It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means! AEW Dynamite will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 19, 2024 episode.

AEW Dynamite will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

AEW Dynamite Lineup (6/19/2024):

  • Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. Death Triangle’s “The Bastard” PAC
  • Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander
  • Singles Match: MJF vs. La Faccion Ingobernable’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Tag Team Champions The EVPs The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster)
  • AEW Continental Championship Eliminator Match: The Elite’s AEW Continental Champion “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada vs. an opponent still to be announced
  • 8-Man Tag Team Match: Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Top Flight’s Dante Martin vs. Don Callis Family (ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher and “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita), The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong and Zack Sabre Jr.
  • AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and STARDOM’s Mina Shirakawa contract signing
  • AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and “The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay face-to-face

AEW Dynamite Results (6/19/2024):

The show opens up with MJF making his way down to the ring for the first match of the night as Excalibur, Taz and Tony Schiavone welcomes us. La Faccion Ingobernable’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH then makes his way down to the ring next.

Singles Match: MJF vs. La Faccion Ingobernable’s “El Toro Blanco” RUSH

The match starts off with both men wasting no time in going after each other. Both men deliver some right hands on each other before RUSH hits a chop on MJF. MJF then responds with a chop of his own, but RUSH hits a headbutt on MJF and delivers some stomps on him. RUSH then hits a right hand on MJF’s midsection, then follows it up with a back body drop and more stomps. MJF then hits a Sunset Flip on RUSH, but RUSH nails him and gloats. RUSH then hits MJF with a series of forearms in the corner, then teases hitting the Bull’s Horns but opts not to. RUSH then hits a stomp instead, but MJF responds with some right hands. RUSH then responds with some right hands of his own, then hits MJF with a German suplex and goes for a pin. MJF then kicks out and RUSH delivers some right hands on MJF. RUSH then charges at him, but MJF moves out of the way and hits a DDT. MJF then hits RUSH with a piledriver and goes for a pin, but RUSH kicks out.


MJF then charges at RUSH, but RUSH responds with a belly-to-belly suplex on MJF in the corner. MJF then looks to fly, but RUSH hits a right hand on him and follows it up with a piledriver. RUSH then goes for a pin, but MJF kicks out. RUSH then sends MJF repeatedly crashing into several barricades on the outside, then grabs a chair from under the ring and slides it in the ring. RUSH then grabs a cable from under the ring and hits MJF with it a few times. RUSH then grabs a sign from the crowd and tears it up, then places MJF on a chair and charges at him. MJF then moves out of the way and RUSH is sent crashing into the barricade. RUSH then hits a belly-to-belly throw on MJF off the apron and onto the floor. RUSH then sends MJF back inside the ring and sets up for the Bull’s horns. MJF then gets up before RUSH can hit it and nails RUSH with a clothesline, then hits a spinebuster and delivers some right hands on RUSH. MJF then sends RUSH’s head repeatedly bouncing off the top turnbuckle and delivers some right hands on him in the corner, then bites him and hits him with a piledriver. MJF then hits a Brainbuster on RUSH for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, MJF!

After the match, Brian Cage, Toa Liona, Bishop Kaun and Hechicero appear on the big screen. Cage says MJF will face Hechicero at Forbidden Door. Hechicero then cuts a promo in Spanish and Liona then yells into the camera. Excalibur then says the match will not be official until Christopher Daniels and/or Tony Khan sign off on it.

We then get highlights of Jack Perry beating Dustin Rhodes to qualify for the ladder match for the vacant TNT Title at Forbidden Door. Excalibur then hypes the 8-Man Tag Team Match for later in the show.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, Dante Martin and Mark Briscoe. Briscoe recalls cutting a promo last week and then losing a match. Briscoe says the word of the day is vengeance, then he also says the word of the day is redemption. Jack Perry then enters, looks at the babyfaces and walks away. Cassidy then gives Paquette a bracelet from his wrist.

“The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay makes his way down to the ring and AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana make their way out next.

Ospreay starts off by telling Strickland the last time they were in the same ring, he took the AEW World Championship and put it on his shoulders. Ospreay then says while Strickland says he couldn’t carry two titles at the same time, he begs to differ as he held three titles on three different continents at the same time. Ospreay then says Strickland is about to find out that he’s the best wrestler in the world today. Strickland then corrects Ospreay and says he’s the best wrestler in the world today and he’s been watching Ospreay for a long time. Strickland then says they’ve taken two different career paths in the last five years, but it’s all led to the Forbidden Door main event between them. Strickland then recalls how Ospreay beat Kenny Omega at Forbidden Door last year and questions if Ospreay will need Don Callis to dethrone him as AEW World Champion.

Ospreay then says he doesn’t need Don Callis or The Don Callis Family as we see the stable watching what’s happening from backstage, then mentions all the major names he’s beaten since last June. Ospreay then asks Strickland if he feels the pressure of being in the ring with the best in the world and says whether it’s the Os-Cutter, the Storm Breaker or the Hidden Blade he uses to dethrone Strickland at Forbidden Door, he will have to look at all the fans and admit that he was wrong. Strickland then says Ospreay keeps using the word “if” and Ospreay is well acquainted with other professional wrestlers. Strickland then says he got rid of all his friends and they’re just numbers to him. Strickland then asks Ospreay who he is if he breaks his leg or his arm and questions if the fans will love him the same way. Strickland then says Ospreay can break any of his bones or shave his head, but he’s still Strickland. Strickland then says the AEW World Championship will consume someone and he’s trying to teach Ospreay a lesson. Strickland then says that Ospreay will have to sacrifice everything, including his wife and his son. Ospreay then tells Strickland not to invoke his son’s name and Nana diffuses the situation. Nana tells them to save all their fire for Forbidden Door and asks whose house it is. Ospreay then says it’s Bruv’s House and looks to leave, but Strickland stops him and asks Ospreay what if he wants to make things personal. Strickland then says the AEW World Championship is everything to him and tells Ospreay to say hello to his wife and son. Ospreay then runs back into the ring and gets in Strickland’s face. Both men jaw jacked at each other and Swerve’s entrance theme played.

We then head to the back, where Don Callis tells Trent Beretta, Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher not to worry because he knows Will Ospreay better than he knows himself. Beretta and Takeshita then walks away with Callis while Fletcher stays on the set for a couple extra seconds.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an 8-Man Tag Team Match.

8-Man Tag Team Match: Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Top Flight’s Dante Martin vs. Don Callis Family (ROH World TV Champion Kyle Fletcher and “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita), The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong and Zack Sabre Jr.

The match starts off with all 8 men brawling with each other as Sabre Jr. stares Cassidy down. Sabre Jr. and Cassidy are left alone in the ring. Mark and Fletcher then face each other and Fletcher hits an enzuigiri on Mark that sends him crashing to the outside. Fletcher then hits a tope suicida on Mark, but O’Reilly flies off the apron to land on him and locks in a Knee Bar on Strong using the middle rope. Takeshita then nails Mark with a boot, but Cassidy hits a dropkick on Takeshita that sends him crashing to the outside. Sabre Jr. then sends Cassidy onto the apron, then locks in an Arm Bar using the top rope as Mark flies to land on Fletcher. Martin then hits a hurricanrana on Takeshita in the ring.

Cassidy then looks to put his hands in his pocket, but Sabre Jr. stops him. Both men then go back and forth before Takeshita tags in and nails Cassidy. Strong then tags himself in and Takeshita gets in his face. O’Reilly then tags in on his side and sends Takeshita crashing out of the ring with an enzuigiri. Strong then hits a backbreaker on O’Reilly, then follows it up with a chop O’Reilly then responds with a few forearms, then trips Strong and tags in Martin. Martin then hits a double hurricanrana on Sabre Jr. and Strong, then nails Fletcher with a crossbody off the top rope and delivers some right hands on Takeshita. Mark then hits a Death Valley Driver on Takeshita before O’Reilly climbs to the top. Mark then climbs to the top and hits an elbow drop and O’Reilly follows it up with a knee off the top. Martin then tags in and hits a crossbody off the top and Cassidy tags in. Cassidy then climbs to the top and hits an elbow drop of his own. Sabre Jr. then grabs Cassidy’s ankle and Takeshita hits a boot on him. Sabre Jr. then tags in and everyone begins brawling with each other in the ring. Sabre Jr. then hits an uppercut on O’Reilly and Cassidy looks to hit the Stun-Dog Millionaire on Sabre Jr. Sabre Jr. then avoids it and Cassidy pins him, but Sabre Jr. kicks out. Strong then tags in and hits an enzuigiri on Cassidy. Strong then sends Cassidy crashing into the mat face first, but Cassidy hits the Orange Punch on him for the win.

The winners of the 8-Man Tag Team Match, Kyle O’Reilly, “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

After the match, Jack Perry appears and blindsides Martin on the ramp as Mark and Takeshita brawl to the back. Sabre Jr. and Cassidy then stare each other down and Cassidy puts his hands in his pocket.

We then get a video package on AEW TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné. Moné thanked Stephanie Vaquer for sending her buddy Zeuxis to warm her up. Moné then ends the video by saying there’s a price to pay when you mess with her.

Cameras then catches up with an angry “El Toro Blanco” RUSH backstage and suddenly a hand is placed on his shoulder. It was Don Callis and Callis says something to RUSH in Spanish before walking away. RUSH is clearly upset, but he just stares Callis down.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match, but as The Acclaimed was making their way down to the ring and Max Caster was rapping his mic was cut before he could say much. “The Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada was then shown on the big screen. Okada says he hit the wrong button and was so sorry. The Young Bucks then heads to ringside and brawls with Caster and Bowens before the match is officially underway.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match: AEW World Tag Team Champions The EVPs The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster)

The match starts off with Bowens tagging in and hitting a neckbreaker on Matthew as Caster holds him in place. Nicholas then tags in and The Acclaimed double team him. Caster then hits a bodyslam on Nicholas, then holds him in place for Bowens to hit him with the Scissor Me Timbers. Matthew and Caster then tag in and Caster hits an arm drag on Matthew. Matthew then sends Caster into the ropes and Nicholas hits a kick on his spine. Caster then blasts him, but is sent crashing out of the ring where Nicholas beats him down. Caster then teeters on the top rope and hits a double crossbody on The Bucks. Bowens then tags in and hits a couple of forearms on The Bucks, then follows it up with a Famouser on Nicholas. Matthew then hits Bowens with a superkick, but Bowens responds with a back elbow. Nicholas then tags in and climbs to the top as Matthew drapes Bowens off the middle rope. Nicholas then hits a senton before Matthew tags back in and The Bucks look to hit the EVP trigger. Bowens then catches both of The Bucks’ knees, but Matthew hits a kick on his midsection and Nicholas trips him. The Bucks then hit a double superkick and Matthew pins Bowens. Matthew then goes for a pin, but Caster breaks the fall.

The Bucks then set up for the TK Driver on Bowens, but Bowens sends Matthew crashing into Nicholas. Matthew then hits a low blow on Bowens while the referee isn’t looking, then tags in Nicholas. The Bucks then hit the EVP Trigger on him and go for a pin, but Caster once again breaks the fall. Matthew then tags in and The Bucks hit a Sliced Bread-powerbomb combination on Bowens out of the corner. Matthew then gets hold of one of the AEW World Tag Team Championship belts, but Bowens ducks out of the way. The referee then disposes of the belt and Nicholas grabs the other belt. He then looks to hit Bowens with it, but Bowens ducks out of the way and Nicholas accidentally hits Matthew with it instead. Bowens then hits the Arrival on Nicholas and Caster follows it up with Mic Drop. Bowens then pins Matthew for the win.

The winners of the AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match, The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster)!

After the match, “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn joins The Acclaimed in the ring to celebrate the win.

We then head to the back, where HOOK and Samoa Joe storm into the Premiere Athletes’ locker room as Katsuyori Shibata films them. They then find a note from the Premiere Athletes, where they challenge the three men to a trios match against them and Mark Sterling.

Mariah May is already in the ring and she introduces AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Luther and Mina Shirakawa. The three of them then make their way down to the ring.

Mariah May starts off by telling Storm and Shirakawa that she loves them both and no matter what happens at Forbidden Door. Shirakawa then grabs the mic from May before she can finish what she wanted to say and tells her to shut up and says Storm has gotten soft and weak as AEW Women’s World Champion. Shirakawa then says everyone wants her to hold the title and no one wants Storm. Shirakawa then promises to take Storm’s title and May from her at Forbidden Door, then signs the contract. Storm then tells Shirakawa that she has an advice for her and that is to chin up, tits out and watch for the shoe. Storm then signs the contract and Shirakawa tells May she has to choose. Saraya and Harley Cameron then make their way down to the ring as Anna Jay appears and sends Shirakawa crashing into the ring post. Saraya then attacks Storm in the ring as Cameron and Jay set up the table in the corner. Saraya then looks to send May crashing through it, but Storm nails Saraya, Cameron and Jay with her shoe. Storm then hits a suplex on Saraya and looks to hit a Hip Attack on her through the table, but Cameron and Jay pull her out of the ring and Storm is sent crashing through the table. May and Shirakawa were then shown watching from the stage.

We then get a video package on Claudio Castagnoli vs. PAC with comments from Castagnoli.

We then get a graphic listing the brackets for the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s and Women’s tournament.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: “The Native Beast” Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander

The match starts off with Statlander looking to hit a shoulder tackle on Rose, but Rose responds with one of her own. Rose then delivers some stomps on Statlander in the corner, then follows it up with a boot and a crossbody. Rose then drapes Statlander on the top rope, but Statlander escapes and sends Rose crashing to the outside. Rose then sends Statlander crashing into the corner. Rose then hits a clothesline on Statlander, then follows it up with a splash in the corner and a cannonball. Statlander then hits a kick on Rose’s head, then follows it up with a Scissor Kick. Statlander then climbs to the top and looks to hit a 450 Splash, but Rose rolls out of the way and climbs to the top. Statlander then hits a boot on Rose’s head, then follows it up with a piledriver for the win.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match, Kris Statlander!

After the match, Stokely Hathaway grabs a mic and calls out Willow Nightingale. Nightingale then appears on the big screen and puts Statlander on notice, telling her that she’s coming for her in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament when she beats Serena Deeb.

We then head to the back, where Renee Paquette is interviewing Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen). FTW Champion “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, Big Bill and “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith then shows up. Jericho admits that they got the better of him last week, but he has a lesson for them. Jericho then speaks about not taking piledrivers in Mexico. Bill then says they will be watching Private Party’s match on Friday. Keith then tells Private Party that they better respect Jericho.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Daniel Garcia vs. Rhett Titus

The match starts off with Titus wasting no time in going after Garcia. Titus delivers some strikes on Garcia, but Garcia dropkicks Titus into the corner and hits three twisting neck-breakers on him. Garcia then hits Titus with an elevated flatliner for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Daniel Garcia!

After the match, The Cage of Agony and Hechicero make their way down to the ring and attack “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia. MJF’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring to make the save. Cage then hits a suplex on MJF and Hechicero locks in a submission on MJF. Will Ospreay’s music then hits and he hits the Os-Cutter on Hechicero and Cage. Ospreay and MJF then send Hechicero and Cage crashing out of the ring, then bump into one another and stare each other down. Ospreay then helps Garcia up and holds up his hand and the AEW International Championship.

Will Ospreay was then shown walking backstage when Renee Paquette asks him what happened with MJF. Ospreay says he doesn’t care about MJF and was trying to help Garcia. Brian Cage then makes a bunch of commotion while being held back by three security guards. They then set up a match for Saturday’s AEW Collision.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is an Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli vs. Death Triangle’s “The Bastard” PAC

The match starts off with PAC dropkicking Castagnoli into the corner. PAC then climbs to the top and hits a second dropkick, then brawls with Castagnoli on the outside. PAC then sends Castagnoli crashing into the barricade, then gets him back inside the ring and climbs to the top. PAC then hits a dropkick on Castagnoli off the top rope, but Castagnoli rolls out of the ring. Castagnoli then hits a pop-up uppercut on PAC on the outside. PAC then delivers some right hands on Castagnoli, then sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first. PAC then hits a hurricanrana off the ring apron on Castagnoli, then hits him with a springboard moonsault and a Tornado DDT. PAC then gets Castagnoli back in the ring and hits him with an elbow drop off the top rope and both men then go back and forth with forearms. PAC then delivers some kicks on Castagnoli, then climbs to the top and looks to fly. Castagnoli then moves out of the way. Castagnoli then hits The Swing on PAC, then turns him inside out with a clothesline and goes for a pin. PAC then kicks out and Castagnoli looks to hit the Ricola Bomb. PAC then avoids it and locks in a submission on PAC, but Castagnoli counters into a Sharpshooter. Castagnoli then transitions into a crossface, but PAC escapes and rolls up Castagnoli. Castagnoli then kicks out and PAC rolls him up. Castagnoli then reverses the fall, but PAC transitions into a pin of his own. Both men then continue to pin one another until PAC gets Castagnoli’s shoulders down for the three count.

The winner of the Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Quarterfinal Match, Death Triangle’s “The Bastard” PAC!

After the match, PAC looks to show respect to Castagnoli, but Castagnoli ignores him and rolls out of the ring before he heads to the back. Castagnoli then stares down PAC and the show comes to a close.

Tags: AEW Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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