate for me. When you diss a personal friend on top of blatant disrespect of me and Shaggy, I say f***him. I wish I would bump into him. If you ask him what he thinks of ICP, he’d tell you the same thing about us. I just said it first. It’s not a deep-seated hatred. I don’t know you. You’re dissing my boy, you dissed us, f***you. That’s all it amounts to.”

Despite his strong words, Violent J clarified that his dislike for Punk isn’t a deep-seated grudge but rather a reaction to Punk’s disrespect towards his friend and himself. He explained to his son that his public comments were meant to stand up against what he saw as unfair criticism of Cabana’s personal choices. Violent J emphasized that while he doesn’t appreciate Punk’s attitude towards him and Cabana, he still respects Punk’s wrestling ability and views him as a talented performer.

Number one, I want people to know that I don’t like him. Number two, I just lost my mind. The whole thing about dissing Colt for sharing a bank account seems so inhuman to me. How the f*** is that any of your business or concern? I get they owed money, but the fact that Colt Cabana shares a bank account with his mom had nothing to do with nothing. I stand by that. I stand by supporting your mom if you can. I want people to know I’m not cool with him dissing Colt for that reason. F*** that. I do the same thing. What’s wrong with that? It kind of embarrassed myself a little bit in that it looks like I’m fuming about him, but if you follow my Instagram and see the stuff I post, that’s pretty much what I do. If something is on my mind, I post and forget about it. It’s not as big as it appears, my dislike for him, and I enjoy watching him wrestle.”

Many fans will likely agree with what Violent J had to say with CM Punk as others might have similar issues with Punk. Regardless, we will have to wait and see whether Punk will respond to what Violent J had to say.

What do you think of Violent J’s reasoning for going after CM Punk? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tags: CM Punk
Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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