Bret Hart has held onto deep resentment towards Bill Goldberg for the infamous career-ending kick delivered at Starrcade 1999, and the wrestling icon remains vocal about his grievances with his former rival. Nevertheless, every story has two perspectives, and Goldberg has now told Bret Hart to grow up after so much animosity.

Due to the kick, Bret Hart suffered post-concussion syndrome, which forced him to prematurely hang up his pro wrestling boots. Bret Hart went on record and said that Goldberg’s work rate was “0/10.” 

Goldberg previously admitted he wanted to kill Bret Hart and even called him moron recently. Goldberg addressed the controversy surrounding his match with Bret Hart in the ‘Who Killed WCW?’ documentary, stating that he had warned Hart about the kick but acknowledged the incident caught Hart off guard due to its speed. Despite this, Hart continued to criticize Goldberg for being unsafe in the ring.

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, Goldberg responded to Hart’s ongoing criticism with a mix of seriousness and humor, asking Hart to back off and also telling Hart to grow up.


“The Bret Hart thing is just it just saddens me as a human being. That’s all. I mean, first and foremost, I would never wish ill will upon any opponent or anyone like that to have an accident like that happen. And end someone’s career, especially someone who’s, you know, one of the best that ever was 100%. It sucks. I’m not asking anybody to understand it. I’m just saying, just leave me alone… Yes, sir [about warning him the kick was coming]. Put your hand up. Do whatever you got to do, man. It is what it is. Come on, man. I love you, Bret. Don’t be such a prick. That’s all. Grow up.”

Fans often speculate how different the wrestling world would be if Bret Hart were still actively wrestling. Despite forgiving Goldberg for the infamous incident in WCW that cut short his career, it’s possible that Hart may still hold some lingering feelings about the incident.

Do you feel Bret Hart should finally move on from Goldberg? Let us know in the comments section below!

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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