It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! WWE NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 18, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (6/18/2024):

  • WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s 25-Man Battle Royal
  • Women’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice vs. Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx
  • WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. The O.C.’s Michin
  • We Will Hear From WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi

WWE NXT Results (6/18/2024):

The show opens up with Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcoming us. We then get the entrances of the first match of the night, which is a WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s 25-Man Battle Royal including that of top TNA star Joe Hendry.

Hendry cuts a promo on how he is going to eliminate everyone, win the NXT Championship and bring the title to TNA. Hendry then says once he does get the title, the WWE Universe will be chanting “We Believe.” Ethan Page makes his way down to the ring as the last competitor. Most of the other competitors are already waiting inside the ring, including TNA veteran Frankie Kazarian.


WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender’s 25-Man Battle Royal

The match starts off with Ethan Page getting into Joe Hendry’s face. Oro Mensah then blindsides Page and the two brawl outside the ring as everyone else in the ring goes after Hendry. They all then send Hendry outside the ring to eliminate him. Tony D’Angelo then delivers some right hands on Joe Coffey and Edris Enofé takes a shot at him. D’Angelo then turns around and sends Enofé over the top rope to eliminate him. Everyone in the ring continues to brawl with each other and Shawn Spears hits a chop on Tyler Bate. Eddy Thorpe then looks to hit a boot on Shawn Spears, but Spears sees him coming and sends him out of the ring to eliminate him. Joe Coffey then looks to send Bate out of the ring, but Bate keeps him from doing so. Malik Blade then hits a chop on D’Angelo and Humberto nails a boot on Bate’s midsection. Angel then brawls with Ridge Holland in the corner and Charlie Dempsey sends Blade onto the apron over the top rope. Dempsey then looks to eliminate Blade, but Blade hangs on. Dempsey then eliminates Blade, but Damon Kemp then accidentally sends Dempsey out of the ring while trying to help him. Frankie Kazarian then sends Kemp and Borne out of the ring as Humberto and Angel work together to eliminate Apollo Crews on the other side of the ring.

Tavion Heights then sends Dante Chen onto the apron over the top rope. Chen then drags Heights out to join him, but Holland sends them both crashing to the floor. Angel and Humberto then get Tank Ledger up, but Ledger escapes and looks to send them over the top. Lexis King then comes to their aid, but then he eliminates Humberto. Angel then sends King out of the ring, but Ledger eliminates him. Bate then gets Ledger on his shoulders and hits him with an Airplane Spin. Bate then sends him crashing on the floor over the top to eliminate him. D’Angelo then goes after Bate and nails him with a spinebuster. D’Angelo then hits one to Spears as well, then looks to eliminate Nathan Frazer. Frazer then hangs on, then sends D’Angelo over the top and onto the apron. Frazer then nails a kick on him to eliminate him. Frazer then looks to eliminate Dragon Lee, but Lee hangs on. Both men then brawl on the apron and hits kicks on one another, but Lee nails a jumping knee to send Frazer to the back. Holland is then eliminated by Lee and Bate, but Bate blasts Lee with a right hand and hits him with a rebound clothesline. Spears then eliminates Bate. We are now down to four and Spears and Kazarian work together to beat down Evans and Lee, but Spears looks to eliminate Kazarian. Kazarian then hangs on and Spears is sent to the outside under the bottom rope. Evans then sends Kazarian out of the ring over the top rope. Lee and Evans then deliver some right hands on one another and Lee hits a German suplex on Evans. Evans then returns the favor and Lee hits him with a sit-out powerbomb. Lee then trips Evans with a kick from the apron after going over the top, but Spears sends him crashing to the floor to send him to the back. Spears then looks to send Evans over the top rope, but Evans hangs on. Evans then clotheslines Spears over the top rope, but Spears hangs on. Spears then looks to fly off the top rope, but Evans avoids it and sends Spears over the top rope to eliminate him.

The winner and new #1 Contender to the WWE NXT Champion, “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans!

We then head to the back, where Fallon Henley was seen arguing with a bunch of developmental wrestlers on wanting a title shot. Lola Vice was then shown fighting a training dummy. WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez then talks about how she noticed Vice eyeing her title. Vice says she is going to kick everyone on her way to the title. Perez then says they will handle business later in the show in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match.

We then head to the back and we see Ridge Holland put on a Chase U shirt as Andre Chase, Duke Hudson and Thea Hail cheer him on. They then run into Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson and a verbal confrontation ensues.

We then get the entrances of the next match of the night, which is a Women’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match.

Women’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match: WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice vs. Meta-Four’s Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx

The match starts off with Perez, Jackson and Jayne. All three women take turns rolling each other up. Perez then rolls up Jackson, but Jackson kicks out. Jayne then nails Jackson, but Jackson hits her with a bulldog and tags in Legend. Perez and Jayne then double team Legend, but Legend sends both their faces bouncing off the middle rope. Jayne then hits an arm drag on Legend and follows it up with a hurricanrana. Nyx and Vice then tag in and Vice delivers some kicks on Legend’s thigh. Legend then hits Vice with a bodyslam, but Perez and Vice both hit boots on her midsection. Nyx then looks to fly off the ring steps to land on Legend, but Legend catches her. Jayne then hits a senton to land on them both off the ring apron, but Jackson sends her crashing into the ring steps. Perez then hits a dive through the ropes to land on Jackson.

Jackson then puts Vice and Nyx in a double Sharpshooter. Jayne then helps Nyx escape and Vice hits a right hand on her midsection. Perez then tags in and delivers a right hand on Nyx, then follows it up with running uppercuts on Jackson and Nyx in opposite corners and a double DDT to them both. Vice then tags in and Jackson delivers a right hand on her midsection. Vice then hits rapid kicks on Jackson and Nyx’s thighs, then follows it up with a couple of hip attacks on them both. Jayne then nails Vice with a forearm before Legend tags in and nails Jayne with a forearm of her own. Legend then nails Vice and Perez with more forearms, then hits a double suplex on both Vice and Jayne. Jackson then tags in and she hits a neckbreaker-facebuster combination with Legend. Jackson then goes for a pin, but Nyx breaks the fall. Nyx then hits a Pele Kick on Legend, but Jackson nails her. Vice then nails Jackson with The 305 and Perez tags herself in. Perez then hits the Pop-Rox on Jackson for the win.

The winners of the Women’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match, WWE NXT Women’s Champion “The Prodigy” Roxanne Perez and Lola Vice!

After the match, Perez calls for the NXT Women’s Championship to be given back to her. Vice then eyes it, but Perez nails her with a backfist.

We then head to the back to NXT General Manager Ava’s office, where Ava congratulates Je’Von Evans on becoming the new #1 Contender to the NXT Championship. Ethan Page then enters and is clearly enraged that he was eliminated from the Battle Royal. Ava then makes a match between them official in the main event.

We then get separate shots of Michin and WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan backstage. Sol Ruca wishes Jordan luck on her first title defense, while other women were eyeing Jordan’s title.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship Match.

WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. The O.C.’s Michin

The match starts off with both women locking up and Michin hitting Jordan with a shoulder tackle as Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows show up at ringside to watch the action. Jordan then hits an arm drag on Michin, but Michin hits one of her own. Jordan is then sent to the outside and Michin looks to hit a tope suicida to land on her but is inadvertently almost sent crashing into Gallows. Gallows then catches Michin and Jordan flies over the top rope to land on Michin. Michin then puts Jordan in a Bear Hug. Jordan then escapes by hitting Michin with a few back elbows, but Michin nails Jordan with a boot. Jordan then hits a crossbody on Michin before the two exchange forearms and chops on each other. Jordan then hits a splash on Michin in the corner, then follows it up with variation of a facebuster. Michin then hits a German suplex on Jordan, then sets up for Eat Defeat. Jordan then escapes by hitting a kick on Michin, then climbs to the top. Michin then pulls Jordan off and gets her in an Electric Chair position, but Jordan counters it into a reverse hurricanrana. Jordan then looks to follow it up with a split legged moonsault, but Michin moves out of the way and sends her crashing into the mat. Michin then goes for a pin, but Jordan kicks out. Bronco Nima and Lucien Price then appear at ringside and get into Gallows and Anderson’s face as Michin climbs to the top. Jaida Parker then appears out of nowhere and pushes Michin off, opening the door for Jordan to hit a split legged moonsault for the win.

The winner and still the WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion, Kelani Jordan!

Kelly Kincaid is then shown interviewing “All Ego” Ethan Page about being eliminated in the Battle Royal in a matter of a few seconds. Page says he didn’t get eliminated due to getting jumped by Oro Mensah. Page then says Trick Williams didn’t face the best Ethan Page due to Oro Mensah’s constant attacks.

We then get a video vignette on Izzi Dame, where she talks about her volleyball background.

WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi was then shown walking backstage.

We then head to the locker room, where Luca Crusifino offers Nathan Frazer a contract for an NXT Heritage Cup Championship Match against Tony D’Angelo as Axiom stands by. Frazer then immediately signs it and a frustrated Axiom storms off.

WWE NXT North American Champion Oba Femi then makes his way down to address the NXT Universe.

Oba Femi starts off by saying it feels all too familiar for him to be standing in the ring still holding the NXT North American Championship after successfully retaining it. Femi then says Wes Lee and Joe Coffey are two of the greatest that NXT has to offer and no one can take his title away from him.

Wes Lee’s music then hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Lee says he’ll be the one to take the NXT North American Championship away from Femi and Femi never pinned him at Battleground. Femi then says Lee’s obsession with the NXT North American Championship is beginning to irritate him and Lee says he wanted to test himself against Femi one-on-one. Lee then says he had the opportunity to participate in the #1 Contenders Battle Royal earlier tonight, but he declined to do so in order to focus all his energy on regaining the NXT North American Championship. Femi then tells Lee that he’s done with him and looks to leave, but Lee stops him and tells Femi not to turn his back on him. Lee then says Femi has everything going for him and is making headlines every week and he’s being treated as the greatest NXT North American Champion of all time. Lee then tells Femi he has the chance to do something about it, then says he will show Femi a different kind of Kardiak Kid should he defend the title against him one-on-one. Femi then says Lee has a lot of faith in himself as do the fans. Femi then says all he’s concerned with is changing the record books and grants Lee a shot at the NXT North American Championship one-on-one only if Lee agrees to never challenge for the title again as long as he holds it if he loses and Lee agrees to his terms.

Hank Walker was then shown cheering up Tank Ledger backstage. Hank says he’s medically cleared from his last injury. Tank was happy at Hank and Tank being back. Tank then says he wanted a match against New Catch Republic

We then see Charlie Dempsey invite Tavion Heights to be part of No Quarter Catch Crew, but Heights hesitates. Dempsey then challenges Heights to face Damon Kemp on his behalf.

The NXT Anonymous spy cam was then shown catching Joe Coffey arguing with Mark Coffey and Wolfgang about Wes Lee getting a title shot. Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe then jumps Gallus from behind.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Fallon Henley vs. Carlee Bright

The match starts off with Bright hitting a hurricanrana on Henley, then following it up with a crossbody. Henley then hits a chop on Bright, then jams her shoulder into Bright’s midsection. Henley then hits a boot on the side of Bright’s head, but Bright responds with a Sunset Flip on Henley. Bright then puts Henley in a Sleeper but Henley sends Bright crashing into the corner to escape. Wendy Choo then sneaks up on Kendal Grey on the outside and puts her to sleep. Bright then gets Henley back inside the ring and looks at what happened between Grey and Choo. Bright then hits a dropkick on Henley and looks to fly off the middle rope, but Henley avoids it and hits Bright with a Shining Wizard for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Fallon Henley!

Eddy Thorpe was then interviewed in the NXT Parking Lot. Thorpe says he had a good showing and is building momentum. Thorpe then says he is going after all the titles. Thorpe then says that NXT is hot now and he wants to be a part of it.

Je’von Evans was then shown getting his ribs taped up. WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams then shows up and talks about Evans pulling a Trick Willy by wrestling two matches in the same night. Trick then tells Evans to be careful of Ethan Page. Trick then says that Page doesn’t even belong in NXT. Page and Evans then did some hand gesture to end the segment.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Tag Team Match.

Tag Team Match: Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) vs. The O.C. (Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson)

The match starts off with Chase and Anderson. Anderson delivers some right hands on Chase. Chase then hits a shoulder tackle on Anderson and sends him crashing into the corner and tags in Hudson. Hudson and Chase then double team Anderson. Gallows then tags in and hits a back suplex on Chase. Gallows then hits a few elbow drops on Chase, then sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and hits him with a couple of bodyslams on him. Anderson then tags in and nails Chase, then tags back out to Gallows. Hudson then tags in and hits Anderson with a back elbow, then takes down Gallows on the apron and delivers the Chase U right hands on Anderson. Hudson and Chase then clothesline Gallows out of the ring and Chase hits a senton off the apron to land on Gallows. Hudson then rolls up Anderson as Holland holds onto him for the win.

The winners of the Tag Team Match, Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson)!

After the match, Hudson looks at Holland confused as Andre Chase and Thea Hail celebrate.

We then head to NXT General Manager Ava’s office and see her talking to Kelani Jordan about her next challenger for the WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship as Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone stands by. Arianna Grace then walks in and thanks Jordan for granting her a title shot. Jordan then clarifies that she was referring to Sol Ruca and Ava makes a WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship #1 Contenders Match between Sol Ruca and Arianna Grace official for next week as Turner becomes visibly frustrated.

WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams then makes his way down to the ring to join the announce desk for the main event.

Thea Hail was then shown psyching up Chase U backstage. Chase then wondered what Gallows and Anderson were arguing about. Holland then says that they were just arguing over their loss.

Fallon Henley was then shown throwing a fit in the locker room. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx then shows up and supported Henley in her complaining. Arianna Grace vs. Sol Ruca, Nathan Frazer vs. Tony D’Angelo for the NXT Heritage Cup Championship and a tag team turmoil match were then announced for next week.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page.

Singles Match: “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans vs. “All Ego” Ethan Page

The match starts off with Page wasting no time in going after Evans. Page charges at Evans, but Evans hits some chops on Page. Page then hits a boot on Evans’ midsection, then delivers some shoulders on his midsection and sends him crashing into the mat. Page then sends Evans into the corner, then follows it up with a bodyslam and a couple of knees on his spine. Evans then hits a chop on Page, but Page sends Evans crashing midsection first into the top rope. Page then sets up for the Ego’s Edge on Evans, but Evans escapes and hits a double stomp on Page’s midsection. Evans then hits a kick on Page. Page then has an arm submission locked in on Evans. Page then hits a stomp on his spine, then sends him bouncing off the top rope midsection first and follows it up with a powerslam. Page then locks in a Boston Crab on Evans, but Evans makes his way over to the bottom rope to escape the hold. Evans then delivers some right hands on Page’s midsection and nails him with a clothesline, then follows it up with a back elbow and a kick to his head. Evans then climbs to the top and hits a crossbody, then goes for a pin, but Page kicks out. Evans then looks to hit a springboard cutter, but Page moves out of the way. Evans then sends Page crashing into the mat before Page nails Evans and looks to hit a powerslam. Evans then counters into a Tornado DDT and pins Page, but Page kicks out. Evans then climbs to the top, but Page trips him and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle midsection first. Page then hits the Ego’s Edge on Evans for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, “All Ego” Ethan Page!

After the match, Page spots Williams at the announce desk. The two then get in each other’s faces as Shawn Spears slides into the ring and delivers some right hands on Evans. Williams then gets inside the ring and delivers some right hands on Spears, but Page joins Spears and beats down Williams. Evans then flies off the top rope to land on Page and Spears with a double cutter and the four men are left laid out in the ring with the NXT Championship in the middle of them as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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