Kota Ibushi has been out of action since defeating Naomichi Marufuji at NOAH The New Year 2024 on January 2.

During that match, Ibushi sustained an ankle injury and was subsequently hospitalized. NOAH later confirmed that he had suffered a right tibiofibular ligament tear and a right ankle lateral ligament complex injury, necessitating surgery in January. Ibushi recently shared that he is still in the process of rehabbing his injury.

On June 19, Ibushi took to Twitter to respond to a fan who mentioned that someone needed to avenge Kenny Omega after The Elite took him out. The fan inquired if Ibushi would return to AEW to seek revenge for Omega. Ibushi assured fans with a confident “Of course,” adding that if his doctor cleared him to compete, he would immediately report to AEW and make his comeback.

Ibushi stated that he feels 85% recovered and asked his fans for a little more patience:


“Of course, if my current doctor in Japan tells me that I can compete, I will report to AEW and return immediately. I’m now 85% alive. Please wait a little more.”

Ibushi’s last match for AEW was on the November 15, 2023, episode of AEW Dynamite. As of now, there is no official word on when he will return to AEW.

Ringside News wishes Ibushi a speedy recovery and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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