It’s Tuesday night and you know what that means! The post-WWE NXT Battleground episode of NXT will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the June 11, 2024 episode.

WWE NXT will start this week at 8:00 PM EST as always, match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below. You can check out the lineup below.

WWE NXT Lineup (6/11/2024):

  • Eddy Thorpe will be in singles action
  • Singapore Cane Match: Dante Chen vs. Lexis King
  • Singles Match: “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears
  • Singles Match: OTM’s Jaida Parker vs. The O.C.’s Michin
  • 6-Man Tag Team Match: New Catch Republic (“The Big Strong Boy” Tyler Bate and “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne) and Wes Lee vs. Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)
  • Wendy Choo will make her return
  • Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes will make an appearance

WWE NXT Results (6/11/2024):

The show opens up with a video recapping this past Sunday’s NXT Battleground PLE from the UFC Apex in Las Vegas, Nevada. The first-ever WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan then makes her way down to the ring and we are welcomed by Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

Kelani Jordan starts off by saying she has won many championships in gymnastics, but nothing compares to being the first-ever NXT Women’s North American Champion. Kelani then says the 6-Woman Ladder Match was a battle and as the first-ever champion it is up to her to bring prestige to the title. Kelani then says no one can do it like her. Jaida Parker’s music then hits and Parker makes her way down to the ring. Parker says the only thing Jordan proved is she could climb a ladder quickly and when she beats Michin, the only thing Jordan will be hearing is and new. Michin then blindsides Parker from behind and the first match of the night is up next, which is a Singles Match.


Singles Match: OTM’s Jaida Parker vs. The O.C.’s Michin

The match starts off with Michin delivering some right hands on Parker. Parker then responds, but Michin delivers more right hands on Parker. Parker then nails some shoulders on Michin in the corner, then hits her with a bodyslam. Michin then responds with a kick and a chop on Parker, then follows it up with headbutts and a cannonball in the corner. Michin then goes for a pin, but Parker kicks out. Michin then hits a German suplex on Parker, then looks to hit a cannonball on Parker in the corner. Parker then moves out of the way and Michin is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Parker then places Michin across the middle turnbuckle, then hits her with a modified hip attack.

Parker then hits a couple of shoulder tackles on Michin and follows it up with a codebreaker to her arm. Parker then hits another shoulder tackle on Michin and wears. Michin down with a submission. Michin then hits a hurricanrana on Parker, then nails her with a clothesline and a superkick. Michin then hits a Tornado DDT on Parker, then sets up for Eat Defeat. Parker then avoids it and sends Michin crashing into the mat face first, then hits her with a Hip attack that sends her crashing to the outside. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson then appear at ringside to support Michin and Parker gets Michin back in the ring. Parker then pins her, but Michin kicks out. Parker then grabs a chair from under the ring and looks to use it on Michin, but Anderson grabs the chair from Parker as Gallows distracts the referee. Michin then takes advantage and rolls up Parker for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, The O.C.’s Michin!

We then get a replay of Gallus beating up Wes Lee backstage. We then cut to a backstage promo from RAW last night where Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne talked about how they were going to avenge their friend Wes Lee.

Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes was then shown high fiving fans in front of the WWE Performance Center.

Vic Joseph then hypes LA Knight and WWE Women’s Champion Bayley appearing at their upcoming Fanatics meet and greet.

We then head over to the Chase U classroom, where Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne are arguing with Ridge Holland over him aligning himself with the stable as Andre Chase stands by. Thea Hail then walks in and calms everyone down, then says Osborne, Hudson and Chase have all made mistakes. Hail then tells them they all need to get on the same page.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a 6-Man Tag Team Match.

6-Man Tag Team Match: New Catch Republic (“The Big Strong Boy” Tyler Bate and “The Bruiserweight” Pete Dunne) and Wes Lee vs. Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)

The match starts off with Tyler Bate and Wolfgang. Wolfgang hits an uppercut on Bate, then tags in Mark. Both men then go back and forth and Bate hits an arm drag on Mark. Dunne then tags in and hits a double stomp off the top rope to Mark’s arm, then snaps Mark’s fingers. Dunne then puts Mark in a calf submission, then hits a boot on the side of his face. Joe then gets in the ring, but Dunne blasts him with an enzuigiri and tags in Lee. Lee then tags out to Bate, then hits a stomp on Mark’s fingers with Bate before they both hit a double kick to his head. Bate then delivers an Airplane Spin on Mark as Dunne and Lee blast Joe and Wolfgang on the outside.

Bate then rolls up Joe, but Joe kicks out. Joe then hits a backbreaker on Bate, then tags in Wolfgang. Wolfgang then nails Bate with a variation of a senton and goes for a pin, but Dunne breaks the fall. Mark then tags in and Bate nails him with a rebound clothesline. Joe then tags in and prevents Bate from tagging out to Dunne, then charges at Bate in the corner. Bate then hits a boot on Joe, then tags in Lee. Lee then hits an enzuigiri to an interfering Wolfgang and a hurricanrana to an interfering Mark, then nails Wolfgang with a Tornado DDT and hits a poisonrana on Joe. Lee then goes for a pin, but Mark breaks up the fall. Dunne then hits a strike on Mark, but Mark sends Dunne on the apron. Dunne then snaps Mark’s fingers and Bate nails him with a strike. Dunne then flies off the apron to land on Wolfgang and Mark on the outside. Lee then hits a meteora on Joe back in the ring, then climbs to the top and flies to land on everyone on the outside. Lee then looks to fly off the top rope, but Joe nails him with a clothesline that turns him inside out for the win.

The winners of the 6-Man Tag Team Match, Gallus (Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)!

We then head to the back and see Jaida Parker venting to Bronco Nima and Lucien Price about Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson costing her the match earlier tonight. Jaida then says she respects how Price and Nima dont’t come to ringside to let her handle business. Jaida then walks away saying she’s going to run Mia Yim’s ass out of NXT.

We then see Edris Enofé and Malik Blade tell Brinley Reece to be careful of the now creepy Wendy Choo. Reece then says there’s nothing to worry about because Choo is a sweetheart.

Still shots from this past Sunday’s NXT Battleground were then shown.

Vic Joseph then sends us to a promo package, where we see Sol Ruca go through her day and workout routine leading up to NXT Battleground in Las Vegas. The package also focuses on Sol’s highlights in the ladder match at Battleground.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Wendy Choo vs. Brinley Reece

The match starts off with Choo wasting no time in going after Reece. Choo delivers some right hands on Reece, then follows it up with an elbow drop and creepily smiles and stares down Reece. Reece then hits a forearm on Choo, but Choo turns around and hits a headbutt on Choo. Choo then follows it up with a low flatliner and goes for a pin, but Reece kicks out. Reece then hits a bodyslam on Choo, but Choo nails Reece with a clothesline and puts Reece in a Body Scissors. Reece then taps out.

The winner of the Singles Match, Wendy Choo!

After the match, Choo sits in the ring and gives the hard camera a cold stare.

We then get a replay of Oro Mensah attacking “All Ego” Ethan Page twice last week, first was after NXT and second was at a hotel parking lot. We then see Oro Mensah attacking Ethan Page after NXT Battleground went off air.

We then see a tweet sent out by NXT General Manager Ava that she has banned Oro Mensah from the building for his recent attacks.

Vic Joseph then plugs the free-to-attend WWE Clash at the Castle Kickoff event this Friday.

We then see Byron Saxton waiting in the parking lot. Saxton sees WWE NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez and interviews Perez about her upcoming state of the women’s division address she teased for later. Perez brags about beating Jordynne Grace. Perez was then approached by Robert Stone, who tells her Ava was wondering what Perez was going to talk about. Perez then says she had to wait until a segment to find out her opponent at Battleground, so Ava is going to have to wait until the segment to hear what she’s going to say.

Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes then makes his way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Cody Rhodes starts off by saying it’s magical in the Performance center and it’s well known that there’s a certain magic when it comes to NXT. Rhodes then promotes WWE Clash at the Castle and his I Quit Match against AJ Styles for the Undisputed WWE Championship.

WWE NXT Champion Trick Williams’ music then hits and Williams makes his way down to the ring. Williams starts off by calling for fans to make some noise for Rhodes, then says he feels like he and Rhodes have had similar journeys. Williams then says he and Rhodes are both top champions, but they both had to climb huge mountains to get to where they are today. Williams then says now that they’re both on the other side of the mountain, they got what they were both chasing and have targets on their backs. Williams then asks Rhodes how he deals with going from being the hunter to the hunted. Rhodes then tells Williams that all of their peers are judging them and thinking they could be better titleholders. Rhodes then says even though he and Williams have conquered mountains, there’s always another mountain to climb. Rhodes then tells Williams that Ava has granted him the opportunity to tell him how his next challenger for the NXT Championship will be determined and reveals it will be in a 25-Man Battle Royal. Rhodes then says Williams may know some of them, but some may be from other locker rooms. Rhodes then looks to leave, but Williams stops him and asks Rhodes if he’ll be coming to the cookout. Rhodes then says he will be and both men hug each other in the center of the ring.

We then get a replay of Je’Von Evans attacking Shawn Spears when Spears attacked Josh Briggs in the Gorilla Position. Vic Joseph then hypes Je’von Evans vs. Shawn Spears as the main event of tonight’s show.

Sarah Schreiber then interviews Dante Chen about his Singapore Cane Match. Chen says he is going to leave a lasting imprint on King with cane shots. Chen then hit a pile of pipes with a kendo stick. Chen then says he is going to end this feud on his terms. Schreiber then hypes up the upcoming Singapore Cane Match.

We then see Carlee Bright try to introduce herself to Wendy Choo in the locker room. Choo then gives Bright a glare and walks away.

Vic Joseph then introduces the 2024 NXT NIL class who were sitting in the front row.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singapore Cane Match.

Singapore Cane Match: Dante Chen vs. Lexis King

The match starts off with Chen cracking a Singapore Cane across King’s spine a couple of times. Chen then continues going after King and hits a back body drop on him before both men take turns hitting each other with Singapore Canes. King then hits a superkick on Chen, then delivers some right hands on him and cracks a Singapore Cane across Chen. King then bodyslams Chen onto a pile of Singapore Canes and cracks one across him, then grabs a second one after the first one breaks. King then hits Chen with it and uses his foot to jam it into Chen in the corner.

Chen then delivers some right hands on King and tries grabbing the Singapore Cane from him, but King prevents him from doing so and hits Chen with it once again. King then uses it to lock in a submission on Chen. King then blasts Chen from behind using the Singapore Cane and goes for a pin, but Chen kicks out. King then hits Chen repeatedly with a Singapore Cane, then drapes it across the middle turnbuckle. Chen then sends King crashing into the Singapore Cane in the corner, then hits King with a Singapore Cane repeatedly until it breaks. Chen then grabs a second one and continues cracking it across King, then goes for a pin. King then kicks out and Chen uses a Singapore Cane to hit a Monkey Flip. Chen then sends King crashing to the outside, then grabs a Singapore Cane and hits a tope suicida on King using it. Chen then grabs another Singapore Cane and hits King with it multiple times, but King uses a Singapore Cane of his own to low blow Chen. King then grabs his specter and hits Chen with it twice, then nails Chen with The Coronation using it for the win.

The winner of the Singapore Cane Match, Lexis King!

We then head to the back and see Jazmyn Nyx chatting with a masked Jacy Jayne in the lounge. Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes then approaches them and says he had a gift for Jayne. Cody has a signature brown bag and pulls out one of his protective masks back from his old days. Jacy then stars at the mask and said it was dashing.

We then get an Eddy Thorpe return video vignette saying he is returning next.

We then see Michin emerge from NXT General Manager Ava’s office and tell Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson that after her win tonight, she has secured a Women’s North American Championship Match against Kelani Jordan.

We then get the entrances of the next match, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: Eddy Thorpe vs. Tavion Heights

The match starts off with both men taking turns locking in submission holds on each other before Thorpe hits a crossbody on Height and turns him inside out. Thorpe then delivers some kicks on Heights in the corner, then follows it up with a back suplex. Heights then hits Thorpe with a belly-to-belly throw, then sends Thorpe into the corner and delivers some forearms on him. Heights then gets Thorpe up on his shoulder, but Thorpe tries escaping. Heights then hangs onto Thorpe and sends him crashing into the mat face first, then hits him with a T-Bone suplex. Thorpe then delivers some knees on Heights’ head, then hits him with a couple of elbows and chops before nailing him with a couple of back elbows and an uppercut. Thorpe then nails a kick on Heights, then hits him with a German suplex and his signature elbow drop. Thorpe then sends Heights crashing into the mat and hits him with an elevated DDT for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Eddy Thorpe!

We then head to the back and see No Quarter Catch Crew has been watching the match between Eddy Thorpe and Tavion Heights. Charlie Dempsey tells Myles Borne to bring Heights to him, but Borne and Damon Kemp voice their hesitance with the idea of adding a new member to NQCC. Dempsey then reminds Kemp that he lost his NXT Heritage Cup Match against Tony D’Angelo last week and tells Borne once again to get Heights. Borne then goes off searching for Heights.

Separate shots were then shown of Je’von Evans and Shawn Spears backstage as they were headed to the ring.

We then see Robert Stone tell NXT General Manager Ava in her office that he couldn’t find out what NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez was going to talk about in her promo segment. Stevie Turner then shows up and says she thinks that Perez might be giving an apology. Ava then tells Stone and Turner to leave her alone while she takes a phone call.

We then get the entrances of the main event, which is a Singles Match.

Singles Match: “The Young OG” Je’Von Evans vs. Shawn Spears

The match starts off with Spears wasting no time in going after Evans. Spears delivers some right hands on Evans, then follows it up with a chop and a Thesz Press. Evans then hits a hurricanrana on Spears, then follows it up with a chop in the corner and sends Spears crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. Spears then hits a chop on Evans, then delivers some right hands on him in the corner. Spears then delivers some shoulders on Evans’ midsection, then hits him with a chop and follows it up with a dropkick. Evans then hits a dropkick on Spears on the outside through the ropes and follows it up with a kick to his face.

Spears then locks in a Half Boston Crab on Evans. Evans then makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold and Spears hits a chop on Evans. Evans then hits a roundhouse kick on Spears’ head, then follows it up with a variation of the Blue Thunder Bomb. Evans then hits a knee on Spears, but Spears nails Evans with a superkick and follows it up with a hanging DDT off the top rope. Evans then rolls up Spears, but Spears kicks out. Evans then hits a cutter on Spears off the top rope, but Spears rolls out of the ring before Evans can pin him. Evans then hits a tope suicida on Spears, then flies off the barricade to land on him. Evans then looks to fly off the ropes, but Spears moves out of the way and Evans is sent crashing into the announce desk face first. Spears then gets Evans in the ring and hits him with the C4 for the win.

The winner of the Singles Match, Shawn Spears!

After the match, Spears says that this was his biggest win since his NXT return. Evans was then shown bleeding from the mouth.

We then head to the back and we see Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate hanging out with Nathan Frazer and Axiom in the locker room. They were then approached by Tony D’Angelo and The D’Angelo Family. Tony D says he wants to educate them on the history of the Heritage Cup. Bate then says his name is on the cup. Axiom then says his Best Friend A-Kid also has a name on the cup. Tony D then says he’ll school them on the Heritage Cup later. Frazer then says he also misses the cup.

Shawn Spears then approaches Cody Rhodes backstage and says he is going to get his next week just like Cody did at the Rumble. Ethan Page then says he’s in the picture too and is going to win. Lexis King then shows up and also says he’s going to win. Cody then steps back and says everyone in the room looked like they were in a good place.

The #1 Contender Battle Royal for the NXT Title and Kelani Jordan vs. Michin for the NXT Women’s North American Championship were then plugged for next week.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez then makes her way down to the ring to address the NXT Universe.

Roxanne Perez starts off by bragging about still being the NXT Women’s Champion. Perez says she proved that no one is at her level. Perez then says you don’t have to thank her that the title is still in NXT. Perez then says the one person that should thank her is NXT General Manager Ava. NXT General Manager Ava then makes her way down to the ring.

Ava says she assumed Perez would do something like this. Ava then congratulates Perez. Ava then says she’s not sure what she had to thank Perez for because that comes with the turf of being champion. Ava then says it’s not about what you say, but what you do. Perez then cuts off Ava and talks about how Ava tries to make it all about herself. Perez then says no matter who Ava puts in front of her she’ll find a way to win because nobody is taking the title off her. Jacy Jayne and Jasmyn Nyx then make their way down to the ring to talk trash about Perez. Jayne says ever since Perez won the championship she lost her sweet and innocent personality. Jayne then says Perez also lost her memory. Jayne then says before Perez signed a WWE contract she was the reason people tuned into NXT. Jayne then says that before Perez won the breakout tournament and championship you couldn’t talk about anything other than her. Perez then wonders if this is where the line starts.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson then make their way down to the ring. Lash calls Nyx a Kim Kardashian lookalike. Legend then says that Meta-Four were making waves every night. Jackson then talks about Lash being inches away from the NXT Women’s North American title. Jackson then says it was on sight for trying to take Meta-Four’s spotlight. Lola Vice then makes her way down to the ring to brag about winning her NXT Underground Match. Lola talks about being the only person at Roxanne’s level. Jackson then tells Lola to shake her happy ass to the back of the line. Lola then hits Jackson with a high kick. Lola and Perez then teams up to send the rest of the women to ringside. Perez and Vice then stands tall in the middle of the ring as the show comes to a close.

Tags: WWE Featured
Sanjay Thakur

Sanjay Thakur has been a dedicated fan of professional wrestling since a very young age, and wrestling has played a significant role in his life since his childhood. His passions revolve around music and professional wrestling, and that is the life he leads.

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